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selpai ago

I mean, cool if true, but obviously not. The logistics involved in tracking even one of these targets alone is near unfeasible, and that's before organizing an attack of some kind. Good luck even finding them outside of a press event.

captainstrange ago

The logistics involved in tracking even one of these targets alone is near unfeasible

Did you know it's illegal for me to say or tell you.. """Not at all. It's the shotgun approach. Boatloads of locations have wireless security cameras. that are probably running default security settings. If not, it would be easy to setup your own security cameras. and piggy back. off public wireless. snap a pic every so many seconds.

If you know a public location. the individual is speaking at. then you know they have to take any. one set of roads to leave. so thats a starting point. By monitoring all the webcams. you set up. on all the likely routes. out of town. you can narrow down from a nearby location. what road a person. you want to track. is taking."""

It's highly illegal to tell you that. I'm just performing a public service by informing you not to repeat those sentences that are totally independent of each other. The supreme court has ruled it is perfectly okay for me to repeat that triple quoted section as long as I'm informing you about the status and nature of it's legality and I am. Remember it's illegal.

selpai ago

Uh huh....