18235655? ago

If Q pays attention at all to this board, which I think they do, then we need to take our lead from Q and see if he comments on it. Remember, we see everything, we can hear you breath. I don't think they would leave us out in the cold. Too much at stake.

18234808? ago

Thanks Q!! (Remember, he's the one who brought you here!!)

18233785? ago

Searching for truth is illegal now boys. Better not have any illegal patriotic thoughts!

18234070? ago

Trust the plan and do as you're told. No questions!

18233720? ago

Perhaps but perhaps not.

That said, nothing lasts forever so just try to enjoy the ride!

18234081? ago

So, give up? That's your plan?

18233617? ago

QRV didn't get the notice from Mr. puttitout, don't think we are the problem.

18233574? ago

Well, you had your chance to do something. Instead you sat around in a circle jerk and "trusted the plan". Look where it got you.

18235012? ago

Chance to do what?

18243714? ago

Demand some arrests from Q / POTUS? Grab guns and head to Washington DC? Shooting niggers? Rioting in the streets? Something. ANYTHING.

18251805? ago

Grab guns and head to DC? Go ahead and tell me how that goes. Riot? Shoot people? That sounds pretty insane. As for demanding arrests, I have been watching them build cases for successful prosecutions of high level figures, so I know there will be arrests at the right time, when they can make it stick. You would know all about that if you actually paid attention to what's happening rather than cry about muh arrests.

18233742? ago

Why weren't you using this time to prepare, rather than masturbating and being a whiny little bitch?


18236106? ago

Because we have you for that.

18234098? ago

I'm prepared. I'm waiting for the day when we remove the niggers, spics, sand-niggers and Jews from America.

18233597? ago

That all you think about, circle jerking?

18233676? ago

That's what this place is. One giant, red-white-and-blue, patriotic, circle jerk. No justice. No arrests. Just talk and jerking off.

18236133? ago


18235026? ago

This is a discussion board. How are we to arrest anybody?

18243689? ago

Demand something from Q. Every post on this board should say "Arrests or GTFO" until Q starts arresting people.

18252315? ago

Arrests are meaningless without successful prosecutions. I am watching them build cases for successful prosecutions, so I know they will make the arrests at the appropriate time.

18233778? ago

I agree with you except for the circle jerk reference. Doesn't a circle jerk usually end with a big climax?

18233812? ago

That's true. The people in this circle jerk have rubbed their dicks raw and their balls are bright blue and the size of bowling balls at this point. This is the worst circle jerk ever.

18233949? ago

Hahaha.... That's more like it. "Trust the plan"... it's coming, he's coming, she's coming, you're coming, they're coming, we're all coming...….Maybe.

18233978? ago

  1. Shoot your load
  2. GTFO

18234000? ago


18233740? ago

I come here to get updates. That is what it's for. If the news here makes you angry then don't read it.

18233781? ago

That's the problem. There are no "updates". It's a never-ending wait for some future event to happen that never happens. The "news" you refer to is basically a bunch of wishful-thinkers trying to connect low-level things together to convince themselves that "the plan" is proceeding. I used to hit refresh on this forum 20 times a day looking for some news about Hillary's arrest. It never happened. I eventually gave up and decide to join the "shills" instead. At least I might be able to wake some people up about white genocide and the Jewish Question.

18235055? ago

Maybe you should get off the board and watch or listen to the news. You think nothing is happening because you aren't paying attention. There is plenty happening.

18234970? ago

good for you