15158763? ago

Why? (never mind, "after" the.....(insert laundry list)) The REAL reason is..... (drum roll please....) we have to wait for the same number of years (thousands,) that it took to build the cabal??? WTF..... translation: none of the perps will be alive when they get arrested (nor us, to see it...) KAPICHE? It's a giant CON game, top to bottom. The swamp is never going to police itself, nor is Q, a Q team, nor little old political novice, DJT. They just got creamed by nationwide voter fraud, that they were all ready for, and promised to "protect the vote." Manta: youth and energy get creamed by experience and treachery... EVERY TIME.

15156419? ago

"I want dessert, I WANT DESSERT!"

Sit down and let your dinner digest.

15157122? ago

Shit. More like dinner is still cooking.

But I'll be damned if what they are whipping up doesn't smell delicious.

15155618? ago

The masses of American people do not know what is in the "DECLASS", even declassifying it is not grounds for arrest. They don't need our permission to arrest people on corruption. They already know what it's about, we are the only ones who don't know. No one has been arrested even though it's all classified.

15155245? ago

"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions." Q


Even Q is pretty clear about those who don't get it. lol

15155419? ago

That quote is self evident to anyone who think about it for more than 10 seconds.

15154950? ago

there were arrest 2017, after interrogations they were released. but justice is coming, they know.

15155054? ago

Please provide your source? Who was arrested, when exactly were the arrests and what were he charges?

15155430? ago

If you're been reading the Q drops you'd know that the date is October 30, 2017. That's when the white hats found out about Obama's secret pardons and had to leave them all walking free to commit new crimes. Like election fraud, sedition, violating the Hatch act, stuff like that. If you can't get the mob boss on the real charges, you can always get him on RICO.

15155667? ago

We lock people up all the time on bogus charges.

Woman was arrested for staying silent, she was cuffed then told she "had the right to remain silent"


15155636? ago

Ohhh, okay, I see, and we know this to be true because the magical Q said so in one of his criptic drops. I get it. It is a big secret that only Q followers are in on, right?

You want people to believe that Q is valid, and yet in order to expose the left, everyone keeps their mouths shut about all of the the crimes committed by Obama and company because of some secret pardons. What a stretch. This whole fairytale is total cap and too far fetched for even the mentally unstable conspiracy goofs.

15158797? ago

Who said anything about wanting people to believe in Q or anything else. YOU chose to come shit all over a Q board because you don't have any other employable skills.

15154827? ago

Justice is a bitch who does not exist here. See you fuck sticks back here in a year. I promise no arrests. Take that prediction, grind it up, smoke it, and come back a year from now and inhale my insider prowess as the new FU movement takes off.

Q ain't got shit on my predictions. I'm still waiting to be wrong.