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Womb_Raider ago

Putt, I know you see my criticisms as aimless but surely you're aware of the pests you have on your hands. And yes, I'm a broken record talking about kevdude. About Mick. About Crensch. About ExpertShitposter. About Gabara and beatle.

You know that whatever benefit they are to you (any?), they're just as much a burden. Do you enjoy looking at the homosexual porn they plaster on your website? I hope this post is aimed at them, and not aimed at people like me who point them out. Thanks.

HorseIsDead ago

Putt's account has been hijacked weeks ago. It's pretty clear if you look at stuff he's posted recently. He either grew a brain tumor or his account has been hijacked.

antistatist ago

^ Valid concern. I'm still waiting for some sign of life.

captainstrange ago

I may have started out as a cuck libertarian but even a former libertarian can see the game those people are playing WombRaider. Good on you.

This entire post, in light of other things like you posted antistatist, smells of getting ahead of bad news. Like hes preparing to do something unpalatable, and some shit heads whispering in Putt's ear (who are intent on destroying site or owner reputation) have convinced him it is 'necessary'--and all of this appears to be preemptive ass covering.

antistatist ago

I think Putt is a good dude, I'm more concerned, since this post (the last time the canary was updated), that whoever may be whispering in his ear may also be holding a gun to his head.

I just made a profile on notabug, though I don't anticipate having to switch over too soon. But I'd be ready to switch right now if the whole community would come over.

Decentralize all the things!

captainstrange ago

Decentralize all the things!

Hell yeah. Been considering notabug for a little while now.