In part 5, I covered how AHEPA & Sons Of Pericles President Stephen A Scopas escaped conviction in NY for operating an international orphan-stealing/dealing ring.
Here's his obituary:
"Mr. Scopas served until his death as the National Chairman of the Ahepa Cooley's Anemia Foundation"
What is Cooley’s Anemia? It’s a genetic mutation that causes red blood cell irregularity. As a result, the blood is less capable of holding oxygen and iron.
Thalassemia, also known as MEDITERRANIAN ANEMIA, is an ANCIENT group of diseases that have existed for over 7,000 years. The name thalassemia comes from the ANCIENT GREEK word for sea, thalassa, as the ancients believed it was an "illness that came from the sea". In 1925, pediatrician Thomas Benton Cooley published a work on thalassemia. This was the first description of the disorder, and for a long time it became known as Cooley's anemia.
Traditionally, beta thalassemia major is particularly prevalent in a belt stretching from West Africa through the Mediterranean, the Arabian Peninsula and the Black Sea to India, South China and South-East Asia. However, due to global mobility in modern times, sufferers are now found nearly everywhere. Throughout the world, it is estimated that 4.6 million children and adolescents are affected by thalassemia and every day hundreds of babies are born with this inherited disorder. A high number of CARRIERS of the thalassemia genetic trait are found in countries where MARRIAGE BETWEEN RELATIVES was, and still is, common practice and in third-world or emerging countries. Little or no schooling, social or religious stigmatization, and a lack of useful information and education all help to spread this genetic disorder. In many cultures, sick children, particularly girls, are often hidden away, abandoned or killed.
Countries like ITALY, GREECE, and Cyprus have the highest frequency of thalassaemia cases in the world, 10 percent of the Mediterranean population are carriers of this gene. There exists a thalassaemic "belt" that includes the Mediterranean passing through West and Central Asian countries like Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan onto Pakistan & India and passes on to the South East Asian countries like Indonesia, Burma & Thailand. Cooley and B. Lee (American physician) described the disease in children of Italian immigrants in the USA. (1952 article describing Mediterranean Anemia)
Children's Hospital Oakland, a world recognized center for treatment and research of thalassemia, has formed an international network treating patients throughout the world. Thalassemia is the WORLD’S MOST COMMON GENETIC BLOOD DISORDER and it is RAPIDLY INCREASING. SEVEN PERCENT of the world's population are CARRIERS, and 400,000 affected babies are born each year. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts a DOUBLING of these STATISTICS within the next few decades. Once rare in California, it has become the most frequent disorder detected in the state newborn screening program of over 700,000 annual births. Thalassemia is usually FATAL IN INFANCY unless ONGOING TRANSFUSIONS are initiated. (study describing the ancient origins of Anemia in the Meditteranean, and (((Akzhiv-Israel)))...though it puts forth the totally unsupported claim that it developed in Africa) (Evolution of a genetic disease in an ethnic isolate: beta-thalassemia in the Jews of Kurdistan 1991) “The present study constitutes an extensive molecular characterization of this disease in a small, highly inbred ethnic group with a high incidence of beta-thalassemia--the Jews of Kurdistan. An unusual mutational diversity was observed. In 42 sibships 13 different mutations were identified”
In 1972, the chapter joined hands with the Connecticut Campaign Against Cooley’s Anemia, and with Ahepan Congressman Robert Giaimo in introducing the Cooley’s Anemia Research Bill Act before the U.S. Congress, resulting in the National Funding for Cooley’s Anemia Research.
AHEPA Cooley's Anemia Foundation Cooley’s Anemia, also known as “Thalassemia”, is a rare but fatal genetic blood disorder. It mostly affects people of Mediterranean descent. In its most severe form it requires bone marrow transplants but usually those who are diagnosed experience symptoms of fatigue, weakness, paleness, and slow growth. Many are unaware they are carriers of the genetic disease until either their child suffers from it or a DNA test result is acquired. In it’s major form, Thalassemia “Cooley’s Anemia” is fatal and requires bone transplant surgery. In 1990, after the son of one of our chapter members was in need of this surgery, it quickly became obvious that an even greater need existed, thus the AHEPA Bone Marrow Donor Registry was incorporated. Today, there have been incredible breakthroughs in gene editing that may allow for children to live Thalassemia-free! Since 1947, AHEPA has supported the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the AHEPA Hospital wing. It has helped over 10 million patients and continues to serve the community of Thessaloniki today.
AHEPA-COOLEY ANEMIA partnered with NHLBI (leading blood researchers) (Cooley-Anemia study: FRESH BLOOD IS BETTER ...National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI-Partner with AHEPA-Cooley Anemia foundation) Steven L. Spitalnik, Columbia University)
What Vampires have long known, Medicine has proven. Blood transfusions are more effective when they are transfused within hours from when the blood is drawn. This creates the imperative for literal human blood banks. UNDERGROUND MEDICINE IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING (Vampirism Enthusiast forum: Anemia, is it related to vampires? Forum discusses Anemia being a source of Vampire legends, Individuals who practice Vampirism often have a form of Anemia, and inbreeding of families to keep wealth often led to Anemias)
All in all, I suspect that much of the PizzaGate, Ritual Sacrifice, Vampire/Werewolf Lore, Blood-letting and other blood-based cult activity has some biological, eugenic imperative. Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding. Inbreeding led to genetic diseases in wealthy families. These same organizations founded hospitals and have been doing inter-country medical research and population-wide genetic testing.
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carmencita ago
What Vampires have long known, Medicine has proven. Blood transfusions are more effective when they are transfused within hours from when the blood is drawn. This creates the imperative for literal human blood banks. UNDERGROUND MEDICINE IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING
I knew it would come to that. Using the Blood of the Poor and Minorities. This is disgusting and I am going out on a limb by saying that I would not be surprised if this was an engineered disease. A disease that will start making them big money while using Humans as Blood Banks. Are they going to have them laying in underground basements, tunnels and hidden places plugged into the wall? Idk if that is possible but it sounds like something they may already be doing or will be coming soon. God this is so sick.
Btw, I love your new formatting with backup links. UpVoat for a really great post!
The emaciated man brought the officers to his prison of the last three years: a hastily constructed shack sandwiched between Papu Yadhav’s concrete home and a cowshed. A brass padlock hung from the iron door’s solid latch. The officers could hear the muffled sounds of humanity through the quarter inch of metal.
They sprung the lock and revealed a medical ward fit for a horror movie. IV drips hung from makeshift poles and patients moaned as if they were recovering from a delirium. Five emaciated men lying on small woven cots could barely lift their heads to acknowledge the visitors. The sticky air inside was far from sterile. The sun beating down on the tin roof above their heads magnified the heat like a tandoor oven. One man stared at the ceiling with glassy eyes as his blood snaked through a tube and slowly drained into a plastic blood bag on the floor. He was too weak to protest.
A crumpled nylon bag next to him held five more pints. Inside were another nineteen empty bags ready for filling. Each had official-looking certification stickers from local blood banks as well as bar codes and a seal from the central regulatory authority.
The room was not unique. Over the next several hours the cops raided five different squats on the dairy farmer’s land. Each scene was as bad as the last, with patients constantly on the verge of death. All told they freed seventeen people. Most were wasting away and had been confined next to hospital-issued blood-draining equipment. In their statements the prisoners said that a lab technician bled them at least two times per week. Some said that they had been captive for two and a half years. The Blood Factory, as it was quickly known in the press, was supplying a sizable percentage of the city’s blood supply and may have been the only thing keeping Gorakhpur’s hospitals fully stocked."
Excerpt from The Red Market
carmencita ago
This makes me want to cry. Is there no humanity? How cruel one can be to their own kind. Vile and just Pure Evil. I had no idea this would start my day.