darkknight111 ago

https://media.8ch.net/file_dl/f0ef142b2bf1f956573f9797e1a602fb6bef7826b1e511db7a9f1a95c7557011.jpg/CwHQ9LtUMAA9W6i.jpg This came out. Dems plotted with Soros to rig the election. Any time Are We Sure or Knights of Hubris opens their mouth, throw this at them.

MUH RUSSIANS is confirmed sour graps over cheating backfiring.

new4now ago

not sure on the date, but FBI, CIA, DOJ, possibly higher, should be expecting the Merry Maids coming in to clean or if you prefer, Josephine the Plumber coming in to drain the swamp :)

altaccounttwo ago

Gonna need more than one plumbing company involved for this one.