Stopmotionhistory ago

Maybe the truth is getting out, but which is the truth?

theoldones ago

putt isnt handling this right.

he's not telling us what counts as threatening, which agency said what

he needs to give us the source code in case one of decides to fork off

Voat78 ago

Noob here. What is canary?

insanitea ago

Warrant canary.

Basically, if the canary stops being updated, it signals something is wrong.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Scroll to the bottom of the site.

You see that link that says “source code”, click it. Voat has, and always be opened source. If you really wanted the source, you would have known this. Instead I think your just spreading disinformation.

theoldones ago

okay. thank you answering my question.

insanitea ago

His posts are extremely vague, yes, and the canary hasn't been updated for a while. This seems bad and his lack of a proper explanation is making it worse.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Check on the canary again.

insanitea ago

Check my edit first.

It's insane how quick you jump to assumptions.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Ok, you edit it after I made my comment. What’s your point?

insanitea ago

My point is that I made the edit before you commented.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

There was no edit when I made my comment.

GodsAngell ago

What is the canary?

insanitea ago

I believe this is it.