sfscubarob ago

Yup, I discussed that here as well. If you didn’t understand the MSM was fake news before, knowing they kept that gem hidden should be the red pill for everyone: https://www.heroesmediagroup.com/california-gop-voter-suppression-and-the-wildfire-connection/

RubikWarrior ago

This is why the Dems have been controlling all the Republicans this whole time. However, like Q said sheep no more. This is also why Trump and Q knew that they would cheat and set traps for them. When their is no one to check what you do then they were not afraid to cheat. Once they cheated for so many years they never thought about the dangers they would have if they cheated this year. Arrest will happen at the right time. I know many of us want the arrest right now but I don't care if they wait another year as long as once the arrest are made they will never be able to walk away on a technicality. These people need to be in jail for the max time given for their crimes.

kalgon ago

This shouldn't have been allowed to take place to begin with

Why did reps accept this... I wonder, really

What's the backstory? How compromised one has to be to end up forced, I presume, to accept such "deal"? That's the real question here

12345432169 ago

Please do, I'd be more than happy to mow down a bunch retards that step on my property.

MuckeyDuck ago

It kills me that you folks think a law in place for 36 years had any thing to do with why RINOs were not doing any looking into democrat election corruption. Quite being so naive, or should I say STUPID.

allonthesameteam ago

Not sure if this was shared. A lot of good intel. I'm still baffled by how this could be proposed, instilled, and enacted for 30 odd years. Any Perkins Cole fans check out who was involved way back then.


MissleCopterStoped ago

I have been trying to find out who the original people were to agree such bullshit. Definitely had to be an RINO(S) too.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

The bigger question should have been WHY did the RNC agreed to this?

MudPuddlePie ago

There are reports that Jerry Brown was meeting with China (selling most of the coast, farm land and ports) and meeting with La Raza to give them their "Re Conquista." There were imbedded sources in these meetings reporting back to patriots. A Northern Calif group is trying to break away from Southern Calif...legitimately, lawfully. No representation, differing values. Also, Jerry Brown opened an embassy for Calif overseas...can't remember where now. He was trying to split Calif off into it's own sovereign nation/country.


Jimipickle ago

Until now, no one has tried to stop them. Unchecked with hrc driving? We would be fertilizer by now. All this kicking, screaming and killing from the deep state...bring the PAIN Q! Godspeed

MudPuddlePie ago

Yup...and back at ya.

12345432169 ago

If y'all so worried about audits let's see them tax returns

myvoicefromhell ago

What difference does that make now?

MolochHunter ago

What did the RNC get in return, what was the Quid Pro Quo ?

I suspect it was immunity from scrutiny of military industrial complex funding of the GOP

so much corruption has grown under that damnable 1982 agreement

221113 ago

The Reps were caught red-handed doing exactly the same kind of election fraud we're wringing our hands over now. They were hauled into court over it. The Quid Pro Quo they got is they escaped criminal prosecution for what they did, and everybody got to sweep it under the rug.

A consent decree is when a plaintiff, a defendant, and a judge presiding over the case, all mutually agree to some remedy for a criminal wrong that is to take place outside of the criminal justice system. "Consent" because all parties freely agreed to it. "Decree" because the blessing of the judge gives it the weight of a court ruling, equivalent to a sentence after a criminal trial.

myvoicefromhell ago

Who was the judge in this case?

myvoicefromhell ago

Thank you!

QisforQuakery ago

What did the RNC get in return, what was the Quid Pro Quo ?

They got to not have to face the consequences of violating the Voting Rights Act illegaling engaged in tactics designed to disenfranchise legal voters.

BettyLiberty ago

I demand fair elections!

RG72 ago

Satan's world..if you don't understand this then you will always be wondering why...

Suzo ago

I know this is correct. But dayamn, even I sometimes catch myself questioning whether this is actually true. So incredibly wicked and evil.

srayzie ago

The Illuminati

RG72 ago

Yep. Those would be the minion of satan. For along time I could not wrap my head around how a family or group would do what the illuminati does and continue it for hundreds of years.. it's not that I can't believe a group of people could be so evil, I can believe it. But rather that the evil could last for so long. It's beyond the life times of many men.. Until I learned about the spiritual battle that takes place here.. Ah..satan. he is as old as the earth and uses people to enslave others. He uses the lure of money, power, sex, pick your poison. Thus we have the illuminati.. The never ending line of satan's minion.

DawnPendraig ago

Sometimes I wonder of they get offered a young body to possess like a demon themselves. Or maybe an "Altered Carbon" situation.

srayzie ago


Blacksmith21 ago

The compromised Rs retired. New blood coming in. Patriots taking back control.

We are about to watch months and months of Dem Congressmen drop 1 by 1 as the scandals - voter fraud, corruption, RICO, worse - embroil them for the next 2 years.

By the time 2020 comes, no one in their right mind will want to be associated with the stench of Dems.

robmorris ago

My greatest wish. POTUS and Q will bring us to the finish line. WWW1WGA

221113 ago

By the time 2020 comes, no one in their right mind will want to be associated with the stench of Dems.

...or the stench of the old guard Reps. Hopefully POTUS' winning will complete the split of the Rep party in half, and the half that are never-Trump-ers will wither on the vine right alongside the Dems.

Dems laughed in 2016 that Trump "blew up the Rep party" by splitting it in half. I shook my head and told them, "It's just a shame for you that Bernie wasn't able to do the same to the Dem party." Can't wait to remind them of that little conversation. ;-)

moblodite ago

Im thinking the same thing!

srayzie ago

I hope you’re right!

amarQ144 ago


ArielQflip ago

Wonder what could go wrong? not paying attention will do it.

Cleanhobo ago

Too bad it's illegal to chop them up and feed them to pigs.

moblodite ago

That would be cannibalism ! feeding pigs to pigs !

jbakers1 ago

sometimes i wonder whats really up with the republican party. To agree to the terms of that is insane.They have no balls, Look at the little support the candidates got from them this election cycle with fighting fraud. they do not stick together,some should be on the other side.Both sides get rich off the tax payers. Maybe they really don't want to win.

DawnPendraig ago

Well it makes sense if one believes Fiona Barnett's assertion that Watergate was really about trying to get out from under CIA and Democrat black mail.


swimkin ago

If you knew your history you would know that NeoCons were former Dems who became Republicans.

srayzie ago

I’m wondering if some are compromised. Threatened.

PygmyGoat ago

That was easy to see. Look how Lindsey Graham changed after No Name was gone. You bet there were compromised and threatened politicians. Hopefully they will be free of the blackmail and be able to do the job they were sent there to do soon.

221113 ago

Some? Most!

Watch who the MSM demonizes, ridicules, and belittles. Those are the few who are not compromised. Ron Paul. Dennis Kucinich. Rand Paul. Tulsi Gabbard. POTUS. And.... not very many more.

Steelerfish ago

Rand Paul is a hack with no principles. He talks a good talk - and when McConnell gives him pork he shuts up. He takes stands (grandstands) when his vote is irrelevant. He is a smart man, undoubtedly, but he isn’t his father.

Shizy ago

Blackmailed because of their involvement in child rape and sacrifice?

DawnPendraig ago

Brown stone Project i think too. They get em to an innocent looking gathering, roofie them, put them in a room with a child prostitute or SRA slave and film / photograph.

Own them for life. I remember a victim in Belgium describing this going on in the EU. I am positive they've done it here for just as long.


Shizy ago

I've heard that before. It's frightening what they do to control people.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

The two party system is an illusion. There is one party the Money Party

moblodite ago

Not any more, For a while anyhow, I don't care what side a cheater is on they need to be jailed & banned from any politics forever! There is absolutely no reason elections cant be 100% on the up & up !

Steelerfish ago

It was only a couple days ago the swamp held a secret ballot election to select John Boehner’s protege, Kevin McCarthy as minority leader (after Paul Ryan insured the loss by supporting Obamacare after campaigning to end it).

kestrel9 ago

I wonder whats really up with the republican party.

Globalists on both sides of the aisle.

Both sides get rich off the tax payers.

moblodite ago

And they all blackmail each other to keep it that way!

kestrel9 ago

And taxpayers were paying for the sexual harassment hush and slush fund.

moblodite ago

Yeah.. What pisses me off most about that... I could have hired a local hooker a week for 6 months for what they pay one with my money to hush ! Just not right.. Im not getting any so that they can ! LOL

kestrel9 ago

They've been out of control for far too long ;)

Optional_Reading ago

Consent decree

qpoqieowrueru ago

Consent decree is not the same as a law.

The Reps could have pursued avenues to get the consent decree lifted but they're are too cucked to even try. Just keep reading The Fountainhead instead.

QisforQuakery ago

She knows nothing of history and nothing of the backstory to this case.

The RNC agreed to the consent decree because they were guilty

DawnPendraig ago

Yeah... Maybe guilty of trying to get the black book used to black mail every one which ended up in HRC's hands by the end. If Fiona Barnett is to be believed and I for one find her compelling and I do believe her.

And guilty of whatever they got tricked into or caught doing to end up in the book and owned by Dems and CIA.


moblodite ago

I don't think the Dems got the memo

Billeee ago

Agreed, just as many swamp monsters on that side of the aisle too!

singlebrain1 ago

It was called the consent decree. Some earlier posts.

insanitea ago

Am I the only one thinking they deliberately named it that to mock everyone?

singlebrain1 ago

Oh irony

moblodite ago

They always do! "Just say no" Meant Get your drugs from the CIA !

dan_k ago

Gee I wonder WHY a law like that would be in place...

Jimipickle ago

And never make the news for over 30 years...what else? These slithering snakes have been at it 36 years since then...

Time4puff ago

I understand they not only couldn't challenge the elections but they couldn't complain or talk about this decree. Absolutely insane that they agreed to this for the American people.

Jimipickle ago

Dirty deeds should not go unpunished...what if Cali was always republicaN? After the election...whooom! The republican districts/counties go poof?

If so, consider this, they too were benefiting...the repubs were sleeping with them, so to speak. They got rich off the same system the dems did. Careful where you hang your hat. Not saying they were pedo/natas dems, but they choose to get rich with them. Godspeed

moblodite ago

Whos STUPID? Sounds like our republican leaders weren't too smart back then!

Jimipickle ago


GuantanamObama ago

Makes it wonder what else these fucking assholes are doing behind our backs

derram ago

https://archive.fo/mOvRW :

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