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Vindicator ago

What Vampires have long known, Medicine has proven. Blood transfusions are more effective when they are transfused within hours from when the blood is drawn. This creates the imperative for literal human blood banks. UNDERGROUND MEDICINE IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING

@NOMOCHOMO, this is a very interesting theory, but you are taking several massive speculative leaps here that you haven't sufficiently supported. I'm sorry, but an emo vampire blog isn't sufficient evidence to support the theory that a cabal of anemic super-rich are behind global child trafficking for their blood supply.

The main problem you've got here is that vampires supposedly drink blood, not transfuse it -- which is a clear bastardization of the Catholic Mass dating back at least a millennia. You need to show some evidence of blood being stolen from trafficking victims. You also need to show evidence of this anemia being prevalent in Cabal families. I've seen reports of flesh stolen, spinal fluid stolen and organs stolen -- but I have yet to see blood stolen. The genetic vampire theory is something we're going to have to treat as disinfo until further evidence comes in supporting it.

Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding.

This would also need some linked evidence supporting it. I've seen families obsessed with blood lines. I've never heard of a religious order obsessed with it. Typically, religious orders require you to forgo all ties to your family line.

I will give this the 24 Hour Grace flair in the off chance real evidence exists to support these claims, but then you'll have to repost in our speculative subverse (which was made for stuff like this).

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall


EDIT: Added evidence per @Vindicator's concerns.

  1. Human Blood/Corpses were used in ORAL medicinal remedies by ROYALTY, PRIESTS, & SCIENTISTS throughout Europe

Noble’s new book, Medicinal Cannibalism in Early Modern English Literature and Culture, and another by Richard Sugg of England’s University of Durham, Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians, reveal that for several hundred years, peaking in the 16th and 17th centuries, many Europeans, including royalty, priests and scientists, routinely ingested remedies containing human bones, blood and fat as medicine for everything from headaches to epilepsy....BLOOD WAS PROCURED AS FRESH AS POSSIBLE, WHILE IT WAS STILL THOUGHT TO CONTAIN THE VITALITY OF THE BODY. This requirement made it challenging to acquire. The 16th century German-Swiss physician Paracelsus believed BLOOD WAS GOOD FOR DRINKING, and one of his followers even suggested TAKING BLOOD FROM A LIVING BODY. While that doesn’t seem to have been common practice, the poor, who couldn’t always afford the processed compounds sold in apothecaries, could gain the benefits of cannibal medicine by standing by at executions, paying a small amount for a cup of the still-warm blood of the condemned. “The executioner was considered a big healer in Germanic countries,” says Sugg. “He was a social leper with almost magical powers.” For those who preferred their blood cooked, a 1679 recipe from a Franciscan apothecary describes how to make it into marmalade.


The first recorded attempt of a blood transfusion was described by the 15th-century chronicler Stefano Infessura. In 1492, Infessura noted that the blood of three boys was given to Pope Innocent VIII, who had fallen into a coma. Following orders from a physician, the blood was transferred to the pontiff through the mouth, as the concept of intravenous circulation had not yet been discovered. The three young blood donors, all ten years old, had undertaken this experiment after being promised a ducat each. Unfortunately, the Pope and all three boys died.

An Hebrew manuscript refers to an actual possible transfusion as follows "Naam, leader of the armies of Bed-Adad, King of Syria, afflicted by leprosy, consulted physicians, who in order to cure him,drew out the blood from his veins and put in that of another."

OVID wrote in the 7th book of Metamorphasis "Medea took her unsheathed knife and cut the old man's throat letting all of his blood out of him. She filled his ancient veins with a rich elixir Received THROUGH HIS LIPS and wound, his beard and hair no longer white with age, turned quickly to their natural vigor, dark and lustrous; his wasted form renewed, appeared in all the vigor of bright youth". Animal Blood (Hematogen) has long been used as a treatement for Haemophilia and iron deficiency (especially in pregnant women) According to Steven Gruenstein, a hematologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, some people may be drawn to drinking blood due to an iron deficiency or the absence of another mineral.

  1. Illegal "Blood-Farms" exist and are on the rise. Blood is a significant part of Global Organ Trafficking.

The Red Market: On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers

Blood for sale: India's illegal 'red market'

Government Of Slovenia official Statement against Blood & Tissue Trafficking:

  1. Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding. These are just a few examples.

Amish,Muslim, Hindu,

Mormons & Bloodlines,333427,560747 Fundamentalist Mormons: & Bloodlines Hawaiians & Bloodlines: Muslims & Bloodlines: (Islam split over Mohammed's bloodlines) Jews & Bloodlines

This last one is most fascinating. Jews carry genetic mutations that make them more immune to HIV, Alcoholism, & Cervical Cancer.

Inbreeding in wealthy families (for religious, economic, or eugenic purposes) has occurred since Ancient Egypt. Beyond physical deformities, it led to genetic blood diseases (Like Haemophilia, Porphyria, and Thalassemia). Treatment of these diseases require blood transfusions (or some component synthesized from blood)


Also, Genetic Blood Disorders are linked to higher incidence of Mental Disorders. This explains the "madness" associated with inbred Royalty




think- ago

@Vindicator: Since it was you who flaired the post, would you please take a look at OP's edits, and decide whether they meet your requirements? Thank you!


Thanks ya'll!

think- ago

You're welcome.