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15175947? ago

Yeah, I'm already noticing the prices start to trickle down day by day over here as well.

POTUS took a political bullet for the American peoples gas pump. Getting really hard for people to argue that he isn't putting the American people first. lol

15176001? ago

So, why are Hillary and Obama still walking around free? They are PROOF that criminals can get away with treason and nothing will happen to them. If Trump is putting America first, he would investigate the election fraud, arrest the Democrats, and arrest Hillary. TODAY! No more criminals breaking the law. It's time for arrests! That's what we want!

15176064? ago

I won't go to that sub. It's pure faggotry..... concentrated faggotry. I only read stuff in QRV.

15176083? ago

It's a good break down regardless.

Great reference material.