Vindicator ago

Here's the thing: I am that good at this.

Obviously not, or he wouldn't have to keep saying it.

Like ES, this is another example of weak attempts at magical Jedi mind tricks. He thinks if he repeats something enough times, people will just believe it, even when his conduct completely belies his words. That shit doesn't fly with goats. No one who knows this place would even attempt it.

Crensch ago

And no one of any level of three digit IQ would need to attempt it.

NotHereForPizza ago

Intelligent people refrain from acknowledging entities who pose little to no threat against them.

Your astroturf is impotent.

srayzie ago

Intelligent people refrain from acknowledging entities who pose little to no threat against them.

As you acknowledge him 😂

@Crensch @Vindicator @Shuzy

SandHog ago

That's some funny shit right there lol.

srayzie ago

I know right? Lol

srayzie ago

I misspelled your name @Shizy girl

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff thought you'd enjoy this, since it's something you do rather often.

NotHereForPizza ago

Taunting someone isn't the same thing as expending ammo against him, like I did when I revealed @Crensch is the same person or people as Reddit's @Creq.

srayzie ago I did when I revealed @Crensch is the same person or people as Reddit's @Creq.

You mean how I exposed you and your group? How I showed that you either ARE Neon Revolt, or work very closely with him? I actually have a lot of evidence.

Ammo? Wow, you must have some really low self esteem. You keep telling us how smart you are but we aren’t seeing it. Do you seek attention because you don’t get any in real life? I picture you as a fat, smelly, ugly ass dude that can’t get laid. You sit at the computer all day miserable as you try to convince everyone that you’re brilliant. It’s really pathetic. Anyone can flex their muscles in the safety of their moms basement while typing away at a keyboard.

Since the losers in your life seem to have failed you by misleading you to believe that you’re something special, I will take it upon myself to say WAKE THE FUCK UP. You’re making a fool out of yourself bro. If you were a threat, we wouldn’t still be arguing. You are consistently getting downvotes, and have Goats telling you to go fuck off for acting like a Jew. You’re either a fucking idiot, or you’re just here for Consensus cracking. You’ve never cared about Q or pizzagate. You’ve tried fucking with us GreatAwakening mods since the migration. You’ve tried fucking with Crensch for even longer. How has that worked out for ya?

It doesn’t even matter to me who Crensch is. The only Redditors I don’t like are the corrupt mods that you helped migrate. Q had that sub replaced within two weeks. Only 2 mods stuck around at v/TheAwakening. Make that one since I proved that both O’s are the same person. What a damn mess you guys were.

Remember when you were blackmailing me and directing them to another sub unless “I passed your test”? I remember it. That didn’t work out good for you either. Why don’t you explain to the class how you could help with the migration if you weren’t on Reddit? You aren’t even good at lying. You aren’t even consistent in that area!

Hours after you tried and failed at infiltrating GreatAwakening, Neon’s blog post came out saying we were compromised. Just like you said you would tell the others the night before. You ARE Neon, or work with him. Guaranteed. You talked to me like I was so dumb. You underestimated me you stupid fuck. Now you’re exposed and there is no turning back. Get on with your fucking life. Your actions have consequences.

You’re upset that Putt isn’t responding to you. I would assume he’s busy all day. He doesn’t have time to play games like you. You are of absolutely no value here. Why would he bother to respond to you if he’s got 100 other notifications to get to? I get a ton of notifications and I don’t usually waste my time taking advice or responding to little shits like you. You don’t even run a subverse, much less a whole fucking site. Yet you think he needs YOU to critique him of all people? You are a JOKE.

@shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Vindicator

Crensch ago


Little faggot is probably pissing himself in rage.

Vindicator ago

He's gone viral. Totally famous now:


srayzie ago

Don’t insult this precious monkey! 😂 Omg I’m so in love. I just showed my family. I wish we could have a monkey.

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't you ever get bored?

Quit taking everything so seriously...

I'm just an anon that's been fucking with you guys. I've done it ever since I got to Voat. Someone over two years ago posted in an /htg/ with links to v/pizzagate. Conversations ensued about how the mods were comped. I came to figure it out for myself. I stayed because fucking with you idiot normies from Reddit (some seem to claim they use chans but I'm not buying it still) is a god damn gold mine. You never let things go and you and a few others here have gone absolutely mad by my constant poking and keking. I've LARPed like mad on here making you all look like you're chasing ghosts using only one single account. KEK Why do you guys even care about internet points or who likes you?

No, retard, I'm not from Reddit. No, I didn't convince anyone to come to this website. I'm not any namefag you're ever going to come up with. I'm literally just some chan lurker and YES THIS IS MY ONLY ACCOUNT.

I knew those threats against me about supposedly threatening you were only laughably wrong and stupid from the very beginning. It was hilarious watching you squirm when I pinged Putt, though. It's come to my attention that you've done this to people before. From my understanding, they were stupid enough to take you guys seriously and never returned.

On the contrary, YOU are the joke.


srayzie ago

I think you’re schizophrenic. I’m on 8chan everyday by the way and yes I do post.

NotHereForPizza ago

you can act like i'm crazy if you want. hell, most of us probably are. too bad i don't give a shit

also, good. you're welcome. have fun with the truth.

Crensch ago

I think you nailed it.

This guy is so desperate for attention and rights as if putt would ever give a fuck about what he has to say. Desperate for attention because he has mommy issues; any attention at all, even if it is abuse.

srayzie ago

That would be a miserable way to live.

Crensch ago

I'd probably contemplate suicide if I was a miserable faggot like him and was caught lying about my imaginary Shadow cabal friends.

That's almost worse than the high school dork claiming he has a girlfriend that goes to another school.

srayzie ago

That's almost worse than the high school dork claiming he has a girlfriend that goes to another school.

Lol almost!

Crensch ago

As if you were capable of understanding what or why intelligent people do what they do.

Thanks for the laugh.

heygeorge ago

Lol! If so, we’ll played.

heygeorge ago

Lol @nothereforpizza is a ‘kid w/ ‘tism’

NotHereForPizza ago


Or am I?

You acknowledge my lack of integrity, then attempt to exploit my words you've already claimed arent honest. You think all of the observers here are really this stupid?

Here you go again, demonstrating your incompetence for all to see.

Shizy ago


Or am I?

You think all of the observers here are really this stupid?

I believe the only one being called stupid around here is you faggot! You've been outed, again, yet you're too stupid to just fuck off already! 🤣

ExpertShitposter ago

@nothereforpizza would lose a cock fight against SBBH mods.

Vindicator ago


[–] Laurentius_the_pyro 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 years ago

It might be best not to link threads where you get BTFO to try and aid your side of the argument, especially that second link ouch.

[–] NotHereForPizza -1 points (+0|-1) 1.5 years ago

Maybe you're not reading what I'm reading.


Dude has been trying and failing to fuck with us for two years. :-) This made my day!

Interesting the David Semen incident brought him out of the woodwork. That was such a joke. Semen couldn't be bothered to even look at the sidebar; just slapped his shit up on the board and then had a tantrum when it was removed. He had a whiney crybaby fit because he had a festering wound on his hand that made it hard for him to type. As I recall, this was around the same time he claimed there were black SUVs parked outside his apartment or something. MF actually reposted one of his posts in non-rule-breaking manner, if I recall correctly, to try to help the guy, but he took his toys and left the sandbox in a huff. I thought he was just profiting off of our research from the beginning and never took him seriously. The trolls were so efficient at trying to take advantage of it that I wondered if they were working in cahoots. It wasn't long after that folks stopped submitting any of his stuff because pretty much everyone saw through him due to his own behavior.

Interesting that NHFP was part of the gang trying to exploit that. What a fail.

BTW, Semen is one of the faka MAGA decepticons trying to spread lies about Q -- along with Posobiec and a couple of others. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago.

Antiracist10 ago

You're an idiot, Crensch.

NotHereForPizza ago

They fall for this shit over and over.

If you make enough noise, they talk deploy damage control/astroturf against you. This is easy to exploit and I've demonstrated this to the user base here countless times.

srayzie ago

Oh get over yourself 🙄