illuminalto2 ago

Have a feeling it was Tallest_Shills "Operation Lights Out".

selpai ago

It's cute how you still think that their laws will protect you.

Simonsaysgoat ago


Caliope ago

First, we Patriots know that any officer of the law can indict a ham sandwich. Second, "protected speech" has been constrained by USSC rulings such as Brandenburg vs. Ohio, but later by more devious -- extra-legal -- methods. Those methods include, but are not restricted to actions by Federal Agents to intimidate victims. Viz: the recent case where a Patriot was arrested and jailed after leading a civilian posse to detain illegal aliens at the US-Mexican border. He was badly beaten by inmates after being placed in jail. Inmates who were illegal aliens. Third, the huge increases in use of SWAT teams at dawn to roust "suspects" out and remove them for interrogation demonstrates, the fear of the Deep State operatives have for the Voice of the Patriot. Patriots challenge the existence of officials who are angry, hungry for power and fearful. Remember that a cornered rat will attack. The overarching response to this when a Patriot is "detained" must be 1. "I want a lawyer", and, 2. "I Have Nothing to Say".

I advise, that we curtail outright threats of violence. Patriots can, and should --no, must-- think before speaking. Not be frightened to speak out, but couch words in terms which do not call for violence. I don't mean weasel-words, but clear statements about why Patriots are concerned and what must be done in a legitimate manner to end the Deep State and it's minions.

Practice OPSEC, be safe and secure, and know in your heart that you are righteous and correct. At the end of the day, Patriotism shall prevail.

goatboy ago

We don't call for violence. We just say kikeniggerfaggot a lot to test new users support for free speech and piss off smug assholes. The fact that voat is even getting warning letters, says more about smug assholes than it does voat.

Caliope ago

I agree. There are a lot of them here now. The Perpetually Offended are actually offended by their own selves and actions.

goatboy ago

This is what’s most funny about the whole thing.

Voat is more than a website. There’s billions of those. Voat is an idea and mirror of humanity. As an idea it can’t be shut down or easily dismissed. It would just metastasize and become a million new websites that attract an ever increasing number of people to each and none of them would respond to control attempts. The systems of control would collapse very quickly due to the ever increasing level of control complexity.

As a mirror of humanity, everyone who looks at Voat sees himself in the reflection. For some it is the best part of themselves. For others, it is the darkest and ugliest parts of themselves. They refuse to accept they share the dark thoughts about others or themselves. They run from the reflection. Try to smash it. Only to discover the shards are each a new dark reflection of themselves.

Voat is terrifying for those who hate to see the real truth about their best and worst qualities.

SteffisCute ago

I hope all Jews get painful cancer and die

Diggernicks ago

You misspelled catholics.

DeadBeatNigger ago

This is just preparation to censor the last few outlets of free, and open speech prior to the 2020 elections. Be ready to lawyer up. There are no "threats", just tranny FBI agents doing the Jews work. Be ready to sue and set a precedent. If we can achieve that, we can reaffirm the importance of free speech, and even fight the Jew monopoly over the internet.

DrPenguin ago

Don't forget that they have already passed a law defining anti-Semitism as basically any speech about the Jews. (Even if it's true, seriously...) Now they're just gonna have to pass one outlawing it. That shouldn't be hard to do after a manufactured synagogue event.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

As soon as that is outlawed, I'm writing the president and asking him to remove all kikes from the country. I wonder how long it will take to be arrested.

smokratez ago

It's put the tranny protecting his fellow trannies scum.

Jesusthug ago

So Muslims all over twitter cool. Voat bad bad white man. 🖕🏻

Citizen ago

When it comes to threats of violence, Brandenburg vs. Ohio is the line you don't cross, ever. Don't even approach it.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

This sounds like an important phrase in that case: "...and is likely to incite or produce such action."

Jesusthug ago

So Muslims all over twitter cool. But white man bad. 🖕🏻

9000timesempty ago

The double standards in this country... There is a group that wants this country destabilized.

ianadba ago

Don't worry, you can name them, they're called Jews.

Diggernicks ago

It's spelled C A T H O L I C S