submitted 7.5 years ago by [deleted]
Gothamgirl 7.5 years ago
In order it says
Deadly Linkin Park Lurchen Minutm Hannah Lc
On the opposite side it says: Linkin Park Deadly Hannah Mehaha Linkin Mc
IamQ 7.5 years ago
Thank you for your time..That helps me heaps...#ItEndsNow
Anytime. Linkin Park was my favorite band for a really long time.
Gothamgirl ago
In order it says
Deadly Linkin Park Lurchen Minutm Hannah Lc
On the opposite side it says: Linkin Park Deadly Hannah Mehaha Linkin Mc
IamQ ago
Thank you for your time..That helps me heaps...#ItEndsNow
Gothamgirl ago
Anytime. Linkin Park was my favorite band for a really long time.