Dressage2 ago

This post was great! Maybe they could serve their vino with Rothschild’s Blood frosted cake roll. I am not surprised anymore about this. Evil, pure evil.

vampireclintonhuma ago

dude thats nothing... i grabbed this email from the last big batch of judicial watch emails.... i posted it a lot of 4chan... nobody picked up on it https://ibb.co/fmCw66

darkknight111 ago

Post a thread on that if you haven't done so already. Thinking about doing just that after looking at it on 8chan (came up when this got shared with the Q board).

Do mention "Claret" being criminal underworld code word (mainly London) for blood.

darkknight111 ago


"Do you know what pasta you're doing?" Suspicious phrasing amirite?

exposethecriminals ago

Great find DarkKnight111. I for one have a hard time picturing people in these social circles referring to wine as vino. I'm not of that background but have sometimes been in those circles and noticed how careful and "slang-free" their speech often is. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/58327

darkknight111 ago

Excellent point. Which brings up another question:

If this is innocent, why would elite social circles be in high demand for low quality wine (the more conventional meaning of Vino)?

angelafogo ago

Yes wine and Vino mean blood. The whole Pedo community is full of references to "Wine Cellars" which are convenient places for their gatherings and keeping victims captive. Research the jewish BLOOD LIBEL practice.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Excellent find DarkKnight!!

Gothamgirl ago

Interesting there is a Pizza place in Florida connected to Obama thats always throws charity events and takes in alot of blood. Its owned by Scott Van Duzer. Now I wonder if he is connected to the Van Duzers that make wine.

carmencita ago

Oh my God. What a discovery. I am getting sick from the picture in my head. Collecting blood and making wine. What do you think he would serve to BO or his very "special" friends. What would he fill their Goblets with in that Wine Cellar. These people are really sick.

darkknight111 ago


Found his foundation.

carmencita ago

This foundation is suspect alright. https://www.google.com/maps/place/St.+Lucie+County+Driver+License+Office/@27.431417,-80.347596,15z /data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xfa04188f5bdca8c!8m2!3d27.4263155!4d-80.3483767?hl=en-US Is one of their "Friends" They have a Pediatrics Dept. and a Mothers and Children Section. They are down the street or in proximity to 2 elementary schools AND St. Lucie Special Olympics. Ugh. Olympics. Also the Blood Donation Program lets you choose an AP after you enter your Blood Type of course, as to how you can do good. There is also an Entertainment Co. that caters to all different types but one was Proms. The Bicycles AP I cannot click on, it seems to be dead. Also Scott Duzer was endowed with an Ambassadorship. Probably by BO since there is mention of him appearing with him.

Gothamgirl ago

So I was poking around about that and the wording on this site just I don't know, made me feel nauseated. What do you think?


Van Duzer is also the name of a tract of land in Cali.

wtf_is_happening ago

On the new subreddit devoted to the subject of adrenochrome, https://www.reddit.com/r/adrenochrome/, it is claimed that "walnut sauce" is code for adrenochrome. Does anyone here also think that?

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Sounds way more plausible than person of colour. Lets be honest, if you're obsessed with killing all kinds of people, what the heck does it matter if they are brown, asian or white? I really doubt that skin colour "fetish" has any real meaning to their activities, but who knows.

exposethecriminals ago

I don't know.

However that subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/adrenochrome/, started by filmmaker Trevor Simms, is a hell of a rabbit hole that I unfortunately do not have the time to go down. Thank you for letting us know about it. Very disturbing.

-- I just read that the adrenochrome issue is considered unproven and therefore labeled “disinfo” by Voat PG. But leaving that to the side --

According to the Adrenochrome subreddit Trevor Simms (u/tauteur) made a movie called Adrenochrome, trailer, and feels his life is in danger.

Also he was sued by the Coachella Music Festival for naming his film festival Filmchella, even though the geographical region is called Coachella.

He appears to have changed the festival’s name to Filmzaar: https://filmfreeway.com/Filmchella


Here is one of Trevor Simms’ Reddit posts from January 25, 2018, where he talks about his life being in danger:

From the comments:

[–]RMFN 13 points 7 days ago

Is this post promotional? Be honest.

[–]tauteur[S] 5 points 7 days ago

Its about me. I dont know what else to say. Do I have a movie out that I've been promoting, yes. Am I genuinely afraid for my life, yes. A good friend told me yesterday, after I told him about these circumstances, to start writing about all this in case I end up dead.

So, I'm going to be writing more now.


On December 16th he made a post to the film’s Facebook account, below. I haven’t watched the whole thing yet but it’s pretty chilling.

Know anything about Adrenochrome? Here's where we got our inspiration.

“Fear & Loathing Adrenochrome”


Also this is just a coincidence probably, but today after reading about the hallucinogenic effects of adrenochrome, I went to check my e-mail and noticed for the first time that Gmail describes its "Important" flag in this way when you click on "Show details": "Important according to our magic sauce."

ElaboratePlan ago

Trying to get some insight into this: Trump called Ben Carson a Pedophile and then hired him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3xXvzGTKLw

Nobody seems to have an opinion on it.

Gothamgirl ago

Try providing a video where he actually says it himself. This video is someones opinion.

rooting4redpillers ago

Trump did NOT call Carson a Pedophile. This is a badly interpreted reference to a CNN (Erin Burnett) Trump interview. See it here, published on YouTube Nov 12, 2015 - Donald Trump: Ben Carson says he's pathological. The most relevant takeaway from this is Trump's opinion of pedophiles. YOU DON'T CURE THESE PEOPLE.


Burnett: In terms of Dr. Carson, you've said some of the questions about his past are fair. There have been a lot of questions about what really happened, what his childhood was like. You know, he's pushed back in the media. He said at the debate the other night, "I have a problem with being lied about." Do you believe he's being truthful, now you've heard his answers?

Trump: Well I don't know. I mean first of all, I like him. I get along with him very well, I just don't know. And don't forget, this is in his book. I'm not bringing up anything that's not in his book, and...

Burnett: Mm hm

Trump: ...you know, when he says he went after his mother, and wanted to hit her in the head with a hammer, that bothers me. I mean, that's pretty bad. When he says he's pathological, and he says that in the book, I don't say that. And again, I'm not saying anything, I'm not saying anything, other than pathological is a very serious disease. And he said he's pathological, somebody said he has pathological disease, other people said he said in the book and I haven't seen it, I know it's in the book, that he's got a pathological temper or temperament. That's a big problem, because you don't cure that. That's like, you know I could say, they say you don't cure, AS AN EXAMPLE, CHILD MOLESTER. You don't CURE these people. You don't CURE a child molester. There's no CURE for it. Pathological, there's no cure for that. *Now, I didn't say it, he said it in his book. So when I hear somebody's pathological, when somebody says I went after my mother with, and he's saying it about himself,

Burnett: Yes

Trump: ...with a hammer to hit her in the head, I way whoa! I never did, you never did. I don't know anybody that ever did, personally. But that's a big statement. When he said he hit a friend of his in the face with a lock, with a padlock, right in the face, I say whoa! That's pretty bad. And when he said he stabbed somebody with a knife but it hit a belt buckle. I know a lot about knives and belt buckles. Belt buckles aren't gonna stop because they're gonna turn, they're gonna twist, they're gonna you know, they're not solid. Especially if somebody's got a couple of extra pounds on, you know, they move. There's a lot of movement. So the chances of somebody going like that [mimics a stabbing motion] hitting a belt buckle where it doesn't slide off, and go into the...

Burnett: So you're not satisfied yet.

Trump: *Well I just don't know, but when somebody says that he's pathological, you'll have to ask him that question. Look, I hope it's fine because, I think it would be a shame. But think of it. What he's saying is, these things happened. It would be nicer if he said no, none of these things did happen. He's saying, these things happened, and therefore I have credibility. And what I'm saying is, I'd rather have them if they didn't happen. I don't want somebody that hit somebody in the face really hard with a padlock. I don't want somebody that went after his mother with a hammer...

Burnett: ? (unintelligible, sounds like) so you're proud of that

Trump: I don't somebody frankly, I didn't read his book, but, according to the book he said he's pathological that's a very serious term.

darkknight111 ago

ElaboratePlan might be another leftist shill.

rooting4redpillers ago

EP must be something, to not see this for what it is. Around 4:45 is when Gregory starts muttering about Ben Carson.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, I know every smear is a joke. I support Trump and no one has provided a satisfactory reason for me not me.

EvilCunt ago

Hmmm because he rapes children? http://images.gawker.com/ejvwbrrrxf258l50anna/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg

Is that a good reason? lol

It only counts when the democrats do it.

Gothamgirl ago

Do you have anything more then Epsteins phonebook? Thats not proof, its a start though. The democrats have lied so badly its hard to trust any accusations against Trump.

No, pedophiles need to visit a judge, equally doesn't matter the party or social status.

ElaboratePlan ago

No, if anything aside from actual pasta sauce, I would say it relates to the Walnut Moon of Saturn which is named Pan.

carmencita ago

So the word vino means blood as in the movie Clockwork Orange used by the main character Alex. Nordstad 1. A false language created for use in the novel by Anthony Burgess, "A Clockwork Orange." The Nadsat language is a bastardization of Slavic combined with "school boy" rhyming slang and English terms. THIS is a possibility.

ElaboratePlan ago

@pizza-party-pooper-2 Trump called Ben Carson a Pedophile and then hired him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3xXvzGTKLw

carmencita ago

I am sorry but I can't get the sound on the video. I do remember there being some kind of strange thing he said about him, and I was surprised he kept him on. The strange thing about Ben Carson is that he is working at Johns Hopkins which was guilty decades ago for very nasty operations when it came to African Americans. They offered them food and a room if they offered themselves for different tests etc. Look up Henrietta Lacks. Horrid. There is a lot of sketchy stuff about the place. But maybe Trump likes something about him we don't know about.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Also, the definition for 2. a sweet, nice, selfless person as well. Could indicate "innocents"