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darkknight111 ago Relevant thread regarding blood drinking:

Incoming dark joke (you’ll grow to appreciate them around these parts for good reason)

Since these people are vampires, when do we get out our whips, holy water and throwing crosses so we can start hunting them? Maybe whip a wall or two and find a pot roast if I’m lucky.


We have to laugh to keep from crying!

Thank you for the reference post, I never got too into the "code words" as there is so much deniability, but they obviously are using occulted language

Vindicator ago

So, NC, how do you come to know so much about Greek vampires?

And why haven't you come forward with this information before now?


I guess fear and lack of confidence in the theory. However recent research and finding of OSS/CIA/MASONIC/CATHOLIC connections pushed me over the edge. I've seen posts about the Greek Orphan scandal previously deleted, so I wanted to have something well researched to contribute. Only this week did I make the OSS & Anemia connection (mainly prompted by Jan Irvin's Logos Media podcast on Adenochrome & Vampires)

I've previously posted and crossposted on CDAN. I did a loooot of research on "the Church". @carmencita crossposted it here.

I have been researching for 2 years now, and have been afraid to post due to op-sec reasons. But it's eaten at me wayyyy too much, I finally have taken reasonable safety precautions, so it's time to let go of this awful weight.

ASolo ago

I watched parts of that podcast on LogosMedia about vampires and werewolves but was slightly dismayed at their angle and approach. The subject deserves a much closer look. This is what I commented on that particular episode:

Interesting subject, one that I wrote about during Pizzagate on Voat. An interesting direction that you could go with this is with the French DeVere family were there is an obvious etymological connection who are connected to the Merovingian Kings,Grail legends and Jesus.

There are also tenuous connections between reality and fiction in The Underground series of vampire movies and real life considering the above and Hungary's King from 1458 to 1490 Mathias Corvinus, considering Vlad the Impaler was not far from this province. The DeVere familial line also occurs during this time period. Politicians from the Queen of England to Hillary Clinton and the Bush's have claimed descendency from Vlad and life extension technologies have become the 'new' way of condensing a horrific and gory practice that has been occurring for thousands of years.

Also, I'm not sure anyone realizes the very real alchemical PSYCHOLOGICAL process that is subsumed in ALL film and television of turning MEN INTO BEASTS. I cannot express this point enough...


Romulus and Remus: Beyonce, Pizzagate, and the New Rome



all of your lunatic outpost links in the thread "don't exist"

ASolo ago

Oh I know, I was part of the lop crowd for a long time writing my material there over 200 threads just deleted because the owner Marco had to get rid of the old server all the material was on so he had to delete 12 years of everyones work, that's the main reason I will never go back to that site to post on.


May I ask what about their angle dismayed you? Too narrow of a focus on certain groups?

I've found it very helpful to look at older medical studies. In researching Thalassemias, its obvious that it has to do with Inbreeding. Different mutations seemingly pop up in completely different areas.

The oldest records both literary and archeological indicate it first came out of the Mediterranean. Yet there is this insistence on forcing and "Out of Africa" theory.

In a theological/philosophical sense, I believe the trauma of sexual violence and inbreeding manifests in trauma on a genetic/cellular level. In a Biblical sense, it could refer to generational curses "the third and fourth generation of those who hate me"

carmencita ago

I commend you for your Courage to post this information. Many of us wonder when we post what it may set off. We sometimes yes, we get lots of down voats from shills etc. But post away we do anyway. I really believe we are the True Journalists that have long left us. We search out the evidence and gather it and post it. Thank you.

Vindicator ago

Well welcome aboard.

If you know of posts that were deleted that had valuable information, you should be able to dig them up using Nothing deleted by mods is erased -- it just goes to Removed Submissions, which is scraped by the Search.


totally. and I wasn't saying it to be accusatory.

I just wanted to make sure my stuff was sourced adequately. I've already included the "poundpuplegacy" link that was previously removed.

And thank you Cap'n

derram ago :

Paid Notice: Deaths SCOPAS, STEPHEN S. SR. - The New York Times

This has been an automated message.


I've reached my daily maximum submissions I will include the remaining posts in comments, and will post them as individual posts when I am able:


Stephen Scopas (previously accused baby dealer) served as the National Chairman of the AHEPA COOLEY’S ANEMIA FOUNDATION.

What is Cooley’s Anemia? It’s a genetic mutation that causes red blood cell irregularity. As a result, the blood is less capable of holding oxygen and iron.

“Thalassemia, also known as MEDITERRANIAN ANEMIA, is an ANCIENT group of diseases that have existed for over 7,000 years. The name thalassemia comes from the ANCIENT GREEK word for sea, thalassa, as the ancients believed it was an "illness that came from the sea". In 1925, pediatrician Thomas Benton Cooley published a work on thalassemia. This was the first description of the disorder, and for a long time it became known as Cooley's anemia.
Traditionally, beta thalassemia major is particularly prevalent in a belt stretching from West Africa through the Mediterranean, the Arabian Peninsula and the Black Sea to India, South China and South-East Asia. However, due to global mobility in modern times, sufferers are now found nearly everywhere. Throughout the world, it is estimated that 4.6 million children and adolescents are affected by thalassemia and every day hundreds of babies are born with this inherited disorder. A high number of CARRIERS of the thalassemia genetic trait are found in countries where MARRIAGE BETWEEN RELATIVES was, and still is, common practice and in third-world or emerging countries. Little or no schooling, social or religious stigmatization, and a lack of useful information and education all help to spread this genetic disorder. In many cultures, sick children, particularly girls, are often hidden away, abandoned or killed.”

Countries like ITALY, GREECE, and Cyprus have the highest frequency of thalassaemia cases in the world, 10 percent of the Mediterranean population are carriers of this gene. There exists a thalassaemic "belt" that includes the Mediterranean passing through West and Central Asian countries like Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan onto Pakistan & India and passes on to the South East Asian countries like Indonesia, Burma & Thailand. Cooley and B. Lee (American physician) described the disease in children of Italian immigrants in the USA. (1952 article describing Mediterranean Anemia)

“Children's Hospital Oakland, a world recognized center for treatment and research of thalassemia, has formed an international network treating patients throughout the world. Thalassemia is the WORLD’S MOST COMMON GENETIC BLOOD DISORDER and it is RAPIDLY INCREASING. SEVEN PERCENT of the world's population are CARRIERS, and 400,000 affected babies are born each year. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts a DOUBLING of these STATISTICS within the next few decades. Once rare in California, it has become the most frequent disorder detected in the state newborn screening program of over 700,000 annual births. Thalassemia is usually FATAL IN INFANCY unless ONGOING TRANSFUSIONS are initiated.” (study describing the ancient origins of Anemia in the Meditteranean, and (((Akzhiv-Israel)))...though it puts forth the totally unsupported claim that it developed in Africa) (Evolution of a genetic disease in an ethnic isolate: beta-thalassemia in the Jews of Kurdistan 1991) “The present study constitutes an extensive molecular characterization of this disease in a small, highly inbred ethnic group with a high incidence of beta-thalassemia--the Jews of Kurdistan. An unusual mutational diversity was observed. In 42 sibships 13 different mutations were identified”

In 1972, the chapter joined hands with the Connecticut Campaign Against Cooley’s Anemia, and with Ahepan Congressman Robert Giaimo in introducing the Cooley’s Anemia Research Bill Act before the U.S. Congress, resulting in the National Funding for Cooley’s Anemia Research.

AHEPA Cooley's Anemia Foundation Cooley’s Anemia, also known as “Thalassemia”, is a rare but fatal genetic blood disorder. It mostly affects people of Mediterranean descent. In its most severe form it requires bone marrow transplants but usually those who are diagnosed experience symptoms of fatigue, weakness, paleness, and slow growth. Many are unaware they are carriers of the genetic disease until either their child suffers from it or a DNA test result is acquired. In it’s major form, Thalassemia “Cooley’s Anemia” is fatal and requires bone transplant surgery. In 1990, after the son of one of our chapter members was in need of this surgery, it quickly became obvious that an even greater need existed, thus the AHEPA Bone Marrow Donor Registry was incorporated. Today, there have been incredible breakthroughs in gene editing that may allow for children to live Thalassemia-free! Since 1947, AHEPA has supported the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the AHEPA Hospital wing. It has helped over 10 million patients and continues to serve the community of Thessaloniki today.

AHEPA-COOLEY ANEMIA partnered with NHLBI (leading blood researchers) (Cooley-Anemia study: FRESH BLOOD IS BETTER ...National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI-Partner with AHEPA-Cooley Anemia foundation) Steven L. Spitalnik, Columbia University)

What Vampires have long known, Medicine has proven. Blood transfusions are more effective when they are transfused within hours from when the blood is drawn. This creates the imperative for literal human blood banks. UNDERGROUND MEDICINE IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING (Vampirism Enthusiast forum: Anemia, is it related to vampires? Forum discusses Anemia being a source of Vampire legends, Individuals who practice Vampirism often have a form of Anemia, and inbreeding of families to keep wealth often led to Anemias)

All in all, I suspect that much of the PizzaGate, Ritual Sacrifice, Bloodletting, Vampire/Werewolf Lore, Blood-letting and other blood-based cult activity has some biological, eugenic imperative. Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding. Inbreeding led to genetic diseases in wealthy families. These same organizations founded hospitals and have been doing inter-country medical research and population-wide genetic testing.


Part 7. AHEPA OFFSPRING (Q. Where are they today?)

A. Fundraising for Martha’s Vineyard

We thank these people and institutions who generously supported the 2015 Sips and Suppers event with a gift of $5,000 or more: “James Alefantis” & “Tony Podesta”

We thank these people and institutions who generously supported the 2016 Sips and Suppers event with a gift of $5,000 or more “Anastasia P. Vournas and J. William Uhrig”

Anastasia P. Vournas is the daughter of George C. Vournas, she was also marketing consultant for Phoenix Foundation (drug rehabilitation and orphanage corporation) (Phoenix=Hellenic)

PPS: Christopher G. Vournas is connected to the St. Louis Catholic Church scandal...

Dear brother of the late Nicholas Vournas. Dear friend of Nancy O'Brien. Dr. Vournas was the PERSONAL PHYSICIAN and CLOSE FRIEND of CARDINAL JOSEPH RITTER and CARDINAL JOHN J CARBERRY. He was a former KNIGHT OF MALTA and KNIGHT OF ST. GREGORY. Dr. Vournas was a retired MAJOR in the U.S. ARMY and he loved the game of golf and was golf instructor emeritus to many. Services: Funeral Mass will be Saturday, September 1, 11:00 a.m. at St. Anselm Parish, 530 South Mason Rd., 63141. Interment Bellerive Cemetery. Visitation will be Saturday 10:00 a.m. until time of Mass at Church. A special thanks to the staff at Mari De Villa for their care and concern. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to St. Louis Abbey, 500 S. Mason Rd., St. Louis, Mo. 63141. 2015/09/935.pdf

George, Helen Vournas: Classic Power Couple

“This couple was very instrumental in Washington, DC right after WWII,” his NEPHEW, businessman and community leader, CHRIS VOURNAS, one time president of the Pan Arcadian Federation of America. George was very close to people in power, from highly visible movers and shakers like presidents and speakers of the House of Representatives to those with their hands on the levers of power whose names were not known outside the Beltway.”

other bombshells in this article: Both George and Helen met through OSS ties, George had his Greek citizenship taken away for fomenting rebellion, George had “a 200 acre farm” in Maryland where he hosted politicos including president LBJ, George’s FOIA request is 10 inches thick and heavily censored, George was a life-long bachelor until he met his wife.


Did it ever get turned over to the US government? HA! Instead…..

St. Basil’s Academy flouts NY adoption/orphanage laws.

GARRISON, NY — In a letter dated January 2, the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) formerly notified St. Basil Academy Executive Director Fr. Constantine Sitaras that the institution had been denied an operating certificate. While the property continues to be owned by National Philoptochos, the archdiocese has long administered the academy as one of its ministries. In recent years, St. Basil has transformed itself from being a boarding school to providing residential care for an estimated 24 children. In denying the application for an operating license, the State of New York cited a number of reasons for its decision, including “a history of unlicensed operation” beginning in 1997. Once St. Basil ceased operation of its educational program, it was no longer exempt from compliance with New York’s Interstate Compact in the Placement of Children (ICPC). Nevertheless, according to the State of NY’s document denying certification, St. Basil continued to accept placement of children from outside New York state without first going through ICPC. The question concerning financial responsibility for the support of those children has resulted. Because St. Basil no longer operates as a boarding school for instruction in elementary subjects, “it has no authority to provide residential care for children outside the context of a boarding school.” According to the State of New York, “St. Basil has not taken steps to ensure that children in their care receive an appropriate education in accordance with the requirements of education law.” While in recent years the children of St. Basil would receive their education in the Highland Falls school district, that school has now refused to accept the children due to the institution’s alleged failure to pay more than $236,000 in tuition costs owed to the district. In September 2003, St. Basil then sought to enroll the children in the Garrison school district without payment of $46,000 in tuition costs to date, which the district said it is owed. As a result, the State of New York alleges in its denial for certification “St. Basil failed to meet its financial obligations, which calls into question the willingness of the agency to make the financial resources available to properly operate the program.” While St. Basil has 60 days within which to challenge the state’s denial of certification, the NY Division of Development and Prevention Services has directed the institution to “cease and desist any further operation for the residential care of children by January 31.”

ST. BASIL ACADEMY TO CLOSE DAVID NOVICH THE JOURNAL NEWS (January 6, 2004) “St. Basil officials have said the children have no parents to care for them and have made the academy and the school district their home. But Garrison officials disagree and have said the children go home for the summer, make telephone calls to their parents and are covered by their medical insurance. Garrison Schools Superintendent Ellen Bergman had mixed feelings about the denial of the license. She said St. Basil students have done well at the school but have been a heavy expense for the district. Last month, school officials had to borrow $410,000 to cover the costs of the St. Basil students. In 1997, the academy stopped educating its children because of a lack of funds and started sending them to the neighboring Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery schools in Orange County and paying tuition. In addition, the academy was chartered as a boarding school, not as a residential-care facility.” Pro Bono Effort Thwarts State Attempt to Decertify Orphanage: The latest development in a long-running legal battle between a Hudson Valley orphanage and a public school district that has resisted accepting some two dozen orphans into its classrooms involves the claim by a state agency that the institution is “HARBORING” an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. On Nov. 3, an administrative law judge in Albany shot down the claim – advanced by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services – as arbitrary and capricious. The state licensing agency had attempted to withhold operating certification for the orphanage, Saint Basil Academy in Garrison, which has been operated since 1944 by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. At issue was the presence of a 14-year-old resident – “K.T.” as she is known in documents submitted to Administrative Law Judge William B. Day – who was ABANDONED in New York City four years ago by her MOTHER, a Greek national. According to legal papers, K.T. WAS BROUGHT TO NY AT AGE 10 AS A POSSIBLE ORGAN DONER for her 20-year-old brother, who later died at Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital. DISTRAUGHT AT HER SONS DEATH, THE MOTHER LEFT “KT” TO THE CHURCH AND RETURNED TO GREECE. “St. Basil is not ‘harboring’ K.T. as an illegal alien, as her presence in this country and her whereabouts have been made known to appropriate federal officials at all relevant times,” the decision said. “No action has been taken by those federal authorities or any other law enforcement entity against St. Basil in connection with their continued efforts to keep K.T. in their facility while seeking to resolve the child’s immigration status.” Lawyers for the Office of Children and Family Services did not appear at the Nov. 3 hearing, nor did they file documents challenging the position of K.T.’s attorney – James M. Stillwaggon, of counsel at White & Case and chairman of its pro bono committee. Previous attempts by counsel for the Garrison school district to intervene on behalf of the state agency’s earlier attempts to decertify Saint Basil, in 2004 and 2005, were rejected on grounds of improper standing. Attorneys for both sides declined to comment on why the state agency has been so insistent in attempting to decertify the orphanage.

Does that make sense to you? The son dies, so the mother abandons her remaining child in a foreign country?

More interesting breadcrumbs:

2004 Study Organ transplantation has been commonplace over the last decade but Greece still remains the lowest numerically among European countries in this field because of the lack of organ donation although it is highest in traffic accidents. Despite this, the legal framework regulating transplantation was enacted late in comparison to other European countries, and was not the only obstacle to the development of organ donation. Several other factors such as philosophy, culture, traditional and religious attitudes, lack of public information and lack of the relevant social fabric, have all contributed to the current sad situation. This article aims to present a critical view on the evolution of the legal framework in the field of tissue and organ transplantation in Greece. Issues that still deter organ donation are discussed along with an insight into the current situation in the Greek social context in order to make a constructive contribution to future perspectives.

2013 greece changed from opt-in Organ Donor system to Opt-Out New legislation in Greece towards presumed consent for organ donation, effective as of June 2013, has come at a critical moment. This pilot study aims to explore awareness, specific concerns and intentions about the new organ donation framework among patients attending Greek general practices in a rural and urban setting. Only 2.6% of respondents had a donor card, a mere 9.6% was aware of new legislation, whereas only 3.8% considered that the public had been adequately informed. Higher income respondents were more likely to be aware that they would be considered organ donors upon death, unless declared differently. Urban practice respondents were less likely to have previously discussed with a significant other their intentions in regards to presumed consent. One quarter of all respondents (22.4%) intended to carry out their right to prohibit organ removal upon death. Survey results reveal that organ donation reform has yet to be disseminated by the Greek society, underscoring the urgency for targeted information campaigns.

2016 Organ Donation during the financial crisis in Greece (the Lancet)