Ddboomer ago

Excellent!! Thanks!

srayzie ago

You should post that



srayzie ago

😂 I love it!

Putster47 ago

These indictments have been in the works since 1999. If you think this is all Trump's doing & thinking nothing I'd gonna happen you're wrong. Trump was probably one of the few people with enough clout to get voted in & could fill the shoes for the task at hand. That being said, if they've planned these arrests that long, they are gonna make sure it's done right.

Shiftworker1976 ago

All should be on board with this Annon Article! We are witnessing the world change. Be aware the optics will change. WWG1WGA Qannon

pby1000 ago

Great post! Looks like we are still on track.

srayzie ago

Definitely. The executive order allowing Military tribunals goes into affect in January too.

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carnold03 ago

I'm reminded of the ominous cut scene from Destiny: House of Wolves where the Taken King is approached by his lieutenant and how he responds.

srayzie ago


bamadeplorable420 ago

SEEMS WE REALLY DO HAVE IT ALL...OR MAYBE ENOUGH FOR NOW.............JUST SO bush dog putting down does not interfere with the D5.

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CosmicNeo ago

Great information! Meanwhile, the Deep State keeps pushing back, hoping they can remove Trump before he has the opportunity to spring the trap.

Cheyl911 ago

True, but Trump is very good strategy wise. He has them reacting=poor planning.

Doit1 ago

There haven't been arrests b/c there are never going to be any. It's a mind game. Q is to scare the libs and to subdue Patriots who might be on the verge of fighting a Civil War.
Which promise that mattered that Q said would happen, has happened. NOT oh he predicted sort of the changing of the Lord's Prayer BS. How does that help us in any way what-so-ever? So as of today, I'm not going to pretend that I believe in the disinformation campaign launched by Q. "Next week", "soon", "trust sessions", "boom panic in DC" and NADA. I'm past the sadness, hurt, disappointment almost, and now I'm just plain pissed off at how stupid I was and what a damned waste of time voting or caring about this shithole country has proven to be.

Here's one thing I NEVER liked about Q He criticizes others for taking $$$ for telling the truth as if he isn't being paid to do this. It's hypocritical. Not to mention Q ducks out of his false comments by claiming disinfo whenever it's convenient. Well I think the fooking Plan is disinfo too.

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drstrangegov ago

my dog ate my homework.

srayzie ago

That sucks

Ioniancat21 ago

I can understand the waiting game is tough since we all know they're guilty. With that, remember that we hold the true power so now that we are awake, they can never truly destroy us. Even if this gets delayed far longer than we can accept, we always have the nuclear option, rushing the government with pitchforks and nooses. It would be a cleaner end to this if it all falls as Q has stated. I pray Q comes thru, the nuclear option will occur if he doesn't....

MolochHunter ago

sorry, OP, i have to delete this post, we dont accept Question based posts

stick around a little, kiddo, you'll learn the ropes


Revodude ago

Promises Made; Promises Kept is not just a slogan for Trump; it is a way of life. Since 2020 is not a guarantee (though it is looking very good), I expect 2019 to be a banner year when it comes to locking up the Deep State. For reasons known here, the big names all have to wait until Jan 1 or later.

Ioniancat21 ago

Trump realized that all his wealth didn't buy his children and grandkids a day of freedom and one day, they'd be under the Deep State's thumb. He had to act, I understand who he is, a man who truly knows that family "Trumps" wealth....

superpatriette ago

Excellent post. Sharing.

DutchiWolf ago

Super post, message understood! (An Anon brother from the Netherlands)

srayzie ago

Yay thanks! I’m an anon sister from the US.

DC92T ago

I don't know how people cannot understand, regardless of what they read or hear, that this president actually gives a fuck about us, and our Country.

This is are one and only shot of breaking away from these dictating leaders Be a sheep NO MORE!!


Ddboomer ago

There has been a ton of pedo arrests Behind the scenes. Many of the bad guys have ankle trackers. They have to have a lock stock bring them down sweep. The judicial is key to this. They have cleaned up the FBI and other branches. Impatience is not a vertue ...strike at the right moment when you know all your enemies weaknesses and it’s a guaranteed win. WWG1WGA!! Don’t be a whinny Patriot.’

desertratlc ago

Patience, a simple civil suit takes 2 years here in my home town, a lot longer if defense attorney delays with good funding. A prosecution takes 2 to three years for a felony, the courts are crowded and attorneys can delay at every turn. to take this big an organized crime syndicate down will take a long time and good planning ro they will all get off and back to business.

stormymonday ago

Nobody is going to jail, just get that out of your head right now, the best we can hope for is to destroy their ability to continue their destruction of the country.

KardiffGiant420 ago

This. Anyone who thinks there is going to be some major "event" or ah-hah moment, sorry to disappoint. This is it. Right now...what you read today on this site...what you read last month...hell even last year. It's just the same shit. over & over & over.

Do people not see this carrot-and-the-stick thing happening?

Q is prob HRC staff herself, convincing a bunch of low informed. easily persuaded rubes that "Don't worry, they're coming for me...errr...I mean her!"

Wake up people.

stormymonday ago

there is a lot reality in your comment, I upvote it

RightSideUp17and6 ago

I just gotta say it. No one does intel like the ladies. Awesome input, as usual. The book of srayzie continues...

srayzie ago

Aww thank you!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Q on! Whoop whoop!

PooperPoops ago

Good Day Fellow Q boppers

I Havith a theory,

A theory about how Q is using us as Q believers as a machine a Legion if you will,

Because if you are anything like me, You are Completely and utterly convinced that Q is real and, The world is about to be let in on a huge freaking secret,

This will be earth shattering to the Normies! Fables of this event will be told to our descendants ten generations from now.

This means you would probably do what I do,personally I want to make it very clear to I each and every normie I can get my hands on, are informed very enthusiastically of all the details of hitlary, the FED, and of course Q!

I plaster it everywhere Zuckerbook, Twitter and youtube of course:) even if its the worlds worst youtube Q youtube video:)...

when the news hits! Arrests are happening , this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv3jzzU_Zgw ... my friends, will be golden:) #myfriendsarenormies #YOU_HAVE_ACHIEVED_PROPHET mode!

a good souvenir for what is to be the most influential world event since Christ!

Well back to how is using us as connections/Wires into the Matrix.

You ever wonder why Q keeps letting us think the Moab is going to drop?

Because I was really hyped about that mothertrucking Moab!

Twice now?

You see?

every time we are convinced the world is changing on FRIDAY that nothing will ever be the same,

We go nuts! Hyper and ready to talk!

Too everyone! Everyone must know we know! I will not miss that train:)

And you telling people means those people remember your crazy rambling about Q, and getting angry at you for acting crazy and trying to "scare them"?

Every time we have had one of those "it's happening now" attacks we have been having:)

We tell even more people! intensifying our impact.

Once the first real big arrests drop every normie who has ever met your charming ass will Know exactly where to start looking for some answers.

The "let downs" he has been forcing on us, has been used as a mechanism to Jump start the heartbeat of the Dragon of awakening.

Also We need strength in numbers, you really need people to know it's not okay, to start eating each other now. Very important!,

We are just waiting for this test tube baby Q created to come alive and spawn!

Also the Q attacks from the media.


Forces them to write the stories! because of-course everyone who saw the Q attack story's probably also knows either someone who knows you or he has been upset by your crazy talk already already:)

They would not give someone this much attention they are trying to desperately keep a damned secret, Remember even bad publicity is good publicity.

why not on CNN then? if Q was a LARP it would be a huge hit to Trump! Huge!!!

Anyhoo, Good day! Kind Regards We are Not A Moose: We have but one goal and that is to spread the truth on our never ending mission for world Liberty, cocaine and strippers. We are one,

We do forget

and we will forgive,

for we are not a moose!

Terri88 ago

Some thought Jesus was crazy too :)

drstrangegov ago

Forgive our skepticism. A lot of us are very cautiously optimistic but watching both sides very closely. We know how deceptive our real enemy is. How skilled they are at 3d chess. Not good that you are talking about cocaine and strippers, those are tools that helped get us to the terrible impasse we are at right now. Strippers are our daughters that embraced the darkness, and break our hearts. Cocaine is just a shade of that darkness. Get out of here with that crap.

RuciodeSancho ago

Sorry-I just don't know who or what to believe any more at all!!! We've been waiting for decades for the truth to come out-about Vietnam, the JFK deep state murder, just how the FUCK a punk-ass puke like little barry ever even got close to the presidency, 9/11, and all the SHIT that's followed. Now for the past 2 years we've been promised bomb shell after bomb shell-this will bring them down, this will land them in jail!!! I'm so sick of it all I can say is-I'LL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT AND IT DAMN WELL BETTER BE SOON AS THE DEMONRATS ARE ABOUT TO TAKE OVER THE HOUSE AND EVERY INVESTIGATION THE GOP INITIATES WILL BE SHUT DOWN BEFORE IT EVEN BEGINS!!! MAGA!!!

KardiffGiant420 ago

Yeah, I don't even know what's real anymore. Today I don't think Q is real. That might change but I went to church and my pastor told me that I am likely being deceived by false prophets and tempted into child sex with Democrats.


Your pastor is full of shit. Did you ever consider that possibility?

KardiffGiant420 ago

Your pastor rapes kids.

justme51463 ago

Just wow thank you.

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feli00 ago

excuses of children. There are no arrests because they are all the same side. Everything is a game. When they arrest Kissinger and his bosses the owners of the world who are the magnates of banking, oil, gas etc and are part of unknown families and not the Rothschild, Rockfeller and those people of level 2 will begin to believe in this movement that at the moment does not pass LARP

Shiftworker1976 ago

Today is Vincent payback day

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Stonenchizel ago

@srayzie That was just an awesome post with so much information! Thanks for Your efforts! 😉👌 @Stonenchizel

LPanon ago

Love all the data you supplied. Thank you very much. I started following Q about 6 months ago and finding those on YouTube who provided their insight. I've been hooked. Thanks again

SpiritualWarrior ago

Awesome job @srayzie! We are at war. Good vs. Evil. When one of our patriots are down, we need to be strong to carry them. I love that you made this a sticky! Also, Twitter is full of lots of positive information! I wasn't going to go back, but I changed my mind and I'm glad I did.

One more thing. Stay away from romaine lettuce. That e coli outbreak is real. I only had a small piece on my sandwich two days ago and I'm MISERABLE!

NellerBean ago

That e coli outbreak is real. I only had a small piece on my sandwich two days ago and I'm MISERABLE!

Blessings, Patriot! Do you have any activated charcoal? If not, it's not a bad idea to get some and keep it on hand for these instances, which may be increasing in coming months.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Maybe WE are like activated charcoal, in at least some of our functions in the Q-niverse. hee hee.

srayzie ago

Thank you! Oh I have almost all positive communication on Twitter. I have my Q and Patriots lists and stick to them! I heard about the lettuce! You never know.

TheGreatAnonening ago

Why would Trump do this? Because he is a narcissist and narcissism knows no bounds. He never expected to win, but has taken it on as his ultimate power play. There's not an altruistic bone in that man's body.

SCRoadTrip ago

Posts like yours crack me up. Why bother? If its a LARP it dies under its own weight. If not, then it will prove out over the next few months. Your beliefs about PDT are not relevant - they cloud your reasoning if not trolling. So I guess Gowdy and Meadows are just gaming by subpoenaing Comey and Lynch while stating the end of their investigation is near. Funny how that times out. Senate majority, Whitaker implementing justice unabated, etc. My prediction is the next two years are going to be very painful for you as PDT continues to talk about his and his supporters accomplishments.

Q sent me.

TheGreatAnonening ago

Time will tell. I feel very certain Mueller's investigation is going to clairify just how correct I am about 45.

DickTick ago


^thats a penis. Go ahead and let it sit on your tongue... You know you want to.. you know,being gay and all.

TheGreatAnonening ago

Solid response my dude. Really told me.

DickTick ago

It appears as though I did, indeed, tell you. Now if you'll just work on your tongue about a bit I'll give you a nice surprise! and if you prefer strawberry over coconut then, my good friend, all that will require is a solid knee to your nose moments after I dispense the goods. Youve earned it, sport.

TheGreatAnonening ago

So, not only do you have a dumb as fuck martial law and fascism fetish... you did on dudes sucking your dick?

Well played.

swimkin ago

Whooot Whoot. You are the bomb, Patriot.

Billeee ago

Outstanding work! Thank you!

eronburr ago

Any lawyers on voat?

I think a lot of the disasters (wild fires in CA, house explosions in MA, house fires in NJ) are ways to turn property into insurance income. If I was going to lose my property because of some law, either because I bought it with illegal money or I was about to lose it to that Executive Order, would converting it to nothing and getting insurance be a way to avoid the law?

DammitMan ago

Great work Patriot! Wonderful RedPilling work. Thank you.

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bulrush ago

How can arrests occur prior to removing the corruption from the DOJ & FBI?

They can't. The FBI and DOJ have some bad players removed but they are still dirty.

How can arrests occur prior to safely securing a majority in the SUPREME COURT [CONSTITUTION - RULE OF LAW]

They can't. The SC still has some dirty players like that mummy Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

kestrel9 ago

Excellent work thank you Srayzie! Happy Thanksgiving, let me know if you pardon any turkeys ;)

42641 ago

I hope everyone reads these because they are awesome!!! Thank you.

PorkAndBeer ago

When does a bird sing?

After a storm.

IndigoEyes ago

And apparently George Soros is free to travel around the world... https://www.instagram.com/p/BqV_IefnyP-/

There will be no arrests...

G45Colt ago

Did you read (and comprehend) anything the OP posted?

lightmeup77 ago

Wonderfully written mam.

Many thanks for the hard work that went into this.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


MuckeyDuck ago

That was a lucid, intelligent, well thought out post (My cousin Vinny) Thank you much!

I saw today in article from www.oodaloop.com something I missed, that EO on foreign election interference also covers disinformation, an d propaganda. If media has any foreign connection and they were guilty of the that would put them in the target zone.

I also tagged you on a comment to a thread I posted "Most likely framework followed by Q-MI in take down of cabal" that has a couple of good Vet comments. One is excellent in it's comparison of the difficulty that Q faces in communication to his HUMINT and Enemy while both are in the same warroom. I think you'll like it.

VQTmom ago

Excellent work! Lifts our spirits! Thanks so much, you and the other mods do such a marvelous job.

Blacksmith21 ago

Damn @Srayzie! I am impressed. I like the work Chica. I'm still reading and liking more and more! Berry nice: https://www.bananahammockworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Borat-Banana-Hammock-Mankini.jpg

Blacksmith21 ago

Karl Rove for the win. I think he's gonna eat a bullet.

TrustTheTruth ago

Who was Karl Rove's original protege?

Who was he the Presidential campaign manager for?

Who did he suggest for Vice President?

Who did he have a Fake Fight with?

Who played him in the HBO movie?

How was he compromised?

What happened in that election and what recently happened to that candidate?

Why was that candidate speaking against Trump in the past election along with his campaign manager who was declaring Hillary the early winner by a landslide on MSNBC?

Who campaigned and spoke at rallies with Trump?

What Breitbart and InfoWars personalities helped promote Trump?

Why are they all involved in scandals with many resigning or facing indictment?

Who did pilot Dmitri Noonan claim to be involved in the Tarmac meeting?

Why are Paul Ryan and Rahm Emanuel resigning?

What was The Deal that Trump made, and what role do they each play in The Deal?

Where is Reince Priebus from?

What happened at Wrestlemania XXIII?

What was the thousand points of light speech about?

Who are Jeff Epstein and Katie Johnson?

Why was Q created, why did they leave public 8chan, and why did they flood Voat?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

What is The Mark of the Beast?

How are so many of them linked to the Pilgrims Society?

BonesDC ago

Mind breaking it down for us, I about done with the Q lies/promises that never materialize, but dont have time to chase down a mountain of information that may be a pack of lies to begin with. The problem with Q is and always has been the insistence that much shall remain hidden or unknown. Tired of the games lets have it out in an open conversation. If not be relegated to the trash heap of non existence. Come Lord Jesus Come.

TrustTheTruth ago

We are the reason why Q exists, why Q stopped posting on the public 8ch board, and why Q flooded Voat to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

Trump is a Fake Savior and Q is a False Prophet.

Their real agenda beyond Agenda 21 / 2030 is Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing.

The Truth is Here. This is The Parousia.

Blacksmith21 ago

"Win", not win. Suicide weekend.

DamnLiquor ago

FISA hasn't been released yet yard ape, pay attention

MuckeyDuck ago

Warning: Soros Shill\BOT Detected. Every post he/she/it creates earns 25-cents. Starve the Soros Troll\BOT®

robmorris ago

Brother Patriot, all I can say WOW and thank you so much. WWG1WGA

bulrush ago

She's a girl.

robmorris ago

Yeah, she told me. Sweet lady

TheCIASellsDrugs ago


Indeed. It's quite irritating to see criminals like Hillary Clinton not in a jail cell, but there's a reason Q has come out to speak to us in the first place. Q is asking for time, and asking us to help others to wake up (the Great awakening)

If you've been around conspiracy circles for awhile, you will know that the people who appear to be in power (Congress) are not the real shot callers. The real power lies with bankers, groups like Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg, secret societies, the Vatican, the British royal family, and so on. In terms of real exercise of power in the world, your average congressman is virtually a nobody, and senior FBI officials are very low level, since they answer to groups like the Mormon elders, heads of their masonic lodge, and British intelligence.

You can take down corrupt FBI officials all day long and the swamp won't be drained, because the it's the system and the people behind the system that are the real cause of the corruption.

The white hats are not overly concerned about taking down these lower level scrubs. Prosecuting them is about rolling them over so you can start to take down the CIA, and eventually the Rothschilds, the Queen, and so on. The people we are fighting are sophisticated actors, and it isn't easy.

That's not to say we should be passive. Quite the opposite. What is needed now is research, investigation, and the most furious redpilling operating in the entire history of the world. We will overthrow the satanic world order, and we will see America finally live up to its true calling and purpose.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

drstrangegov ago

these people have no power. tell the TRUTH and MILLIONS will rise.

robmorris ago

Wow, I just love the way you write. Thank you for the Gettysburg Address. In times like these we need strong and ready Patriots. WWG1WGA

Vindicator ago

Great comment!

Lonecrowe ago

Just bomb the fuck out of any Rothschild owned house, institution. Problem #1 solved. Then bomb the fuck out of the IMF. Then next turn to any Soros funded institution. Move on from there. Let the military to their job, which is destroy the enemy.

think- ago

...Sister Patriot...

robmorris ago

So sorry, I am an old fart. Wonderful post,great work. Rob

srayzie ago

Awww thanks brother Patriot

Crensch ago

It's generally recommended to not use your real name on websites - especially ones like this where thought police will want to find you and harm you. Also, it's perfectly logical, and generally thought to be a good practice, to assume everyone on the internet is male.

robmorris ago

Thank you Patriot.

think- ago

Also, it's perfectly logical, and generally thought to be a good practice, to assume everyone on the internet is male.

'Perfectly logical' - haha, @Crensch. looks amused

think- ago

I don't think @srayzie is cross with you - she will have focused on

all I can say WOW and thank you so much. WWG1WGA


zyklon_b ago

hey buddy

cryptex ago

Because both sides fuck kids.

DickTick ago

God damn kiddie diddlers

Vindicator ago

Excellent, excellent post, srayzie. :-)

think- ago

Why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?

I better keep my mouth shut. grin

Shizy ago

Because you don't want to say that you LOVE him ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘

zyklon_b ago


think- ago

Hahaha, @Shizy, nice try!! ;-P

Shizy ago

Hey, I gotta try 😁

think- ago


RG72 ago


YoikesandAway ago

Yes, he gained power, but if his ultimate goal was to use it to further his own prosperity (cough Clintons, Pelosi, Waters, etc), he would NOT be doing what he has done. THAT is what we all see. To see the media celebrating the abuses of power that Obama administration did and how the lower judges grab power by limiting the POTUS is telling.

RG72 ago

Oh I totally agree with you. I do NOT believe Trump was after power. But after the list of his life achievememes POWER is the only thing left. And what's higher than the power of a billionaire?...POTUS! But thank God he's on the Constitution side...

think- ago

Thanks. Pinging @MolochHunter for you.

think- ago

Ah, you're back! :-)

srayzie ago

Yeah I haven’t even checked my messages yet. About to :)

pwdwp ago

excellent post!


srayzie ago

Thank you!

hangry ago

Or, more simply and directly, the promised arrests by Q did not happen then, or now, or possibly ever.

MuckeyDuck ago

Warning: Soros Shill Detected. Every post he/she/it creates earns 25-cents. Starve the Soros Troll®

hangry ago

I have yet to see proof of an actual shill posting to Q subs. Do you have any?

TheGreatAnonening ago

There is no proof. It's just an easy straw man when people appear and troll/disagree with all of this horseshit. If there was proof, it would have been exposed in an undeniable way by now.

Paladin_Diver ago

Sort of like Russian collusion?

MuckeyDuck ago

Not something I am interested in proving! If your statement make you happy, then I'm happy too.

Revised ago

Or possibly after the new Congress, purged of criminals who tried to enter through election fraud is seated.

A good indicator should be the result of the DHS report on election fraud that must be given to the president and DOJ no later than December 21st.

hangry ago

It's always right around the corner. ha

Revised ago

Dude, if it doesn't happen we will descend into civil war and absolute chaos.

I sure don't want to turn THAT corner.

hangry ago

I'm for arrests, but I doubt that there will be any. And I don't think the average q follower will take up arms. Not gonna happen.

Revised ago

I can't speak to your point on the average Q follower, but I shoot competitively (not so competitive, but it's great practice) and I encounter a lot of patriots, LE, and veterans at the matches.

If there is not an purge of the evil controlling America before Trump leaves office the Neoliberals will take power and complete their planned destruction of America. There are people out there who will not let her die quietly.

hangry ago

I hope you are right.

Revised ago

Trust me on this one brother.

Still, I hope it never comes to that. That is why I keep hoping.

Mostly I hope this video is more than the obvious propaganda it appears to be:


srayzie ago

See friends... this is what you call a shill. There is no pleasing this kind 👎🏻

Wise2TheLies ago

Having or thinking different doesn't make someone a shill. You just want to dismiss anyone who doesn't cling to Q 100%.

Crensch ago

2 month old account - 15CCP

See friends... this is what you call a shill. There is no pleasing this kind 👎🏻

Wise2TheLies ago

I made my account when Reddit banned GA and I don't care about figuring out how to gain CCP. Get a better argument nex time.

Crensch ago

There's something called social currency. Acquire it before shitting your opinions all over the floor. Nobody cares about you or what you have to say.

BenevolentQness ago

Great Job Srayzie. Thank you for your time and effort.

srayzie ago

Yay thank you.