15185912? ago

It's all to weaken the Russian energy Economy that is thier #1 strength.

15181086? ago

I feel the timing of POTUS encouraging oil price reduction from SA has more to it. It would tie in nicely with the rumour PG&E shorted their assets in anticipation of recriminations over the Californian wild fires. I'm hoping they put it all in oil as those losses would give a lot of pain to a Rothschild.

15180316? ago

Too bad it happened after the mid-terms. They raised the interest rates and gas prices to effect the election. Evil.

15178696? ago

That's what tends to happen when the market tanks, deflation.

15178684? ago

Yes, I thank the Trump Administration for low gas/fuel prices!

15178014? ago

Cheap gas? That'll be over a few weeks after successful impeachments, which happens right after Schumer buys his other 16 votes, to sustain simultaneous impeachments of POTUS and VPOTUS. Then, in quick succession, #46 and #47- Pelosi, and VPOTUS HRC, thence #47, following the resignation of #46..

15177508? ago

They're running about $1.00/gal higher than that here, but at least regular gas has dropped from about $3.45/gal to just over $3.00, so that's something. We have the highest gas taxes in the country, or pretty close. (Washington)

15177081? ago

Q missed NV and CA.

15177049? ago

If only Washington state would get that memo

15176713? ago

That's amazing....that's why I joined this movement and starting following Q...because I wanted to see high gas prices brought to justice. Now that this has been accomplished I guess Q's job is done.

15177958? ago

yes! justice for all the victims of high gas prices has been given! we can all go home now.

15176680? ago

In that line of thinking, Q missed California!

15177963? ago

Nobody misses California. They need to dry up and blow away. All of that extra expense are taxes that your state voted for.

15176499? ago

2.11 in Mississippi. Was averaging around 2.40 for most of the year.

15176362? ago

What was it previously? Here in Canada they've dipped below a dollar a litre, which it hasn't been that low in years!

15176059? ago

This is actually a win-win. Cheaper gas for us... and it really puts some serious hurt on Iran's oil sales. Why risk sanctions when you can get oil cheaper on the open market?

15175965? ago

So, Q is able to lower gas prices, but he can't arrest Hillary Clinton? Why is that?

15177361? ago

Saudi cock and all of that

15177366? ago

Trump takes all of it... right up the ass.

15176502? ago

Because q is a larp. Anyone else who had done what she did would already be arrested.

15176017? ago

"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions." Q https://qmap.pub/read/726

15177101? ago

So, never then. Got it.

15177176? ago

You aren't very good at critical thinking, are you?

That statement is pretty damn self evident. If you cannot see that, why are you even here?

15177297? ago

Projecting again?

I am here to laugh at your shitpost.

Call us when the other half of the country doesn't hate Trump you daft cunt.

15177330? ago

Do you even know what Projecting means?

You just proved my point. lol

15176392? ago

Stop arguing with the paid shills. Let them “shrill”vle up and die on the vine.

15176441? ago

I'm just poking them with sticks to expose them so others can see how they act.

They are very predictable after a bit of observation.

15177319? ago

sure, skippy. get back to your tendies and jerk off magazines.

15177347? ago

I'm out of tendies and the pages are stuck together. :(

15176053? ago

blah blah blah excuses excuses excuses words words words

Action > Words

The ONLY thing that matters are high level arrests. Nothing else matters.

15177883? ago

Lower gas prices are an action. Boom, lawyered

15177903? ago

Bullshit. Arresting Hillary Clinton is an action. Arresting Obama is an action. The rest are coincidental data points that don't amount to shit. The ONLY thing that matters are high level arrests. That's it. Nothing else matters.

15178738? ago

Bullshit. No one buys your fake impatience right as things continue to unfold. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-james-comey-loretta-lynch-subpoenas-20181122-story.html

15176519? ago

Didn't you hear that some nobody resigned from their position? Thats totally proof that its really happening this time!

15176112? ago

Yeah. You're just a shill. You can't be that retarded.

You can take the kike dick out of your mouth now, your shekels are ready.

15176014? ago

Its not our place to question timing and state secret matters. It will be over with for days maybe months before we even get a clue. I think its already happened to some long ago.

15176225? ago

Cultist sheep^

15176029? ago

YES it is our place. Why? WE PAY FOR EVERYTHING! We are the American Taxpayers. We have a right to know what is being done with our money. We have a right to justice. Until the HIGH LEVEL arrests start happening, none of the rest of this stuff matters. None of it. Secret back door stuff does not help to wake up the normies. The only thing that will wake them up is a high level event.

15176965? ago

<stomps feet> I want it now! 😭

Typical millennial.

15175954? ago

Great news, I wish California was part of the the United States.

15178436? ago

I feel sorry for Patriots in California and i hope some day soon your freedom will be restored as well as your beautiful state.

15179542? ago

Thank you, keep praying. Things are changing for the better, slowly. The Ninth Circuit Court has 6 vacancies, 5 judges have been nominated by POTUS. The 6th is on the way. They'll all be confirmed by Rep lead Senate.

BTW fuel in my region $4.29 a gallon

15180367? ago

It's $3.60 in the poor part of California though if you go under the underpass and try the other two gas stations it's like $4.50 a gallon. Even at $3.60 it's $1.00 more than anyone else pays. These financially illiterate politicans here don't realise that by having higher gas prices EVERYTHING costs more. Just common snese if it costs more to transport goods to market or from farm to market they pass those increased costs onto the consumers and charge more. Idiots one and all. If their politician salaries weren't so high they'd notice it and it would never happen. As it is they're insulated just like the rich asshats are from higher gas prices and higher prices for food, etc.

15180090? ago

I sure will Patriot.

15179179? ago

Thank you, the state is red it's the dirty politicians cheating that makes it blue. I just know it. The people here deserve better, the beautiful land and animals do too!

15177909? ago

Roger that with Washington, some of the highest prices in the country

15177921? ago

Because they are run by Communists. The communists get into power by the illegals voting. Basically, you're fucked.

15177039? ago

I wish they just go away and stop legislating for the rest of the country.

15177930? ago

I'm fine with nuking California. I see only win-win in that scenario.

15177052? ago

It's a cabal-run state.

15176141? ago

LoL!! That's funny!

15176031? ago


15175947? ago

Yeah, I'm already noticing the prices start to trickle down day by day over here as well.

POTUS took a political bullet for the American peoples gas pump. Getting really hard for people to argue that he isn't putting the American people first. lol

15176001? ago

So, why are Hillary and Obama still walking around free? They are PROOF that criminals can get away with treason and nothing will happen to them. If Trump is putting America first, he would investigate the election fraud, arrest the Democrats, and arrest Hillary. TODAY! No more criminals breaking the law. It's time for arrests! That's what we want!

15176064? ago

I won't go to that sub. It's pure faggotry..... concentrated faggotry. I only read stuff in QRV.

15176083? ago

It's a good break down regardless.

Great reference material.

15175936? ago

$2.39 is the cheapest here in my part of NC, but it was $2.58 just a couple of weeks ago. .

15175873? ago
