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srayzie ago

Why don’t you tell them how you targeted me starting on September 13th. How you were blackmailing me. Telling me to listen to you guys or you would tell everyone that GreatAwakening was compromised and move you guys to a different sub?

How were you so close to a Reddit sub, that you would help in the decision making if you aren’t from Reddit? Why have people accused you of being @NeonRevolt’s Alt?

Do you guys think he’s a good guy? A true Patriot that isn’t out to divide the Q movement?

Here, you will see that he started sending me private messages.

In between, he would post shit on 8chan depending on my replies. If I didn’t give him the right reply, he would post that GreatAwakening was compromised.

Then, Neon Revolt blog post came out and what did it say? They made their own sub because v/GreatAwakening was “infiltrated”. I have all kinds of stuff to share about that too.

After accusing being certain alts, he admitted to one. That sure opened up a can of worms. All those accounts on the right side, were his. All of them banned site wide for Vote manipulation.

What does he accuse me of being? SBBH. What does he accuse SBBH of doing? Vote manipulation and shilling. Isnt that what you call a hypocrite?

I have many things saved. I already had these ready. I will share more later. But I’ll leave you guys with this...

He had 75 sock puppet accounts that were banned!

What a good little Patriot.

NotHereForPizza ago

Nailed it.

Thanks for stopping by!