RebelSkum ago

Georgetown Day School was involved in at least two molestation and CP scandals. An interesting correlation.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

EXCELLENT FIND!! Consider making a separate thread on this once we dig up a lil more info

whoisonfirst ago

The CIA has been breeding MkUltra, manchurian candidates", baby's raped from birth and kept in cages, later put into scientology homes where they can be trained to put on the fake smile ( like all who work at comet-pizza )

Since 1940's when operation-paperclip brought all of Hitlers 'super soldier' program to USA the US-MIL (CIA/NSA/MOSSAD) has been creating 10's of 1,000's of robot's Now that was 60 years ago,

Today we're into second generation robots controlled to be violent perverts since birth, all addicted to sex, and blood of children, as like vampires the universal program is that these young children are taught to EAT the weak. They are addicted to human blood and tissue.

Elephant-fat-arse ( I like children ) is a fake name this is a fake person, this is all a story, a simple story for simple minds.

GQ list of top 50 ppl in DC is bullshit, hell they put HRC at what #10, elephant man at best was boy friend of Brock (CTR) a long time ago for a short-time, he's a mirage, and everything to fed to all on the net is bullshit.

WatcherWatcher ago

I dunno man. Check out all this family history another slick user found: His middle name is Achilles, which was his father (or grandfathers) name

veritas_e_lux ago

What would be a good source to read up on MKULTRA? I've heard a little about it, but not much. I know some victims have supposedly spoken out.

k00dyk00ps ago

Why not ABC's own documentary on it, aired in 1979?

whoisonfirst ago

Just google MK-ULTRA there are 1,000's of books, 100's of hours of congressional testimony.

MK-ULTRA is just one of 1,000's of such programs, HITLER didn't invent this shit, hell its in '300', the Athenians knew how to raise children to become killing machines, by fucking them as baby's and making them able to accept pain, creating the perfect police and solider to control the slave class, long ago they were called PRAETORIANS.

Today the USA is controlled by CIA/MOSSAD, the entire USA is a slave colony, the slaves only have one purpose organs, sex, blood, all are just cows, these are well documented.

The biggest problem today is there are too many ppl in USA google 'deagle report' learn how they plan to reduce USA population by 80% by 2025. Deagle was a genocide expert working for Rockefeller on NWO plans in 1965.

MK-ULTRA, Manchurian-Candidate, hell watch the movies if you don't read all this shit is real. Scientology is same deal, RC 'harvey jackins' same deal for lesbians, all is CIA L Ron Hubbard, CIA. Every race, color, and job description the CIA has filled the USA with psychopath's.

veritas_e_lux ago

Wow. Ok I'll google it. I mean, I know I can do that anyway, but I didn't know if there were any really solid introductions to the info, books or youtube videos.

I'll just see what I can find. Thanks.

veritas_e_lux ago

Wow. Ok I'll google it. I mean, I know I can do that anyway, but I didn't know if there were any really solid introductions to the info, whether book or youtube.

I'll see what I can find.

Thanks for responding.

rivercontrol ago

Do you have any leads on Scientology to CIA connections?

nnfx ago

I think the only thing we know that he is from new haven and likes Yale.

WatcherWatcher ago

I'm hoping someone with access to better databases can do some background checks, and relative checks. It would be interesting to find any older familial connections between any of these players.

abcyouknowme ago

Went to Georgetown and Yale like Hillary?

Commonwombat ago

Yale= Skull and Bones.