srayzie ago

This is how much I downvote. You just can’t figure me out.

NotHereForPizza ago

funny you say that

i never downvote you guys

i've even proven it for crensch before. seemed to piss him off

srayzie ago

I never thought that. But I’m supoisedly SBBH and involved in brigading

NotHereForPizza ago

yep you sure are

SearchVoatBot ago

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Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

SBBH is now obvious to everyone here and hated by everyone here.

Their only purpose is to distract us from anything interesting / relevant / important with reddit-tier horeshit.

NotHereForPizza ago

Ha don't let them see you say that.

I woke up to -100 CCP this morning and at least 30 notifications after this post.

Kekalicious ago

Your tears are delicious. Can you cry a little more? If you have an issue here please feel free to go the fuck away. (@gabara Thank you for the diligent effort on your part to keep the sludge down.)

gabara ago

I love that all I had to do is the right thing.

Rotteuxx ago

Thanks toots !

Rotteuxx ago

Ah come on Triggs, you said you owed me one after I organized your undies by itch factor.

heygeorge ago

@gabara should be banned from the site! I’m not sure why because I wasn’t around much this weekend, but it sounded like a great idea!

@gabara doesn’t believe in Q because he’s not gullible enough to believe on blind faith that a mystery patriot is saving America, posting on the chans, and selling hats.

Also, @gabara is an SBBH bot, shared account.

Rotteuxx ago

Which reminds me, can someone cover my @Gabara afternoon shift tomorrow ?

@obvious_throwaway1 invited me to a shared account management seminar over on Discord & I have a scheduling conflict.

Maybe @Trigglypuff or @expertshitposter ?

Shizy ago

😂 You guys can not joke like this! OP is an autistic retard and takes this shit seriously!!!


Rotteuxx ago

Yeah you're right, we wouldn't want him to think we bankroll Puttsy

Shizy ago

What a bunch of tools they are!

srayzie ago

I didn’t see this! Yeah OP is fricken lame

ExpertShitposter ago

Shut the fuck up mega faggot. There is nothing to be seen in QRV other than age induced mental illness centered around a jewish psy-op that is Q.

srayzie ago

LMAO you’re amazing at this @NotHereForPizza 😂

Keep doing exactly what you’re doing now.

@Shizy. How does he have so much interaction with Redditors if he’s never been on Reddit like he told me yesterday? 🤔

Shizy ago

I was thinking the same thing!

srayzie ago

It must really suck being a paid shill when you’re a narcissist with a strong need to be seen as someone special and powerful. A need to be in control.

If I was a Soros funded employee and interviewing possible shills, those would be traits that I would say “hellll no, this is not the job for you.”

@NotHereForPizza @Kevdude

srayzie ago

I don’t think you’re liked very much here Neon

Shizy ago

I'd rather talk about your fuckery on voat. You ready?

srayzie ago

Why don’t you tell them how you targeted me starting on September 13th. How you were blackmailing me. Telling me to listen to you guys or you would tell everyone that GreatAwakening was compromised and move you guys to a different sub?

How were you so close to a Reddit sub, that you would help in the decision making if you aren’t from Reddit? Why have people accused you of being @NeonRevolt’s Alt?

Do you guys think he’s a good guy? A true Patriot that isn’t out to divide the Q movement?

Here, you will see that he started sending me private messages.

In between, he would post shit on 8chan depending on my replies. If I didn’t give him the right reply, he would post that GreatAwakening was compromised.

Then, Neon Revolt blog post came out and what did it say? They made their own sub because v/GreatAwakening was “infiltrated”. I have all kinds of stuff to share about that too.

After accusing being certain alts, he admitted to one. That sure opened up a can of worms. All those accounts on the right side, were his. All of them banned site wide for Vote manipulation.

What does he accuse me of being? SBBH. What does he accuse SBBH of doing? Vote manipulation and shilling. Isnt that what you call a hypocrite?

I have many things saved. I already had these ready. I will share more later. But I’ll leave you guys with this...

He had 75 sock puppet accounts that were banned!

What a good little Patriot.

ExpertShitposter ago

Those messages. Holy Fucking shit. Previously i thought @NotHereForPizza was just a jewish retard from reddit. But now i see he is potentially a real JIDF shill. You should post this more often to v/whatever as a reminder.

srayzie ago

I will. I have a lot more to add first.

zyklon_b ago

@nothereforpizza tell em how you been passing that pic of who you claim @crensch is around asking people to dox him

NotHereForPizza ago


srayzie ago

I have it all archived too. @Zyklon_b

zyklon_b ago

bish don onea dye din don't feck whit moi

NotHereForPizza ago

Nailed it.

Thanks for stopping by!

MolochHunter ago

yer, I've seen you sucking up to Putt , knowing you'd one day need to cash in favors with @PuttItOut in the full knowledge that you are engaging in shady shit against others

NotHereForPizza ago

Prove it.

srayzie ago

Yes, good boy. I’m glad you called on Putt. Is there a problem? What seems to be bothering you Neon?

Shizy ago

Putt asked me to give you a message. He says your annoying him with your constant, childish pinging. And he wanted me to give you this: 🖕🏻

srayzie ago

😂 Now He’s acting like it was a set up and we fell into his trap. Dudes so narcissistic.

Shizy ago

Only a manipulating mental case would set a "trap" like that, while also constantly whining about how people are alt brigading and upvoat farming. So either he's a complete liar, or a complete wackjob.

srayzie ago

You should look thru last night’s comments. He LOVES to sound important.

Shizy ago

Ick, his arrogance makes me want to vomit!

zyklon_b ago

@gabara will rape and dress you in a kilt

xenoPsychologist ago

i think the more suspect thing around here is that someone thinks theres any credibility in the q subs or q himself. do nothing and let the government sort its self out. wiggle1wiggleall.

freespeechwarrior ago

Maybe you're not completely retarded?

xenoPsychologist ago

sounds like all the evidence i need! youve convinced me! i love (((atheism))) now.

NotHereForPizza ago

Imagine my surprise when you make this about whether or not Q is authentic or useful, instead of addressing whether or not Voat is seeing an issue with revealed manipulation in terms of deploying forum sliding techniques.

srayzie ago

I bet you were surprised. You have control issues and things aren’t going the way you expected. The more we expose you, the more your posts won’t go as planned.

xenoPsychologist ago

well, since no one presents any evidence of manipulation, and and sliding can be easily solved by anyone with a brain cell and a half that wants to by blocking, im not really sure why the shills are completely up in arms over this. its all opinion and laziness so far.

NotHereForPizza ago

They slide by flooding v/all with v/aww posts constantly. They use this cycle to upvoat alts to relevancy and then they use more and more accounts to upvote more and more.

This prevents those who look at v/all from seeing QRV posts, thus making it appear less popular.

Then, when dissenters come to disagree, they are simply called NeonRevolt, freshmeat, sanegoat, etc. which is supposedly effective to the normie because if the normie thinks XXXXX is bad, they will think the person being suggested to be the same person is guilty by association.

None of it's complicated. This spike in v/aww flooding seemed to start with gabara, and gabara seems to benefit from people not believing in Q as he's spent a considerable amount of time denouncing the whole movement. His stake in this is not being proved wrong, as the movement grows in popularity. Also, gabara has tried to defame my account multiple times after we spoke about the Q thing, which reveals his desire to see me punished for my dissenting against the narrative he and his friends have cast.

The flooding started with gabara and the pictures are all similar across the accounts. They also all get similar amounts of upvotes, and in similar amounts of time. Sure, it doesn't have to be gabara alts, but it certainly appears coordinated.

xenoPsychologist ago

at least half of those aww posts have no comments at all. youd think if upvote farming were going on, every one of them would have alts filling up the comment sections. and the ones with comments, most of the comments have no upvotes. and all the upvotes are on established accounts that arent aching for a single +1. so... you lie.

nothing is lost by not seeing qrv posts, and if someone actually wants to see them, there is nothing to keep them from going to the subverse and avoiding any sliding going on somewhere else. if you want the mentally disabled children who would have trouble navigating to what they want to see in your movement... okay, i guess that makes a lot of sense.

supposedly effective doesnt sound too scientifically sound. sounds more like an opinion. additionally, normies dont come to voat. they get scared of the not nice words. also, they arent useful and generally have no business among people who are aware of what goes on. you might want someone who isnt dead weight in your movement. no? alright then.

everyone benefits from people not believing in q. its a movement for people who dont want to move and want someone else to move for them. do nothing and let the government sort its self out, goyim.

again, practically all of it is established accounts. it looks to me like the spamming is stupid, but not harmful. and we have some cartoon villains treating it like its the worst thing in the world. did gabara put on obsession for kaiju or something? because there are some seriously obsessed shekelwhores desperate for his throbbing beef truncheon around here.

NotHereForPizza ago

at least half of those aww posts have no comments at all. youd think if upvote farming were going on, every one of them would have alts filling up the comment sections. and the ones with comments, most of the comments have no upvotes. and all the upvotes are on established accounts that arent aching for a single +1. so... you lie.

This seems to lend credence to my suggestion that the accounts are there to shill against QRV. Thanks for helping me put that together. They'll probably laguh at you when they see this (maybe they'll be upset...). I could ping them all for you, if you'd like.

supposedly effective doesnt sound too scientifically sound. sounds more like an opinion. additionally, normies dont come to voat. they get scared of the not nice words. also, they aren't useful and generally have no business among people who are aware of what goes on. you might want someone who isn't dead weight in your movement. no? alright then.

You not knowing what I mean says a lot... I bet anon is laughing their ass off at you right now.

everyone benefits from people not believing in q. its a movement for people who dont want to move and want someone else to move for them. do nothing and let the government sort its self out, goyim.

Actually, the suggestion is that there are operators out there right now and we've been shown evidence of specific operators having died in battle among many other curious coincidences, and that we should let normies know because anon is specifically skilled at breaking through the barrier the MSM Mockingbird has erected. Frankly, there are multiple popular theories about a few early Q posts, where Q team specifically told anon to pick up his phone and that he'd made the list. But, if you knew anything about the movement or anons you'd know that many people are good at particular things and that anon has been tasked with many things individually over the course of the last year which has resulted in a ressurection of an intelligence apparatus subsidized and protected by the US MILINT. But, again, more things you'd know if you knew how to properly advise someone about Q.

again, practically all of it is established accounts. it looks to me like the spamming is stupid, but not harmful. and we have some cartoon villains treating it like its the worst thing in the world. did gabara put on obsession for kaiju or something? because there are some seriously obsessed shekelwhores desperate for his throbbing beef truncheon around here.

Man, you guys sure love consensus cracking and ethos anchoring, don't you? You know, I'm tired of these games. You're all exactly the same.

xenoPsychologist ago

This seems to lend credence to my suggestion that the accounts are there to shill against QRV. Thanks for helping me put that together. They'll probably laguh at you when they see this (maybe they'll be upset...). I could ping them all for you, if you'd like.

your assertion was ccp farming. and i didnt see any shilling. i dont think i saw qrv mentioned once. so... maybe in not the one getting laughed at.

You not knowing what I mean says a lot... I bet anon is laughing their ass off at you right now.

not knowing what you mean? youre grasping at straws. the implication is that you dont know what you are talking about, not that i dont know what youre talking about. someone here is definitely getting laughed at, but its not me.

we should let normies know

normies are too busy trying not to look racist and believing in the holohoax to be useful. they are dead weight and nothing more. dead weight.

skilled at breaking through the barrier the MSM Mockingbird has erected.

skilled at crafting a fanatical cult, is what you mean.

q is for pretending the government is going to fix its self. you are concerned with being a missionary for your lord and savior, q. i am indifferent because "do nothing because the government is totally taking care of it for you" and "heres is some busy work for you to never act on" arent really interesting to me. seriously, what are you supposed to do when you decode his nonsense? vote? thats been proven ineffective.

Man, you guys sure love consensus cracking and ethos anchoring, don't you? You know, I'm tired of these games. You're all exactly the same.

who guys? there should be a consensus for consensus cracking to take place. you are playing games. if you cant handle hanging with the adults, theres reddit for you. and many "lols" were had, at your expense no less.

i know you like pretending that you are really really important, but the q thing is not going anywhere. the people will have to take things into their own hands for anything of value to get done. the tree of liberty needs refreshing, and the government that has been getting progressively more tyrannical over the past century is not going to do it for us. the traitors need to hang, and q nor you will be having any part in it. youd rather play.

srayzie ago

BA, why aren’t you posting things like this in v/ProtectVoat? Is it because we caught you doing worse?

sguevar ago

Ok got interested, been reading all this but care to show me the the links on the other things he has done?

srayzie ago

I have more to add. You can go thru his comment history if you want to know now.

sguevar ago

Kind of noob there with the search bar. I only know how to look for user not for comment. My bad.

srayzie ago

You just go to his profile. Up at the top click on commentss...

He has TONS of alts tho

sguevar ago

Ouff tons and tons of reading in 40 mins.

Thanks it was entertaining. Good screenshots.

Shizy ago

Hahahaha 😂!

sguevar ago

I am not in side with the OP but I have to say I have blocked aww since wednesday and thursday of last week and I still see it in my front page.

So there is something wrong going on with some users not able to block it fully.

MadWorld ago

I have blocked aww since wednesday and thursday...

In case you are wondering, @Gabara and other goats try to post cute animals, to cover up those gore pictures submitted by those gore-loving jews.

sguevar ago

I said on a different post that I understand why they are doing so. Buy I am simply tired of watching both cute and gore pictures of animals.

MadWorld ago

Yeah I understand that. But I have temporarily subscribed to /v/aww to keep an eye on those gore-loving jews.

Just to be clear, someone immediately downvoted you. It was not me! It was probably done to give a false impression.

sguevar ago

Don't worry I don't care about downvotes. Good luck with the gore sick bastards.

God bless.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Isn't it terrible when you have actual problems that get solved, while the shill keeps complaining?

sguevar ago

Yeah totally!

I subscribed to the subs I normally used and tadaaa no more aww postings in my front page.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

First thing I did years ago was block v/aww, v/funny etc. All those trash subs.

Super effective.

sguevar ago

v/funny has it's good postings so I left that one but I understand now what needs to be done: subscribe to the subs that one normally uses to be able to block the ones that we don't want to see anymore.

Rotteuxx ago

Are you subbed to /v/aww ?

sguevar ago

Here look at the proof:

Blocked and not subscribed.

My front page and also in new I have tons of those posts.

Rotteuxx ago

Are you subbed to any subs ?

sguevar ago

Ok this answers my question thanks.

bob3333 ago

You can even unsubscribe after subscribing and the block still holds.

heygeorge ago

@Rotteuxx is undermining the site by helping you!

Rotteuxx ago

TFW you guys realize I'm shilling for @Atko to undermine @Puttitout

sguevar ago

Yeah shame on him! But anyway thanks @Rotteuxx!

Rotteuxx ago

Anytime !

sguevar ago

Nope. I checked that too as well but no I have the read button that says "subscribe"

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, I guess you're right. It's not a big deal that he's farming for CCP and trying to slide QRV.

srayzie ago

Oh I thought QRV was anonymous? How would you know who is guilty of those things and who isn’t? It’s been my experience, that the ones that hate my are “Q Followers”.

gabara ago

farming for CCP.

You are a special kind of stupid.

NotHereForPizza ago

You seem to be missing that that statement was about your alts.

Shizy ago

What about yours?


clamhurt_legbeard ago

cloggedbutt_legcramp ago

Shit, am I late to the party ? Fucking west coasters

clamhurt_legbeard ago

hahaha you had that name for two months and never whipped it out


cloggedbutt_legcramp ago

I had the idea for the name 2 months ago, sitting on an egg is perfectly natural !

clamhurt_legbeard ago

LOL neon you so crazy.

u/gabara has 45,000 (FORTY FIVE THOUSAND) CCP.

He doesn't need to farm, dumbass.

gabara ago

Op is ignorant.

NotHereForPizza ago

Man, you're all so obvious.

Neon? Fuck off srayzie. Is "you're someone else" all you guys have?

Imagine my surprise when the first post is someone saying, "come on, don't notice it. the problem will fix itself." You sound like a single mom.

srayzie ago

Nope. Not a single mom.

ExpertShitposter ago

NeonRevolt alt confirmed.

srayzie ago

Why don’t you explain to the class what a [D] does? Do they have access to the things that mods do?

D = Designer
M = Moderator

What do you want to accuse me of next?

Shizy ago

So you're not going to answer why someone with 45,000 CCP would need to farm?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

"everybody who calls me out is u/srayzie"

"Nobody else knows my secret identity!"

Whatever you say, bro. I hope you keep thinking I'm her, that'd be funny, but honestly I think you don't even actually believe it. You're just playing it up on the off chance you had an audience (not that anybody cares about you, lol).

NotHereForPizza ago

you're someone that you're not

I'm not someone that I'm not. Why do you keep saying I'm someone that I'm not?

What the fuck kind of logic is this?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh man, you're halfway there!

Keep going and you might figure out that I'm specifically calling you out for your bullshit absence of evidence!


I originally thought you were really good, but the more I interact with you, the more it seems you've done a lot of reading and very little practice....

NotHereForPizza ago

Jesus... okay, here's the thing.

Someone I've never interacted with, in an anonymous place, told me that Crensch is Creq. Nothing more, nothing less. Pretty much literally those five words: [It's my understanding that] Crensch is Creq on Reddit.

What did I do? I started bugging Crensch about his bunnies that I found through a mere google search - Crensch had posted on Reddit about bunnies. I thought I'd fuck with him by constantly mentioning it because I knew he'd be all "man, I didn't do a good enough job deleting my reddit account." I had no reason to believe he's Creq, and I still don't, besides one: you guys keep bringing it up and you shill the living fuck out of me whenever I post about it. also, srayzie getting all annoyed and going on a down vote spree when I shared that screengrab the same anon sent to me helped anon's ethos a bit. Why does srayzie get so upset about it? I still don't know.

What did I do after that? I went further with it - I left an extremely vague comment on Reddit user Creq's recent comments, "still have those bunnies?" Super simple. didn't say who I was, how i knew about bunnies, nothing. just those words, all after fucking with crensch about it for a while until he blocked me or just stopped responding every time he saw me in his inbox. then, when I got such an insane ass response like I did, I grew all the more curious. I thought, why not compile all of this and see if they freak out when I post it? so, I made a little collage thing and threw it up with some vague accusations. IT GOT FUCKING FLOODED INSTANTLY. why? I still don't know. But, if I've learned anything after years in chans, it's that when you say something someone does like, they make tons and tons of noise. Why don't you guys like that graphic? I still don't know. It could be any number of reasons.

For all I know, all these anons could ahve been fucking with me. But, the fact that this still persists to right now is all the more evidence I need to see that whatever you fucks have going on here is curious as all hell. I've mentioned all of this to multiple people and they all agree - fishy af.

there you go - the honest truth.

Now for the real question: why does srayzie want me to be the person she's spent months slandering so badly? why does this look exactly like what happened with sanegoat, amalek, freshmeat, womb_raider?

there's a reason srayzie doesn't have some weird ass picture featuring our interactions and how they relate to random communications by some supposedly unrelated usernames on an entirely different site where she says something similar to the things she's been saying to me, only for some random ass person to respond to someone she claims to be with an astonishingly curious response? that's because I'm me and I don't have any reason to make an alt

Here's the thing: I am that good at this. I won't show you all of my cards and I never planned to. No, I don't work with anyone. No, I don't have any alts. yes, I'm who I've always been and said I was. I can prove it, too. But, I won't.

srayzie ago

Wow. That’s it? That was enough for you to try to dox him from GreatAwakening? Trying to dox him before Reddit showed up, and I saw you posted it in the comment section somewhere else.

I think @Crensch is Vindicated. You’re pathetic.

@Kevdude @shizy @MolochHunter @Clamhurt_Legbeard

NotHereForPizza ago

At least you're funny.

srayzie ago

That is true. I am funny. 😁

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hahaha, you're so lame.

I forgot about your bunny post. That was cute, but even at the time it was super weak. What were you even trying with all that rolling around on the floor?

But seriously though, your post had some good nuggets in it. So help me confirm what you're saying.

You're saying that you investigated on reddit...

And after a thorough investigation...

You determined...

u/crensch = u/gabara ??

Hoooooly shit. That makes so much... something.

Your train of thought kinda ran out of steam, I have to admit.

NotHereForPizza ago


Not at all...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's ok, I'm sure you'll get there eventually, dude!

NotHereForPizza ago

I understand you're using this to suggest it makes no sense for me to accuse gabara of having alts.

I'm not stupid.

My argument to that is that gabara HIMSELF had been flooding v/aww. Whether or not the other accounts that started to shortly after he did are his accounts or someone else's, it evidences the concept that SBBH or just gab friends are allied together to keep people from seeing QRV posts on v/all.

At a certain point, it was a joke. Hell, you guys inspired that joke. Even still, whether or not these are gab's alts is unimportant, though an exciting theory, as this still indicates coordination to stop people from seeing v/all, as well as indicating that these accounts are working in unison as denoted by the similar upvote count and the similar time to accumulate said upvotes.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm not stupid.

Then why do you start off defensive from your first sentence? Hmm. Grasping much?

Gab alts, QRV... you know, you're actually a tiny part of voat. Hell, you're the newest and least important Q sub, and Q-fags are the newest, least experienced group on voat.

No wonder you're lost.

gabara ago

Rent free.