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NotHereForPizza ago

@Crensch wreaks of mockingbird.

Go back and check out shit he's done in v/pizzagate

Crensch ago

Oh? What is it that I've done in PG?

NotHereForPizza ago

Nice try. Fuck off.

As I've said each encounter we've had, go fuck yourself. The retards over at v/pizzagate will realize you're controlled op or just on a pay roll soon. When they do, you won't have any influence left. You want to know who the one that's actually insignificant? You. Pretty soon, there'll be no one to pay your fucking retarded ass.

Neck yourself, mockingbird.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It might be best not to link threads where you get BTFO to try and aid your side of the argument, especially that second link ouch.

NotHereForPizza ago

Maybe you're not reading what I'm reading.

NotHereForPizza ago

So, since crensch likes to fuck around on high horses and shit, I'm going to outline all this so people can see what a fucking retard you are, @Crensch.

The first link has a post in it which a user privatepizza makes a post that gets the front page of v/pizzagate with 39 upvotes. The posts tells users how to circumvent the rules, discusses meta content which is a violation of the rules, and shits up the front page with off-topic discussion involving abortionburger's bullshit drama when they're suppose to be regulating investigations of kids getting fucking raped, which breaks another fucking rule, obviously.

The second link is basically the same shit reposted a few days later, which was this time stickied. I mentioned in the long discussion the mods insisted on having with me, despite me simply pointing out in the beginning that this discussion was pointless because it pretty plainly violates the rules, that it the previous link I mention here in this comment should've just been posted by a mod and stickied so we can at least circumvent the rules with a mod endorsed sticky so that at the very least the mod team doesn't challenge their own integrity by letting the community break the rules, endorses it, and ultimately piss people off.

The second link is an utterly moronic discussion that starts here. I simply mention that it's in their best interest to get around all the timely and futile discussion in the comments and just sticky a documented post defending themselves against David Seaman. This spins off into an argument wherein Crensch gets all bitchy and ditches the argument and just calls me a troll.

Basically, Crensch is a douche, he's doing a shit job moderating that sub, and there's even several accounts of him looking the other way when people break rules, wasting time arguing with people while ignoring possible solutions, and just generally muddying the waters. Specifically the thing with David Seaman seemed a lot like some endorsement for divide and conquer.

Even if you don't take my word for it, you should look into the purposed accounts of shitty interactions Crensch likes to have and decide for yourself. I'd also encourage anyone even approaching being convinced by Crensch to look into my account history and decide for yourself about my integrity and my consistency.

Crensch ago

Thanks for presenting the salt mine to me.

NotHereForPizza ago

See, you see it as me being annoyed or upset that I don't have your approval.

Are you always this self-centered? I'm literally proving evidence for your misdeeds and the only thing you can do still is berate me and just dismiss anything I say.

Go ahead, mockingbird, further destroy your own credibility by not being able to even consider a presentable argument/position. Please continue not addressing any of the issues I've proposed. All that does is bolster my defense and damage your integrity.

You literally sound like Hillary Clinton during the campaign each time someone brought up her emails. You just laugh in my face and act like there's not really anything for you to hide.

Crensch ago

As I've said each encounter we've had, go fuck yourself.


NotHereForPizza ago

I'll leave you with this post I made a while ago:




First, we dismiss them. Remember all those times we heard, "oh, it's just some bullshit consipracy." Well, firstly, that lead us in to stage two. Anyway, the point of this step is to try and reduce the noise about it. A few years ago, no one gave a shit about 4chan, or the few more radical subreddits, and other similar sanctuaries for free speech. I'm sure you can come up with more examples.

Next, we use character attacks on the loudest or the most likely to cause a commotion in order to discredit them and make them seem like they're full of shit. We saw this happen with Fox news, info wars, etc.

Finally, we use a plethora of methods to deny access to given information. This can be done in a multitude of ways, the easiest, yet messiest method I'm sure you're all familiar with is the popular "oops they killed themselves." A few more things we can do are limit the flow of information, ie. infiltrating IC and disrupting actual data transfer in the way of networking holds and the like. This would also be the ideal time to utilize distractions such as a dam breaking or the Kremlin being implicated in just about everything (which utilizes basic ass emotional appeals).

So, I guess what I'm saying is, this is clearly persuasion. I won't go so far as to say I agree or disagree with what's we're being persuaded to believe, but we're fools to not realize that people have a metric fuck ton to gain by convincing us that things like this are true.

You're at step one - dismiss.

Crensch ago

There are a lot of conspiracy theories that have been proven true here. Me being a disinfo shill has been tried since @she days, and it hasn't stuck once.

NotHereForPizza ago

disinfo shill?

How about willingly incompetent sheep herder? v/pizzagate is a containment zone and people will learn soon enough what you fucks have done.

Crensch ago

What I have done is public record for all to see. Anyone that doesn't know what I've done simply doesn't care to.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're defense is no defense?

That's a little more than predictable.

The pedophiles and the ones assisting them are going to hang one day either way. If you don't think those sowing deceit will be among them, you're very fucking wrong. When that day comes, no one will accept a feign of authority as any reason not to hang yourself and people like you. Some of us know what you're doing, and we won't stop watching you at this point.

Good luck, mockingbird.

Crensch ago

I honestly don't have to defend myself to you at all. You're both massively uninformed, and unimportant.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yet you're still here commenting.

897489017241 ago