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NotHereForPizza ago

No, we talked about taking it to several places but the likes of the SBBH faggots gave us concern (srayzie), so we decided to just make something new on voat.

Looks like some kinks need to be worked out. Look who most of the people that were banned in the beginning were... Telling, eh?

Even still, I've messaged an owner and currently waiting on a response. Personally, I'd like to see a great decrease in moderation size, a less-vague and reddit-esque rule that deals with "don't be mean" bullshit. [Also, maybe a few other things.]

We'll see how it goes. Just remember, freedom isn't free and when you try to move in to a place with free speech sometimes, there tends to be people that appear to... overuse, we'll say, their right to speak freely (I'm suggesting that we must be vigilant in being able to speak freely, as we need to protect it firstly but also be cautious of others who at times take advantage of others through speech).

We like free speech just as much as, if not more than, you do. The current situation isn't at all endorsed nor enjoyed by the people that both curate and protect this place in various ways.