SearchVoatBot ago

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago check this link please

(archived proof @ It listed her as a member of the Daughters of Penelope.

separate @ from archive link

twit -

ppl - and

legacy -


Fuck. Somebody removed it.

Previously this link was verified by @Vindicator

I'll try to find another copy

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you.


Thank you!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Can I have all your Church Stuff sometime when you aren't busy. I don't read cdan unless there's a reason, it is still hard for me to search.

notstatingit ago

Greek pederasty is still going on.

carmencita ago

Exactly. Many talk of the Jews but it goes on in many of the old families of all religions and especially the rich aristocracy. I don't know if it is true or not but one of the Victims of the cabal said that the father of GHWB raped him until the father died. It is all about the power over the other person many times not 'just sexual gratification. It is really a hateful act.

BelleDJour ago

Great dig.


Thanks for the support! Please keep digging, AHEPA has many roots extending many places.

sodePllAlliK ago

"The Order of AHEPA was founded in Atlanta, GA in 1922 to fight hatred, bigotry and discrimination and to help Greek immigrants assimilate into American society."

Heh, conveniently located near the busiest airport in the world. The lease for the Atlanta airport was signed just 3 years after the founding of AHEPA. No surprise here.


Fascinating connection. Atlanta still is a NWO city

fogdryer ago

I didn't see this. thks so much

think- ago


thanks for posting. Have you seen our rules in the sidebar? (When on mobile, please switch to desktop view.)

We require a link for each claim that is not common knowledge, and the paragraph below contains a couple of those:

The modern refugee crisis is a manufactured event. It follows a long line of [CIA, Deepstate, 5 eyes, British Crown, Council of 300, Vatican, Zionist (insert your favorite conspiratorial elite hierarchy here)] sponsored destabilization efforts, which create “orphan” or “refugee” children. These separate organizations sometimes work in tandem, and and other times compete, in worldwide destabilization/pillaging efforts. During the “Greek Orphan Crisis” the Displaced Person’s Act redefined “Orphan” from a child with no parents, to 1 parent, to 2 parents (who are “incapable” of providing care to their children). This forms the “legal” basis for how children are acquired and trafficked, even today. The order of AHEPA is a Greek-American, Masonic, CIA sponsored, organization that kidnapped, imported, and sold Greek children internationally for 40+ years. Under the guise of charity, AHEPA systematized a “rat-line” from Greece to the US and Canada. By funding and building hospitals and orphanages, kidnapping babies under the guise of “stillbirth”, forging birth certificates, and charging exorbitant “placement fees,” they created a child trafficking apparatus (with the support of the US GOVERNMENT) that still operates today.

Please add links to the claims that are not common knowledge. You might find some in @ASolo's post you quoted.

Rule 2: Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link.

I will give you our 'Grace' flair, so that you'll have 24 hours to edit links in. Please ping me and @Vindicator when you'll have edited the post, so that we can remove the flair. Thanks.


Edited, please let me know if that is sufficient.

think- ago

Thanks for editing, @NOMOCHOMO. Looks fine to me, I will ping @Vindicator in order to see what he says.

Would you please put a 'PDF Warning' in bold letters before this link, or break the link:

Thank you.


Done. And thanks again!

think- ago

Welcome and thank you, OP. @Vindicator will remove the flair if he thinks the edit meets our requirements. Cheers.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Looks good to me @NOMOCHOMO. I'm removing the flair.


Thank you!

dundundunnnnn ago

These people are sick.

Really great work here, OP. This is why I come here. Saw it first on the chans- glad you posted it there too. How did you find this stuff?!


Thank you! Just trying to get some eyeballs on it.

online search tools, different phrases, and combing through every result returned no matter how many pages. there is a lot in OCR text from newspaper archive sites

Also it helps to use multiple devices, multiple ip addresses, VPN's, etc. I regularly am able to find a relevant search result on pg1 of a search on an unused burner, but it will be pages deep on my dedicated tracked devices.

fogdryer ago

well you are good at this research


Muchas gracias

dundundunnnnn ago

I regularly am able to find a relevant search result on pg1 of a search on an unused burner, but it will be pages deep on my dedicated tracked devices.

See, this is the problem I'm running into. I've never considered using a burner. I just wasn't that inspired, I guess. Your work is great. You've got my almonds activated.


IMO its worth it

Search results are filtered depending on the device (under the guise of providing an intuitive experience, device friendly sites might be prioritized) as well as search cookies on user and provider ends.

I personally prefer to use an air gapped computer to archive, a "burner" laptop exclusively for posting, and a burner phone/tablet/laptop for research.

Beyond getting a wider array of results, by separating each process into a separate device, your behavior is far more difficult to track/augment.

carmencita ago

OMG. My head is swimming after all that. I don't even know what cookies are. Choc Chip is my favorite.

plowboys ago

George H W Bush the order of the AHEPA in one of his speeches


ASolo posted about this almost two years ago.

The AHEPA rabbit hole is @ the bottom of Pizzagate.

Bush's 1000 points of light refers to Masonic concept of "illumination". Most if not all of the agencies he named in that speech are subverted by the masons

sodePllAlliK ago

"Lucifer" shares the same etymology as "light" and "illumination."

carmencita ago

Great Post! I just upvoated all of them Thanks for the info and all your hard work.


Thanks for the support Carmencita,

I admit this is poorly formatted, I was trying to avoid multiple posts, and my research spanned 7 of them

carmencita ago

Thank you anyway for all the info. I am still reading. Will not finish tonight though :)


Totally understand <3. Thank you for your time

carmencita ago

YW and don't hesitate to ask me anything :)


I've reached my maximum posts for the hour, but just as a teaser

Pt 4. (AHEPA & the Greek Orphan Crisis)

Pt. 5 (AHEPA & Greek Orphan Smuggling)

Pt 6 (AHEPA & Cooley's-Anemia)

Pt 7 (AHEPA & Politically connected offspring)


CLAN OF WORMS: The Vampires of AHEPA (PT. 2 The Masons)

CLAN OF WORMS: The Vampires of AHEPA (PT. 3 Deepstate: CIA, OSS, OWI, & Military Intellience)

CLAN OF WORMS: The Vampires of AHEPA (PT. 4 Greek Orphan Crisis)

CLAN OF WORMS: The Vampires of AHEPA (PT. 5 Greek Orphan Scandal)

(Note Part 6 (AHEPA ANEMIA) & 7 (AHEPA Offspring Political Connections) are posted in the comments of Pt 5)