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notstatingit ago

Many Greeks and Italians in America married Jews in the cities.

carmencita ago

WOW. Though I would do a little research

Alefantis and Stavro (the owner of Maple Leaf Gardens during the Maple Leafs pedophile scandal) both linked to Order of AHEPA

please be sure to vote this up , this is very important The following video reveals that the family of the owner of Comet Pizza (James Alefantis) has links to a Greek secret society which is devoted to returning the world to the pre-Christian mores of ancient Greece, when slavery and torture of slaves were legal, and homosexual child slaves were owned by the ruling class, etc. The organization is named The Order of AHEPA. It is significant that Alefantis' family is linked, because Alefantis uses the homosexual Greek sex boy god Antinous as his avatar on Instagram.

see the video at the youtube link below:

the video is titled*** Pizzagate - Finders keepers & The Order Of Ahepa ***: (in which George Bush Sr. endorses the Order of AHEPA):

Sadly this video was removed. Hmm. Wonder why.

*The owner of Maple Leaf Gardens during the Maple Leaf Gardens pedophile scandal was a prominent and decorated member of the Order of AHEPA.

Greek Freemason Steve Stavro owned the Maple Leaf Gardens (and owned the NHL professional hockey team the Toronto Maple Leafs) where 62 children came forward to report homosexual sex acts performed on them:

according to this link, 62 kids came forward to report sex ring at Maple Leaf Gardens: During this time period (1979-1989) Leafs Owner Steve Stavro, worked as a director of Maple Leaf Gardens (later bought Maple Leaf Gardens after Howard Ballard died).

please see the full post , excellent research at this link:

Stavro was born in Greece, and was a member of the Order of AHEPA

Alefantis's avatar is gay Greek god Antinous

Order of AHEPA/Daughters of Penelope temple hidden atop Firehook Bakery with connections to 'We the Pizza' restaurant

Leader of AHEPA is Scottish Rite Freemason

For the bigger picture start at the top of:> this forum page and scroll down and keep reading the next few pages in the forum thread for far more on AHEPA and Pizzagate

As we all know, this somehow always leads back to the Freemasons. Drum Roll. Also interesting how so many of these Pizza Places and Pizza Owners and Sports Owners as well tied in together. I need to read stuff like this every once in a while to Refresh My Memory. Wow.

ASolo ago

I think Carmencita just made these AHEPA threads exponentially more interesting. Not that they weren't interesting to begin with. Seems like a pretty solid pattern right up to Comet Pizza and Doktor Pong's trafficking and abuse network modus operandi, ingratiating themselves within SPORT like Jerry Sanducky's Second Mile

carmencita ago

Oh Yes, I found them VERY interesting and have not finished reading them yet. I will do that. But I immediately thought of the connection of Alefantis and the Greek connection. There is so much info in the WORM Posts. Thank You.


"For the bigger picture start at the top of:> this forum page and scroll down and keep reading the next few pages in the forum thread for far more on AHEPA and Pizzagate"

Which forum post @carmencita?

carmencita ago

I have to finish 2 more. But so far this one is my favorite. That is if I can say I enjoy reading about that, not really. It is a quite nasty subject. But interesting for the information you have provided. It's hard to keep all of what we read in our heads, isn't it. You have really come up with a masterpiece, really.


@carmencita @solo I'm currently trying to get part 6 re-instated in the series (AHEPA & THALASSEMIA it was removed due to claimed "disinfo" status").

As soon as I get that reinstated (prove to the mods I'm not a Vampire/Adenochrome shill), I will be posting part 8, which directly connects to Canada & Greece...(and yes it uses the exact same playbook as restaurants, hotels, masonic organizations, and TRAVEL AGENCIES)

carmencita ago

Let me know if you have ironed things out. Looking forward to part 8.