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PuttItOut ago

Good find. Will fix. This is the underlying reason why we don't allow points in anon subs: too easy to identify users. It's also why we have fairly lengthy cache durations on user points.

We will button this up too. Thank you.

MadWorld ago

If points could be earned from anon subverses, It would be very easy to unmask those names! For example, we could attack with vote-flipping technique:

  1. Create a small "army" of user accounts.
  2. Upvote a comment or a set of comments simultaneously using a set of accounts created in step 1.
  3. Watch the cache expired and record that data.
  4. Repeat the process with simultaneous downvotes.
  5. Unvote the comments previously flipped.
  6. Sort and cross reference that data.
  7. Once the data is processed, find a time frame where the targeted users are inactive (i.g. users not online).
  8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 to gradually refine and reaffirm your observation.

NotHereForPizza ago


So, you seem to have observed this, at least.

Now, take a look at

I just created this to show you.

Now quit fucking ignoring me.

MadWorld ago

I think you replied to the wrong comment, if you were talking to Putt. If not, the process I described does not work:

If points could be earned from anon subverse...

It was an if question that I already knew to be false.

Personally, I have seen enough comments of yours from recent week(s). Everything to you is just a game, as you have said it yourself multiple times. You like to larp, like to sound smart with your twisted little games, and like to appear intellectually superior to everyone around you. You like to reply to other users, as if they have not done their homework and are not worthy of your time. Yet, you took your time to reply anyways.

Now, take a look at

I just created this to show you.

Now quit fucking ignoring me.

You should quit larping for or creating materials for your never-ending game! Quit being an attention whore! You lack the integrity and sense of humor!

NotHereForPizza ago

You're exactly right.

I'm just using their tactics against them. It's making the normies and the anons hate them.

These same people that came here to avoid the very thing SBBH brought have been duped in to thinking this place will offer them unparalleled free speech, which has been whittled down by the culprits in question, intellectual conversations, which these guys re incapable of, and unrivaled disclusion of the very things they came here to escape - PC culture and unfettered drama.

My tactics are a destruction of my own ethos in order to bring them down with me - The Samson Option.

They've played in to the trap every step of the way.

If they wanted out, all they had to do was ignore me. If Putt wanted to save face, all he had to do was condemn the childishness from both sides, but he refuses.

Now that you've been told the truth, examine the situation from both sides. Just who, exactly, is willing to be honest with you? Just who, exactly, has saved all of the bullshit games and simply relayed the truth?

Remember this.