LacunaPerpetual ago

They are very strict here. On one hand I understand. It needs to be decided if "pizzagate" goes beyond Comet Ping Pong, John Podesta, and Hillary Clinton. I have to check if it's there, but maybe people should go to the "pedogate" subverse.

slickleg64 ago

So posting a video of someone within worldcorp explaining their part/"innocence" was deleted due to rule 1.

Yet people pushing worldcorp as evidence stays on

Yeah I give up trying to help, might just shitpost in the comments instead


Proii_Pariah ago

Someone needs to tape this to Alex Jones' bathroom mirror so he stops making it seem like Pizzagate is ONLY about Comet Ping Pong.

And if he refuses to change what he's doing...tape it to his face so that the camera can read it!

Scirel ago

I agree - he doesn't really get this broader aspect of what is in its essence a broad-based investigation by serious people. He gets a record spinning in his head and often seems to have trouble moving the needle past it. I mean, really, we GET it - there was a push to isolate Comet, but goodness Alex, get the bigger picture here.

Celticgirlonamission ago

my article was removed because he said it didnt belong here and clearly it has to do with yes things are being censored

Silverlining ago

Please repost your submission on ModLogic can be difficult to fathom sometimes.

tjarco ago


thicktail1730947 ago

Why would it? I know it's the go-to classic for effortless whining, but I don't see where you get "censorship" out of this the OP at all.

UglyTruth ago

Shills whine about censorship so that they can post irrelevant shit.

gopluckyourself ago

(no longer a mod) While I feel like some rules are necessary to keep the investigation moving forward and to prevent sliding. Divide, distract, discourage is their motivation. Keep at it I have faith in this community.