think- ago

Ok, here is my take on the post (since I'm on the fly, just a superficial impression):

OP, in case you would like to re-submit at some point (if so, please submit to v/pizzagatewhatever first, so that we can take a look) -

  • Change headline to something matter-of-fact: Thalassemia medical condition and Blood trafficking, using children's blood

  • 'What Vampires have long known' - delete that. Nobody is interested in what 'vampires' have known (really...).

  • 'This creates the imperative for literal human blood banks. UNDERGROUND MEDICINE IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING'

Ok. Here we would need a connection of dots - if there are human blood banks (and NGOs like the Red Cross trade in blood IIRC) - do they not suffice to supply everyone that is in need of a blood transfusion with blood?

If so, that needs to be stated and proven with statistics etc. (Like you would do when talking about demand and supply of human organs.)

And it would be great if you could put the focus on US or European demand, if possible.

  • 'I suspect....Vampire/Werewolf Lore' I can see why you mention it, but please just leave the Vampire lore stuff out of this, ok?

  • So we would reduce your statement to: 'All in all, I suspect that much of the PizzaGate, Ritual Sacrifice, Blood-letting and other blood-based cult activity has some biological, eugenic imperative.'

Since PG already comprises Ritual Sacrifice per definition, you can leave it out here imo.

Suggestion: Boil it down to ''All in all, I suspect that much of the Ritual Sacrifice and blood-based cult activity like Blood-letting [I'd suggest to add: blood drinking] has some biological, eugenic imperative.'

And here we have the main problem of this post imo: From what we know about Ritual Sacrifice and blooddrinking as part of Satanic rituals of the elites, the reasons why people participate is that they are part of power circles - some are certainly involved in generational SRA (but this already is difficult to prove - we can see some actual proof when looking at the Rothschilds or the Vanderbilts, but many others, like actors, people from the music industry, bankers etc. where very likely not part of generational abuse families before they were initiated in SRA cults).

TL;DR: I can see where you're coming from, but you would have to prove that the families you are talking about have *all been involved in these rituals for generations, and this is nearly impossible imo.

This means you should also delete this paragraph: (Vampirism Enthusiast forum: Anemia, is it related to vampires? Forum discusses Anemia being a source of Vampire legends, Individuals who practice Vampirism often have a form of Anemia, and inbreeding of families to keep wealth often led to Anemias)

On a side note: 'Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding.' Well, some of them might have (see your links in comments), but throwing this in here complicates the matter (proving your thesis) unnecessarily, so just leave it out here. Put it in an actual comment (not the comment as part of continuing the OP).

Summary: If you would like to re-submit as is, please do it on v/pizzagatewhatever, where speculative posts go. We don't require that much evidence there.

Your post is interesting to read, I can see what you're aiming at, it's really great that you try to paint a very complex picture, but you have thrown in too much that would need actual proof, and is speculation.

If you would like to re-submit to the main sub, v/pizzagate, I'd suggest to boil down your post according to my suggestions above, AND write it very matter-of-fact, solely concentrating on the question why the existing legit blood banks don't suffice, and why blood trafficking exists, in which form it exists, and focus on actual evidence that children are exploited and trafficked due to the high demand.

Leave all the historical stuff out - that's really interesting (if I had more time, I'd love to dive more deeply into the history of medicine, I can tell you! ;-)), but not relevant for a post on v/pizzagate., since it would require too much effort to actually prove a continuation of ancient/Medieval/Early Modern practices, and you don't need that for making your points re modern blood trafficking, ok?

Re the geographical area you would like to cover: Doesn't really matter imo, when there are people trafficking children in India or Africa, it's relevant. BUT articles/sources that don't mention the age of trafficking victims can't be used as proof on v/pizzagate (unlike v/pizzagatewhatever). Ok?

So, these are my 2cents - please excuse me now, I'll have to do some grocery shopping. ;-)

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Thanks, think-. This is a good summary.

think- ago

@NOMOCHOMO: please see parent.

Vindicator ago

What Vampires have long known, Medicine has proven. Blood transfusions are more effective when they are transfused within hours from when the blood is drawn. This creates the imperative for literal human blood banks. UNDERGROUND MEDICINE IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING

@NOMOCHOMO, this is a very interesting theory, but you are taking several massive speculative leaps here that you haven't sufficiently supported. I'm sorry, but an emo vampire blog isn't sufficient evidence to support the theory that a cabal of anemic super-rich are behind global child trafficking for their blood supply.

The main problem you've got here is that vampires supposedly drink blood, not transfuse it -- which is a clear bastardization of the Catholic Mass dating back at least a millennia. You need to show some evidence of blood being stolen from trafficking victims. You also need to show evidence of this anemia being prevalent in Cabal families. I've seen reports of flesh stolen, spinal fluid stolen and organs stolen -- but I have yet to see blood stolen. The genetic vampire theory is something we're going to have to treat as disinfo until further evidence comes in supporting it.

Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding.

This would also need some linked evidence supporting it. I've seen families obsessed with blood lines. I've never heard of a religious order obsessed with it. Typically, religious orders require you to forgo all ties to your family line.

I will give this the 24 Hour Grace flair in the off chance real evidence exists to support these claims, but then you'll have to repost in our speculative subverse (which was made for stuff like this).

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall


EDIT: Added evidence per @Vindicator's concerns.

  1. Human Blood/Corpses were used in ORAL medicinal remedies by ROYALTY, PRIESTS, & SCIENTISTS throughout Europe

Noble’s new book, Medicinal Cannibalism in Early Modern English Literature and Culture, and another by Richard Sugg of England’s University of Durham, Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians, reveal that for several hundred years, peaking in the 16th and 17th centuries, many Europeans, including royalty, priests and scientists, routinely ingested remedies containing human bones, blood and fat as medicine for everything from headaches to epilepsy....BLOOD WAS PROCURED AS FRESH AS POSSIBLE, WHILE IT WAS STILL THOUGHT TO CONTAIN THE VITALITY OF THE BODY. This requirement made it challenging to acquire. The 16th century German-Swiss physician Paracelsus believed BLOOD WAS GOOD FOR DRINKING, and one of his followers even suggested TAKING BLOOD FROM A LIVING BODY. While that doesn’t seem to have been common practice, the poor, who couldn’t always afford the processed compounds sold in apothecaries, could gain the benefits of cannibal medicine by standing by at executions, paying a small amount for a cup of the still-warm blood of the condemned. “The executioner was considered a big healer in Germanic countries,” says Sugg. “He was a social leper with almost magical powers.” For those who preferred their blood cooked, a 1679 recipe from a Franciscan apothecary describes how to make it into marmalade.


The first recorded attempt of a blood transfusion was described by the 15th-century chronicler Stefano Infessura. In 1492, Infessura noted that the blood of three boys was given to Pope Innocent VIII, who had fallen into a coma. Following orders from a physician, the blood was transferred to the pontiff through the mouth, as the concept of intravenous circulation had not yet been discovered. The three young blood donors, all ten years old, had undertaken this experiment after being promised a ducat each. Unfortunately, the Pope and all three boys died.

An Hebrew manuscript refers to an actual possible transfusion as follows "Naam, leader of the armies of Bed-Adad, King of Syria, afflicted by leprosy, consulted physicians, who in order to cure him,drew out the blood from his veins and put in that of another."

OVID wrote in the 7th book of Metamorphasis "Medea took her unsheathed knife and cut the old man's throat letting all of his blood out of him. She filled his ancient veins with a rich elixir Received THROUGH HIS LIPS and wound, his beard and hair no longer white with age, turned quickly to their natural vigor, dark and lustrous; his wasted form renewed, appeared in all the vigor of bright youth". Animal Blood (Hematogen) has long been used as a treatement for Haemophilia and iron deficiency (especially in pregnant women) According to Steven Gruenstein, a hematologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, some people may be drawn to drinking blood due to an iron deficiency or the absence of another mineral.

  1. Illegal "Blood-Farms" exist and are on the rise. Blood is a significant part of Global Organ Trafficking.

The Red Market: On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers

Blood for sale: India's illegal 'red market'

Government Of Slovenia official Statement against Blood & Tissue Trafficking:

  1. Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding. These are just a few examples.

Amish,Muslim, Hindu,

Mormons & Bloodlines,333427,560747 Fundamentalist Mormons: & Bloodlines Hawaiians & Bloodlines: Muslims & Bloodlines: (Islam split over Mohammed's bloodlines) Jews & Bloodlines

This last one is most fascinating. Jews carry genetic mutations that make them more immune to HIV, Alcoholism, & Cervical Cancer.

Inbreeding in wealthy families (for religious, economic, or eugenic purposes) has occurred since Ancient Egypt. Beyond physical deformities, it led to genetic blood diseases (Like Haemophilia, Porphyria, and Thalassemia). Treatment of these diseases require blood transfusions (or some component synthesized from blood)


Also, Genetic Blood Disorders are linked to higher incidence of Mental Disorders. This explains the "madness" associated with inbred Royalty




think- ago

@Vindicator: Since it was you who flaired the post, would you please take a look at OP's edits, and decide whether they meet your requirements? Thank you!


Thanks ya'll!

think- ago

You're welcome.


Thank you for the notice. Adding requested information now. But to immediately clarify, I'm using Vampirism as a metaphor. Though I will demonstrate that the first attempts at blood transfusion were done orally.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for the additional links. Unfortunately, they do not help support the pizzagate thesis you appear to be trying to make here: that the elite are kidnapping and sexually abusing kids to take their blood. The links you provided do not give any evidence of this at all. You've added:

  • evidence of blood drinking as medicine from hundreds of years ago which is not relevant, since it is not actually efficacious for treatment
  • evidence of blood farming from adult men in India for local use

You have not edited your thread to make it clear you're "using Vampirism as a metaphor". Nor have you edited or removed the speculative claim from the vampire blog I already mentioned.

You provide no evidence whatsoever that

  • there is any connection between pedophilia among the elite (pizzagate) and this blood theory
  • the orphans that were brought from Greece were abused sexually or used for their blood
  • children anywhere are being abducted and raped for their blood

Therefore, I have to remove this thread per Rule 1.

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall: In your view, should we flair the rest of the threads in this "series" as Possible Disinfo?


@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall


  1. You're putting words in my mouth.

"Thank you for the additional links. Unfortunately, they do not help support the pizzagate thesis you appear to be trying to make here: that the elite are kidnapping and sexually abusing kids to take their blood."

I've never made that thesis. I've avoided pedophilia/sexual abuse in all of my posts so far. Pizzagate includes the trafficking/abuse of children by Elites for reasons besides just pedophilia/SRA. You were closer when you summarized it as

"the theory that a cabal of anemic super-rich are behind global child trafficking for their blood supply"

...Still dismissive hyperbole. But closer. I'm saying that child & organ donation/blood trafficking are a part of Pizzagate. My post meets Rule 1: as it addresses "Physical abuse" & "Trafficking" by elites.

  1. I've satisfied your requested edits. You 1st asked me to provide evidence for 4 points:

A. "Main problem Vampires supposedly drink blood, not transfuse...a clear bastardization of the Catholic Mass"

I provided 2 books referencing early medicine and its development of "Vampirism" & "Medical Cannibalism" by elites, scientists, royalty, and the Catholic Church itself. I next provided a book by two doctors on the history of blood transfusion, The book describes multiple historical child victims of these blood transfusion experiments.

B. "evidence of blood being stolen from trafficking victims"

I provided evidence of "blood-farming" in multiple cities in India from 2011-2015, A book entitled "The Red Market: On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers," and an official declaration from the government of Slovenia: Combating trafficking in human beings: Trafficking in human organs, tissues and BLOOD.

C. "evidence of this anemia being prevalent in Cabal families"

I provided multiple examples, you didn't address them, so I assume they were sufficient.

D. "evidence supporting...Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding"

I provided examples of blood-line preservation in The Mormon Church, Shiite Islam, the Fundamentalist Mormon Church, Ancient Hawaiian Tribes, Ancient Incans, Ancient Egyptians, and American Anabaptist populations.

I completely answered all of your concerns. You then removed my post for issues you never asked me to clarify (moving the goalposts)

Crensch ago

"Thank you for the additional links. Unfortunately, they do not help support the pizzagate thesis you appear to be trying to make here: that the elite are kidnapping and sexually abusing kids to take their blood."

I've never made that thesis. I've avoided pedophilia/sexual abuse in all of my posts so far. Pizzagate includes the trafficking/abuse of children by Elites for reasons besides just pedophilia/SRA. You were closer when you summarized it as

I proved that blood was harvested from trafficking victims like you asked. You didn't ask for "children's blood" until after you deleted my post. Nonetheless, I'd already provided sources with multiple examples:

He doesn't need to ask for it to be "children's blood", it's in the fucking definition in the sidebar definition of pizzagate:

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

Now take your baffle-with-bullshit crap and fuck off to another subverse where @carmencita can suck your dick for writing a ton of complete nonsense whose only purpose is cause problems and detract from people serious about stopping child rapists and murderers.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy

Crensch ago

Hey @Vindicator, remember when this faggot needed a mod to tell him PG needed to be about children and now he seems to need us to tell him it needs to be something ongoing so we can do something about it?

Don't let him forget that he needed this info from a mod.



"Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities."

"I proved that blood was harvested from trafficking victims like you asked. You didn't ask for "children's blood" until after you deleted my post. Nonetheless, I'd already provided sources with multiple examples:"

Both you and @Vindicator have still ignored my clarifying citation:

THE HISTORY OF BLOOD TRANSFUSION( by Dr. Abdul Nasser Kaadan, 2009 Chairman, History of Medicine Department, Aleppo University, Syria. The President of International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine ( MD, PhD & Dr. Mahmud Angrini, MD Master Degree Student, History of Medicine Department, Aleppo University, Syria. Master Degree in Laboratory Medicine

"it is reported that a physician (or mystic) of dubious reputation, named Abraham Meyre, appeared in the court and promised to save the Pope's life by transfusing him with the blood of young "donors". Apparently, THREE young 10-YEAR-OLD BOYS were selected as donors and Villari states that the blood of the dying Pope was passed into the veins of one of the boys, "... who gave him his own in exchange". The process was apparently repeated with the other two boys. All three boys apparently died shortly after the procedure, possibly as a result of air embolism, but there was no change to the Pope's condition. This story is however controversial and is open to interpretation, being based on translations from the original script. It is possible that this presumed transfusion‟ stems from an incorrect translation by Villari of an earlier account of the Pope's illness. If this is the case, what is likely to have happened is that the Pope was asked to drink the blood. In any event, all authors seem to agree that the three boys,"... costing one ducat a piece" died shortly after the procedure, as apparently did the Pope (presumably from his renal condition.

@Crensch, you and @Vindicator have still not addressed these instances of CHILDREN being drained of blood from the 2000s


"A total of ten victims, 7 under the age of 18"


" Three employees of the Kohli Blood Bank and Components...were booked on Friday for LURING CHILDREN — AS YOUNG AS 8 YEARS — into REPEATEDLY DONATING BLOOD. Allegedly run by Dr V K Kohli and his wife Dr Chitra Kohli, the Kohli Blood Bank and Components Pvt Ltd


"Police Commissioner Imohimi Edgal led his men to arrest the suspect in his 18 Kusa Bus Stop, Bariga one-room apartment where he operated from. He was said to have collected blood from children there for sale to some clinics.

I don't mind editing my post for clarity. But deleting it, and flagging me as "disinfo" because you've misrepresented my evidence isn't right.

Vindicator ago

"I'd already provided sources with multiple examples" of CHILDREN purchased and drained of blood by Royalty, Scientists, & the Catholic Church.

Both you and Vindicator have still ignored my clarifying citation:


You provided no edits to the body of the post that included this link, nor in the link you did add to the body of the post as an extended edit.. You left in the BS about "what vampires have long known" which you were told either needed to be proven or removed, waving it off as "just a metaphor".

@Crensch, you and Vindicator have still not addressed these instances of CHILDREN being drained of blood from the 2000s

You have not shown how any of these instances is directly connected to the people we are investigating in this sub or any of the global elite, for that matter. Rule 1 requires that.

I don't mind editing my post for clarity.

If you don't mind, then why didn't you do it during the 24 Hour Grace? None of the links you provided having to do with abuse of kids or blood harvesting of kids directly connect to to the people we are investigating in this sub. None.

But deleting it, and flagging me as "disinfo" because you've misrepresented my evidence isn't right.

It absolutely IS right when you refuse to edit, instead dump tons of baffle-with-bullshit ancient history into the post burying any relevant info, and then claim mods are "misrepresenting your evidence". That is why this subverse has moderators. We have a long history of disinfo pushers who try this tactic every month or two. You've chosen to present your information in as obscure, scattershot, indirect, throw-a-ton-of-shit-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks a way as possible and then blame moderators when it is removed. That is shillish behavior, Nomo. If you're not pushing disinfo, why are you doing it?

We've had many people who want to explore the ancient history of secret societies, SRA, adrenochrome, child sacrifice and the people and organizations from the far past who may have contributed to the current power structure. They all make their submissions in v/pizzagatewhatever when they can't establish a direct link to focus of v/pizzagate. Why should you be allowed to clutter the main board with indirectly related or speculative material when people like @argosciv or @3141592653 are not?

A furthermore, you were on Voat just 10 days before making this mess of a post. Do you really think it's appropriate to come into a community and start telling them how things should be run when you've done nothing to contribute to building it, protecting it from disinfo and disruption by its enemies, or otherwise earn the respect of it's members? Does that sound like the behavior of someone operating out of good will?

@think- @EricKaliberhall


"None of the links you provided having to do with abuse of kids or blood harvesting of kids directly connect to to the people we are investigating in this sub. None"

Rule 1: Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of children by elites, child trafficking organized by elites, and/or cover-up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities

Are we investigating the Elite or not? Catholic Church, Masonic Organizations, Royalty, and Elite Scientists? My evidence links directly to the Alefantis family. In my previous post I demonstrated how AHEPA's St Basil was harboring a 14 year old orphan for organ donation to her brother. In the next part of the series I show how the Granddaughter of Ahepa's most powerful president has medical and genomics holdings.

The entire organ donation industry is based on an extensive medical history of child abuse and child trafficking. all organ donations are at a demand surplus. Every time a kid is found to have been abused/organs stolen/blood drawn by the medical industry, it's to cure an ELITE wealthy member of society.

"the protection or assistance provided to people who engage in said activities" So the whole grey market organ system. From the poor indian, to the wealthier doctor, to the Elite transplant.

I'm sorry if it's disorganized, There are a ton of pieces and I was hoping to provide as much context as possible. As a history dude, I look at things as long term trends not isolated incidents. But there's a difference between ineptitude and shilling.

I'm not trying to get anyone demodded, I'm maintaining the conversation in a deleted post. I understand the paranoia though. I'm working on a version of this for pg-whatever based on @think- 's suggestions.


"You provided no edits to the body of the post that included this this link [], nor in the link you did add to the body of the post as an extended edit."

WRONG DUDE. Its the 2nd link on my "supplementary" comment. You either missed it, or are lying.

Here is the link to the comment:

So yes. You still are misrepresenting my evidence. Maybe unintentionally. But that's why I'm flipping out. I'm not telling you how to do your job. I'm defending my arguments.

Vindicator ago

WRONG DUDE. Its the 2nd link on my "supplementary" comment. You either missed it, or are lying.

It was not there when I looked at your edit, NOMO. And I'd be careful who you claim is lying, since you edited that comment at some point, without noting what you changed.

It doesn't really matter, though, because the link doesn't prove anything. It's just more historical stuff you failed to directly connect to anything our rules require.

It does not solve the essential problem with this thread -- it still breaks the damn rules. You've established no direct connection between all these scattered bits of history and the people we are investigating. Your refusal to take responsibility for this fact, while continuing to insist I am the problem is quite telling.


"either/or" I accused you of nothing @vindicator. I gave you a polite out, by saying you could have "missed it"

Now you are accusing me of lying by saying "it was not there when I looked at your edit"

Well (and I'm trying to be civil) that's BS. You refuse to accept that you might have made a mistake. I edited for formatting. The content was always there.

"It doesn't really matter, though, because the link doesn't prove anything. It's just more historical stuff you failed to directly connect to anything our rules require."

Well why didn't you say that the first time, as opposed to doubling down on the FALSE CLAIM that I didn't link the evidence?

I'm fine with you criticizing structure , order of the post, and quality of the evidence. But you've accused me of not supporting my falsely stating I haven't provided evidence. Then you used that as an excuse to try to discredit the rest of my posts.

I post historical evidence of the POPE being transfused with 3 10-year-olds blood, Royal Society members transfusing childrens' blood, a history of animal blood treatments for Anemia, and It seems like you and @crensch are arbitrarily deciding historical info is "too old", "dusty old shit", or not "connected" to the "people we are investigating"

Does AHEPA not count? How old does a post have to be about Catholic Church abuse to not apply towards pizzagate? I've seen posts about St Louis, NY, and many other dioceses that extend 50+ years. I see posts about Ritual Abuse that don't have ANY direct connection to the Alefantis/Podesta/Washington clan.

Do posts about elite child trafficking have a "statute of limitations" if they aren't related to pedophilia? because you haven't made that clear at all.

Rule 1 says Elite. and it doesn't provide any relevant time periods. So your argument that my evidence doesn't apply seems arbitrary. My post demonstrates the motivation behind multiple historical trafficking networks for the purpose of life extending technologies. And the catholic church is one obvious example. The technology was developed and drives much of child orphan/organ trafficking.

What are the people you are investigating? Is there a list I can reference? I thought it was any/all elite?

And for historical child trafficking networks? How old is too old?

Crensch ago

Rule 1 says Elite. and it doesn't provide any relevant time periods.

The kinds of relevant time periods that fucking matter in order to expose current happenings, you stupid fuck. Nobody gives a fuck about your history lessons of shit nobody can do anything about.

OF COURSE it's current shit.

@Vindicator this fuckwad wants to argue about historical networks not linked to current activity, it seems.

Go visit your family rehab center, you fucking meth head.


History forms the present @Crensch

Those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it. I've proven the elite care about bloodlines. Nobody has contested that. So the history matters, and leads us to the hidden elite of modernity.

Read my submissions. most have been about current activity. LIKE REFORMING ADOPTION and DONOR laws to prevent AHEPA from trafficking children, and exposing the people profiting from this repugnant industry.

Your ad-hominems are so tiring. I can't prove a negative. You'll keep calling me Esoteric Shade because he's evidently poisoned the well on this topic.

Crensch ago

You are truly one stupid motherfucker, did you know that?

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy @EricKaliberhall

Lookie what I found here!

You'll keep calling me Esoteric Shade because he's evidently poisoned the well on this topic.

I never called him Esoteric Shade. Not once. I wonder where he got that from?

Shizy ago

Hmmmmm! Very interesting on a 16 day old account.



"Go visit your family rehab center, you fucking meth head."

"Now you can stop arguing like a dishonest faggot on meth"


"@Crensch this is exactly the same tactic used by Esoteric Shade to get Falcon demodded. I'd say it's looking more clear by the minute that Nomo is a new ES alt, sadly" yeah, dude, ya'll have been. I read your stickied post like @Vindicator asked, got context, and can see your lack of subtlety in insulting me/accusing me of being Esoteric

keep tilting at windmills dude. And keep appealing to ridicule. I'm gonna keep posting my research and try to ignore your weak bait.

srayzie ago

"Go visit your family rehab center, you fucking meth head." "Now you can stop arguing like a dishonest faggot on meth"

Where is the link of @Crensch saying this to you?



"My referencing of meth is based on his sudden outburst accusing me of being a meth head; I can only conclude he has some kind of personal problems with a meth head in his life, so I make sure not to let him forget it."

really? Its not his pet insult. It's pointed.

Crensch ago

Anyone buying what you're selling yet, meth head?


Not selling anything dude. You keep proving my point.

Crensch ago yeah, dude, ya'll have been.

Nice backpedal from:

You'll keep calling me Esoteric Shade



No backpedal. "You'll" is future tense.

I'll put it on a first grade level for you. And double down.

"You will keep calling me Esoteric Shade because he has poisoned the well"

I got rid of "evidently". That's a pretty big word if you can't understand contractions

Crensch ago


Do you see this, you stupid cunt? Your PEDOPHILE lost child, ESOTERICshade couldn't rub two neurons together long enough to keep a username alive for more than 16 days without being caught.

Keep supporting these faggots, you stupid whore; I'm starting to think all the child-fuckers you support that post here are really low IQ.

Crensch ago

Oh, cool. You finally got around to adding that in.

And grats on finding bad things happening to children in shithole countries like China, India, and, if I'm not mistaken, every country on the continent of Africa.

If you can clarify that in a post, I currently have no problems with it, but I'm not a day-to-day mod like @Vindicator and @think-. @Vindicator seems to be taking point on your BS posts, so be sure to work with him on that.

It takes a lot of effort to put up with long-winded faggots like you, who think needing CHILDREN addressed in a PIZZAGATE subverse is something a mod should have to mention.

If I wind up having to be the one to deal with you, nobody will wind up happy, so please make nice with the sickeningly nice and patient mods here so I don't have to bother.


"Oh, cool. You finally got around to adding that in."

Dude. in my original edit I linked evidence of child blood harvesting/transfusion/consumption for the Pope, Elite, and Royalty. I've continued linking a "History of Blood Transfusion" which documents how the entire concept of blood transfusions came from the idea that "young-blood" had healing capabilities.

I only added further evidence because @Vindicator moved the goalposts again and complains:

"evidence of blood drinking as medicine from hundreds of years ago which is not relevant, since it is not actually efficacious for treatment"

Vindicator cites "catholic mass going back millenia," but 17th, & 18th century experiments by the British Royal Society are "hundreds of years ago" and "not relevant/efficacious for treatment"

Efficacy is a made up standard. You don't require people posting about ritual aspects to prove that their magic works.

Crensch ago

Dude. in my original edit I linked evidence of child blood harvesting/transfusion/consumption for the Pope, Elite, and Royalty. I've continued linking a "History of Blood Transfusion" which documents how the entire concept of blood transfusions came from the idea that "young-blood" had healing capabilities.

I honestly don't care, since nothing in your post indicates where your edited content is. I'm not parsing your entire submission to find where you fucked up but chose not to highlight what changed.

I only added further evidence because @Vindicator moved the goalposts again and complains:

Again? He did this more than once?

Vindicator cites "catholic mass going back millenia," but 17th, & 18th century experiments by the British Royal Society are "hundreds of years ago" and "not relevant/efficacious for treatment"

Pontificating over hundreds-of-years-old abuses is kind of stupid. And his part about it NOT BEING RELEVANT is that a hundreds-of-years-old lie of a medicinal practice that doesn't continue to today and isn't continued to today is irrelevant.

I don't read horseshit - did you link that old dusty shit to something relevant where someone could actually get a prison sentence, or are you just combing through history to feel important?

Efficacy is a made up standard. You don't require people posting about ritual aspects to prove that their magic works.

If it worked, it could be linked to other practices known to have X effect. If it's horseshit, there is no connection.

And, again, linking to ISLAMIC abuse of children - as if that'll somehow get someone arrested, or really make a difference to anyone at any point in time. Well played.


You just admitted that you didn't read the post before enforcement...

And you don't read "old dusty shit"...another straw man.

I followed moderator advice to add a link to a comment including the edits in the body of the post.

"A hundreds-of-years-old lie of a medicinal practice that doesn't continue today, and isn't continued today"

Is it a lie? Or does it not continue today? Which is it? You are the one asserting 2 contradictory statements WITHOUT any evidence.

History is the only way to contextualize trafficking. The medical industry developed due to institutionalized child abuse. By tracing the historical connections, it informs where to look for criminals today. Not to mention I'm explicitly naming the modern descendants of these people and their current medical and genetic company holdings.

"If it worked it, it could be linked to other practices known to have X effect. If it's horseshit there is no connection"

By that logic, Mengele didn't traffick and abuse kids because his twin experiments were dismal failures.

That's a very narrow view. Information and logic builds on itself. Even failures Especially in medicine. The motivation for child trafficking isn't the point. The trafficking is all that matters

Finally, the only way we can reform the law is by understanding the historical precedent and resulting abuses. Do you want to actually stop this trafficking trade, or just lust for pedo prison justice?

Yeah @Vindicator has repeatedly moved his goalposts. I don't think it's malicious and he hasn't denied it.

Idk what you're on about Islam. I'm not a fan of the religion. But it's a forum slide. Stay on topic. Medical Child Trafficking.

Vindicator ago

Yeah @Vindicator has repeatedly moved his goalposts. I don't think it's malicious and he hasn't denied it.

Wrong Nomo. The goalposts are those established by the community -- the ruleset, which is in the sidebar. I attempted to give you some pointers about some of the things wrong with this thread. You ignored my suggestions. It's not incumbent on mods to rewrite shitty posts so that they meet the submission guidelines. We give you pointers because we care about this place and those trying to help the kids, not because we have to.

If you don't want posts removed, write tighter, to-the-point submissions. If you want the community and/or mods to help you edit posts that aren't quite on point, don't dumb six massive submissions on the board in 48 hours, and don't bury the most relevant information way down in the Comment section.

You just admitted that you didn't read the post before enforcement...

@Crensch @think- @kevdude this ^^^^ is exactly the same tactic that EsotericShade used to get Falcon demodded. I'd say it's looking more clear by the minute that NomoChomo is a new ES alt, sadly.


dude. by goalposts. I'm talking about the suggestions you claim I ignored.

"I will give this the 24 Hour Grace flair in the off chance real evidence exists to support these claims, but then you'll have to repost in our speculative subverse (which was made for stuff like this)."

You asked for more evidence. @think- told me it was fine to add a link to the comments with the requested citations (and also has been super helpful btw)

The only reason Crensch was summoned was because you misread or ignored my supplementary citations. I included specific secondary sources. I'm fine making it tighter. But don't fucking call me a shill while simultaneously acknowledging the quality of my other posts. You ignored my citation; Crensch didn't read it, and called "dusty old shit"

Vindicator ago

I didn't ignore it, NOMO. It wasn't there when I read the comment. Nor did it help your case, even after you added it. Your headline claims Alefantis and his Greek pals are draining kid's blood. That link did not prove that claim.


"I didn't ignore it, NOMO. It wasn't there when I read the comment."

Dude, you must have missed it. I have my internet history ( and document drafts of my post. If it wasn't formatted properly I apologize, but the link and quoted text was posted in the initial comment

"Your headline claims Alefantis and his Greek pals are draining kid's blood. That link did not prove that claim."

No. that isn't what my headline claims.

"Clan of Worms: The Vampires of AHEPA (Pt. 6 AHEPA & Thalassemia)"

Please stop putting words in my mouth.

My argument has been this: 1. Inbreeding creates genetic disorders 2. There was heavy inbreeding in Greece which led to most ethnic greeks carrying defective genes 3. These defective genes require consistent blood transfusions, bone marrow transplants 4. AHEPA pioneered research/blood drives because many of its members had blood diseases.

you then asked me to prove "elite/royalty/cabal" have anemia, prove "blood" was harvested from "trafficking victims", and prove that "religious orders" encouraged inbreeding

I did that, and you have consistently misrepresented my response.

Vindicator ago

"Your headline claims Alefantis and his Greek pals are draining kid's blood. That link did not prove that claim."

No. that isn't what my headline claims.

"Clan of Worms: The Vampires of AHEPA (Pt. 6 AHEPA & Thalassemia)"

Please stop putting words in my mouth.

This is a lie, on it's face. You chose the words, Nomo. "Vampire" means "draining blood".

My argument has been this:

  1. Inbreeding creates genetic disorders
  2. There was heavy inbreeding in Greece which led to most ethnic greeks carrying defective genes
  3. These defective genes require consistent blood transfusions, bone marrow transplants
  4. AHEPA pioneered research/blood drives because many of its members had these blood diseases.

None of those four points satisfy Rule 1, Nomo. So if that is your argument, I suggest you stop wasting everyone's time, repost this in v/pizzagatewhatever and demonstrate you actually care about this subverse and respect the rules the community has set up. In the future, I recommend you clearly state your thesis and how and why it is directly related to the abuse of kids by the global elite. Directly related means demonstrably connected to people alive today. I recommend you don't write ambiguous headlines that don't meet Rule 3 or make claims you aren't prepared to back up, since titles cannot be edited after 10 minutes. To put it another way, I recommend you not write submissions that are a "can of worms".

I also recommend that you avoid turning mod attempts to give you the benefit of the doubt and point you in the right direction into endless quibbling and argument. It just makes you look like someone who cares more about your pet subject and ego than your fellow v/pizzagate users who want mods, want the submission rules, and expect everyone to abide by them.


Vampire doesn't mean "draining blood". That's "exsanguination"

Vampire (Noun) 1. (in European folklore) a corpse supposed to leave its grave at night to drink the blood of the living by biting their necks with long pointed canine teeth.

1.1 A person who preys ruthlessly on others. ‘the protectionist vampires in the Congress’

Origin Mid 18th century: from French, from Hungarian vampir, perhaps from Turkish uber ‘witch’.

The term is widely used in political discourse. I've never accused AHEPA of literally drinking blood. All of my posts have been titled "Vampires of Ahepa" because the organization itself is parasitic in nature. As OSS operatives they destabilized Greece for US policy purposes. Then they imported orphans illegally. Then they began funding/sponsoring blood drives/research for a parasitic medical industry.

Thank you for your clarity in this response. I am revising accordingly.

Crensch ago

You just admitted that you didn't read the post before enforcement...

Yes. I didn't read your shit post. Because I didn't enforce anything on your shit post.

I also explained to you why your shit post is still a shit post.

Now you can stop arguing like a dishonest esoteric faggot on meth.



Current Definition of "Pizzagate"

Relevant areas of research may include but are not limited to:

Any entities or events with domestic or global connections to organized pedophilia and human trafficking of minors

** Organ trafficking linked to disposing of the victims of pedophilia and child trafficking**

Explain to me how I'm not meeting the submission guidelines.

Vindicator ago

Where did you show children's blood was being harvested?


"You need to show some evidence of blood being stolen from trafficking victims...I've seen reports of flesh stolen, spinal fluid stolen and organs stolen -- but I have yet to see blood stolen"

I proved that blood was harvested from trafficking victims like you asked. You didn't ask for "children's blood" until after you deleted my post. Nonetheless, I'd already provided sources with multiple examples:

Historical Summary:

"The practicality of transfusion has, to some degree, paralleled and in some instances been the consequence of, developments in other sciences. The idea though of the theoretical beneficial effects of blood transfusion has been recognized for over three centuries. This older history is based on the traditional idea of blood as being the "living-force" of the body....Blood was recognized as having numerous mysterious properties, including initially that of carrying both the mental and physical characters of its owner. EARLY ATTEMPTS AT REPLACING LOST BLOOD involved the DRINKING OF BLOOD by the patient. By choice, this was from a YOUNG, HEALTHY, FIT PERSON or animal. The legend of the vampire originates from this concept. This somewhat mystical fascination with the properties of blood is to some degree still with us today" (pg 1)

Instance 1:

"On one occasion, after all means to revive the Pope had failed, it is reported that a physician (or mystic) of dubious reputation, named Abraham Meyre, appeared in the court and promised to save the Pope‟s life by transfusing him with the blood of young "donors". Apparently, three young 10-year-old shepherd boys were selected as donors and Villari states that the blood of the dying Pope was passed into the veins ofone of the boys, "... who gave him his own in exchange". The process was apparently repeated with the other two boys. All three boys apparently died shortly after the procedure, possibly as a result of air embolism, but there was no change to the Pope's condition.

This story is however controversial and is open to interpretation, being based on translations from the original script. It is possible that this presumed "transfusion" stems from an incorrect translation by Villari of an earlier account of the Pope's illness. If this is the case, what is likely to have happened is that the Pope was asked to drink the blood. In any event, all authors seem to agree that the three boys,"costing one ducat a piece", died shortly after the procedure, as apparently did the Pope." (pg 13)

Instance 2:

"In 1654 Florentine physician, Francesco Folli wrote: "This I pointed out in my pamphlet on life culture which was published for no other reason than to make known to all that blood transfusion had been invented by me at the end of 1654 and demonstrated to his Serene Highness Ferdinand II, Grande Duke of Tuscany, of undying memory. The novelty of it had pleased him, or the fascinating ingenuity or the considerable experimental elaboration. To no one else did I impart my idea, believing that if such an invention were successful, MONARCH ALONE WERE WORTHY OF IT."Later Folli described in some detail the apparatus required and the method of using it. He even postulates the presence of TWENTY YOUNG MEN AS BLOOD DONORS, so that the PATIENT MAY RECEIVE FRESH BLOOD of a FRESH DONOR every day over a considerable period." (pg 15)

There's a few other historical/mythological references in that book to young people being drained of blood to be transfused into ROYALTY.

Now there are also modern examples:

BEIJING - The National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) issued a circular denouncing forced blood donations in Northwest China's Gansu province on Monday. China condemns illegal blood collection Seven arrested over China blood scandal. A total of ten victims, including seven under the age of 18 were forced to donate blood every month between November 2013 and May 2014, the circular said. Seven people in Wuwei, Gansu province were orchestrated the scandal. They were led by a man named Huang, who was identified as the deputy chief of a state-run blood center, and illegally collected 10,700 yuan ($ 1,742) from more than 48 forced blood donations.

Children were beaten and threatened if they did not cooperate. The scam was uncovered when one boy sought his parents' help after being beaten. Local police arrested six of the seven suspects, with one suspect declared exempt from criminal responsibility for being underage. NHFPC called on nationwide blood centers and pharmaceutical companies to learn from the scandal. It also required local drug administration to strengthen supervision to eliminate further violations.In China, the legal age for blood donation is from 18 to 55. Blood centers are required to double-check the donor's identity before taking blood

"Police Commissioner Imohimi Edgal led his men to arrest the suspect in his 18 Kusa Bus Stop, Bariga one-room apartment where he operated from. He was said to have collected blood from children there for sale to some clinics. It was gathered that the police recovered seven pints of blood from his home. According to residents, the suspect got into trouble on June 10, after a 17-year-old boy, Ayomide Adesanya, he collected two pints of blood from, passed out. He was said to have earlier drawn two pints of blood from the same victim on June 4. The suspect reportedly gave the victim N2,000 on each occasion. Edgal, who visited Adesanya in hospital, told reporters that the suspect lured underage children with N2,000. The suspect, the police chief said, had confessed that he sold the blood for N7,000."

It isn't even standardized/regulated effectively in the USA

"Blood donation is a medical procedure with attendant risks, and thus blood donors should undergo acceptable informed consent. There are no guidelines for the informed consent forms (ICFs) for whole blood donors or for parental consent forms (PCFs) for minor age blood donors. The goal of the study was to determine if the majority of the generally accepted elements of informed consent are provided to volunteer allogeneic whole blood donors in the United States. ICFs and PCFs along with their accompanying general information forms (GIFs) from nonmilitary blood collection establishments for allogeneic whole blood donation were collected throughout the United States and scored using a system based on the essential elements of informed consent derived from guidelines of consent for research subjects. The overall score for each ICF and PCF was obtained. Twenty-one ICFs and 37 PCFs from 48 states representing major collection centers within the United States were scored. The mean score for the common essential elements ICFs was 35 percent (range, 10%-80%) and for PCFs was 46 percent (range, 10%-90%). None of the whole blood allogeneic donation informed consents surveyed contained all the common essential or specific blood donation information desired. There is a need for national guidelines for the informed consent process for both the donor and the parent of a minor to ensure adequate information is specified. "

Vindicator ago

You didn't ask for "children's blood" until after you deleted my post.

Wrong, dude. You can clearly see the sidebar, which lays out the definition of pizzagate being about the abuse of kids by the elite. You are welcome to complain to @Crensch if you think I unfairly pulled your post. I asked you to state your pizzagate thesis and support it directly with linked evidence. You added paragraphs of material and numerous links that did not do that. You also refused to edit the speculative statements I specifically called out.



Wrong, dude. You can clearly see the sidebar, which lays out the definition of pizzagate being about the abuse of kids by the elite

Illegal blood transfusion is physical and medical abuse. Please refute my statements. Stop restating rules. You have already conceded your artificial restriction that my post be about Elite sexual abuse.

I asked you to state your pizzagate thesis and support it directly with linked evidence. You added paragraphs of material and numerous links that did not do that. You also refused to edit the speculative statements I specifically called out.

"called out" =/= remove/edit. I would have deleted the "emo blog" if you had asked me to. you asked for "sufficient evidence" I added multiple instances of children being drained of blood. From Early history through the modern day.

You first said I was taking "speculative leaps", Now you're saying I haven't edited the "speculative statements"

Can you please be specific instead of insulting and vague?


2005 article citing a case from September 2001 in the UK. Black boy drained of blood prompts British police to discover 300 missing black kids.

Britain hunts for 300 lost children: In September 2001, in the River Thames near the soaring columns of Tower Bridge, the police discovered the torso of a black-skinned child they called Adam. The suggestion from subsequent investigations was that he had died in some kind of ritualistic murder linked to West African witchcraft.

Years later, the discovery has brought another chilling fact to light: In the three months before the body was found, 300 other black boys between 4 and 7 years of age were missing or unaccounted for. “We were really looking at black children, black male children, aged between 4 and 7, and we found 300 of those that couldn’t be accounted for,” Detective Chief Inspector Will O’Reilly told British radio on Friday. “In the main, these were African children.” What happened to the boys remains a mystery. While the police said they had no evidence of murder, they also acknowledged that the absence of immigration records prevented the authorities from tracing the youngsters.

When the police discovered Adam’s body , they found it had been DRAINED OF BLOOD. Forensic tests found a poisonous bean in his stomach and traces of crushed bone and clay pellets studded with gold and quartz in his lower intestine.

The police questioned people who were supposed to be taking care of the missing children and were often told that they had returned to Africa. Only two of the missing children were traced. It is not unusual for African parents to send children to Britain and other places to be looked after by relatives and sent to school. But the people who look after them are not obliged to register with British authorities.

"THE PEOPLE WHO LOOK AFTER THEM ARE NOT OBLIGED TO REGISTER WITH BRITISH AUTHORITIES"'s almost like they are systematizing abuse with lax rules on international adoptions.....


As early as 1995 scholars have noted the ethics of child-blood and organ transplantation are poorly enforced/implemented


@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall


Moved Goalposts & Misrepresentations of Evidence:

  1. "You've added evidence of blood drinking as medicine from hundreds of years ago which is not relevant, since it is not actually efficacious for treatment"

My posted evidence clearly indicates it IS EFFECTIVE and used in MODERN TIMES. You didn't address the longstanding SUCCESSFUL medical treatments of EATING cowsblood for anemics/pregnant women. You also didn't address Dr. Steven Gruenstein, a hematologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, who says some people may be drawn to DRINKING BLOOD due to an IRON DEFICIENCY (anemia) or the absence of another mineral.

  1. "evidence of blood farming from adult men in India for local use."

Nowhere does the article say the "17 people freed" were all adult men. You again forgot Slovenia. I can give you more countries, and instances of underage donors, but you didn't ask for children, you asked for trafficking victims. You also didn't address the 2011 book "The Red Market" which includes "blood farming, and child trafficking" in its title. Also the articles explicitly state the blood industry in India is driven by child Beta-Thalassemics!

  1. "You have not edited your thread to make it clear you're "using Vampirism as a metaphor"

You didn't ask me to to do this, I volunteered the clarification. Its an incredibly apt and accurate metaphor (from a historical, linguistic perspective, and in modern political discourse).

  1. "Nor have you edited or removed the speculative claim from the vampire blog I already mentioned."

You didn't ask me to edit/remove, you asked for real evidence exists to support these claims

  1. "You provide no evidence whatsoever that there is any connection between pedophilia among the elite (pizzagate) and this blood theory"

Pedophilia is not my focus in any of these posts! Again you are excluding medical abuse and trafficking by elites from your definition of Pizzagate. My posts meet rule 1. I'm not going to attempt to prove your strawman.

  1. "the orphans that were brought from Greece were abused sexually or used for their blood"

Totally new concern you're asking me to substantiate. But I've previously demonstrated a Greek orphan named "KT" was brought to the US for organ donation to her "brother". She resided in the AHEPA supported Stephan Scopas founded orphanage St. Basil's Academy. The NY family services dept brought a lawsuit against them for it, claiming she was brought here illegally.

  1. "children anywhere are being abducted and raped for their blood"

I can happily substantiate underage children are abducted for their blood. Not necessarily raped again, you're putting words in my mouth.

My main point is our current system allows for LEGALIZED medical child abuse. To effectively stop this evil of child trafficking, we need to focus on the adoption and medical structures that create the child-trafficking pipelines. One of the first is legalized/mandated anonymity of the birth parents/source donor. We need this information tracked and documented, not destroyed or legally censored.


"Both phenomena [Human & Tissue Trafficking] are under the domain of well-organised CRIMINAL NETWORKS in which TRAVEL AGENCIES, PRIVATE CLINICS, HEALTH WORKERS, PEOPLE SOLICITING VICTIMS and others COOPERATE ."

If we only focus on pedophilia, we are missing the forest for the trees.

iamlegion ago

“The present study constitutes an extensive molecular characterization of this disease in a small, highly inbred ethnic group with a high incidence of beta-thalassemia--the Jews of Kurdistan. An unusual mutational diversity was observed. In 42 sibships 13 different mutations were identified”

  • Druidic/Druish rely on inbreeding as an inversion of what is currently referred to as diversity. By continuing inward with their gene pool, that mutation is the desired effect. The true essences of Druidism was predicated on knowledge of the human body. Their texts and magic are codified by referencing the human body's form and process. Wales, Britain, and Celtic knowledge collide within the Druidic Arts. Dark Magic is purposefully inbreeding to induce a mutation versus the inverse process of interspecies breeding to remove undesirable or harmful traits.

  • We are not a mixed species

  • We were bred by attribute, trait, and adeptness (like sheep, dogs, or horses)

  • Races can be traced back to families because they are the sibships (it is literally about blood types)

  • Races are the controlled inbreeding and mating to exercise more distinguished and unique traits

  • Which we refer to now as a race

  • The missing link is not a monkey or bone to be found

  • It is the contemporary practices and process we use for pedigree among dogs and horses, but in reverse, inbreeding with the mutation as the desired result to push the families traits further out into something more unique and different

  • It is their form of discovering the source

  • Weilding it like a god to create something greater than a god

  • Mutation: pop-culture inception of x-men propaganda/programming starting around the 60s/70s coinciding with radiation and super soldiers and drugs

  • Hidden fact: White powder originally found inside Pyramids when first discovered

  • CIA Pharmacology (Alchemists, Masons, and Vizers {Wizards}) introduced Cocaine, MDMA, Speed, Aspirin, etc. as a means to both finding the alleged Philosopher's Stone as well as continuing new variations of Transhumanism (previously achieved by inter-matting species with like traits in order to create something new).

  • Adam (ADM) and Eve are sibship 0 by myth and reason

  • My point; Golden Dawn is the most popular Pagan/Hellenistic group to date

  • Circles back to ancient Druidic/Druish practices by way of John Dee (Britain/England/Ireland)

Additional Reading Notes:

  • Greenwich Mean time is lie

  • Finland is the correct Polestar of the plane(t)

  • The Catholic Church destroyed Finland as a means of destroying the origins of language arts

  • Israel is not the holy land

  • Africa is not the birthplace of humanity

  • Finland is the technically the Holy Land

  • Finland is technically a birthing place of contemporary humanity (Newgrange is a remnant of Finland's forgotten knowledge and practices)

SearchVoatBot ago

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Fascinating, thank you for your points. Plenty to look up. And thank you for the kind words.

carmencita ago

What Vampires have long known, Medicine has proven. Blood transfusions are more effective when they are transfused within hours from when the blood is drawn. This creates the imperative for literal human blood banks. UNDERGROUND MEDICINE IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING

I knew it would come to that. Using the Blood of the Poor and Minorities. This is disgusting and I am going out on a limb by saying that I would not be surprised if this was an engineered disease. A disease that will start making them big money while using Humans as Blood Banks. Are they going to have them laying in underground basements, tunnels and hidden places plugged into the wall? Idk if that is possible but it sounds like something they may already be doing or will be coming soon. God this is so sick.

Btw, I love your new formatting with backup links. UpVoat for a really great post!


The emaciated man brought the officers to his prison of the last three years: a hastily constructed shack sandwiched between Papu Yadhav’s concrete home and a cowshed. A brass padlock hung from the iron door’s solid latch. The officers could hear the muffled sounds of humanity through the quarter inch of metal.

They sprung the lock and revealed a medical ward fit for a horror movie. IV drips hung from makeshift poles and patients moaned as if they were recovering from a delirium. Five emaciated men lying on small woven cots could barely lift their heads to acknowledge the visitors. The sticky air inside was far from sterile. The sun beating down on the tin roof above their heads magnified the heat like a tandoor oven. One man stared at the ceiling with glassy eyes as his blood snaked through a tube and slowly drained into a plastic blood bag on the floor. He was too weak to protest.

A crumpled nylon bag next to him held five more pints. Inside were another nineteen empty bags ready for filling. Each had official-looking certification stickers from local blood banks as well as bar codes and a seal from the central regulatory authority.

The room was not unique. Over the next several hours the cops raided five different squats on the dairy farmer’s land. Each scene was as bad as the last, with patients constantly on the verge of death. All told they freed seventeen people. Most were wasting away and had been confined next to hospital-issued blood-draining equipment. In their statements the prisoners said that a lab technician bled them at least two times per week. Some said that they had been captive for two and a half years. The Blood Factory, as it was quickly known in the press, was supplying a sizable percentage of the city’s blood supply and may have been the only thing keeping Gorakhpur’s hospitals fully stocked."

Excerpt from The Red Market

carmencita ago

This makes me want to cry. Is there no humanity? How cruel one can be to their own kind. Vile and just Pure Evil. I had no idea this would start my day.


I think it's studied for both reasons, preventative and as a weapon.

What i find interesting is Greek & Italian cases dropped in the past 40 years. But Indian and Asian cases are rising exponentially

carmencita ago

Greeks and Italians I believe are more prized than Asians. That's not my opinion, it's how I think the people running the show, how they feel. Just my thoughts.


In general, Europeans are more prized (though Greeks and Italians are mongrels by some elitist standards)

What I found very interesting is the Catholic Church required all Italian provinces to submit lineage reports/get approved to put an end to invest/inbreeding

The only region they didn't require to do this was Sicily (I think this helps explain higher levels of inbreeding in Sicilian families)

carmencita ago

A lot of the mafia came from there. The Sicilian Mob was and still is one of the worst. The Church pretty much makes the call in Italy.


I get why people are downvoating me, as I'm a newbie. But I wonder why they are downvoating you @carmencita

carmencita ago

To try to discredit what I am saying. It could be an James A shill. There are all kinds of shills on here. Some for pharma for the vatican, etc. You have to just ignore it. Most people get to trust you by your posts and they know who is true and is not.


More interesting notes regarding attempts to increase Greek Organ Donation:

2004 Study Organ transplantation has been commonplace over the last decade but Greece still remains the lowest numerically among European countries in this field because of the lack of organ donation although it is highest in traffic accidents. Despite this, the legal framework regulating transplantation was enacted late in comparison to other European countries, and was not the only obstacle to the development of organ donation. Several other factors such as philosophy, culture, traditional and religious attitudes, lack of public information and lack of the relevant social fabric, have all contributed to the current sad situation. This article aims to present a critical view on the evolution of the legal framework in the field of tissue and organ transplantation in Greece. Issues that still deter organ donation are discussed along with an insight into the current situation in the Greek social context in order to make a constructive contribution to future perspectives.

2013 greece changed from opt-in Organ Donor system to Opt-Out New legislation in Greece towards presumed consent for organ donation, effective as of June 2013, has come at a critical moment. This pilot study aims to explore awareness, specific concerns and intentions about the new organ donation framework among patients attending Greek general practices in a rural and urban setting. Only 2.6% of respondents had a donor card, a mere 9.6% was aware of new legislation, whereas only 3.8% considered that the public had been adequately informed. Higher income respondents were more likely to be aware that they would be considered organ donors upon death, unless declared differently. Urban practice respondents were less likely to have previously discussed with a significant other their intentions in regards to presumed consent. One quarter of all respondents (22.4%) intended to carry out their right to prohibit organ removal upon death. Survey results reveal that organ donation reform has yet to be disseminated by the Greek society, underscoring the urgency for targeted information campaigns.

2016 Organ Donation during the financial crisis in Greece (the Lancet)


St Basil's Academy, Scopas' orphanage, was accused of "harboring" an "illegal immigrant"

The academy claims The Greek national Mother brought her daughter over to be an "ORGAN DONOR," then "left her to the church"....

Pro Bono Effort Thwarts State Attempt to Decertify Orphanage:

The latest development in a long-running legal battle between a Hudson Valley orphanage and a public school district that has resisted accepting some two dozen orphans into its classrooms involves the claim by a state agency that the institution is “HARBORING” an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. On Nov. 3, an administrative law judge in Albany shot down the claim – advanced by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services – as arbitrary and capricious. The state licensing agency had attempted to withhold operating certification for the orphanage, Saint Basil Academy in Garrison, which has been operated since 1944 by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. At issue was the presence of a 14-year-old resident – “K.T.” as she is known in documents submitted to Administrative Law Judge William B. Day – who was ABANDONED in New York City four years ago by her MOTHER, a Greek national. According to legal papers, K.T. WAS BROUGHT TO NY AT AGE 10 AS A POSSIBLE ORGAN DONER for her 20-year-old brother, who later died at Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital. DISTRAUGHT AT HER SONS DEATH, THE MOTHER LEFT “KT” TO THE CHURCH AND RETURNED TO GREECE. “St. Basil is not ‘harboring’ K.T. as an illegal alien, as her presence in this country and her whereabouts have been made known to appropriate federal officials at all relevant times,” the decision said. “No action has been taken by those federal authorities or any other law enforcement entity against St. Basil in connection with their continued efforts to keep K.T. in their facility while seeking to resolve the child’s immigration status.” Lawyers for the Office of Children and Family Services did not appear at the Nov. 3 hearing, nor did they file documents challenging the position of K.T.’s attorney – James M. Stillwaggon, of counsel at White & Case and chairman of its pro bono committee. Previous attempts by counsel for the Garrison school district to intervene on behalf of the state agency’s earlier attempts to decertify Saint Basil, in 2004 and 2005, were rejected on grounds of improper standing. Attorneys for both sides declined to comment on why the state agency has been so insistent in attempting to decertify the orphanage.


St. Basil's operated as an unlicensed orphanage since 1997

GARRISON, NY — In a letter dated January 2, the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) formerly notified St. Basil Academy Executive Director Fr. Constantine Sitaras that the institution had been denied an operating certificate. While the property continues to be owned by National Philoptochos, the archdiocese has long administered the academy as one of its ministries. In recent years, St. Basil has transformed itself from being a boarding school to providing residential care for an estimated 24 children. In denying the application for an operating license, the State of New York cited a number of reasons for its decision, including “a history of unlicensed operation” beginning in 1997. Once St. Basil ceased operation of its educational program, it was no longer exempt from compliance with New York’s Interstate Compact in the Placement of Children (ICPC). Nevertheless, according to the State of NY’s document denying certification, St. Basil continued to accept placement of children from outside New York state without first going through ICPC. The question concerning financial responsibility for the support of those children has resulted. Because St. Basil no longer operates as a boarding school for instruction in elementary subjects, “it has no authority to provide residential care for children outside the context of a boarding school.” According to the State of New York, “St. Basil has not taken steps to ensure that children in their care receive an appropriate education in accordance with the requirements of education law.” While in recent years the children of St. Basil would receive their education in the Highland Falls school district, that school has now refused to accept the children due to the institution’s alleged failure to pay more than $236,000 in tuition costs owed to the district. In September 2003, St. Basil then sought to enroll the children in the Garrison school district without payment of $46,000 in tuition costs to date, which the district said it is owed. As a result, the State of New York alleges in its denial for certification “St. Basil failed to meet its financial obligations, which calls into question the willingness of the agency to make the financial resources available to properly operate the program.” While St. Basil has 60 days within which to challenge the state’s denial of certification, the NY Division of Development and Prevention Services has directed the institution to “cease and desist any further operation for the residential care of children by January 31.”

ST. BASIL ACADEMY TO CLOSE DAVID NOVICH THE JOURNAL NEWS (January 6, 2004) “St. Basil officials have said the children have no parents to care for them and have made the academy and the school district their home. But Garrison officials disagree and have said the children go home for the summer, make telephone calls to their parents and are covered by their medical insurance. Garrison Schools Superintendent Ellen Bergman had mixed feelings about the denial of the license. She said St. Basil students have done well at the school but have been a heavy expense for the district. Last month, school officials had to borrow $410,000 to cover the costs of the St. Basil students. In 1997, the academy stopped educating its children because of a lack of funds and started sending them to the neighboring Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery schools in Orange County and paying tuition. In addition, the academy was chartered as a boarding school, not as a residential-care facility.”

carmencita ago

While all the fighting and arguing is going on, back and forth, all I have to say is Why Are Those Children There? And what are they doing during the day and night? Something seems seriously wrong that those Children are not in school and it also seems that no one is sincerely concerned about their welfare. Back and forth and Back and forth and treating them like a tennis game. All the while nothing is resolved. Someone is playing games and I think it is St. Basil Academy.


They were being bussed to a local school. The students however, aren't residents, and the orphanage doesn't pay any taxes to support the school.

The school realized most if not all of the children aren't actually orphans, and cried foul as they were going into debt for their education. They demanded the orphanage pay for tuition, which it refused.

Something weird is going on there. It's proximity to Westpoint NY activates my almonds.

carmencita ago

My thoughts too. But what are they doing that can't be detected? If they Children were being sent to a school why would no one notice if something is wrong? I am also convinced they are hiding something.


Its been detected and revealed multiple times. I expect nothing is done due to "friends in high places"

Notably they didnt go after the school until after Scopas died in 1999

carmencita ago

Well something was probably being covered up until he died, and evidently still is. Even if they went after the school the news about what they were up to still is unknown.


The "ilegal immigrant" orphan organ donor especially scares me. The facility has its own dedicated hospital and dental facilities.

I havent found any articles detailing what happened to "KT"