Blacksmith21 ago

Did anyone notice "Direct sot @ corsi et al.". Sot, not shot. When Q makes a critical spelling error, Q corrects.

Sot: sot (sŏt) n. A drunkard. [Middle English, fool, from Old English sott, from Old French sot.]

Neskuaxa ago

I think that was an anon that said that. Not Q

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh yeah. You are correct. I didn't notice that. The eyes cross after a while. Probably an anon spelling error.

It wouldn't surprise me though. Corsi strikes me as a sot.

Neskuaxa ago

Hopefully this is the last Q will say on the matter to Corsi and Jones.

Unfortunately it appears that attacks will continue and get worse. We've prepared for this.

srayzie ago

It seems so because Q then says...

Last post was simply for IDEN_reconf.

This was needed. Not just because of them. There are MANY on the attack against Q right now. Showing the images from November and the images being confirmed that they were taken on the same date, should make everyone who’s tried to say Q was fake after Jan 5th see that they were wrong. I’m happy!

srayzie ago

How many times a day do you do this?

bopper ago

Is that your daddy, on the left?

Are_we__sure ago

Nope, just a convicted pedophile who was able to get a picture with the President

Oh and Michael Cohen's business partner just flipped and will cooperate against him.

srayzie ago

Haha 😂

bopper ago

Be honest, are you high?

srayzie ago

I’m high on adrenaline. So excited! Lol

Chiken-lover_Hater ago

bopper, the results are in... it's not looking good.

I'm afraid you have stage 5 terminal bad taste ;)

bopper ago

It is true I do not deny ... "EsotericShill" haha

@srayzie look at this user name

Chiken-lover_Hater ago

I wonder if anyone else caught this.

Esoteric alt (formatting their comment very much like ES) and then later getting a reply from the original eSHILL account.

Its getting really easy to distinguish shills nowadays. Maybe I've just been doing this for long enough to tell or maybe they're panicking. Did you see the asinine shit AreWeSure was saying about the diver just being an error when compressing the video while changing its format? It's very easy to debunk and becoming less and less of a challenge each day.

bopper ago

Yes we in fact did catch that ESO alt. Sounds just the same. I saw AWS all over here and also pizzagate lately.

srayzie ago

O saw that lol

bopper ago

That one is hilarious.

srayzie ago

I had to do better than @Drain0

Drain0 ago

srayzie ago

Finally replying. I beat you the other day!

Drain0 ago

I've been working on a lot of stuff in the background... Trying to clean up a bit.

srayzie ago

Just admit

Drain0 ago

I didn't even know we were competing... What's the game, what are the rules?

srayzie ago

Well it’s been a couple of days. Never mind.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Q reaches across the bench seat of his Chevy to backhand Corsi for his smart-alecky tone...

'Don't make me pull this car over, Jerome! '

youllrememberme ago

LOL how's he going to spin that one?

Thanks for the ping!

srayzie ago

I was telling his Luciferian followers to donate lol

bopper ago

Corsi is gonna dig himself deeper.

srayzie ago


I love it because so many on Twitter and Youtube are talking shit about Q. BOOM! He just proved he’s the SAME Q!!

bopper ago

What are they gonna do??

srayzie ago

He’s on live right now telling everyone that he’s being attacked by baby eating Luciferians 😂 Communists who don’t think he should get donations.

bopper ago

Well somebody please throw him a few pieces of money.

srayzie ago

Every time it slows down, he starts telling his cult members that every time they donate, they are getting back at the trolls that are posting. Then he starts saying thank you. Much appreciated.

youllrememberme ago

I wonder how many fake accounts he's donating to himself with to scrounge some pennies out of his remaining fans. People feel more obligated to donate when hive mind tells the they need to.

Blacksmith21 ago

The whole notion of Corsi is disgusting.

youllrememberme ago


srayzie ago

I just had so much fun trolling his YouTube chat.

new4now ago

your gonna give him nightmares :)

srayzie ago

Lol. I hope! He had a bunch of haters in there! Haha.

youllrememberme ago

I've been over here defendiing my position on the weiner laptop lol

new4now ago

I'm with you on it :)

here's something to think about....

Hundreds of New York Police Department officers turned their backs to Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) at the Tuesday funeral for slain Officer Miosotis Familia

NYPD cops made a similar symbolic gesture in 2014, turning their back on de Blasio as tensions mounted between police and the mayor over the death of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man, at the hands of police, as well as the assassination of two NYPD officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, by a gunman

(maybe it was about something else?)

youllrememberme ago

I wouldn't doubt it.

Insurance file


srayzie ago

You’re doing a good thing. I needed some immature fun 🙄

bopper ago

Well look in the mirror.

srayzie ago

You didn’t make sense Bopper. 🙄 What do you mean look in the mirror?

bopper ago

You said you needed some immature fun. So I said LOOK IN THE MIRROR. If you still don't get it then contribute 40 shekels for further explanation.

srayzie ago

Omg haha

bopper ago

Lol I did hear him say that today, thank-you much appreciated.