SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

@NOMOCHOMO, this is a pretty sketchy looking website you're using here as a citation. I'm giving this the "Unverified" flair.


From the Source's original website: STICHTING ARGUS The Argus Foundation is an independent research and press-agency Our main topics of research are political, economical, religious and social (power-)structures (so-called parapolitics). We publish on these subjects. We also conduct research on behalf and on request of others and can train and assist researchers. For the latter we can also help with Freedom of Information requests. One of the largest projects of the past years is an inquiry into fraternal organizations, such as Freemasonry, modern chivalric orders and Greek Letter Societies. A second project is an investigation into reports of Dutch intelligence services to their ministers, the police and other officials. A part of the collected material is published on this site, another part is published on downloads. With this site we want to make available a large number of primary sources we have collected over the past years and in that way support research by others, based on this material.


Here is a second citation, from the Scottish Masonic Magazine listing The Initiation Ritual of the Order of Ahepa.


Published on Oct 28, 2012

The Monthly Masonic Magazine of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No.76.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for that, NOMO. I will remove the flair. :-)


Thanks for making me double source! That's good journalism.

Vindicator ago



<3 also reformatting now



My Brothers, I congratulate you for becoming members of our Order; with the trial that you have witnessed we wish to teach you three lessons: Speak evil of no one. If you can not say anything good about a man, SAY NOTHING AT ALL. If you did not give anyone’s name, you would be tried just the same for disobeying the officer. With this, we want to teach you that OBEDIENCE is the PARAMOUNT DUTY of every Ahepan. With that I do not mean that you should obey blindly. You have a perfect right to EXPRESS YOUR OPINIONS IN THE LODGE ROOM, but when the majority speaks, then that is final. And the third lesson that we wish to impress upon your mind is SECRECY.”

dundundunnnnn ago

Secrets and obedience to mob rule. What could go wrong?