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NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, I guess you're right. It's not a big deal that he's farming for CCP and trying to slide QRV.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

LOL neon you so crazy.

u/gabara has 45,000 (FORTY FIVE THOUSAND) CCP.

He doesn't need to farm, dumbass.

NotHereForPizza ago

Man, you're all so obvious.

Neon? Fuck off srayzie. Is "you're someone else" all you guys have?

Imagine my surprise when the first post is someone saying, "come on, don't notice it. the problem will fix itself." You sound like a single mom.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

"everybody who calls me out is u/srayzie"

"Nobody else knows my secret identity!"

Whatever you say, bro. I hope you keep thinking I'm her, that'd be funny, but honestly I think you don't even actually believe it. You're just playing it up on the off chance you had an audience (not that anybody cares about you, lol).

NotHereForPizza ago

you're someone that you're not

I'm not someone that I'm not. Why do you keep saying I'm someone that I'm not?

What the fuck kind of logic is this?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh man, you're halfway there!

Keep going and you might figure out that I'm specifically calling you out for your bullshit absence of evidence!


I originally thought you were really good, but the more I interact with you, the more it seems you've done a lot of reading and very little practice....

NotHereForPizza ago

Jesus... okay, here's the thing.

Someone I've never interacted with, in an anonymous place, told me that Crensch is Creq. Nothing more, nothing less. Pretty much literally those five words: [It's my understanding that] Crensch is Creq on Reddit.

What did I do? I started bugging Crensch about his bunnies that I found through a mere google search - Crensch had posted on Reddit about bunnies. I thought I'd fuck with him by constantly mentioning it because I knew he'd be all "man, I didn't do a good enough job deleting my reddit account." I had no reason to believe he's Creq, and I still don't, besides one: you guys keep bringing it up and you shill the living fuck out of me whenever I post about it. also, srayzie getting all annoyed and going on a down vote spree when I shared that screengrab the same anon sent to me helped anon's ethos a bit. Why does srayzie get so upset about it? I still don't know.

What did I do after that? I went further with it - I left an extremely vague comment on Reddit user Creq's recent comments, "still have those bunnies?" Super simple. didn't say who I was, how i knew about bunnies, nothing. just those words, all after fucking with crensch about it for a while until he blocked me or just stopped responding every time he saw me in his inbox. then, when I got such an insane ass response like I did, I grew all the more curious. I thought, why not compile all of this and see if they freak out when I post it? so, I made a little collage thing and threw it up with some vague accusations. IT GOT FUCKING FLOODED INSTANTLY. why? I still don't know. But, if I've learned anything after years in chans, it's that when you say something someone does like, they make tons and tons of noise. Why don't you guys like that graphic? I still don't know. It could be any number of reasons.

For all I know, all these anons could ahve been fucking with me. But, the fact that this still persists to right now is all the more evidence I need to see that whatever you fucks have going on here is curious as all hell. I've mentioned all of this to multiple people and they all agree - fishy af.

there you go - the honest truth.

Now for the real question: why does srayzie want me to be the person she's spent months slandering so badly? why does this look exactly like what happened with sanegoat, amalek, freshmeat, womb_raider?

there's a reason srayzie doesn't have some weird ass picture featuring our interactions and how they relate to random communications by some supposedly unrelated usernames on an entirely different site where she says something similar to the things she's been saying to me, only for some random ass person to respond to someone she claims to be with an astonishingly curious response? that's because I'm me and I don't have any reason to make an alt

Here's the thing: I am that good at this. I won't show you all of my cards and I never planned to. No, I don't work with anyone. No, I don't have any alts. yes, I'm who I've always been and said I was. I can prove it, too. But, I won't.

srayzie ago

Wow. That’s it? That was enough for you to try to dox him from GreatAwakening? Trying to dox him before Reddit showed up, and I saw you posted it in the comment section somewhere else.

I think @Crensch is Vindicated. You’re pathetic.

@Kevdude @shizy @MolochHunter @Clamhurt_Legbeard

NotHereForPizza ago

At least you're funny.

srayzie ago

That is true. I am funny. 😁

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hahaha, you're so lame.

I forgot about your bunny post. That was cute, but even at the time it was super weak. What were you even trying with all that rolling around on the floor?

But seriously though, your post had some good nuggets in it. So help me confirm what you're saying.

You're saying that you investigated on reddit...

And after a thorough investigation...

You determined...

u/crensch = u/gabara ??

Hoooooly shit. That makes so much... something.

Your train of thought kinda ran out of steam, I have to admit.

NotHereForPizza ago


Not at all...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's ok, I'm sure you'll get there eventually, dude!

NotHereForPizza ago

I understand you're using this to suggest it makes no sense for me to accuse gabara of having alts.

I'm not stupid.

My argument to that is that gabara HIMSELF had been flooding v/aww. Whether or not the other accounts that started to shortly after he did are his accounts or someone else's, it evidences the concept that SBBH or just gab friends are allied together to keep people from seeing QRV posts on v/all.

At a certain point, it was a joke. Hell, you guys inspired that joke. Even still, whether or not these are gab's alts is unimportant, though an exciting theory, as this still indicates coordination to stop people from seeing v/all, as well as indicating that these accounts are working in unison as denoted by the similar upvote count and the similar time to accumulate said upvotes.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm not stupid.

Then why do you start off defensive from your first sentence? Hmm. Grasping much?

Gab alts, QRV... you know, you're actually a tiny part of voat. Hell, you're the newest and least important Q sub, and Q-fags are the newest, least experienced group on voat.

No wonder you're lost.