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Crensch ago

We shouldn't be alarmed at all. They're training gun-toting Americans to not give a fuck if they're wearing a badge. They're training the angrier of us to keep a mental note of where they live. They're giving us all the warning we need to be able to take a bunch of them down with us.

NotHereForPizza ago

The zionist nazi shill reveals itself.

Balfour Declaration 1917

The Rothschild family and the English crown initiated the establishment of Israel. Isn't it a coincidence how within forty years, all of the Jews across Europe were conveniently threatened en mass, only to move to Israel, which is currently the blackmail capital of the world, one of the world's largest child trafficking hub, and a state literally in direct control by the Rothschild criminal banking family?

Now think of all of the time Crensch has praised Hitler, embellished nazism, and did they're best to make us all look like we are white Supremacist nazi lovers. Wouldn't this make us an easier target for those in the media when we eventually get GAB'd?

Now, why would Crensch do that?

srayzie ago

A little birdie said you were NeonRevolt’s alt.

That makes so much sense. That’s why you contacted me as soon as Reddit banned r/GreatAwakening and thought you could play me. That didn’t work so you tried the next day as “BA”. Which is why you don’t like Crensch.

You suck at Doxing. @Crensch isn’t that mod on Reddit you’ve tried convincing people of. You however, have many sock puppet accounts both here and on Reddit. That means you’re a hypocrite. It’s ok for you tho right?

NotHereForPizza ago

That makes so much sense. That’s why you contacted me as soon as Reddit banned r/GreatAwakening and thought you could play me. That didn’t work so you tried the next day as “BA”. Which is why you don’t like Crensch.

Do you want the truth? It's not that hard, just ask for it.

I was feeling you out.

You didn't pass the smell test.

I told them.

I'm not NeonRevolt. But, I'm sure you're thinking about those comments I made within the last few weeks. Someone mentioned to me that he was "accused of raping a child but never admitted it". They told me this after I mentioned that I never really got in to Neon's content, but have seen some of it.

If you're talking about why we "sound alike" or something, it has to do with our info coming from the same source, but I'll let you figure out what that all means.

Enjoy the show!

srayzie ago

How narcissistic of you to think you’re so important that you make the decisions for the Reddit sub. You accused @Crensch of being a mod at both Reddit and Voat. It’s not true. But even it were, so do you. Including tons of alts. You shouldn’t be making ANY decisions on QRV!

NotHereForPizza ago

I was never on Reddit, besides when I fucked with Crensch.

Are you upset that I duped you? Is that it?

You're so obviously trying to save your own ass.

I told you they would notice. You could've stopped this.

Tell me, Srayzie: why would my words be vindicated by Q's actions? Was I right all along? Just who am I?

If you're truly genuine, ask yourself these questions. They're important.

srayzie ago

Tell me, Srayzie: why would my words be vindicated by Q's actions? Was I right all along? Just who am I?

Reddit is huge and well known. If you think Q chose Reddit because you guys were special, then you are out of your mind. Q wouldn’t have even known about v/GreatAwakening. From what I’ve seen, you guys have some shady people. So you were not right all along.

If you aren’t from Reddit, then how did you feel like you were one of the leaders that made decisions. Bullshit. Your history having all those alts that were even banned will show your true character. You know that I know who you are. I will reveal things in my timing. It makes sense that you don’t like @Crensch. It all adds up. You hate that I figured you out.

Since I know that you are a shill that just enjoys starting drama like EL, I want nothing to do with you. No. What you said is not important you arrogant prick. You’re a fake. Stop writing me.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not from Reddit.

The people that came to Voat for QRV were directed here not by reddit, but by the main Q board, a place you'd be fully aware of if you actually followed anything and weren't just here to run containment zones.

Shizy ago

You've been outed. What's the point of keeping the act up? Maybe you can use another alt and try again!