gaystapo ago

Here is George and his wife pictured with vocal anti trumper Tom Arnold this past week. Can anyone explain this?

carmencita ago

Just a thought. George was a plant? I read that somewhere in the last few days. If that is true Arnold and Georgie are on the same team.

Here are a couple of things I just found in his wiki that I didn't know about.

He was sexually abused from age 4–7 by a male babysitter.[3]

Arnold was raised a Methodist.[22] He converted to Judaism upon marrying Roseanne Barr in 1990,[23] and still practices Judaism.[24]

And then there is this

Why Is Tom Arnold Hanging Out With George Papadopoulos? I don't have any answers for this article. Just adding it, just because.


His wife also tweeted a pic of the 3 of them

I think this is more proof that Papadopoulos was a plant in the campaign.

carmencita ago

UPVoat. Thank you for all your hard work. Again we have a connection between the trafficking of Children Alefantis and the Clintons. There have been so many connections that the count of those trafficked must be unbelievable. Unimaginable.

carmencita ago

In 1924 AHEPA President VJ. Chebithes appealed to chapters to sponsor Greek orphans left homeless following the Asia Minor disaster of two years earlier. $5 a month was required to sponsor a child, and some AHEPA chapters sponsored as many as thirty.

As many as 30? Where did these Children end up? Is this where Mama Podesta got all those Children? Maybe yes Maybe no but why did they get so many at once? I would like to know what happened to some of those Children.


Interesting! I hadn't found AHEPA "helping" orphans until after WWII.

My guess is it's like Save the Children, where $$ "sponsors" the orphans still living in Greece orphanages.

Greece literally had a whole island devoted to orphans at one time. It was like Boystown, but even more of a slave labor camp.

carmencita ago

This is so horrible to even imagine. A whole island. We treat our young and old terribly. No respect or love for a human being. We are all God's Children.

Zionistworshipsatan ago

You will get negative votes because people drink trumps cool-aid. Great find. I still can’t believe people don’t see they are all in it to fake it.

Look at who gave Jeffery Epstein a kush jail time. He didn’t even get jail time; he could leave jail in the morning & come back when the sun set. That person who gave Jeffery Epstein that pled deal is best friend with Trump. Trump even hailed that Jeffery was his friend and trump hailed that he liked them young.

Even a judge who helped trumps campaign was found guilty of child sex trafficking.

You will get negative votes because people are in the two pole WWF system.


I agree that the two party system is a sham.

I also don't put my faith in politicians (trump or anyone else)

But this development was pre-election, and when Trump was very much attacking the status quo.

Trump also distanced himself from Papadopoulos immediately after this because George was a mole/liability.

So this fits the narrative of "Trump is good"/ "Deepstate is evil" regardless of my opinions.

A bunch of people who downvote posts because that are about the systems and mechanisms behind the 2-party veil.

Also I've criticized Mod practices, which hasn't gone over well.


Also all posts about AHEPA/Deepstate/Masons/LobbyingGroups receive downvotes because they are about the true systems/sources that wield influence.

Zionistworshipsatan ago

SNL mocked George for tweeting about pizzagate....the crowed lol.


I totally agree. Trump's failure to speak openly and honestly and out all of the Pedos made me realize he wasn't serious about "draining the swamp"

Zionistworshipsatan ago

I do feel sorry for all of us.

Zionistworshipsatan ago

Trump was attacking the statues quo?

So was Jonh 3:16 in WWF.

It’s all fake. The hereafter is real, and these Lucifer worshipers will have no part.

derram ago :

How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt - The New York Times

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