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Derpfroot ago

Crensch cause more upset!

but I love it

GranimalSnake ago

Good work spotting this.

GranimalSnake ago

Yes we are.

wokeasfook ago

Reminds me of this

Why can't they hide their tactics? Once you learn about gas lighting and straw man tactics (((they))) stand out like a sore thumb.

The part that gets me the most is just how oblivious they are to how different they are to normal people. They genuinely don't think its noticeable.

Every comment that idiot made is like a flashing neon 'i'm a kike' sign.

Crensch ago

The goyim are waking up!

wokeasfook ago

Yep. Fast. And the momentum is increasing.

A bit off topic but do you know the user kalgon? My jewdar was howling. I could be wrong but im wondering if you've had any run ins. I know it's an old account so I could be way off.

I may have been a bit harsh if it turns out he isn't one. I don't really care either way but just curious if my jewdar is completely off or if I'm picking them out as easily as I think I am.

Crensch ago

I do not recall him, though my autofill suggestion says I have encountered him.

Nothing stands out from a quick glance at his comment and submission history, so I could be completely wrong there. My advice is to go with your gut - if you find out you're wrong, you can always apologize.

wokeasfook ago

I called out Alex Jones as the damage control shill I believe him to be and this reply raised flags for me. But I do think I may have been to quick to judgement. But cheers for the advice

Crensch ago

Most here know AJ to be controlled opposition. Some believe he might have been legit once upon a time, but that's really an irrelevant delineation.

You might have been too quick - I can't tell if his formatting sucks and the first part is supposed to be a quote or what, but if the first part is his words, he seems more or less on board with AJ being a quack.

wokeasfook ago

His words not a quote.

He does seem on board with him being a quack just not a Mossad quack.

All good and thanks for the input. I do think i may have been off. Trigger happy sometimes. I'll give the benefit of the doubt for now.

DakotaJane ago

Anyone you agree with is automatically a shill.

Seems like a shill tactic to me.

Crensch ago

Maybe you should read the fucking OP in the link. Here is a direct link to the OP.

His antics are not in dispute as being shill-like and against Voat rules and forum etiquette in general. He's manipulated votes, manufactured consensus, and attacked new users on his alts only to swoop in on his main and "save" them. He's done worse than that, too.

DakotaJane ago

He accuses every fucking person that disagree with him of being a shill and a Jew.

There’s an old story about crying wolf. Look it up.

Crensch ago

Your first comment was ambiguous with its target. I assume now that you meant ESOTERIC was calling everyone a shill, not me?

I get accused of that a lot, and get comments like yours a lot directed at me. If I got that wrong, mea culpa.

heygeorge ago

Anyone you agree with is automatically a shill.

Seems like a shill tactic to me.

Yes. Yet, no.

Crensch ago

14638607? ago

Heh, the more I read into it the more I'm repulsed by that faggot.