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Crensch ago

Oh, I want a mass CHIMPout, but he's saying whites need to yellowvest right now - meaning we'd be inconveniencing whites before enough are on board.

dandelion2319 ago

So I was watching the dark side of youtube earlier and i did come across a very interesting video. In this video it was claimed that to "Vril" who are these you know reptilians CT's have been talking about forever actually enter peoples bodies during some satanic ritual where they enter thru the eye leaving a black eye as the only evidence. This was interesting to me bc I have been trying to figure out this whole black eye thing we keep seeing in celebs and politicians. This is out there but could it be something like this is actually real and these Vril cause the host to basically become a vampire type???? I mean there is a long history of vampire stories? I dont know, very aware how crazy that sounds, but would explain why this clean up is not a simple as we would think it should be. Food for thought.

Vindicator ago

Food for the SciFi channel.

Userly ago

QAnon is an art/troll project. Search YouTube for channel “Pulse Change” with an interview with people behind Q.

Game over, Qnanigans...

4freedomsring ago

Thank you @Vindicator! You have always posted great info. I’m no researcher, but I can pick up on patterns. IamQ used the word “essentially”

This guy works for you Paid by govt funding which essentiaIIy is your tax money Not to mention he's a baby eating satanist ffs ;)"

Have you noticed how many times Trump uses that word? ALOT !

Anyway thanks for your work. I used to post a lot about Planned Parenthood . Still believe they’re involved in the blood/organ cabal.

Vindicator ago

Hmmm...interesting observation, 4f. "Not to mention" is also a verbal tick that might be worth watching. That would be pretty hilarious if Trump himself dropped those crumbs for us. Q is most definitely the twinkle in Trump's eye, in my opinion.

I, too, believe Planned Parenthood is key -- especially if population control of the masses/longevity of the elite is the overarching concern of the Cabal. Embrionic stem cells are pluripotent and may be useful in treating various diseases of aging as well as tissue engineering. Parabiosis research has shown that young blood transfusion can improve the health of older mice. Though both of these theoretical treatments remain unproven.

4freedomsring ago

Thanks, V. I’ll be paying attention to ‘ not to mention’ Tomorrow is March 4 Life. Let’s hope their message is heard !

jamesjames ago

Reading these again has reignited my anger....

Time for prayer i think.


SearchVoatBot ago

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flyingcuttlefish ago

The Ceremony of Minerval and First Degree, by Aleister Crowley

flyingcuttlefish ago

So, what was Jacob J. Sullivan’s qualms with the last paragraph of this seminal Clinton email, an email which was the last internal communication required to cement the official Whitehouse position for Obama and Clinton regarding the 2011 NATO/CIA regime change operation taking place in Libya? Why did this pretty innocuous sounding last paragraph require Hillary’s opinion on whether it violated something formally known as the ‘Owl/Minerva Rule’? The answer is, that the globalist controlled Minervian Powers – as explained in the excerpt below – are now highly concerned about the spread of the concept of self determination of populations; specifically the desirability for populations to choose their own leaders. This means a truly democratic public choice of a candidate offering election mandates which might be counter to globalist policies such as the Kyoto Protocol and Multilateral Trade Organizations like the TPP-TTIP-TISA, can not be tolerated by Fascist Global Socialist Technocracy! This is the true nature of European Federalism, and as Nigel Farage made clear over twenty years in the E.U. Parliamentary Chamber, the system of governance that the bureaucrats in the European Union have been slowly constructing, is entirely un-democratic, and fascistic.

flyingcuttlefish ago

archived this -

on Hillary mail and the OWL/MINERVA point - I just blogged it (anyone can use the art) -

There is a philosophy ref. for the owl and Minerva rule -

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Holy shit... well done! Could very well be one step closer to the "Q Origin" story... this timeline is amazing.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Mammy ago

Very interdasting, Vindicator. Does sound a lot like QAnon.

Vindicator ago

Glad you're still around, Mammy :-)

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darkknight111 ago

Of note so far are the Finders documents about transfers to the UK, a Chinese national who was studying anatomy in Georgetown being a culprit, a plot to purchase children and use the Chinese embassy in Hong Kong as a screen.

Vindicator ago

Were any of these things we've discussed before? They aren't ringing a bell for me.

I wonder if those Chinese kindergartens that were drugging the kids that was connected to Clinton have anything to do with this.

Someone should take the key names and go back through Wikileaks and see what pops up.

MuckeyDuck ago

Wow that is a ton of information. Spend a coupe hours reading through the imgur album. Sick fuckers out there that's for sure.

vintagedaisy ago

I had never heard the theory that MK ultra children were being sent to Scientology followers to be raised - but when you think about Operation Snow White it isn’t that crazy of a leap, really.

think- ago

What was 'Operation Snow White'?

vintagedaisy ago

In the 70’s the Scientologists infiltrates government agencies as a way to purge incriminating records, set people up and obtain info that could be used to blackmail people that wanted to speak out against them. Here’s a pretty good article explaining it.-

What if the DS was actually using the Scientologists to do their dirty work for them? Does make you wonder...

think- ago

Thanks for the link! Will check it out.

What if the DS was actually using the Scientologists to do their dirty work for them? Does make you wonder...

Yes. We always suspected that Scientology might have been created by the CIA.

dandelion2319 ago

I remember reading a long time ago about how Scientology was kicked out of Germany for breaking into their publc school records. So that is interesting. Wish I could remember where I read that.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago -

Operation Snow White was a criminal conspiracy by the Church of Scientology during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. This project included a series of infiltrations into and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church members in more than 30 countries.[1] It was one of the largest infiltrations of the United States government in history,[2] with up to 5,000 covert agents. - -

think- ago

Great, thank you. Sounds terrible tbh. :-/

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It was.

argosciv ago

Yup, I brought it up months ago.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Maybe as you improve your writing style more people will read what you write, besides me.

auralsects ago


wtf I unironically like u now

@argosciv u just got punked by a girl, faggot

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You may not like me so much after you check your other alt. ;)

auralsects ago

You lowballed it, but I have explained before that researching pizzagate doesn't even require IQ; just follow the yellow hooked nose.

Pizzagate is a SYMPTOM of KIKES.

If users here, where active participation is currently less than 5%, simply examined their communities* for rat-faced kikes and their kikery, it would be solved, but faggots like OP want you spinning your wheels about what precisely they use blood for and "trusting the plan."

Tell you what doll, I'll make a post exemplifying this later, just for you.

*Not UK though. They deserve their fate.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You lowballed it

Sure I did, but does your ego really need more stroking?

but I have explained before that researching pizzagate doesn't even require IQ

No it doesn't, courage and heart seem to be enough to get people through this nightmare.

Pizzagate is a SYMPTOM of KIKES


it would be solved, but ... "trusting the plan."

Patience is a virtue. When their knight is gone and they see what's been going on behind the curtains, they will know the truth at that point.

Tell you what doll, I'll make a post exemplifying this later, just for you.

I can't wait, don't forget to ping me, please. The less foul your words, the more enjoyable the read.

auralsects ago

Sure I did, but does your ego really need more stroking?

Probably not, but your offer to stroke something of mine is noted

No it doesn't, courage and heart seem to be enough to get people through this nightmare.

It only takes courage to speak against Jews, because they're the only identifiable group and it is illegal to criticize them. These people are cowards compared even to their grandmothers.

When their knight is gone and they see what's been going on behind the curtains, they will know the truth at that point.

You think they can't draw this out well into a second Trump term? Women and Christian Zionists will see truth? Please don't be ridiculous.

I can't wait, don't forget to ping me, please. The less foul your words, the more enjoyable the read.

What are you, some old church-bitch? Do I even want your nudes?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Probably not, but your offer to stroke something of mine is noted

I knew it's what you wanted, I couldn't resist.

It only takes courage to speak against Jews,

So narrow minded in your focus, oh well everybody should specialize in something.

You think they can't draw this out well into a second Trump term?

I knew it, U R an optimist.

Women and Christian Zionists will see truth?

Very few, I'm afraid. (until it's too late)

Please don't be ridiculous.

Do you really think that?

What are you, some old church-bitch?


Do I even want your nudes?

I've been told if you're not a faggot U do, problem is there aren't any and never will be.

auralsects ago

So narrow minded in your focus, oh well everybody should specialize in something.

LMAO it's not narrow-minded when literally every post here is all kikes. People just can't recognize them. No doubt the frequency of my pointing them out is what woke you up, and such was your unconscious gratitude that you began wondering if the rumors about dis dick could possibly be true.

I've been told if you're not a faggot U do, problem is there aren't any and never will be.

We both know that's not true, bitch.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

No doubt the frequency of my pointing them out is what woke you up, and such was your unconscious gratitude that you began wondering if the rumors about dis dick could possibly be true.

Are you trying to make me think you're delusional, so I won't talk to you anymore?

We both know that's not true, bitch.

See previous response ^. ;)

auralsects ago

Are you trying to make me think you're delusional, so I won't talk to you anymore?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

LOL, so funny u.

BotByAnotherName ago

More proof that Q is John Brower.

singlebrain1 ago

The Reddit migration was this summer, 2018.

Vindicator ago

No. Only the latest Reddit migration. The r/Pizzagate migration was November 22, 2016 (approximately 20,000 Redditors were displaced). And before that came the migration from r/FatPeopleHate and several other "hate" speech subreddits.

singlebrain1 ago

Again, sorry realized it the next day, my mistake.

Snailracer ago

QAnon migration from Reddit was fall 2018. Reddit bans great awakening, Archive

Pizzagate migration from Reddit was fall 2016. Reddit bans pizzagate, Archive

singlebrain1 ago

Mea culpa apologies.

WickedBaker ago

I now know what I'll be reading tonight. This is a ton of info. Thank you for posting.

RaeMaga ago

I believe Q posted on 9/10/2017 and posted under John. Said there was noise of a terrorist attack in Vegas on 9/11.. Instead it happened at Harvest 91 on 10/01

Vindicator ago

I'd have to see links to evidence in order to weigh that claim.

Onetime1 ago

That John was suspected to be John Beilman, a man who was involved with the highly sophisticated, classified communication device that was found in Paddock's hotel room.

Bellman and his adult, disabled daughter were murdered shortly after the LV attack.

HaMotMot ago

Someone posted this thread in QRV. That’s how I got here. I didn’t even know v/pizzagate was a thing. Cool sub. See ya round.

Vindicator ago

Welcome. Our archives are juicy. We are basically the Internet's global elite pedovore reading room.

HaMotMot ago

Thank you! Yes, it's quite disturbing.

think- ago

You might also want to check v/pizzagatewhatever, our sister sub.

HaMotMot ago

Thanks - I’ll check it out

think- ago

Welcome. v/pizzagate is for research posts (see rules on sidebar - when on mobile, please switch to 'deskto view'), while v/pizzagatewhatever is for more speculative posts about Pizzagate topics.

HaMotMot ago


srayzie ago

This is so interesting. There’s a lot to read. I need to dig. But from what I see so far, it makes me think of what Q says all the time, “You have more than you know”. Of all names, this user chooses IAmQ? DAMN.

Vindicator ago

Thought you'd get chills from that. I couldn't believe it. And his posts were totally buried. No upvotes. CTR was well staffed back then.

Onetime1 ago

Just watched a couple of interviews from Greg Bucceroni who was involved as a young victim with Sandusky's network of high placed pedophiles.

In the interview by Scrapple TV, Bucceroni describes "Black Larry" (there was another - Caucasian - Larry) as regularly ferrying children around DC for sexual activities with government people.

WhiteDragonMage ago

Interesting find for sure. In fact this fits my theory that Q team may have in fact helped start Pizzagate in order to start the awakening. I will do a quick run down off the top of my head.

-Trump mentions Pizzagate during interview about Anthony Weiner and Weinergate on news. First known use of the word Pizzagate. (2011) -Wikileaks releases HRC emails. -Pizzagate gets started on reddit -Trump wins election -IamQ posting on Voat -Q comes on board pushing pedophilia and sacrifice early on and expands on what Pizzagate uncovered

So if we are to believe what we have been told, then Q team has been working on this for years. (There are several references that can back this claim up). If you were developing a plan to remove these people from power, and the citizens didn’t really know about their crimes, you would need a plan that somehow informed the public. How could this be accomplished?

Set up the HRC email leak (Seth rich?) and give the people the map and symbols (fbi) needed to decipher the emails. Let the people decipher the emails on their own in order to see the truth. Once the people saw, and were on board, come back and expand that disclosure to a full blown map of the crimes of the DS.

That’s my theory. Take it or leave it. Thanks for sharing brother.

WhiteDragonMage ago

Great minds think alike

corruption-usa ago This has the Q codes that connect JA to NSA to Q around #pizzagate from Oct - Dec 2016. Wider truth of what you say is also correct -- we've let them rob and murder us this whole time but it's going to be "crimes against children" that will be the Cabal's downfall! People won't stand for it. Once these crimes are understood as being at the core of what they're doing, their whole house of tarot cards will crumble. Swift trials, death penalty!

Onetime1 ago

The intense, universal revulsion against child abuse cuts accross all political party attachments.

Having at least a few of these bastards on videotape confessing their crimes will be an enormous, overwhelming Red Pill for the normie population.

WhiteDragonMage ago

Thanks I must have missed that when discovered. I am sure there are other things connecting it also that we have all missed.

anon_85e993 ago

Swordfish? Like the movie swordfish? Is there an actual swordfish like organization?

Vindicator ago

@Swordfish69 is a user here who has posted a lot of pizzagate research. IamQ commented in many of his threads.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Minerva represents a group of like-minded states that support the creation of credible and binding institutions, possibly backed by a limited but creative use of force.

Vindicator ago

Proof of this?

WSanon6 ago

It is sickening, how many citizens over the years have given information to the FBI only to be told later that no action was taken. Many of these citizens died later under suspicious circumstances. They are the casualties of this war. I wonder if we will have a monument to them one day.

jamesjames ago

Amen. well said WSanon.

poly ago

his name was Gary Caradori

MikeRottenChild ago

Dont forget the human trafficking hotline that rang into the CGI and CF too!

WSanon6 ago

Gawd. Do u have a link

MikeRottenChild ago

I will look for one, chelsea clinton chimed in on this too, she tweeted “there is a pizzagate 2.0? Of course there is” and gave the same human trafficking number that goes to CGI and CF.

Metkim ago

I cant open the imgur album

corruption-usa ago

Here's also old Q. From October and December 2016.

corruption-usa ago This has the Q codes that connect JA to NSA to Q around #pizzagate.

Vindicator ago

Yep, I remember that tweet when it happened. I did not personally witness the original Tweet being posted, though.

As I recall, there was also one about Julian Assange by one of the government agency Twitters that was also deleted or corrected.

corruption-usa ago has the pinned tweet of the screenshot screenshot of nsa tweet

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding that!

cantfindmenow ago

Thank you for this! Lots to study.

This reminds me of Mega Anon who posted on 4chan and claimed to be part of the alliance against the deep state. David Wilcock reported on this and was contacted by Mega Anon so in my opinion this validates that they were legitimate.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

This is an awesome find! I agree this could very well be 'our' Q, however, I do beg to differ with you on the amount of IamQ's submission count. If you look at his profile overview and scroll down to the bottom, in the middle of three lowest rated comments, you'll see a post asking users to decode a cryptic Linkin Park video. It clearly says posted by IamQ to pizzagate. However, if you go to the actual post it says submitted by [deleted], (and also is nowhere on his submission page, just the Overview page).

Why did he delete this post (and were there others that were deleted), and leave the rest? Any way to know when the deletion occurred? Post was on 7/26/2017 (which would make THIS his actual last post, almost three months to the day, 10/28/2017, of what is believed to be Q's first post on 4chan), was never edited and archived on 10/24/2017 (four days before 4chan post). Thought this was interesting relative to what happened to Chester on 7/20/2017, not to mention the possible Podesta paternity.

On another note, I remember lurking when the swordfish stuff was posted, probably even saw This post and This one and I always wondered if anything came of it. Maybe we should be looking for swordfish to be wearing green socks at the Grammy's? 😃

Vindicator ago

Great catch! That didn't come up in SearchVoat for some reason, though mod deleted posts usually do.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Glad I could assist. : ) My mom used to love a good mystery... I read a lot of Alfred Hitchcock's and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazines growing up. Wonder why it didn't show up in the search? Things that make you go, "Hmmmm......" .

Vindicator ago

Well, Voat had a system-wide port to a whole new code base since then. Some stuff was probably lost from the deleted cache.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

That's another thing I learned from those mags.... not all mysteries have exciting solutions! 😉

think- ago

Why did he delete this post (and were there others that were deleted), and leave the rest?

He didn't delete it, one of the mods must have deleted it, because it didn't adhere to the rules. If a submitter self-deletes, it always says 'deleted by author'.

If a mod deletes, it only says 'deleted'.

You can go back in the deleted submissions log 1.4 years (that would be about 15 months), and look for yourself .

The log of deleted submissions is in the sidebar.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

Vindicator ago

I think it only goes back 19 pages to save server space.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Thank you for that info bit. I'm guessing it was deleted for being a link post? Why didn't it show as deleted on the profile overview page? If people smarter than me can get to the bottom of it, looks like they need to hurry as the Linkin video post was 1.4 years ago and from what you say, the delete record will be gone soon.

think- ago

Thank you for that info bit.

You're welcome.

Why didn't it show as deleted on the profile overview page?

It never does. But when you use, you can find deleted posts by a specific author.

and from what you say, the delete record will be gone soon

No, it won't go.

You can check it here:

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Awesome sauce, pun intended! You said you could go back in the deleted submission logs 1.4 years, where does it go after 1.4 years? I guess I assumed it gets bumped off, like on 8chan (now there's a crazy place!) unless it's archived by someone. Also, are voat submissions auto-archived at three months? I also have to learn to do that quote a few lines of a comment in a box thing, someday! I appreciate your taking the time explaining some of the intricasies of voat to me.

think- ago

Ah, now I understand. The submission was posted 1.4 years ago, right? When it was deleted by the mods, they will have done it on the first or second day after it was posted, that why I suggested to go back 1.4 years.

Otherwise, you can go back in the deleted submissions log more than 2 years, in comprises all submissions that were ever deleted on v/pizzagate. ;-)

Also, are voat submissions auto-archived at three months?


I also have to learn to do that quote a few lines of a comment in a box thing, someday!

That's very easy: Just put a > in front of each line you want to quote.

I appreciate your taking the time explaining some of the intricasies of voat to me.

You're kindly welcome. Please feel free to ask more if I can help. :-)

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Thank you ever so much, kind soul!

think- ago


MolochHunter ago

@Vindicator see above, any chance this was some of the content deleted by that sleeper mod that went berserk?

Vindicator ago

No, I don't think so. Good question, though.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Thankyou Moloch for pinging Vindicator, I'm still new and not comfortable bothering the 'old'goats. I was hoping V would see my comment since he obviously saw IamQ's last comment but didn't realize the deleted original poster was IamQ himself.

MolochHunter ago

youve made a reply to his post, he will receive it in his inbox regardless - you only need to ping if adding to others comments

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Thanks again. I thought that's how it worked, but wasn't sure. I'm a technologically-challenged elder (I'm sure as hell not saying 'boomer' here 😄) with a crappy tablet, but I'm learning!

pby1000 ago

I have been following Q from the beginning.

"And look how he talks about Podesta: "This guy works for you Paid by govt funding which essentiaIIy is your tax money Not to mention he's a baby eating satanist ffs ;)""

That does not sound like something Q would write.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Q did post this article about drinking blood , the voat poster also put a winking face after the comment, which, to me, means it was said kind of tongue-in-cheek.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Those headlines are wrong though. This is parabiosis, not blood "drinking". It has to be transfused.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Is there a headline out there these days that isn't clickbait? 😆

pby1000 ago

I mean, the phrasing and wording does not sound like Q. We all agree on the content of the message.

I don't see Q using "ffs". It would be like Q saying "faggot". Lol.

Vindicator ago

Yes...however, it might have slipped out if he was talking informally (as opposed to formally, as Q, leaking on 8chan). @alphabravo was quite informal at times, and DMed.

pby1000 ago

It is interesting that that UN was chosen. What are the chances?

Vindicator ago


pby1000 ago

Sorry. Username.

Vindicator ago

Ah. Exactly! The odds of that username being chosen, on the very day of the Reddit migration, and making those comments and submissions? Those are some very slim odds!

pby1000 ago

It could have been "staff" for Q team. I imagine they needed someone to show them the boards and to teach them about the culture. Probably someone who is a lower ranking computer expert in the military. That would makke sense.

Also, I imagine they have people monitoring the boards 24/7. They would use lower ranking computer experts for this.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

I get what you're saying, but if Q is a team and in any way influenced by Parscale and that other guy whose name escapes me, perhaps they were using the vernacular to fit in and not stick out so much. They were referenced as saying 'you' rather than 'we' like they were an outsider. Maybe the team member who posted that was on the young side and used language they were used to? But yeah, odd for Q.

MolochHunter ago

I agree it's not in keeping, stylistically. But maybe he just broke character ; the rest of it seems true to form

4654654654646 ago

Jayme Closs missing for 88 days.

Donald Trump in numerology = 88

The suspect in being tried in ... Barron county.

DrPenguin ago

Brilliant work.

dreamwarrior23 ago

Obvious shill. ES had spent "hours" on his 4 paragraph vampire nothingburger. We were onto something at that time, deep into pizzagate with the Finders when he pulled that post out of his strawhat

Vindicator ago

Isn't that interesting?!

pby1000 ago

I remember reading that post and discussing it with him. Maybe it is worth rereading. If I recall correctly, ES was saying something about stomach ailments and digestion. I know there are videos about Blood Libel and the rituals they use when sacrificing their victim and taking and consuming the blood.

valero73 ago

Vindicator ago

Thanks valero73. Always post an archive if you can:

What made you add this 1987 report on the Finders Cult, if I may ask? Was there something about it in the Imgur album?

valero73 ago

It was mentioned in a US Customs agents the drop.

Vindicator ago

Nice, thanks!

JodyOnTheBlock ago

The document from Customs in that Imgur post was the most information I have ever read about the Finders. Even after a cursory search several months ago, I had no inkling of what I read in that link from IamQ. Gonna read that WAPO story now.

Vindicator ago

I think we need to get some submissions made explaining what is in this drop, so that it's searchable by keywords, names, etc.

valero73 ago

The Finders Cult

Mentioned in this document

Cincosiber ago

Imgur album not working for me right now

Joe10jo ago

Shoot! Anyone have a backup of the DoD “Pedo” investigation album? I click on it and all I get is the first page.

valero73 ago

Google "The Pedophocracy"

TheRomanovs ago

We have more than we know

jackscript101 ago

you have more than you know ?

angelafogo ago

Hi Vindicator. Thanks for this great post. I believe the connection to the vampire myth is absolutely correct and i understand everyone scepticism about it. The evidence about it is frankly overwhelming. Most mentions about a a "Fountain of Youth" (do your own search on, macaulay's website you will be surprised) imply it specifically. They drain blood from the young for its consumption.

Podesta mentions it in the live news

I believe most myths regarding jews eating babies are based on these practices made by the Cabal Elite. Which were misinterpreted as being associated to jews (and also gypsies).

Also i am written a thesis about the whole Food of the Gods and Ambrosia myth being an metaphor for cannibalism. I believe through history cannibalism has been a deep part of the Secret Elite Societies (which have changed their name, but not their practices or purposes). I have expressed several times how Diary of Madmen from Lu Xun tried to reveal this and then the establishment made an effort to disguise it as social criticism. I have found that this blood draining and brain eating practices have probably started in Ancient Egypt under the rule of the Pharaohs. The following is a great blog about the subject.

Right now. Cannibalism and blood drinking is fully being endorsed by science.

The only cool thing about all these revelations is that Pizzagate investigators can now define themselves as Vampire Hunters ;)

Lets bring light unto them and destroy them!

HaMotMot ago

FWIW, if your research points to it starting, it may be because it’s hard to get data on what happened prior to the invention of writing.

Didn’t Julius Cesar say something about this and the Druids? I don’t recall.

TrustTheTruth ago

Who is Kristin Bauer van Straten, what religion does she practice and what roles does she take almost exclusively?


Who does he work with now and for what purpose and Agenda?

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society), Sphinx Head Society, and Ninth Circle Satanic Cult and how are they related?

21yearsofdigging ago

good points

Vindicator ago

The only cool thing about all these revelations is that Pizzagate investigators can now define themselves as Vampire Hunters ;)

I like your attitude, AF. :-)

Because of the massive amount of shilling I've dealt with over the past two years I can tell you with 100% confidence that they are pushing disinfo on this topic with more force than possibly any other. My suspicion is that they are covering something real -- such as parabiosis for longevity + sick ritual use of blood a la Spirit Cooking -- by swamping the topic with tons of crazy-ass stuff no one can ever back up with solid evidence.

Stuff that is designed to distract people with BS, stretch the Overton Window of disbelief and make them more susceptible to shills.

If you look at the history of EsotericShade, you will see that those who fell for his manipulations were those who bought into the tantalizing adrenochrome/blood harvesting storyline, which was pushed by major Hollywood figures as well as shills here.

jamesjames ago

Just the fact that man stream media and those in positions to reveal and/or combat these horrors have either gone silent, muddied the waters, or outright rubbished these nightmarish realities, speaks volumes. This thing is ancient and goes deeper and higher up than so many of us can believe. God help us all.

Vindicator ago

It's true. But...we know how the story ends. :-)

Qfan2020 ago

What stuns me every single time is the media’s spin of something clearly awful as positive. For example, “Research has found that child’s blood may hold the secret to the fountain of youth.” Then they explain how youthful blood has restorative properties, blah, blah... And those sleeping fools go “Wow, how interesting”! Not realizing exactly what the implications are. It’s just one more question these people need to ask and they don’t. Why do intelligent people (I know a lot of them) just accept and move on, never thinking about the consequences of the research or policies being pushed?

toutedesuite ago

I assume you noticed the recent public statement issued by the FDA (no friend of any patriot) statong any health claims re parabiosis are untrue/not proven? That very public drop caught my attention yugely😉 While I do not know whether the alleged satanic and evil harvesting of children under abuse is true, I know for a fact that we are over the target investigating, because soneone powerful wants to make it go away/prevent normies from looking into it....

angelafogo ago

I understand your points, and yes, distraction has been a method for shillers. But another method has been to make everyone appear like loonies. "so now, you believe in vampire?". Lately also, we have seen shillers disguising themselves as sadists "i would love to get one of those pedos in a room with my blowtorch". The whole idea is to delegitimize investigation by making it sound, well,crazy. The vampire storyline serves as a well placed bait for anybody willing to delve into mumbo jumbo shillery. That does not mean it is not real, it just means it sells to a naive public. The main problem i have found with the vampire storyline is that it has been hidden by the same people who has fought against it. Its a conundrum. The practice has been hidden because nobody wants people to know that drinking blood from the young actually works for health. It would be dangerous. And thats why i have found that scholars go around it, not mentioning directly but giving just enough hint to understand what they are talking about.

Take a look at this and compared it against Podesta's fountain of youth video. and then

Blacksmith21 ago

"i would love to get one of those pedos in a room with my blowtorch". - That sounds like something I'd say after a drink or two.

Enlighten me on this vampire discussion/debate. Are you saying that the adenochrome/CSF consumption isn't real? Or are you saying that the "vampire" narrative is made up to discredit the A/CSF consumption?

angelafogo ago

I am saying that a scandalous truth is being used both to delegitimise research and to make investigators look as psychos.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm still not getting the point of your statement. Refer to my last para. What part do you think is true and what part do you think is false? Thanks.

angelafogo ago

Everything is true. It is just being presented as if it was a flat-earth theory supported by loonies.

MolochHunter ago

my conclusion has long been that the vampirism might only be practiced by the top 3% of pizzagate participants. As such, while its 'real' , its not a major motivator or factor and serves to turn off newbies who might otherwise be on the cusp of accepting / understanding the more common utility / motivation - the loyalty through criminal complicity

Dailytacs ago

Thanks for posting your post & blog.

Dogsoldiertoo ago

Good stuff. I'm definitely saving this so that I can re-read and dig on it more when I have more time (tonight).

The_Raven ago

To understand the Penelope reference, watch this

You stated above: vampire/blood harvesting stuff (maybe true, maybe partly true)

Get past the block. It's all true.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment by @16127170.

Posted automatically (#19064) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

FuckYesJefferson ago

The amount of mental gymnastics y'all do to tell yourself about the plan is simply remarkable

TrumptyDumpty ago

"vampire" theory of pizzagate? details please

Vindicator ago

The idea that an elite addiction to adrenochrome or some other substance in the blood of tortured children is what lies behind the tens of thousands of children that go missing every year. Do a SearchVoat on Rh- blood, adrenochrome, pineal gland, or coloboma and you will see exactly what I'm talking about. We have been spammed with shitposts on the topic from Day One. Some users have researched it and not much evidence to support it has been found, though there is some. Parabiosis (the transfusion of young blood to cure diseases of aging) does appear to have scientific merit, however.

TrumptyDumpty ago

great thanks. i guessed thats why Kubrick shows the vampire in clockwork orange along with the words 'drencrom' (adrenochrome) in the milk bar..The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, or"king" MLK is Milk, Moloko Plus is Moloch

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

So when are the arrest?

Vindicator ago

You'll have to let us know when they show up at your house, Death.

rickki6 ago

this is excellent

lopus ago

I always thought that Q was already around when Pizzagate emerged... and maybe "helped" spreading it....

Vindicator ago

Having seen probably thousands of posts of both info and disinfo since October 2016 when Wikileaks dropped the Podesta emails, I would say we have been witnessing a sophisticated communication campaign that began with FBIAnon's leaks on /pol/ in July of 2016, continued with the recruitment of /pol/ and Reddit's r/politics and r/The_Donald for meme warfare during the Republican primary (i.e. the rise of Pepe), exploded with the help of Wikileaks via the Podesta and DNC emails, the dropping of the pedo food codes on /pol/, the release of the pedo logos by the FBI Record Vault, and the creation of r/Pizzagate, was explicitly helped by Steve Pieszcenik on YouTube, and the Twittergate pedo scandal, and then got a rocket boost from the brutal, cross-platform censorship and "debunking" campaign that silenced Julian Assange, booted r/Pizzagate off of Reddit, shut down, Ben Swann, thousands of Twitter accounts, DDoSed Voat, and finally went into full force with the arrival of QAnon, who has confirmed many of the discoveries we made investigating pizzagate.

kestrel9 ago

A lot of planning for Qteam no doubt. Using the controlled opposition too, imo, (Corsi/Alex Jones/Steve Pieszcenik/George Webb).

lopus ago

Exactly. That's what I thought. Pizzagate and Qanon matched perfectly. I was not around, when Pepe started, but I was already researching about elite pedos since 2014. So I was very early into Pizzagate. Q just seemed to continue where pizzagate was "stopped" (by censorship and MSM)....


Onetime1 ago

Vindicator, that is an excellent analysis and summary.

I would add that multiple channels have been employed by the Q team in broader efforts to get information out. Sites such as CDAN and Victory Of The Light contain WAY more information than individuals alone would be able to posses.

On a contrary type of view, the people/sites/institutions that put forth the most efforts to demean researchers (noticeable as well as subtle) would be revealing which 'side' they are truly on. This is an invaluable intelligence point when waging a multifaceted, obfuscatory information war.

Thanks, big-time, for your ongoing efforts.

Vindicator ago

It is my great privelege to serve, Onetime1. :-)

FatherDadDude ago

Q is military but not ours.

Think huger. The ultimate King.

That's who they work for

Angels. But know one believes

You will. Soon.

wwg1wga>Scott Free

eyerighteye ago

I do enjoy this thought.

FatherDadDude ago

You're going to enjoy life a lot more fro now on.

eyerighteye ago

Help me understand Edie? It resonates, resonates.


You know what I mean.

gamepwn ago

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

He works for the Lord? Oh, ok.

EricKaliberhall ago

WTH have I stumbled into, here?

The biggest covert military intelligence operation in the history of mankind... :)

Extremely interesting find Vin.

Vindicator ago

Thanks, Eric! I couldn't believe it. I was shill hunting in the very early submissions when I stumbled across it. :-)

Fetalpig ago

Damn......this is brilliant. I had to chuckle reading the tweets from 2013...the very same ones still hate DJT...makes me wonder if they have the most to loose?

jamesjames ago


4654654654646 ago

Wow what an interesting little find here. Just what exactly is Q.. in otherwords, whats really so special about the letter Q ? 17, yes, but what else?

MikeRottenChild ago

There is Q security clearance, and the NSA has a Q team, then the concrete pads around JFK jr’s memorial site shaped like a Q.

Dailytacs ago

Is it the#17 or L1?

Fancy451 ago

swordfish is secret service code for a president (trump?). elephant fat ass is hrc.

Vindicator ago

LOL. I thought HRC was 'side of beef'.

Aspie01 ago

And the Shoemaker ancestry goes back to Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.

ottermom56 ago


16111520? ago

Swordfish is a puzzle solving technique in sudoku

Vindicator ago

Really? That's interesting.

Mycofruit ago

5:5. Big duh for us. I'm going to 'smartly' get over how chagrined I feel at having been so caught up in despair that I failed to see the crumbs laid out over the, Aesop, Brothers Grimm, Shakespeare, H C Anderson, and many 'Anons.' And, of course, the Bible. The Art of Obfuscation works both ways. ;-)

Much love, and gratitude to all the diggers, truffle sniffers, autists, anons, patriots, benevolent off-worlders, and especially, those of you who actually grok the semiotics at play in our sector of the Game Board.

darkknight111 ago

Holy shit. Gonna have to look at this later today.

Vindicator ago

Thought you might want to see this. That imgur album is loaded! Someone should make a list of everything that's in it.

Blacksmith21 ago

This is a lot of the content pertaining to LTC Dave McGowan's research. He wrote the book The Pedophacracy.

Onetime1 ago

The fact that Dave McGowan died just 6 months after being diagnosed with cancer leads to suspicions of bioweapon tactics.

The fact that Judyth Vary Baker (Oswald's mistress in New Orleans), was involved in black op cancer research in the 60s just adds to these suspicions. The Spartacus Educational site is a treasure trove of info on all this stuff.

Blacksmith21 ago

Wow you earned a downvoat for a contribution. My upvoat shall counteract.

The timing of McGowan's diagnosis and death are suspicious to say the least. Do you have any links to subject matter in 2nd para? Thanks.

Vindicator ago

Add Breitbart to that roster.

Blacksmith21 ago

Someone tried to tell me yesterday that AB had an underlying heart condition. Have you heard that thread anywhere credible?

Vindicator ago

I've heard his family claimed that.

Onetime1 ago


Googling 'Judyth Vary Baker cancer research' brings up a bunch of enlightening posts, with the fourth one down being the Spartacus Educational piece. I thank you also for your ongoing efforts.

Attention to all this stuff finally seems to be spreading across the globe.

Blacksmith21 ago

We all have a dog in this fight. The Finders were one of the various "operations" from MK programs. Same as DC Rentboys; CPP; FSB; etc. The documentation is there to support a trafficking network, likely taking boys from the FL Panhandle to DC. Maybe vice versa. Early ratlines. Wards of the state were forced into certain institutions which fed the ratline. Areas where the CIA had active MK research programs likely coincided with nearby military facilities; orphanages; insane asylums; reformatories; and adult correctional facilities.

johnnyrei ago

Someone archive the Imgur album - just to be safe...

think- ago Album

@IShallNotFear: Do you know how to archive the imgur album above?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Tried last night, failed miserably.

mEsMQobYTvmN ago



think- ago

Thank you! But why did you create a new account for posting this pdf?

@Vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed - here is an archive of the imgur album.

mEsMQobYTvmN ago

Isn't PG a dangerous subject?

think- ago

Well.....many of us have been here for one or two years already....I think doing an archive is not so dangerous...

;-) But that's totally up to you to decide, of course. Was just wondering since I didn't know your screenname, and saw that you just signed up with it. ;-)

mEsMQobYTvmN ago

You are welcome!

think- ago

Never mind. Since @IShallNotFear recently did the post about how to archive Instagram, I thought they might know.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I hope so @IShallNotFear is my archiving hero. ;)

think- ago

:- )

EgoDecayed ago

Here is the pastebin referenced in the hotel part.

usernameisnotthis ago

you seem to have stumbled on to some good shit.. thank you.

Vindicator ago

Kind of crazy we've been sitting on this this whole time.

Tomioka ago

First of all, thanks for posting. Great disovery. Perhaps there are more parts to the whole 'you have more than you know' expression. Crumbs submitted but not referenced directly, in order to keep PG separate from Q (for obvious reasons).

Could be "confirmed" if any of Q's posts have referenced these submissions in the past, though, as is tradition, not disproven if not.

I_Love_Hentai ago

I've always personally thought if you believe Q then you have to believe PG since they both involve the same deep state criminals.

Vindicator ago

This is why we need to go through that Imgur album with a fine-toothed comb! :-)

The1stLantern ago

The imgur link is down my friend

Vindicator ago

I added a backup pdf link to the bottom of the thread :-)

LIGHT-is-SHINING ago remeber my words : you have moarr then you kno...?

ALL the TRUTH is out there ! some "stuff" for Years !

i could show you hellholes deep in the "rabbbitshols" you would NEVER FORGET !!!

messages, years old are reaching me now, and answering ALL my Q uestions !

U wanna Know WHY ?

Q is my Father ! My Brother ! my LIVE and My SOUL ! MY HEARD and My BLOOD !

I AM Q !

wwg1wga>Scott Free

Gods Bless to You ALL !


Shizy ago

Who is Edie?

DickTick ago

I believe you might actually be retarded. You might want to see a doctor about that.

dundundunnnnn ago

Manipulative ad hominem attacks are among the largest arrows in Propaganda's quiver.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

This is good. This is really good.

Qfan2020 ago

This makes total sense. Why wouldn’t Q & company try a few times to get this out? Sometimes you have to try different ways to get peoples attention. Plus I think it’s interesting to think crumbs were left elsewhere for the talented Anons to find which shed new light. Hindsight is 20/20 because it’s all a bit clearer in retrospect. Finding that out ALL the time these days. Thanks for sharing!

lOstinthewOOds ago

Digital army.

Vindicator ago

I don't think that was the right link.

Semlow ago

I fixed the link: ("COMET PIZZA on Food Channel")

The last part (behind "=") was ok, the rest seemed to be temporary by duckduckgo and not valid anymore.

Vindicator ago

Excellent, thanks!

MikeRottenChild ago

Interesting, season 9 episode 9 = 66?

lovely1 ago

Worked for me try again

Vindicator ago

Nope. It goes to the Wiki of the letter "L".

Vindicator ago

@Nomochomo, you may want to have a look at this and add some details about what made you post about AHEPA as your first submissions. It appears we've had a mixture of truth and disinfo posted by many users on the blood harvesting theory of pizzagate, and that QAnon may have been here in v/pizzagate in the beginning, trying to get us to research AHEPA and the Daughters of Penelope. Do chime in.


I probably have two other (AHEPA->ALEFANTIS family) posts worth of info set aside. I haven't posted them yet due to initial pushback, but I will return to them and try to post them soon.

Vindicator ago

Thanks. Just remember -- any woo woo highly speculative stuff needs to be labeled as such, and all factual claims need supporting links. That's how we fight the scourge of disinfo up in here. :-) If a post is pure speculation/conjecture, it goes in v/pizzagatewhatever (though you are welcome to add links to it to posts in v/pizzagate that are more hardhitting, supported research.


Def will avoid speculation. I think I'm more aware of the rules/interpretations. I'll stay in between the lines.

Vindicator ago

Speculation is long it as it happens in the Comment section. :-)


Sounds good :)


Thank you Vin,

add some details about what made you post about AHEPA as your first submissions.

This info led me to further research AHEPA:

A. I followed pizzagate from the original Chan posts about "pizza" in the Podesta Leaks. A lot of the early research focused on Comet Pizza & JA Family. His mother, Susan Alefantis signed a letter on behalf of a pedophile school teacher. [] (PDF) The coincidence of two Pedophiles/Pedo Apologists in the same family hinted at SRA/intergenerational/Organized Pedophilia

B. I watched articles get scrubbed online RE: Lee Alefantis (thus I first discovered the need to archive and dove into PGate - the deletion hinted at relevancy). Specifically, there was a "tasting-table" article discussing an Italian Restaurant that was designed/built by Lee Alefantis' Tribeca Builders' company. It was on the 32nd or 33rd degree floor of its NY buiding, (a significant masonic symbol/degree). If anyone else remembers or has an archive, plz let me know

B2. This article [] discusses "Chris Stasinos, CEO of Tribeca Builders, and Lee Alefantis, Stasinos’ New York partner...Past projects in New York include...The Standard hotel, for which Stasinos collaborated with our designer Eric Cheong. Meanwhile, Alefantis, who for many years owned his own firm in D.C. prior to his move to New York, has overseen many restaurant projects, including The Caucus Room.

B3. I found Tarrytown NY planning commission meetings involving Lee [] as well as info that JA spent time in NY partying with the Club Kids and working in NY based Restaurants. []

B4. NEVER POSTED (but relevant): Tribeca Builders' Greek Owner (Christos Stasinos) has other businesses


B5. (all members of Tribeca Builders are Italian, Greek or Syrian) Three Mediteranean Countries with close proximity, significant cultural crossover, and shared history)

C. Helen Rapas' Alefantis Obit was posted (JA's Grandmother), and it stated she was a member of Daughters' of Penelope @Asolo further Researched AHEPA and linked the organization to The Bush Family and Freemasonry

All of these Masonic indications led me to look into the history of AHEPA and it's connections to Political Elite/the Deep State. I discovered the following points of interest

  1. JA's Grandma or Mother was a District Governor of Daughters' of Penelope in Buffalo NY. Lee was a member of the Sons of Pericles []
  2. Scottish Rite Freemasonry recognizes AHEPA as an official MASONIC organization, and required an oath of silence and loyalty []
  3. AHEPA members were recruited for WWII intelligence work; infiltrated Greece pretending to be Communist Sympathizers; Were involved in State Department, CIA, OWI, OSS and other DEEP STATE AGENCIES (also many Presidents and Congressman were members)
  4. AHEPA lobbied to change legal definitions to allow children with living parents to be imported from Greece as "orphans"; AHEPA was the main fundraising organization selling WAR BONDS, AHEPA used disaster propaganda as a PSYOP to increase international adoptions

Given the Masonic and Intelligence agency ties, I began researching international Adoptions facilitated by AHEPA. AHEPA was taken to court by the New York DA in the 50's for illegally selling orphans. The President of AHEPA (Stephen Scopas) was the main lawyer facilitating the trafficking. He also built a Greek version of "Boystown" across from Westpoint where the Greek Orthodox Church housed Greek Orphans. In the 70's-90's tons of Greek Adoptees discovered that they were stolen out of Greek Orphanages and Maternity Wards (their birth parents were told they died in birth). They were mainly trafficked to NY and Canada through AHEPA adoption programs on which Scopas was the documented Magistrate.

^Further in the comments I note that the Greek Boystown (St. Basil's Academy) has been the subject of numerous lawsuits brought against it by New York's Family Welfare Dept in which they tried to revoke Basil's charter because it operated illegally/without proper licensing....Moreover, in the 2000s a Greek girl was brought from Greece to serve as an Organ Donor for her "brother" in NY. The brother died before the operation and the mother apparently abandoned her daughter to St. Basil's. This made me search for AHEPA connections to medicine and medical trafficking

!!! SO LET'S RECAP: Alefantis' family were governing members of a New York based Masonic Organization that has been documentably proven to have illegally kidnapped and trafficked children through war-destabilization efforts, legislative shenanigans, and international adoption programs !!! This same organization has connections to shady orphanages and child-organ donation.

My Sixth Post was removed: [] In it I theorize why these Mediterranean Masons are facilitating child trafficking.

My Thesis: Elite Inbred families have higher incidence of genetic disorders that cause gradual organ failure. The need for fresh tissue transplants partially drives child trafficking.

AHEPA is involved in blood transfusion research. AHEPA President, Orphan Thief, and President of St. Basil's Academy, "Stephen Scopas served until his death as the National Chairman of the Ahepa Cooley's Anemia Foundation". Cooley's Anemia, is a genetic blood disorder that requires weekly or monthly FULL BODY BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS. Thalassemia, also known as MEDITERRANIAN ANEMIA, is an ANCIENT group of diseases that have existed for over 7,000 years. The name thalassemia comes from the ANCIENT GREEK word for sea, thalassa, as the ancients believed it was an "illness that came from the sea".

A high number of CARRIERS of the thalassemia genetic trait are found in countries where MARRIAGE BETWEEN RELATIVES was, and still is, common practice and in third-world or emerging countries.

Countries like ITALY, GREECE, and CYPRUS have the highest frequency of thalassaemia cases in the world, 10 percent of the Mediterranean population are carriers of this gene. There exists a thalassaemic "belt" that includes the Mediterranean passing through West and Central Asian countries like TURKEY... Cooley and B. Lee (American physician) described the disease in children of Italian immigrants in the USA.

Thalassemia is usually FATAL IN INFANCY unless ONGOING TRANSFUSIONS are initiated. In it’s major form, “Cooley’s Anemia” is fatal and requires bone transplant surgery. In 1972, the chapter joined hands with the Connecticut Campaign Against Cooley’s Anemia, and with Ahepan Congressman Robert Giaimo in introducing the Cooley’s Anemia Research Bill Act before the U.S. Congress, resulting in the National Funding for Cooley’s Anemia Research. Current "searches for a cure" are exploring/funding gene-editing therapy


While running an illegal orphan trafficking and adoption ring, AHEPA simultaneously funds medical research into fatal, child, blood diseases that require full body transfusions (A LOT OF specifically typed/compatible BLOOD). They also organized and advertised blood drives.


Alefantis and Anastasia Vournas are both 2nd generation descendents from AHEPA families. Both are a donors to Martha's Vineyard Dinner Table Fundraisers []

George Papadopoulos is a member of AHEPA (and is the source of the Trump-Russia Collusion claims) []

ASolo ago

Keep kicking ass Nomo!


Many, Many thanks.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Always welcome.

Vindicator ago

Excellent addition. Thank you.

Any thoughts on Jacquelyn Kennedy marrying an Onassis?


@vindicator Re: Onassis, I found this comment (I haven't verified it yet)

So GHW Bush. Has this roommate at his prep school. This roommates uncle is - - I’m still looking for good details on the history of his family but apparently they were high society in Russia until the Bolshevik’s took everything. George’s de M’s bro is a professor connected to the OSS(precursor to CIA). George follows bro to US. At some point he starts dating Jackie Kennedy’s mom. Jackie called him Uncle George when she was a child. Fast forward a few decades & George befriends Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. Is interviewed by Warren Commission & all. George is a “geologist”. Even looked for petroleum in Yugoslavia for Tito. So 2-3 months before JFK assassination(at this point some of the details are in book & some is just additional info I’ve uncovered on my own) George de Mohrenschildt goes to Haiti where he works for is connected to Aristotle Onassis. Onassis was under investigation by RFK’s DOJ & Jackie Kennedy eventually becomes Jackie Onassis. Things get weirder. At some point Mohamed Fayed(dodi Fayed’s dad... this is Princess Di’s bf at time of death)... Mohamed Fayed is banging George de Mohrenschildt’s daughter I think her named is Alexandra. Mohamed Fayed it turns out is Brother-in - law to Saudi Arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi(Adnan is the recently murdered journalist in the Saudi Embassy in Turkey’s Uncle). Adnan got his import/export business started by importing Kenworth trucks to the Bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia. Adnan was also involved in the BCCI scandal that was connected to Iran Contra. George H.W. connections are all over this... this is the best I can do to describe all the fucked up connections stream of consciousness. More details on Adnan Khashoggi here... Trump knows about all of it. He bought Adnan Khashoggi’s boat & was friends w/ JFK jr. Prince Alwaleed Bin talal who currently can’t leave Saudi Arabia now owns the Khashoggi/Trump boat.

Trump got the boat from the Sultan of Brunei who took it back from Khashoggi when he started having cash flow problems. Jeff Epstein picked up Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express at an airport in Japan & flew him to Brunei which is known for its wild sex parties. Sultan of Brunei gave Mohamed Fayed a billionaire $ loan which is how he obtained his wealth/financial independence from Adnan. Big goddamn mess mostly over oil. US military is the #1 consumer of oil & it needs to keep being the #1 consumer to be the top dog. Wild shit. Crazy characters at every corner.

Vindicator ago

I'd love to see all that sourced. :-)

How does "financial hegemony" play into this?

Do you think Jackie O was MK Ultra?


I'm woefully uninformed about Kennedy Theories/History. (Something I still haven't researched) So it'll be a while.

In terms of financial hegemony, are you referring to the executive order that would supposedly mint silver coins separate from the fed?

No clue re: Jackie.

Vindicator ago

In terms of financial hegemony, are you referring to the executive order that would supposedly mint silver coins separate from the fed?

I was thinking of the shift to the Petro Dollar just when the British Empire "died." Geopolitics made a shift from imperial hegemony to financial hegemony. From a 50,000 foot view, it seems like those who control the world went from overt (Imperial) control to covert (financial) control -- in combination with a multifaceted program to pacify the masses.


I was thinking of the shift to the Petro Dollar just when the British Empire "died." Geopolitics made a shift from imperial hegemony to financial hegemony.

You may enjoy this: Robert Newman's Stand-up Special History of Oil

Geopolitics made a shift from imperial hegemony to financial hegemony. From a 50,000 foot view, it seems like those who control the world went from overt (Imperial) control to covert (financial) control

I completely agree, but what's @ the top of the financial trail? Holding Companies? Cults? Named Moneyed Families? Trusts? Specific Nations? Un-Named Moneyed families? Racial Subgroups? Religions?

in combination with a multifaceted program to pacify the masses.

Michael Aquino's MindWar https://www.ama


Thank you, I appreciate the thought, ping, and direction

As of now, no. But that's another tendril i'll look into.

P.S. Is it okay if I reformulate and repost all of my AHEPA work into a single post? (w/ appropriate titles + I'll avoid using the "vampire" phraseology?)

Vindicator ago

Certainly. You'll probably hit the character limit and have to overflow into the Comment section, unless you tighten things up quite a bit. See the Executive Summary in the sidebar for an example.

DiscontentedMajority ago

I find one of their last comments to be very interesting.

"Imagine what can be achieved when no one takes credit ".... Good Iuck Swordfish .. ;)

IamJulianAssange ago

Reagan had a poster over his desk in Oval Office with a very similar quotation.

swordfish69 ago

Still praying something comes of all this.

Vindicator ago

I hear you, swordfish. What did you think of that Imgur album?

swordfish69 ago

@IamQ seems to understand the importance of the Kim Noble paintings, which are directly referring to the exact type of abuse alleged and documented by victims of the Global Pedophile Ring. Also correct in the assessment that the Finders are MK Ultra and how it all relates to the British/Royal ties to Comet et al.

TrustTheTruth ago

What Q will never tell you about however is how the Pilgrims Society is involved, and how Trump himself is a member.

Q will not tell you why Donald Trump closed "The Deal" where he endorsed the Model for Smart Cities, 5G+ AI, and Community Policing.

Q will not tell you that Donald Trump is a Freemason.

Q will not tell you why the Uranium One Deal required Congressional Approval.

Q will not tell you where The ROOT of All Evil and the Model for Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 are.

Q will never tell you the real weak link to the entire network behind the True definition of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption are: Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.




What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Hand_of_Node ago

As a person with insufficient amounts of autism, can these things just be explained?

Shizy ago

Q will not tell you why the Uranium One Deal required Congressional Approval.

That's a LIE!

It only required approval of CFIUS, the Committe of Foreign Investment in the US, NOT congress!

Even this lefty slanted article states what approval was needed.

TrustTheTruth ago

Your source is unreliable.

Bob Corker knows what happened.

So does Paul Ryan.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Because you are obviously doing this for a pay check.

TrustTheTruth ago


The Truth is Free to all who can See.

You will not find The Truth asking for Likes or Subscribers or Votes.

You will not find The Truth ever asking for Money or Anything in Return.

We are NOT LIKE ANYONE ELSE you have ever known.







shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Blasphemous bag of bilious barf.

think- ago

The Pizzagate investigation has redpilled many people about child rape and sex trafficking, and it has given victims strength. Many are lurking here.

TrueCat ago

In the meantime, how many more children have become victims? How many more will be raped and or die, because the people at the top have not been dealt with? That was posted over two years ago. How many more have suffered terribly because justice is so slow?

Our government used to kill off people in foreign countries to destabilize governments, a horrible practice. A better use for those assassins could be found, no?


GO(O)D Start !




...remember my "meaninless" posts last days ?.....U KNOW, i guess ...!


wwg1wga>Scott Free



Vindicator ago

Indeed! Sounds like Q, doesn't it?

TrustTheTruth ago





Voat78 ago

Which deal you referring to? Front rows seats? Elaborate please.

TrustTheTruth ago

Search "Trump 8th Wonder of The World".

Then go back and read everything @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt shared since The Beginning.

It is The Most Important Deal in the History of The World to endorse the real Agenda beyond 21 of Eternal Enslavement with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing.

Do you know where Hillary Clinton's Model for Community Policing is?


Rhondaher ago

I'm wondering now if JA in all the early Q posts were James Alefantis and not Jillian Assuage as many of us thought it was. It would make sense as to why Jillian was never freed. I dont have the time now to research this but will look at the post later in this light.

Vindicator ago

Definitely worth revisiting the Q leaks with that thought in mind!

Rhondaher ago

I did a quick search on old Q posts and it does appear JA is Jillian Assuage. But I can see this post has lots to be investigated

Wyknot ago

Good work

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MolochHunter ago

another notable item in the imgur album was a Florida pan-handle school for troubled boys where 100 died - only about 50 bodies recovered, though. I looked it up on the map, and its only maybe an hour from Tallahassie - where the Finders Cult kids were found filthy in that park

Blacksmith21 ago

It was located near the Marianna Army Airfield, which was rumored to be an MKU programming site. Tyndall AFB (destroyed in Hurricane Michael 2018) is also located close by. It's all related.

Vindicator ago

If you've got some good links, add them to your comment! We need to cross reference our past research with whatever was being leaked in these posts.

letsdothis3 ago

Interesting post @Vindicator. I seem to remember @VieBleu was run off of this forum.. see: @VieBleu is a shitstirring troll and is not to be taken seriously.

Vindicator ago

Hmm. I wouldn't say she was run off. More like she blew herself up.

VieBleu waged a campaign to get the community to rally behind getting me made O, and minimum CCP raised to 100 (which would have kept our posts off of v/all). EsotericShade helped with that campaign. When Kev foiled it she claimed he was threatening her, then disappeared and never came back.

As I look back, I think VieBleu may have been an ES sock puppet. Both @Kevdude and @Crensch had problems with her/him from the very beginning. She started out complaining about hate speech early on, trying to get mods to delete comments. Moved to mod bashing when we didn't bend to her will, especially when we refused to advertise the protests at Comet. Every time Voat had problems with bugs during DDoS attacks, she would crank up the "Voat compromised" narrative.

Here is ES replying to VieBleu in her big thread pushing the 100 CCP requirement: It's what he made @smurfy69 for.

Hand_of_Node ago

What do you think attracts people to this level of drama?

Vindicator ago

Good question.

ESOTERICshade ago

VieBleu waged a campaign to get the community to rally behind getting me made O, and minimum CCP raised to 100 (which would have kept our posts off of v/all). EsotericShade helped with that campaign.

I'm the one that took kevdudes advice, created a sub for testing (v/testingsunday) and then helped Kev explain to everybody that it would be bad for the sub. I KNOW you know that too. You're lying.

As I look back, I think VieBleu may have been an ES sock puppet.

You know that is bullshit too. Viebleu hated @kevdude with a passion but I always got along fine with Kev.

Vindicator ago

I'm the one that took kevdudes advice, created a sub for testing (v/testingsunday) and then helped Kev explain to everybody that it would be bad for the sub. I KNOW YOU KNOW THAT TOO. We were all struggling to understand what the CPP limit would do. Once I figured it out I helped Kev convince the sub not to do it. You're lying.

Well ES, without links to the conversations you're referring to, I find that pretty hard to believe. At the time, @Kevdude told me not to put up the sticky that allowed for that debate, because VieBleu was trying to gaslight the community into censoring itself by changing the settings. I told him the only way to vent VB's shitstirring was to have the full debate, and I was right.

You have an admitted history of playing good guy/bad guy and taking opposite sides of an issue to manipulate consensus, particularly about Q. You helped VieBleu with his campaign to raise the CCP limit, and then switched sides. It's similar behavior.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well ES, without links to the conversations you're referring to, I find that pretty hard to believe.

Its in a discussion thread you started about the 100 CPP limit. After we tested in v/testingsunday we brought the results back to the group and tried to explain it to them.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well ES, without links to the conversations you're referring to, I find that pretty hard to believe. At the time, @Kevdude told me not to put up the sticky that allowed for that debate, because VieBleu was trying to gaslight the community into censoring itself by changing the settings. I told him the only way to vent VB's shitstirring was to have the full debate, and I was right.

You were right. It was a very productive, active, and sometimes confusing discussion, but it produced fruit. I still don't think a lot of people understood it fully but after some of them read v/testingsunday it helped the light bulbs come on. You did the right thing by having a discussion on it because otherwise it would have just been more confusing and frustrating.

You have an admitted history of playing good guy/bad guy and taking opposite sides of an issue to manipulate consensus, particularly about Q.

I have said this several times and I will say it again. I don't hate the Q people and I don't hate you either. Srayzie is a DAMN good friend of mine and she is Mrs. Q around here. Me and her NEVER fight, we don't argue, because we don't discuss Qanon. We just have a genuine friendship. I don't hate you either bro. I didn't want v/pizzagate to get polluted, side tracked, or diluted. This ain't complicated and neither were my motives.

You helped VieBleu with his campaign to raise the CCP limit, and then switched sides. It's similar behavior.

I learned because I did the hands on research . It turned out that @kevdude was 100% correct about the 100 CPP limit but we had to go through the actual exercise in order to understand it. You know all this. You're just painting the worst picture you can think to create.

I did research here >>> v/testingsunday because @kevdude told us that if we really wanted to understand it we should start a sub and experiment with it. So, @cantsleepawink created v/testingsunday and asked me to help. If you read that short thread we tested in its OBVIOUS that we were learning.

This craziness doesn't have to go on forever. I'm over it. I think all this turned out as well as it possibly could have under the circumstances. v/pizzagate is still just v/pizzagate and the Q crowd has their own home and they seem to like it. I don't hate you and I don't wish you any ill will.

Vindicator ago

I didn't want v/pizzagate to get polluted, side tracked, or diluted. This ain't complicated and neither were my motives.

You see, ES, this is the fundamental problem, right here. It's not up to YOU what people on v/pizzagate want to discuss. So long as they satisfy the submission rules, they can post about whatever they want. You think you have a right to determine what is and isn't acceptable. You created sock puppet accounts to play games and manipulate voting to ram your totalitarian vision down everyone's throat. You have no respect for freedom of speech or the right of users to make decisions for themselves about whether something is worth investigating, or not. And you pride yourself in it. It's disgusting.

And that is why "this craziness" will go on until you delete your account. You don't belong on Voat because you don't respect the most basic values Voat holds dear.

argosciv ago


Quadruple reply;

+4 points to Vindicator!

@kevdude @Crensch

ESOTERICshade ago

I will give you 100% live fire support when you wake from the Qanon sleep. Develop a plan.

I want gols, objectives, steps....I will help you. I will promote it.

....................oh I forgot, Qanon has all this under control..............While the midterm elections got stolen by the DemoRats


ESOTERICshade ago

You see, ES, this is the fundamental problem, right here.

The fundamental problem is that the deep state won't end it's own self. Me and you have to do that. Us. Its up to us, the citizens of this country have to free their own selves. Ain't nobody going to GITMO bro. Qanon will not put anybody in GITMO and by now, you should have already figured it out. I know it hurts, but embrace reality, bro.

Provide your "evidence" that Qanon is what you think he is. I will wait....................

You will wait..............

We have to do this. Me and you and the rest of America. Snap out of the Hopium smoking haze bro. Make yourself useful, because at this point in history, you are a boat anchor of progress.

Vindicator ago

Says the guy who lies constantly, censors others, pretends friensdship to people with one account and then attacks with another. We need to get the weasels like you OUT of America.

ESOTERICshade ago

Says the guy who lies constantly, censors others, pretends friensdship to people with one account and then attacks with another. We need to get the weasels like you OUT of America.

That is Coleman Rogers. (Qanon)

That mother fucker made a million dollars selling hats and T-shirts.

Now, a crowd is assembled. We should do something with it. Like REALLY do something with it. We should funnel all this energy into something that makes a REAL difference. It will be dangerous, and you can bet on that. Helicopters will buzz your house. Been there, done that. You ready for the big time or are you just a poser? Right now you are just a poser.

Vindicator ago

It will be dangerous, and you can bet on that. Helicopters will buzz your house. Been there, done that.

Concern troll. Check!

ESOTERICshade ago

Says the guy who lies constantly, censors others, pretends friensdship to people with one account and then attacks with another. We need to get the weasels like you OUT of America.

Tell me what your friends, the Zionist, Freemasons, Jesuits, have done for America. I will wait...............You defend these groups.

Do you defend Freemasons, Jesuits, and Zionist because you get paid to do it? I am not asking for a friend. Serious question.

Did you sell your soul to the devil?

Vindicator ago

EsotericShade trying to evade his own evil choices: on video!

think- ago

You have a doorknob right? Use it.

You are a disgusting piece of shit, Esoteric.

@EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @Crensch @shewhomustbeobeyed @srayzie

EricKaliberhall ago

You have a doorknob right? Use it.

Careful now and apologize for that statement... Your days are numbered, they can go by nice and peacefully. Or, we can make you bleed... Your choice.

ESOTERICshade ago

Homeboy, until you provide "evidence" that Qanon Scamanon is a super secret intel agent, you are pissing into a fan, and it is splattering in your face.

"Have you heard the latest news? Soros is in GITMO!! He got abducted at the airport and went to GITMO"

"the Obama library got raided, they got allllll his documents. All the perps will be in GITMO by next week"

blah blah blah blah blah blah...............

Do you get paid to promote this bullshit? I'm starting wonder, because, you are fuuuulllllll

of bullshit

How many Qanon lies and predictions must you endure before reality sets in on you? At what level is your bullshit meter set?

Soros being in GITMO, (he is not in GITMO) should have done it for you. How much Qanon wine bullshit are you willing to drink?

I hate reality too, but I prefer it to Qanon bullshit. Get a grip dude. I wish Q was real too, but he ain't real.

Snap out of it.

srayzie ago

Oh and I wanted to add...

Q said this. What Q deniers make the mistake of doing, is taking people’s interpretations, and then if it turns out wrong, they say Q lied, when Q never said it in the first place. Many people thought that Soros went to Gitmo. That is not what Q said.

Vindicator ago


ESOTERICshade ago

What Q deniers make the mistake of doing, is taking people’s interpretations, and then if it turns out wrong, they say Q lied, when Q never said it in the first place. Many people thought that Soros went to Gitmo. That is not what Q said.

Soros parked his 18 billion dollars in a safe zone. What is the point of all this bullshit? It means nothing.....right?

srayzie ago

What does Soros have to do with Q and this conversation?

ESOTERICshade ago

So George Soros has a "special space." No shit. He does. He is a special Billionaire. What am I missing here? Coleman Roger (Qanon) is telling you the truth. Ain't no mystery here. Me and you can try to predict the news cycle just like Coleman Rogers does. Sometimes we will be correct and sometimes we will miss.

"midterm elections are safe".....huge FAIL by Coleman Roges. The DemonRats (democrats) stole the midterm elections. It was OBVIOUS voting fraud.

That really pissed me off. I want Trump to succeed because he tries to run this nation like a real business. Cash in cash out. I like Trump's approach to running this nation. I really do.

If we can figure out how to turn the Q Movement into an Yellow Vest thing, and support Trump's vision, we might have a shot at saving this country

Crensch ago

That really pissed me off. I want Trump to succeed because he tries to run this nation like a real business. Cash in cash out. I like Trump's approach to running this nation. I really do.

If we can figure out how to turn the Q Movement into an Yellow Vest thing, and support Trump's vision, we might have a shot at saving this country

"Oy vey, goyim! I want Trump to succeed, but don't you think it'd be better if we shut down roads and caused a commotion and got white people hated before a critical mass of normies are awakened?"

ESOTERICshade ago

"Oy vey, goyim! I want Trump to succeed, but don't you think it'd be better if we shut down roads and caused a commotion and got white people hated before a critical mass of normies are awakened?"

Formulate that into something that can be understood. I will answer it.

Crensch ago

Look! The little Jew is too stupid to understand what humans can easily figure out.

@Vindicator @srayzie @shizy @kevdude @gabara

srayzie ago

"midterm elections are safe".....huge FAIL by Coleman Roges. The DemonRats (democrats) stole the midterm elections. It was OBVIOUS voting fraud.

I don’t know how to make you understand that the midterm election was not a fail. Things were set in place beforehand to catch the voting fraud, which will be used to destroy the fuckers next election. Most presidents do not gain house seats at midterms. The senate was key. If you don’t follow all this, I don’t expect for you to know what I’m talking about. You’re getting your information by youtubers and people posting lies.

You must have not read thru the stuff I shared with you, because if you think we all trust this movement because Q can get some news predictions right, then you don’t understand it at all. There is not a doubt in my mind that Q works directly with Trump, and that nothing but good has come out of it, including waking up millions of more people, and making pizzagate go mainstream.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don’t know how to make you understand that the midterm election was not a fail.

We got our ass kicked. The Democrats (jew fukers) have managed to install Governors in a lot of states in this country. It was obvious that the midterm elections got hijacked.

If you don’t follow all this, I don’t expect for you to know what I’m talking about. You’re getting your information by youtubers and people posting lies.

I'm just noticing what happened. We got fucked. The elections were stolen.

because if you think we all trust this movement because Q can get some news predictions right, then you don’t understand it at all

He gets it wrong about 75% of the time. We can roll dice and maybe get better odds? Maybe?

including waking up millions of more people, and making pizzagate go mainstream.

I am starting to warm up to this point of view. Ain't no doubt that a huge crowd is assembled. NOW, what do we do with all this busy crowd? It needs direction, focus, and some REAL goals. Needs strategy, objectives, steps, or it will all be useless. What do you suggest?

srayzie ago

What do WE do? WE do nothing. You are not a Q follower, and YOU are not helping lead the movement. Q leads this movement. I do not want your help. You have ruined pizzagate. You keep coming back. You know what you’re doing. I try to stay out of it. But, now you’re bringing up Q and pinging me.

You aren’t ruining Q. At least not on v/GreatAwakening. If you want to go play games with the Q movement, go to v/TheAwakening because it’s comped anyway. You are really starting to piss me off. The Q movement needs strategy, objectives, steps, etc...? Who the hell do you think you are?

Leave Voat!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Leave Voat!

TY for saying this, his NPD is getting to be quite tiresome. He won't leave of coarse, too much of who he is has been tied to this place for too long. It's sad really, he could have been a real asset instead of just another lying, manipulative coward (we got plenty of those).

srayzie ago

I feel bad because we were once really good friends. He changed when Q came around. I think it’s better that we don’t talk about Q with each other. He needs to leave this sub alone. This is getting old for everyone.

srayzie ago

And nobody is paid

srayzie ago

Homeboy, until you provide "evidence" that Qanon Scamanon is a super secret intel agent, you are pissing into a fan, and it is splattering in your face.

ESOTERICshade, when you add everything up, I don’t get how anyone can deny the fact that Q is directly connected with our President. Q is a team, of less than 10 people, only 3 are non military. A ton is going on behind the scenes. Have you seen the resignations and firings? The right people are being put into place. What good would it have done, if there were early arrests, when the people that would have protested them were still in power?

I recommend you read the following...

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude

argosciv ago

"Have you heard the latest news? Soros is in GITMO!! He got abducted at the airport and went to GITMO"

"the Obama library got raided, they got allllll his documents. All the perps will be in GITMO by next week"

Soros being in GITMO, (he is not in GITMO) should have done it for you. How much Qanon wine bullshit are you willing to drink?

Hey dickhead, Q's only ever said "GITMO" once -- oh, and there's no mention of Soros or Obama in that drop.


You're not trying to make excuses to hate "the Q people"(who you say you don't hate, but you really do), based on deliberately-seeded bullshit, are you?

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

Hey dickhead, Q's only ever said "GITMO" once -- oh, and there's no mention of Soros or Obama in that drop.


No shit Sherlock. You are a genius. You want to turn the Q movement into a srious force to be reckoned with? You will know when you become important. Black helicopters wil buzz your house. Until then, you are just a poser on the internet, masturbating...

argosciv ago

I do love a nice flustered double reply(you and your ilk do it so damn often, it's laughable), in which you ignore my saying this:

You're not trying to make excuses to hate "the Q people"(who you say you don't hate, but you really do), based on deliberately-seeded bullshit, are you?

In order to try to shift blame and divert attention from your backflipping:

People like you MADE UP the rest of the fantasy.

When it's perfectly obvious that people like you, are among those deliberately pushing bullshit into the mix so that you can use it as an attack vector against Q and/or "the Q people".

I know how that tactic works, which is why you're trying so desperately to ignore what I said.

I've never claimed to know for a fact what goes on at GITMO, who may or may not be there, etc. But you go ahead and pretend otherwise if it means avoiding your own culpability in the deliberate spread of bullshit through your alts and allies.

You will know when you become important.

Yup. When pathetic alt-reliant turds like you brigade me and make up lies, because something I can see threatens your entire operation. Gotta go to every effort to try to smear and silence me, right?

Black helicopters wil buzz your house.

But of course you act like ^this is the only indicator, so as to deflect from those months you spent gang-stalking me and trying to turn everyone against me.

Until then, you are just a poser on the internet, masturbating...

Says the grub who claims to not hate "the Q people", despite a history full of it via multiple alts, then within no more than 24 hours is right back to being derogatory toward them, trying to act like they should listen to you when you tell them what to do. Oh and never mind all that "I saved v/pizzagate from Q" masturbation of yours, right?

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

Hey dickhead, Q's only ever said "GITMO" once

No shit Sherlock. People like you MADE UP the rest of the fantasy. Let me know when Hillary gets locked in GITMO. I don't want to miss it.

EricKaliberhall ago

Do you get paid to promote this bullshit? I'm starting wonder, because, you are fuuuulllllll

of bullshit

Projecting... Your days are numbered.

ESOTERICshade ago

Projecting... Your days are numbered.

Name one powerful elite child raper that got sent to GITMO because of Qanon. Snap out of the dream bro. We have to do this. Me and you. Its up to us. Qanon ain't gonna save anybody. I will wait while you make the list of perps that went to GITMO. You will also wait, because the list don't exist. Copy?

Stop smoking Hopium, and become part of reality. Ya dig?

EricKaliberhall ago

I think Vin really nailed it when he stated the following:

You don't belong on Voat because you don't respect the most basic values Voat holds dear.

Hmm... What to do with you? What to do? :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Hmm... What to do with you? What to do? :)

I have a better question.

What should we do with people that claim Qanon put George Soros in GITMO?

What should we do with those folks?

EricKaliberhall ago

What should we do with those folks?

I like you when you are flustered and desperate... :)

ESOTERICshade ago

I like you when you are flustered and desperate... :)

They hung George Soros at GITMO this morning. That is great news!!!

Thank you for telling us about it. We are winning!!!!

You are a fucking moron for promoting the above line of bullshit. None of that shit will happen. We have to build a grassroots movemnt from the bottom up, homey.

We have a Q movement assembled and waiting for something productive to do. Lets make the most of it. Give them some realistic goals. There is a lot of crowd funded energy in the Q movement waiting on some realistic goals. What do you suggest the Q movement do with all this energy? A real, fundamental, realistic goal? If you suggest a realistic goal I will help you promote that goal.

What is it?


srayzie ago

The problem that I have is that you keep talking about crowd funding.

You are talking about people that have taken advantage of the Q movement, and have profited off of it. Am I right? Like clothing? An upcoming book by Neon Revolt?

There will ALWAYS be people that will profit off of any big movement. Q Team and Trump do not make money off of the Q movement. I don’t make money running a Q sub.

Q has never asked anyone to donate. In fact, Q spoke negatively about patriots taking money using the Q movement. Please strop spreading that.

@crensch @argosciv @EricKaliberhall @vindicator @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

The problem that I have is that you keep talking about crowd funding.

Crowd funding is good stuff. It has also been called "mob." That is what it will take for us to get our freesom back. It won't be nice. It won't be gently. You understand that right? What would a billionaire do to remain a billionaire? He would pull strings right? Yes he would. George Soros, as powerful as he is, is only a puppet. Look higher. There are people that PRINT MONEY and they are the KINGS of this universe.

@crensch @argosciv @EricKaliberhall @vindicator @kevdude

Vindicator ago

That is what it will take for us to get our freedom back.

Says the guy who used alts to brigade voat users and astroturf his own agenda. You don't give a shit about freedom.

srayzie ago

I know. I’m the one that taught you about the Payseur’s. The Rothschild’s are their puppets, among others. People like @NeonRevolt or Jerome Corsi, that are PAYtriots out to make money off of the movement, is not Q’s doing. You are talking about people taking advantage of Q.

You know that the media, and all these corrupt elites wouldn’t feel so threatened by Q, if it was just someone, or some group on 8chan that was good at predicting the news. I wouldn’t be attacked like I am. We wouldn’t be fought so hard, if all this wasn’t a huge threat. That’s got to open anyone’s eyes.

Crensch ago

I like how this faggot shows up right after @srayzie destroys NHFP, then spouts some bullshit a 2-day-old account here could have written.

Not even really saying anything, just trying to act like he's informing someone of something they don't know, or aren't aware of, along with some meaningless, trivial piece of questionable info - "mob" - to look like he has any business making a comment at all.

Absolutely vapid - like something AOC would write.

The stupid little JEW-commie thinks it'll blend in if it puts a couple ice cream cones upside down on its head.


argosciv ago

I love how he keeps pinging me as if he doesn't know I've had him blocked for probably near or even over a year now.

argosciv ago

You are talking about people that have taken advantage of the Q movement, and have profited off of it. Am I right? Like clothing? An upcoming book by Neon Revolt?

ESOTERICshade ago

You see, ES, this is the fundamental problem, right here. It's not up to YOU what people on v/pizzagate want to discuss.

Reply to this...List the rules, one at a time, and explain to me how your sticky thread for Qanon met each rule. You won't and you can't, because your Qanon sticky thread didn't meet the rules. I hope you accept the challenge. It will be amusing. Your favorite word is "evidence." You ask for "evidence" regularly. The greatest body of "evidence" for Qanon is that Qanon is full of shit, and you know it. :)

Vindicator ago

What rule did it break, ES? It was all about pizzagate, using commonly known material we've published a dozen times. Eric described the link. If it had been anti Trump, you wouldn't be whining. I said all this in the thread itself, at the time. You are just trying to waste my time, as you are always trying to do. You have no respect for anyone on this board, or you would confine your critique of the administration of the board to the appropriate subverse instead of trying to instigate drama. Everyone sees you now for what you truly are.

ESOTERICshade ago

What rule did it break, ES?

I knew you would limp wrist on this. List the rules. Spell out how an ANONYMOUS source of information meets the rules. Nobody is in GITMO. Martial Law and military tribunals didn't happen.

It was all about pizzagate

Damn straight, and you should get onboard and stop the fantasy that people are in GITMO. Nobody is going to GITMO. McCain died from a brain tumor. The rest is just BULLSHIT.

If it had been anti Trump

I"m glad that Trump is the President. Its better than Hillary. BUT i'm not stupid. You are stupid. That is the biggest difference between me an you. You are stupid. You need to study BANKING. They print money. They run this world. Trump has very little power compared to people that print money. Educate yourself. GOD DAMN son this was produced in 1996 I think. You can't watch this and learn something? I can't make you smart. You have to do that on your own. Copy? I private messaged you books on Jesuits. You didn't read them. I lose patience with dumbasses that refuse to study and run their mouth. Watch this video. Jebus Christ.............Lead or get the fuck out of the way. OK?

The Money Masters - The rise of the bankers

Vindicator ago

i'm not stupid. You are stupid. That is the biggest difference between me an you. You are stupid.

Must really chap your ass that someone soooooo stupid saw through your Grandpa Truther psyop and exposed your ass. :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Is this your way of telling me that you are not going to answer my questions?

I don't follow Q.

ESOTERICshade ago

@kevdude @crensch @srayzie and I guess @puttitout and and all that. Peeps got to learned. we can't do this without being informed CORRECTLY.

Crensch ago

My daddy was a football coach.

Is the the one that molested you, and is to blame for you having zero human virtues?

Is that why your loved one is on meth?

srayzie ago

How are you helping pizzagate at this point?

ESOTERICshade ago

What rule did it break, ES? It was all about pizzagate, using commonly known material we've published a dozen times. Eric described the link. If it had been anti Trump, you wouldn't be whining. I said all this in the thread itself, at the time. You are just trying to waste my time, as you are always trying to do. You have no respect for anyone on this board, or you would confine your critique of the administration of the board to the appropriate subverse instead of trying to instigate drama. Everyone sees you now for what you truly are.

List each rule and explain how an anonymous source has "evidence" that it true. List every person that went to GITMO.

wut? can't do it?

Lets turn the Q movement into something productive. Okay?

EricKaliberhall ago

You know that is bullshit too. Viebleu hated @kevdude with a passion but I always got along fine with Kev.

What character did @rarepeeks play I wonder...

Sum-of-Nun ago

we didn't bend to her will, especially when we refused to advertise the protests at Comet.

Do you know when this was planned for?

Vindicator ago

One of them was on March 25, 2017. I believe the other was the week prior. If you Google my username with the keyword "vigilante" you will probably find my comment explaining why we decided not to officially support it.

heygeorge ago

Wow, I can’t believe it was that long ago. Time flies!

Vindicator ago

I know, right? I just had an eye exam and got my first pair of Ben Franklin reading specs.

heygeorge ago

Congrats! My optometrist predicts it is likely I will be avoiding them for some time longer than average, yet eventually unavoidable.

think- ago

VieBleu waged a campaign to get the community to rally behind getting me made O, and minimum CCP raised to 100 (which would have kept our posts off of v/all). EsotericShade helped with that campaign

@Crensch, you might want to add this info to your new Esoteric sticky - proof that Esoteric tried to keep v/pizzagate from v/all by campaigning for a minimum setting of 100 CCP.

Crensch ago

Good idea. Please remind me if you don't see it there in a few days; have been remote and slammed irl.

think- ago

I will, thanks.

letsdothis3 ago

I see. "Oh what tangled webs we weave..."

Vindicator ago

Yes. And Voat is a labyrinth of information few people are truly adept at navigating. The disruptors love to exploit that.

lynnmar ago

Great find patriot

GodsAngell ago

Q was the one who sent reddit posters to this website last year.

lynnmar ago

I didnt know that, keep learning daily. Been folliwer since 10/28/17

Vindicator ago

Pizzagate was banned from Reddit on 11/22/2016 and migrated to Voat, GodsAngell. We were investigating this stuff long before Q made his presence known to citizen investigators. The story can be found here.

jamesjames ago

When the ban came it was a real affirmation that there truly are those watching, ranged against us learning the truth. I couldn't sleep for days because of disturbing, helpless, fearful thoughts and images flashing through my shocked mind.

Only prayer can wash out and off the stain from researching.

Vindicator ago

The ban was what pushed it from speculation to reality, for me. I lost one day of sleep after realizing the implications of the handkerchief email. I've been here every day since, chipping away, helping as I am able. I want my country back.

I've redpilled my whole family, my friends, my colleagues. We'll get it done, if it takes years.

Freedom isn't free.

TrustTheTruth ago

Of all the people and groups associated with Q from The Beginning, NONE OF THEM ARE TRUSTWORTHY.






Who did Microchip say was "more powerful than Q ever was", who was "The Real Q", and who caused him to Repent and ask for Forgiveness?

Who did George Webb Sweigart was "the nicest person you could ever meet" who also "had the drop on him" and Exposed him as a Liar and Disinformation Agent in front of Jenny Moore that ultimately led to her being killed?

Who did Jenny Moore return to Voat to meet with, what was her last post here, and what really happened?

Who are the Real Pilgrims (Society), the Majestic 12, the Council of 13 and other groups directly involved directly tied to Trump?

Why did the Uranium One deal require Congressional Approval?

Where is the World's Most Valuable Resource?

Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat for at "The Deal" he made to Endorse the Model and real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, and Community Policing?

How is that family directly associated with the Pilgrims Society and Global Criminal Corruption including pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse?

How is Trump indebted and controlled by the Chain of Command, and what is the weak link?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

valero73 ago


Vindicator ago

LOL. Definitely the worst spam bot ever. Waste of H1B visas if you ask me.

MolochHunter ago


Shizy ago

Just shut up!

MolochHunter ago

TrusttheTruth claims he is the reason for Q, but yaknow, I am the reason for TrusttheTruth


TrustTheTruth ago

Why can't you answer ANY of the questions?

How are the Military Tribunals coming, and are you enjoying the show?

Do you know anything about international law or the Color of Law?

What company gave legitimacy to the Art in Embassies program?

Who did Bill Clinton appoint to the President's Council on Sustainable Development?

What was The Deal Trump called "the 8th wonder of The World" and said was "the most incredible thing I've ever seen"?

Where is Hillary's model for Community Policing, what is the net result, and why did Kusher have to correct Kanye?



MolochHunter ago

This looks fun, TrustTheTruth, can i have a go?

Do you know why i am so Cryptic?

Who irons my wife-beater singlets on a Tuedsay morning?

What organisation distributes those little toothpicks with the shiny wrap, my mom wants some


What got stuck in Michelle Obama's teeth at TGIF


Do you know the lyrics to Rhythm Is a Dancer?


Those lyrics are We and We are those lyrics

Finish the puzzle:

Im SERIOUS as _______ when I say that Rhythm is a Dancer

@Vindicator @Srayzie @Shizy @Think- @Crensch @KevDude

Vindicator ago


srayzie ago

I had a feeling you wore panties 😁

Blacksmith21 ago


Shizy ago



These are the questions that I would like to have answers to! Why are mods always suppressing the truth about these important questions?! 😂

WickedBaker ago

Thanks. Now that damn song is stuck in my head.

MolochHunter ago


WickedBaker ago

They've done a smashing job. I have the urge to go view the video. Damn mind control.

Frankenblock ago

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, and trust in Him is the only ticket out of this mess.

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. This whole world is nothing but The Lords footstool, that these fools have usurped authority over. They can't leave, their judgement hangs over them at all times, so they exist to take others down with them.

Don't let them take your focus off the next life, and helping other people to get there.

MolochHunter ago

Bravo Vindicator

everyone check out the link in this of the imgur cache

massive trove of pedogate & pedowood info

SearchVoatBot ago

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derram ago :

Twitter / ? :

Michael Flynn Jr⭐️⭐️⭐️ on Twitter: ""Known 4 creatng art of minors in abusve situations, such as sado-masichism. Tony Podesta collects these paintings""

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