NotHereForPizza ago

I feed off of your compliments kev.

What else am I good at? I've never been given a score like this before.

MadWorld ago

I never quite figured out why this delusional guy is such a piece of shit, until today.

Here is another account, check the first submission:

NotHereForPizza ago

You even cataloge me jerking you around.

How fucking clueless are you? I sort of thought you'd have the tactic figured out by now, but you really are as stupid as I thought you were...

Aren't you getting bored?

Shizy ago

Look at this asshole @srayzie! He acts like he's some evil genius who has everyone duped 😂!

NotHereForPizza ago

This is all a game, anyway. It's just a show.

Enjoy it while you can. You won't benefit from it.

NotHereForPizza ago

Keep trying.

NotHereForPizza ago

Do you even know what a newfag is, kev?

Do you know how we deem someone a newfag?

You have no idea what you're dealing with.

We know you're operatives.

NotHereForPizza ago

Your desperation is simply comical.

We both know I have one account, have only ever had one account, and that I'm certainly not any of the people you accuse me of being.

You seem more and more scared by the day. Is it because I was right when I told Srayzie we were going to make the transition to Voat after Reddit got ousted? Are you worried that I may indeed know something, since I've been right all along?

Remember a few months back, when I warned you and the rest of Voat that they'll come to a better understanding by around the end of the year?

We've been watching you for a while. We share lots of information about Voat often. A sizable portion of the chats are about you, kev, and your friends.

Did you just think we were stupid? Desperation is just oozing out of you.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @kevdude.

Posted automatically (#11300) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

srayzie ago

You’ve been watching too many movies 😂 You’re either TRYING to look important, or you’re one stupid A-Sexual narcissistic bitch who doesn’t know how to shut his trap.

Why don’t you just put a Q target on your back you stupid fuck? Haha.

[Your] narcissism will be your down fall.

NotHereForPizza ago

Are you feeling sleepy? I'm feeling sleepy.

srayzie ago

Then take a nap. Sweet dreams đŸ’€ đŸ–•đŸ»

Shizy ago

"I'm Spartacus",but "I only have one account".

What he should be saying is "I suffer from grandiose delusions and I lie my ass off"!

srayzie ago

Yet he talks crap about me and says I’m compromised and told the group to avoid GreatAwakening. What a piece of shit.

Shizy ago

He used those same tactics to try and destroy other subs in the past. And we're supposed to believe he's an honest user who just wants to help propel the movement forward?

Vindicator ago

Nice catch! Sitewide banned for vote manipulation. Srayzie wins the Internet today!

Moms always have the best bullshit detectors!

NotHereForPizza ago

How do none of you get the joke?

You're all such fucking posers... There's no way you don't get these memes. Hell, Cory fucking Booker even gets this joke.

Good fuck, you're all incredibly obvious.

Vindicator ago

incredibly obvious

These are not the 'droids you're looking for

Shizy ago

Interesting! Especially since this faggot @NotHereForPizza said he didn't have any other accounts.

Looks like he was pretty proud to have 75 of his alts banned. Yes 75! But I thought he had zero? Fucking liar!

Thanks4Nothin ago

Israel is controlling everything, including the US. So this is just one more step in the direction slowly normalizing this with Americans.

TwitterBannedIt ago

What's the difference between Military and Police?

US Military doesn't target Americans.

Exoduslarry ago

Decent people don't talk like you. Your life must be pathetic for from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The police should certainly be worried. They are substantially outnumbered by the populace, and there is nowhere to hide if SHTF.

When the police are being trained to see the people as the enemy, the goal is not to suppress the people, the goal is to have the police set themselves up as the enemy in the eyes of the people. Such training is a subtle and deliberate attack upon the police themselves, and, in turn, a greater attack upon the stability of our civilization.

When the police resort to attacking the people in an attempt to enforce the law, the police lose all legitimacy, and the legitimacy of law and order, and the government, also fails at the same time. Law and Order is replaced by vigilantly justice, as the people soon learn to stop calling the police. After that, the people are quite content to kill the police along with all the rest.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

After watching Police Activity (yt channel), it has all the most updated police shootings and backstories.. I have the utmost respect for our officers now. Almost every single video shows officers showing more restraint than necessary. The amount of unchecked good police is the same story of the white cop killing a unarmed black citizen.

NotHereForPizza ago


N3DM ago

brutalize communities of color.

Nope. If you buy into the victim industry, then you have aligned yourself with the Jews more than any LEO.

This article is bullshit.

JopharVorin ago


amlopoko ago

there is a reason why both whites and Palestinians aren't allowed to be recognized as a people

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

My local range keeps pushing the Israeli combat carry class, and I'm like "no thanks, I'm keeping one in the pipe"

Jesusthug ago

I agree. I took a training class from a “counter terroism” guy who trained in Kikesreal. I never listen to that part of the training. It baffled me.

speedisavirus ago

Except it's not happening.

Exoduslarry ago

Great more anti Israel shills with your mean spirited tropes . Just haters .

ludwigvon ago

This is kind of old news really. Israeli has been joined at the hip to the US for about 40 years.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Nice formation they,got in that pic. One pipe bomb should do,the trick. People Always,focus,on guns when there are much,more devistating,means of killing and maiming.

Crensch ago

We shouldn't be alarmed at all. They're training gun-toting Americans to not give a fuck if they're wearing a badge. They're training the angrier of us to keep a mental note of where they live. They're giving us all the warning we need to be able to take a bunch of them down with us.

NotHereForPizza ago

The zionist nazi shill reveals itself.

Balfour Declaration 1917

The Rothschild family and the English crown initiated the establishment of Israel. Isn't it a coincidence how within forty years, all of the Jews across Europe were conveniently threatened en mass, only to move to Israel, which is currently the blackmail capital of the world, one of the world's largest child trafficking hub, and a state literally in direct control by the Rothschild criminal banking family?

Now think of all of the time Crensch has praised Hitler, embellished nazism, and did they're best to make us all look like we are white Supremacist nazi lovers. Wouldn't this make us an easier target for those in the media when we eventually get GAB'd?

Now, why would Crensch do that?

srayzie ago

A little birdie said you were NeonRevolt’s alt.

That makes so much sense. That’s why you contacted me as soon as Reddit banned r/GreatAwakening and thought you could play me. That didn’t work so you tried the next day as “BA”. Which is why you don’t like Crensch.

You suck at Doxing. @Crensch isn’t that mod on Reddit you’ve tried convincing people of. You however, have many sock puppet accounts both here and on Reddit. That means you’re a hypocrite. It’s ok for you tho right?

NotHereForPizza ago

That makes so much sense. That’s why you contacted me as soon as Reddit banned r/GreatAwakening and thought you could play me. That didn’t work so you tried the next day as “BA”. Which is why you don’t like Crensch.

Do you want the truth? It's not that hard, just ask for it.

I was feeling you out.

You didn't pass the smell test.

I told them.

I'm not NeonRevolt. But, I'm sure you're thinking about those comments I made within the last few weeks. Someone mentioned to me that he was "accused of raping a child but never admitted it". They told me this after I mentioned that I never really got in to Neon's content, but have seen some of it.

If you're talking about why we "sound alike" or something, it has to do with our info coming from the same source, but I'll let you figure out what that all means.

Enjoy the show!

srayzie ago

How narcissistic of you to think you’re so important that you make the decisions for the Reddit sub. You accused @Crensch of being a mod at both Reddit and Voat. It’s not true. But even it were, so do you. Including tons of alts. You shouldn’t be making ANY decisions on QRV!

NotHereForPizza ago

I was never on Reddit, besides when I fucked with Crensch.

Are you upset that I duped you? Is that it?

You're so obviously trying to save your own ass.

I told you they would notice. You could've stopped this.

Tell me, Srayzie: why would my words be vindicated by Q's actions? Was I right all along? Just who am I?

If you're truly genuine, ask yourself these questions. They're important.

srayzie ago

Tell me, Srayzie: why would my words be vindicated by Q's actions? Was I right all along? Just who am I?

Reddit is huge and well known. If you think Q chose Reddit because you guys were special, then you are out of your mind. Q wouldn’t have even known about v/GreatAwakening. From what I’ve seen, you guys have some shady people. So you were not right all along.

If you aren’t from Reddit, then how did you feel like you were one of the leaders that made decisions. Bullshit. Your history having all those alts that were even banned will show your true character. You know that I know who you are. I will reveal things in my timing. It makes sense that you don’t like @Crensch. It all adds up. You hate that I figured you out.

Since I know that you are a shill that just enjoys starting drama like EL, I want nothing to do with you. No. What you said is not important you arrogant prick. You’re a fake. Stop writing me.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not from Reddit.

The people that came to Voat for QRV were directed here not by reddit, but by the main Q board, a place you'd be fully aware of if you actually followed anything and weren't just here to run containment zones.

Shizy ago

You've been outed. What's the point of keeping the act up? Maybe you can use another alt and try again!

Shizy ago

So someone was joking and trolling you with the whole so and so "raped and murdered an infant in 1990"? It's a joke. A tasteless one, but still a joke.

Take the stick out. You're boring just like that fag thisistotallynotme! Hmmmmm. Wonder why?


srayzie ago

Sorry. I didn’t see this before. Yes. @Thisistotallynotme defends his alts. That’s for sure. You know what Q says about who us the loudest.

thisistotallynotme ago

You know all my alts, and you know that isn't one of them.

You're my favorite liar.

NotHereForPizza ago

I didn't know that I didn't know it was a joke. Thanks for helping me remember.

Why did you even comment? Just pilpul.

Shizy ago

Pilpul? Is that how you homos say "purple"?

NotHereForPizza ago

It's how you say, "you're an idiot."

You fail the handshake every time.

At least Vindicator was competent enough to find out for himself.

Shizy ago

Wow you're a fucking loser! get over yourself.

NotHereForPizza ago

You guys always seem pretty upset when you find out I'm smarter than you.

You've got a lot of disappointment coming around the corner.

srayzie ago

Smarter than us. Sounds narcissistic like BA and Neon Revolt


NotHereForPizza ago

Different humans can't share similar qualities.

that's just moronic

Shizy ago

This faggot gives himself away every damn time with that!

Like you said before "his narcicissim will be his downfall"!

Shizy ago

How cute, faggy thinks he's smart! Is that what mommy tells you? đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

Once again, get over yourself. This is how I know you're that fag thisistotallynotme. Both arrogant, self righteous pricks with a lot of cryptic threats but zero substance!

NotHereForPizza ago

Pretty sure I've never threatened anyone. If it ever was, it was comically vague.

But, no. I only have one account. I've only ever had one account.

The fact that you guys keep bringing this up tells me that you all have multiple accounts. I've never even thought of that until you guys started accusing me of being sanegoat, womb_raider, freshmeat, amalek, etc.

Shizy ago

I have never accused you of being any of those users. Nice attempt to shift focus though.

I know who you are. You're not as smart as you think you are, that's for sure!

NotHereForPizza ago

Who am I?

thisistotallynotme ago

Dude, I think srayzie is pinging me in replies and then deleting the comment. This is interesting behavior. @PuttItOut is this how the system is intended to run?

srayzie knows I'm not you, and that neither of us (proably) are builderanon. But that doesn't stop her from playing her little games, does it? She needs someone to fight with, or her life is empty.

NotHereForPizza ago


You don't seem new at this...

It's not a woman. He gets paid to do this.

Shizy ago

Now you're a dude @srayzie.

Shizy ago

NotHereForPizza ago

Damn... So close. Too bad.

Shizy ago

srayzie ago

You just blackmailed me with all your DM’s on September 13th. You told me to do what you said or you would tell the others I was compromised. Including 8chan. That you guys would choose another sub.

You also got banned by me for trying to dox another user. You had already tried it before, and you sent me private messages before that trying to dox him.

I know who hates Crensch and you do too. That’s why you’re after him. Your doxxing attempt is a fail by the way. He’s not Creq. Another lie.

But it makes everything make even more sense when you add it all up. You’re the last person who should be accusing anyone of anything.

Do you work with too like someone else I know?

Neither @Shizy or @MolochHunter were mods on SBBH. MH never even posted there.

Tell your hater friends who keep accusing me and my mods of being SBBH that it’s a lie.

Clamhurt_Legbeard and Trigglypuff were only Designers. They did the CSS. That’s it.

Also, Shizy and MolochHunter didn’t JUST become Q followers so they could be a mod. We’ve all known each other from v/pizzagate where we started out.

NotHereForPizza ago


I blackmailed you? Maybe you don't know what the definition of blackmail is. I warned you and I was right. Sorry you're still upset about it.

You also got banned by me for trying to dox another user.

You don't know what that means, either.

Clamhurt_Legbeard and Trigglypuff were only Designers. They did the CSS. That’s it.

Also, Shizy and MolochHunter didn’t JUST become Q followers so they could be a mod. We’ve all known each other from v/pizzagate where we started out.

Thanks for your help.

All I'm really doing is gathering info... You still don't see that?

Shizy ago

Gathering info for what? Your next article NeonRevolt?


srayzie ago

You aren’t just gathering info. You’re manipulating it like you did Crensch. I’m gathering info.

NotHereForPizza ago

No, I'm Spartacus.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/realProtectVoat comment by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#11078) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

srayzie ago

Why does it have no comments or submissions?

You’re also @BuilderAnon, @Electrolumus, @NucleoLumus, @Heru and @aQMapPubCurator that I called out like a month ago. You ran and deleted your accounts. I have 100% proof that all 5 of those accounts are from the exact same person. That the work closely with

I have proof that they are connected to Neon Revolt, both from The_Swamp, and both tried to infiltrate GreatAwakening. I have a lot more than that. Several of us think that you and YoullRememberMe are his alts, and probably NeonRevolt himself. Mr DoubleSortNegative was also trying to work his way in as type-o-negative, also from The_Swamp.

You don’t think we just sit around and do nothing do you?

NotHereForPizza ago

If you were accurate, I might care.

I presented my evidence to see how you reacted.

You won't see me shill you for days and go on down vote sprees on any of your accounts.

They can see how desperate you are, how hard you'll [you're] trying. They'll love watching you fail, in the end.

You have no idea who you're dealing with. Our reach is endless.

srayzie ago

I’m sure it is. You’re paid.

NotHereForPizza ago

Are you always this tedious?

Just gonna reflect everything I've said about you back on me, now?

srayzie ago

You said your reach is endless. Obviously that means we are not on the same team. Q team. Your reach is endless. You’re paid. If not, your reach would be just like any other Q follower.

You aren’t about unity at all. That’s the last thing you want. Q team is watching. I guarantee it. I’m good. I know where my heart is. Q is free to check. I am exactly who I say I am.

They are also free to check you. The more you and I bring attention to this, the more likely you’ll be found out. In the end, it’s you that will be exposed.

The only thing that is bad for me, my mods, and GreatAwakening, is the lies being spread by you consensus cracking disinfo agents. I’ve learned a lot in the last couple of months. This isn’t a game. Now go away.

NotHereForPizza ago

This is how we know you're new.

You never see the handshake.

srayzie ago

Btw, who is WE?

NotHereForPizza ago

You'll never known.

That's the whole point.

srayzie ago

No I don’t even know what you mean when you say that. It doesn’t matter if I’m newer than you. What matters is where my heart is. My hearts on Q, Trump, and our children’s future. That’s why I’m here everyday willing to put up with attacks like this. I’m accused of being SBBH and everything under the sun. Now, I need to do what I’ve got to do to make sure that people like you don’t divide this community.

So I don’t see any invisible handshakes. @YoullRememberMe is after me, my mods, and GreatAwakening as if that’s his full time job. It is what it is. I’m not giving up unless Q clearly tells me to. I’m just a wife, mom and patriot. Trump team, Q team, feel free to check.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/realProtectVoat submission by @youllrememberme.

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youllrememberme ago

I don't give a shit about your mods, I'm exposing you as the shill that you are. I've never said a word about your mods other that you and shizy act like the same person. You're playing this game where you accuse me of being everyone under the sun, including @nothereforpizza. You use every shill technique in the handbook and you are buddies with the SBBH shills. I can prove all of this. I can also prove you acted like a completly different person in pizzagate. Yes I'm after the shills on voat trying to destroy the Q movement, like they did pizzagate, and you're acting like one of them. You're the one I know is lying, because you know I'm not any of the people you and your crew are accusing me of being. You're a sad person @srayzie, it seems all you care about is you and your popularity on voat.

You better hope Q team never checks on you if all that is true, your kids will be sad when they knock on the door and take you away.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#12437) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Vindicator ago

Yes I'm after the shills on voat trying to destroy the Q movement, like they did pizzagate

What planet are you on? Pizzagate is most certainly NOT "destroyed". We've gotten 2000 new subscribers over the past two months, and given how hard the shills are still hitting us, we are apparently still a threat. This comment makes you look like a shill PuppetShow. I originally didn't think you were.


Shizy ago

He has admitted to being thepuppetshow.

But everyone else is a sock puppet, voat brigades, shill! He's just here to "protect voat"! Sureeeee

Vindicator ago

Alinsky 101

Vindicator ago

Edit: BTW, its pitiful that you came and upvoted your comment with an alt. This is a 2 day old thread and you magically have a upvote 15 minutes after you comment? lol

Srayzie isn't using alts, you Alinsky retard. There are several of us flesh and bone users who care about Voat watching you and a number of others. We enjoy downvoting shit talkers and upvoting those who call them out.

srayzie ago

You have got some major issues. I welcome Trump and Q to check me out. My kids will be sad when they knock on the door and take me away? You’re a sick person. What a good Q following Patriot.

I’ll tell you who’s busted. I now have in my possession, your entire comment history. On all three YoullRememberMe profiles, and ThePuppetShow. I do on several of you now. Other trusted people here have copies.

People are watching you now. Honest to God, I didn’t upvote anything. You just seem to think you have it all together. That we’re just retarded SBBH shills. You’re sadly mistaken.

This jerk always likes to bring my kids into the conversation. True patriot right?

@Vindicator @Think- @Kevdude @Crensch @Shizy

youllrememberme ago

That's the first time I've said anything about your kids and you brought them up, not me. I couldn't care less if you have my entire post history, I hope you share them.

I’m just a wife, mom...

srayzie ago

Oh I will. Especially since you use screenshots on me and twist the whole story. Archives speak for themselves. I don’t have to manipulate by giving my scenario.

Shizy ago

Wow, he always obsessively fixates on upvoats/downvoats! It's really strange! Maybe he's autistic. But that doesn't excuse him for talking about your kids like that. It's sick!

srayzie ago

That’s something Oh_Well_Ian is obsessed with too

youllrememberme ago

Go ahead, get your vote brigade in here, prove me right again. lol you're so pitiful.

Shizy ago

Bullshit! You sound EXACTLY like BuilderAnon and thisistotallynotme!

@srayzie has proven that you and BuilderAnon approached her with the same schemes. Was that just a coincidence? Yeah right!

NotHereForPizza ago


srayzie ago

I am enjoying the show @NeonRevolt
Aka... BA? EL? NL? NR? TITNM? YRM?

Why do you keep spreading the SBBH lies about me?

NotHereForPizza ago

We both know that isn't me.

srayzie ago

Oh bullshit.

NotHereForPizza ago

You know I have one account.

Was Kev just lazy? I bet he was lazy.

srayzie ago

What does @Kevdude have to do with this?

srayzie ago

NotHereForPizza ago

God, you are incredibly cringey.

You have no idea what memes are, do you?

srayzie ago

Yes I know what memes are. This is not a meme.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're so new it hurts me.

NotHereForPizza ago

Well, it proves that you're way behind, for starters.

Shizy ago

It proves you're a lying piece of shit! Time to scurry away like your other exposed alts have done faggot! @srayzie

NotHereForPizza ago

You're still wrong...

You're just projecting now, aren't you?

Shizy ago

No, I've got you pegged correctly. You're an insecure, narcissistic little prick who is pissed off because no one buys the horseshit you keep trying to peddle! It must get old that no matter how hard you try, people STILL don't fall for your shit 😂! Deep down ou know you suck at what you do, but your ego won't let you admit it. That must suck!

You pretend to be important and have some special insider information, but in reality you're just a phoney and a fake who hides behind lies to feel important.

Doesn't this get old? Don't you have more productive things you can spend your time on? Those are just questions for you to ponder. I actually don't give a shit nor do I want a response from you. In fact, I'm most likely gonna block you once you bore me like I have had to do with your other loser dickhead alts!

NotHereForPizza ago

You guys sleepy post me so often... You can't cycle something else in?

Shizy ago

So you're also Spartacus?

NotHereForPizza ago

You not getting the joke makes you stand out, as it always has.

srayzie ago

NotHereForPizza ago

Ahhh, that's how you anchor it.

NotHereForPizza ago

I have nothing to hide.

srayzie ago

Oh of course you have nothing to hide. 🙄

NotHereForPizza ago

Why would I want to hide anything?

Are you just projecting?

I'm starting to think you actually do get paid per post.

NotHereForPizza ago

Guys, please make sure to downvote!

Shizy ago

Hmmmmm. Interesting! @NotHereForPizza sounds just like NeonRevolt. It this isn't her alt, it's a dim witted follower who regurgitates her talking points.

srayzie ago

Wait until you see the screenshots I’m about to send in a group message

NotHereForPizza ago

Do it!

Vindicator ago

In what way is Crensch a Zionist? That is possibly the biggest stretch I've ever seen on this site.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, boy, you jumped on your alt.

This is the "voice of reason" archetype.

I like how clean you keep it.

Vindicator ago

You think Crensch and I are the same person, huh.

You must be new here.

NotHereForPizza ago

You said it, not me.

Besides, it doesn't matter.

Vindicator ago

You said it, not me.

Uh, no. That was you. And you just outed yourself as a coward trying to dodge it.

Besides, it doesn't matter.

Oh, no. It definitely matters. Because it means you have two real, live 1st and 2nd Amendment defenders with finely tuned bullshit detectors to contend with.

You weren't on my radar before, but you sure are now.

NotHereForPizza ago

You were the reason I made an account, alongside Crensch and the rest of you faggots.

I don't give half a shit.

You have no idea what you're doing, just as you never had.

I know exactly why you showed up, just like you always do.

Crensch ago

I want the Jews in Israel... easier hunting.

Crensch ago

Are your handlers getting irritated at your lack of progress yet?

@kevdude @Vindicator @Trigglypuff @srayzie @gabara

NotHereForPizza ago

You guys are so cute.

Are you upset they're starting to notice more and more? I even gave you a heads up...

Crensch ago

Why would I be upset that your handlers are noticing your lack of progress?

@kevdude @Vindicator @Trigglypuff @srayzie @gabara

NotHereForPizza ago

Guys, make sure to downvote this guy's posts!

Veggiehead ago

Disgusting. I'd read that the NYPD have a satellite office there.

ArcAngel ago

fucking kikes are everywhere.fucking with everything. need to perma-purge them.

Exoduslarry ago

Another bankrupt soul crying to feel important . Vapid speech from a poisoned well.

ArcAngel ago

a self-rightous zionist that feels superior to us lowly goyim

Simonsaysgoat ago

I'm ready to secure the future for my heritage.

Jesusthug ago

Not just communities of color. But they are setting precedents now that if you try and escape. Or legally stand your ground against illegal force they will gun you down. White or Nog. You have a higher likelihood of dying by police in the past decade.