Kacey ago

10 enforce the rules consistently and fairly. Don't use the rules to punish people who float ideas you don't like while allowing the same rules to be broken over and over. If you can't do that change the rules to fit how you are moderating. Rule 3 is broken all the time and ignored. Rule one says it has to be about sex abuse by elites but that is frequently broken. Yet both those rules have been used to delete posts I made.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Expecting a mod to never miss something is dumb and you know it.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I vote number 4 @ESOTERICshade to replace millennial-fag-a-ton

wincraft71 ago

3, 10.

/v/pizzagate has become diluted by mindless bullshit, loose connections, anti-Jew circlejerks, and is hard to take seriously. The mods need to start moving a good percentage of not good quality posts to /v/pizzagatewhatever.

The Achilles' Heel of the sub and Voat overall is that they're too afraid to actually moderate in fear of being accused of censorship. But moving shitty threads to a different but related sub isn't really censorship, the message is still there for the world to find and the /v/pizzagatewhatever link is right there in the sidebar. If the author feels that they deserve to be in /v/pizzagate then they can improve their post and resubmit until it meets quality standards.

That way, when a person comes here with an actually good thread that goes deep and explores something important, the visibility and stickability (how long it stays near the top) will be at its maximum. Thus, when newcomers come here to figure out "What's Pizzagate all about" they'll be bombarded with high quality evidence and discussion rather than weak threads they can easily shrug off as just random noise.

Dungles ago

I vote for number 4 if it counts.

JusticeforAaron ago

Go ask your mum to spoonfeed you little boy. I'm done. I've already shown you, proven you wrong, YES WRONG in every accusation you made (you seem to have the memory of a slug). I've shown you the links, I've told you where to find them. The burden is on you to look it up. No more free lunch for losers like you.

EricKaliberhall ago

@Crensch I voat 2 but add @think- as a mod to share the burden.

Crensch ago

Feel free to join the discussion of the likely winner here

Crensch ago

Thanks for your input! Adding it now.

Vindicator ago

Yes. I noticed about a month ago that he was quite even-handed and able to separate his personal opinions from what's best for the sub. He also doesn't obsess over stuff, tries to help other people, and avoids flame wars.

Cc1914 ago

4 " Please feel free to be the first to provide evidence of wrongdoing on his part." ...OK I will start with the most resent post of mine that was deleted by Mr . MF . Here...


Isolated case? Um no.. seems like an epidemic actually .. even talked about on voat here ...


And here... https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1562211 Just to name a few . This post was deleted within a min of me posting it . ( typical during MF hours) I thought the post was relevant to at least research the kids family etc. I decided to continue that research on my own . Found out some interesting things about this young man that lives in Utah too! It would of been nice to have this post left up so others could help research as well . Isn't that what we do, research? 19 year olds having sex with toddlers and animals isn't something that happens in
" normal " family's ! These people are bred like this for a reason ! As we have learned , these people like to keep this crap in the family . So why delete it MF ? Before anyone could even see it ? I have pages of relevant posts that have been deleted by you . This is hindering our potential here big time IMO.
Oh and I will Just bring this up too . Calling me a Homophobic after posting the " Gay Manifesto " and deleting my post , was way out of line . I don't care if it was the " heterosexual " manifesto,( WE SHOULD BE ALOUD TO KNOW ABOUT THIS) it was relevant as anything , given that this was recognized in congressional records even ! That's my 2 cents . I have more than that if you need anymore " proof " from me . I will just have to sift through all my posts that were deleted and read his very lame excuses for deleting them .

JusticeforAaron ago

Wow, the more I see, the more I see he needs to go. You vote 4...removal of mods, correct? @Crensch

Cc1914 ago

Crench doesn't think that post should have stayed up either so .. yes I vote 4

ESOTERICshade ago

That is fucking hilarious. @crensch admits to not even wanting to know anything about pizzagate content and then wants to be the rule judge. This shit show just never stops. We could make a never ending documentary about this shit and I have a video computer coming in a couple of weeks and I just might take that task on. Make this shit viral.

Cc1914 ago

so he doesn't want to even know about PG content?? WOW I really had no idea .. no wonder .. smh

Crensch ago

And really? That idiot post convinced you even more that M_F needed to go?

Crensch ago

Ahh, lost his vote in the stupidity. I'll add it up there.

Crensch ago


Nothing to do with the pizzagate elites. Random pedophile act.


4 months ago


1 year ago

Literally no reason for anyone at all to think your first-linked submission has fuck-all to do with the podesta elites, or any systemic anything. Even if it does, your title didn't say that.

Cc1914 ago

Are you an idiot? I'm showing how those posts were left up!!

Crensch ago

I'm looking for evidence of wrongdoing. At best that's evidence of not having seen the submissions.

So I have to ask;

Are YOU an idiot?

Vindicator ago

Currently I am advocating for @millennial_falcon to be demodded and @think- to be modded in his place (as per @vindicator's recommendation).

Wait...what? I didn't recommend @millennial_falcon be demodded.

Disappointed ago

https://archive.is/gGEqo - 16 Feb 2018 06:43:59

Crensch ago

No idea what I'm looking at, here. https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2398781#submissionTop might interest you.

Disappointed ago

Its just an archive of this thread as it is now.

Crensch ago

Oh, right.

Disappointed ago

Actually, I'm probably cluttering this thread up with it. I'll move it somewhere else from now on.

Crensch ago

Nah, it's good man. No worries there.

JusticeforAaron ago

No but you need to be on something, you're a psychopath.

JusticeforAaron ago

I've shown 4 posts that were deleted in the pizzagate mod sub. MF isn't doing his job - that post lists 4 deleted submissions. There was nothing needed to support any of them. MF didn't read them.

I think you sound a lot like John Podesta actually. Similarities in ad hominem attacks, style, tone lack of logic, etc. You must be him. https://twitter.com/johnpodesta

JusticeforAaron ago

I don't have burdens of being an asshole like you do. Never studied women studies, I studied the sciences. I didn't have the pics so I can't mail them to you, can I? You act like a 13 year old kid, not an adult.

MemberOfThePublic ago

I'm eating pizza, god i hate myself

MemberOfThePublic ago

I change my voat to 8.

MemberOfThePublic ago

I pick 7 and think we should invest in prayer to keep the board running smoothly.

MemberOfThePublic ago

I suspect there is paranormal activity going on with the board, we have attracted the Dijing and it concerns me.

realityisinsanity ago


JusticeforAaron ago


srayzie ago

I forgot to ping that nigga

@Crensch - Number 4 - Add @think-

srayzie ago

I vote 4 and add @think-

ESOTERICshade ago

Some of you spineless fuckers need to step up to the plate and put your name on the list at number 4. I did and crensch won't even add me to the list. Number four is what I vote for. I realize this is public and crensch fucked us on that deal but this is your chance fuckers.

Crensch ago

I'm seriously considering halting submissions to the sub until these faggots start responding here in more numbers.

Also, I didn't see a vote from you on a base-level comment. If there was one and I missed it, mea culpa.

ClueRecluse ago

Millenium Falco for one has a public instagram that shows he worked for Roberta’s pizza. A pizza place that has relation to Pizzagate...also friends with James Alefantis. But seeing as this will be deleted for no reason other than protecting a narrative idk

Crensch ago

The name isn't the same. Millenium Falcon is the name of a space ship in Star Wars.

argosciv ago

HAHAHAHA! Oh. MyFucking. God...

Look what I just found...

Relevance = "Hit and run posts"

Skazi - Hit and Run

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Gothamgirl @Millennial_Falcon @Crensch

Disappointed ago

@Crensch something is very wrong in this sub. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2398449

Crensch ago

First response since I've been back - everything else is too tumultuous to jump in on.

What's your take?

Disappointed ago

I know how you feel I had 25 notifications this morning.

I'm starting to agree with @kevdude that the mod has to go. Doing the job or not he is divisive to the community and it's suffering as a result. He would need to be replaced though because the spam complaints here, although not as bad as a year ago, aren't without merit. Maybe give one of the regulars a go who isn't on any "side".

ESOTERICshade ago

Dude put other mods in and hold them accountable for enforcing the rules that none of them seem to want changed.

All we need is somebody with some common sense to treat them like guidelines instead of rules that require the post to be accurate down to the millimeter. No mod will please everybody but we had asshattery going on around here that was just off scale to a degree that the sub can't survive under. Somebody that understands pizzagate and means well can make it work.

srayzie ago

Ok. You’re right. I’ll leave that up to @Argosciv

argosciv ago

lmfao, blow me :P

srayzie ago

I’ll leave that for @kevdude 🤣

argosciv ago

Normally I wouldn't resort to a dick joke, but: There's plenty for both of you :D

srayzie ago

😮 🤣 Then @Crensch can join @Kevdude

argosciv ago

HAH! touché, well played.

srayzie ago

I know 🙄 I don’t even know what your role is

Womb_Raider ago

They only use the kevdude account for mod removals, if you're genuinely curious.

srayzie ago

Thank you. So what made him have that power? Why does he a.ways come around during complaints? On every sub?

Womb_Raider ago

I don't know, exactly. It happened gradually I guess, starting with @she if you were here for all that nonsense. Basically a big controversy with a bad mad, and he helped farm public outcry until she was removed.

Since then, he used his gain in influence from that event to dethrone other mods, except many of those instances the mod in question didn't do anything wrong and instead punished one of his SBBH gang for somehow bullying or manipulating a sub's content. They've evolved into what I feel is a pretty nasty force... while claiming to be good guys looking out for us. It's just a shame to see the way voat has gone.

srayzie ago

Wow you’ve been here a long time. I didn’t know of @she. I was just curious. So now ai know what an O and an M is. Do you know what a D and a J means? In the moderator box?

Womb_Raider ago

J stands for Janitor. They can remove comments and maybe posts, I don't think they can alter anything else about the sub.

D is Designer. I don't know what it does, probably CSS-related stuff.

This sub is a joke, because kingkongwaswrong invited Crensch and heygeorge to mod, and Crensch invited kevdude. This means kingkongwaswrong was friends with Crensch (SBBH) before pizzagate even began. This sub has been a joke and was controlled from the beginning.

It's sad what happens to this website, when long ago it had immense potential to bring change to not only the United States but more likely the whole of Europe also.

srayzie ago

Well hopefully it will get better. There are some good mods now!

Womb_Raider ago

All the mods were invited by kevdude/Crensch or by somebody who kevdude/Crensch invited, and seeing as kevdude/Crensch both engage in nasty activity (removing mods from subs with no decent reason, telling voaters to avoid chat platforms with lies, etc)...

I think you should take a hard look at kevdude and Crensch in the future (and me, also! Don't trust anyone and you'll probably do well.)

srayzie ago

And you too lol. Ok thank you

srayzie ago

I think that’s a WONDERFUL IDEA! I’ll go back to sucking dicks now! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

@think- I got to take a break for you lol

srayzie ago

Well today I would like to just give a bitch slap to 2 of you punks. 👋 @Kevdude 👋 @Crensch
That’s not a sexy bitch slap. That’s your left nut.

I like @Vindicator. You can have a ((hug)). @Millennial_Falcon has shown some improvement so I’ll spare his nuts this time. @Argosciv stop kissing mods asses or I’ll Bitch slap you too.

Bye Felicia! 🙄

Crensch ago

I don't speak emoji.

srayzie ago

You don’t have to speak emoji. Just shut up and take it like a man

argosciv ago

Hahaha! I'm seriously not kissing their arses, I haven't been this genuinely amused by voat, in a long time - it's not just mods amusing the shit out of me either.

I know I know, I'm a monster for laughing at funny stuff while people are suffering... I'll make up for it ;)

No idea who Felicia is, lol. If that's a reference to a show/movie, straight over my head.

Love you too <3

srayzie ago

🤣 I don’t know. Teenagers say it and I say it back LOL

argosciv ago

LOL! Well fuck, I better get right on this mystery... xD

argosciv ago

Oh lol, that one...

No comment xD

argosciv ago

Look, as always, I'll be totally honest with ya:

I do think you would objectively enforce the ruleset

I'd love to think the same of myself, but, the fact of the matter is that I'm not so sure I can trust myself to curb how I feel about certain topics, to allow for fair and non-controversial moderating.

I'd never act in a way to deliberately harm v/pizzagate etc, but, by mission of action, I'm sure I'd inescapably cause more controversy than it's worth.

they are sensitive

The rules or the people who stalk me? xD

BTW I seem to have found a lolcow and I just can't stop feeding it..

If I'm the lolcow in that, by all means, feed meeeee - if not, honestly have no idea what you mean xD

dragonkiller ago

Look, as always, I'll be totally honest with ya:

Mother fucker you don't have to worry about it. The only thing they knew about you was that you suck great mod dick. They didn't realize that you had an infection on your lips though. Over the last few weeks I fixed that though and they know what the fuck you are. You won't ever be a mod around here, at least not for more than a day, because with the information I have on you that I can post I will blow you so far out of this place they will feel you land when you hit the ground 100 miles away.

I got more. That is not all I have. As much mod dick as you sucked today you might be expecting it sometime soon you mod dick sucking blood drinking parasite on the asshole of humanity. I can crank up the tractor for you mother fucker.

srayzie ago

You guys are douche bags. Faggot douche bags.

srayzie ago

You’ve got to be kidding me with your tally results. Where do we vote?

heygeorge ago

Crensch will be a prickly asshole anywhere, it has little to do with [O] modship. :D

You vote in your comment, just like it says.

srayzie ago

That’s because he’s a fag. I voted.

Crensch ago

Didn't see a base-level comment with it. Or really anywhere, for that matter.

I guess I missed it, mea culpa.

srayzie ago

You guys, Crensch will always be an asshole because he’s one of the board owners. I have no idea why he chose that since he doesn’t give a shit. It must be about control. Anyway, don’t hold your breath on that fag.

Crensch ago

Crensch will always be an asshole because he’s one of the board owners. an asshole.


JusticeforAaron ago

Normal, well-balanced people have feelings and empathy, something you seem to lack. You might want to check that out with a psychiatrist. Oh, I didn't take women's studies, as you stated elsewhere, I studied the sciences. Wrong again. Make sure to get checked out for psychotic delusions as well. You aren't the good kind of crazy for sure.

argosciv ago

JusticeforAaron ago

Oh fuck off you pile of shit. You've proven what an asshole you are here to everyone.

JusticeforAaron ago

I didn't submit anon, I deleted my account and I'm not going to go sifting through the mod log for posts I did a year ago. I've shown post that were deleted and relevant. He even admitted he doesn't read before deleting. I'm not going to put in hours of my valuable time to get my posts deleted because someone doesn't even read properly. I've got you blocked, I won't be responding again because all you want to do is argue and accuse me of being some user I'm not. You don't use logic, you don't back up your claims but you expect me to dig up things from a year ago in a deleted mod log? No. You lose this argument, like all the other ones. You've lost all credibility in my view.

JusticeforAaron ago

You keep saying I'm some user I'm not (THAT YOU CAN'T BACK UP WITH ANYTHING), that I don't back up my claims etc. Just fuck off asshole. I've proven myself, you can go to hell.

ESOTERICshade ago

I didn't say that. I said I preferred someone who took neither side. I have to get the pro-MF side on board so I need a neutral replacement.

Good deal. Probably why @vindicator mentioned @think- because he seems about as neutral as it gets and he seems to have good problem solving skills.

JusticeforAaron ago

You have told me I'm wrong for the last 24 hours asshole, you've accused me of all sorts of things and I've proven you wrong every time. I have you blocked because you are vile. I'm writing this here to show people just how vile you are.

Go ask dragon about the sex magick person, he has it all archived. I'm tired of doing all your research for you you lazy prick.

JusticeforAaron ago

I don't know, probably deleted his account. We used to share info. He or she was amazing.

ESOTERICshade ago

One side doesn't want MF gone. To get that side on board we can't place any of "your" candidates.

Let me mediate here.

Wait a minute. Why do you have to have a person that publicly stated that they didn't want Falcon gone? What does that have to do with mod capability? That is taking a side also.

JusticeforAaron ago

Here we go again....here are just a couple that were left up (many were also taken down). As I said I always leave because of toxic people.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1802267 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1813763 (this has been widely discussed online, someone even made a youtube vid of it)

ESOTERICshade ago

Again, you have been MF's most vocal critic. When he gets pulled, as a precaution, your suggestions would have to be viewed as suspect. I have seen some of the alts on here bragging that they would infiltrate the mod team. If @vindicator and whoever gets placed think he would be a fit thrn I'm sure it will happen.

One side doesn't want MF gone. To get that side on board we can't place any of "your" candidates.

Let me mediate here.

@think- is @vindicator suggestion. I'm pretty sure I saw Vin say he was kicking around the idea of making think- a janitor unless I dreamed it. Vin is pinged here so he can verify if he did or if I am dreaming shit. I am simply backing vindicator because I think it is a good call.

not trying to punish argosciv but i'm pretty sure the blood sex magick and modding won't go well.

Vindicator ago

Yes, I think that think- would make a good mod. He has demonstrated an excellent ability to suspend his personal bias when judging the relevance or not of material for v/pizzagate without getting into flame wars.

argosciv is a good egg in my opinion, but he has some occult interests that he has talked about that have spurred a lot of angst from several users. The stress of that would go up dramatically if he had to pull people's posts.

JusticeforAaron ago

I've proven the top 5 rated users on PG all left around a year ago but you keeping at it kevdude, you are doing a great job of being a shill, you even had @ESOTERICshade fooled until you mentioned the putting in the Crowley sex magick guy as a mod. Here's the list : smokinggunspizza erktheerk williczek caliginosity JimmyCometStatue

JusticeforAaron ago

Here you go, ONCE AGAIN, I've proven you wrong (stop trying now kevdude). The following are the top 5 posts of all time in the PG forum. Every single user has left.

smokinggunspizza erktheerk. williczek caliginosity JimmyCometStatue

ESOTERICshade ago

4 month account with 8 submissions? I think @argosciv would be a better call.

Is that a joke? Tell me that is a damn joke please?

JusticeforAaron ago

Then that isn't the exact username. You saw the website, he left.

JusticeforAaron ago

I didn't put a lot of effort into my post because when I do, they get taken down even if they are backed up. That being said, my posts were PG related. NO one here has been able to argue how they aren't. They just took it down.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think we need to mod some users that have submitted research and have ot taken a side in the drama. No one that has defended MF and no one that has attacked him. Let's see how a neutral group of folks enforce the rules as written.

You got it bro. You know what time it is. @vindicator suggested @think- for a janitor and I think it is a good idea.

JusticeforAaron ago

@ESOTERICshade Kevdudes true colors are showing now. Pay attention.

JusticeforAaron ago

Most did, like citizen.

gamepwn is a good researcher. I'm surprised his posts are left up.

JusticeforAaron ago

I have you blocked.

Crensch ago

Top kek.

JusticeforAaron ago

Grow the fuck up, you act like a 13 year old, no one respects you here.

JusticeforAaron ago

I don't even know who viebleu is and this is infantile to speculate like that with no proof. I can give you examples of my research in the past. I always leave because I find this place absolutely toxic.

DoNotTouchThePizza ago

Number 4, new mod. Thanx for making us put a target on our back after you don't get rid of the mod. Totally uncool. Now you can take it to the "lets talk about it phase" in which people won't speak up again except for the suck up argosciv, the one that does that blood drinking stuff that is always following you guys around, (shudder) , and probably some alts in favor of the mod. Something seriously stinks about the way this is all going down around here.

I want my comments added to my vote at the top of the page too. I want people to see how I feel about having to do this publicly. So uncool.

Crensch ago

@kevdude if this faggot can vote, and is considered a "legitimate member" of this community, then so can you.

Crensch ago

You've had exactly 3 comments within the last 29 days, and zero submissions.

But hey, since the bar for PG is set so low, I guess you get to pretend to be one of them, too, aren't you?

Crensch ago

Hey, @Millennial_Falcon, do you want to take a 2 week vacation from all of this? Just let the PG users find out what it would be like?

Millennial_Falcon ago


I have considered the idea of trying no moderation for a period of time, so people can see what would happen, but I don't really think the loudest of the complainers are genuine (and some of them are mentally ill), and I don't think the majority of users should be punished for the behavior of a few shills and lunatics.


Crensch ago

Kinda not terribly happy with the amount of users responding here so far. I'm debating turning the sub to private for some period of time just so they'll wake up and weigh in. Probably a bad idea, but it crossed my mind.

Do you like any of the other ideas presented?

Millennial_Falcon ago

I like the idea of flairing/flagging certain posts instead of immediately removing.

JusticeforAaron ago

You always complain you have no time to read over posts before you delete them and you want to concentrate on the summary (which is good by the way). I've never been vocal about you before but you seem to not give a shit about deleting things on some power trip. You need to be disciplined at a very minimum because you are out of control. I'm a fair person, always have been but your calls have been terrible. Imagine if someone pulled down your PG summary and just dismissed your complaints.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't really think the loudest of the complainers are genuine (and some of them are mentally ill), and I don't think the majority of users should be punished for the behavior of a few shills and lunatics.


ESOTERICshade ago

Not unless you add somebody to take the slack because that is too close to your "two weeks of guaranteed chaos without a mod" idea. I consider this a malicious move unless you appoint someone else. I suggest @think- to pull the slack.

@kevdude @vindicator

Crensch ago

That's not the deal.

And that's not how you test something.

Are you even familiar with basic troubleshooting procedure? You change one thing.

And it looks like this is going to happen given the new "users" that are (barely) voting to have him removed.

Perhaps you should be careful what you wish for.

ESOTERICshade ago

That's not the deal.

And that's not how you test something.

Bullshit. "test" what? "Test" the fact that we know this place will be hell without enough mods? For somebody that is always calling people stupid that is really a stupid idea. Go ahead. Polish off what little tiny scrap of reputation you have left. People will cuss you every breath of the way and this sub will finally heave out what is left of its breath. What a vindictive move that is. Maybe you and falcon really are the same people? @kevdude said "add some volunteers" because he has some fucking sense in his head and its the right thing to do.

And the users in this sub didn't "make a deal" with you to run rough shod over this place and turn it into hell for two weeks on purpose so go ahead and make that deal with the devil. It will polish off your rep at voat for good.


Crensch ago

Bullshit. "test" what? "Test" the fact that we know this place will be hell without enough mods?

Is that what you know for sure? How do you know this? Are you going to make sure it is to prove your point?

For somebody that is always calling people stupid that is really a stupid idea. Go ahead. Polish off what little tiny scrap of reputation you have left. People will cuss you every breath of the way and this sub will finally heave out what is left of its breath.

For someone selling blackpills about this place, you seem to think it still has a long way to fall.

What a vindictive move that is. Maybe you and falcon really are the same people? @kevdude said "add some volunteers" because he has some fucking sense in his head and its the right thing to do.

I'm not sold on giving you and every shitstirring faggot here exactly what they want because reasons.

And the users in this sub diddn't "make a deal" with you to run rough shod over this place and turn it into hell for two weeks on purpose so go ahead and make that deal with the devil. It will polish off your rep at voat for good.

I'm sure you'll make sure it happens.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not sold on giving you and every shitstirring faggot here exactly what they want because reasons.

Yes, we know that you have some. We just don't know exactly what they are.

JusticeforAaron ago

Be sure to add more volunteers. Well known, respected users.

rarepeeks ago

4 - Mods are not doing a good job, we need to talk about removing them

Why talk about it? Just get rid of Falcon. I want him replaced. Problem solved. You really expect people to vote in public on this comfortably? That is why voting systems are private. So that people cannot see who they vote for. This is not a legitimate voting session. This is more like extortion because people will not speak their mind publicly on this.

Crensch ago

I'll add your vote to the submission.

Why would voting here make anyone uncomfortable? Does any mod target users for retribution?

rarepeeks ago

I'll add your vote to the submission.

Why would voting here make anyone uncomfortable? Does any mod target users for retribution?

The more I think about it, this is downright shameful of you. No wonder shit is so fucked up here.

rarepeeks ago

How many people did you expect to line up and have their name put on this public list? This is a damn joke.

Crensch ago

They can have their name attached to PG, just not a submission where the mods are asking the opinions of the users. Got it.

rarepeeks ago

They can have their name attached to PG, just not a submission where the mods are asking the opinions of the users. Got it.

What is wrong with posing it as a question and letting people vote on it? Most votes wins.

Crensch ago

Oh? And how long will the VPN/TOR sock-puppet votes be counted before putt can ban the offending "users"?

You force COMMENTS so the users can have their account history available to look at - like the guy that has zero submissions and 3 comments in the last 29 days. If I were a user of this sub I wouldn't want that vote to count, would you?

I'm just a mod, so I put the vote in the submission.

Go ahead, check those accounts out; see if you'd put any money on some of them being sock puppet accounts.

Disappointed ago

@PuttItOut (site admin) is going to implement a voting system, if you feel like this sub would qualify then speak up here: https://voat.co/v/voatdev/2362183

rarepeeks ago

Why would voting here make anyone uncomfortable?

Self explanatory. Voting systems are anonymous for privacy reasons. People do not like for everybody to see who they vote for for various reasons and of course retribution is a primary reason. This is fundamental. Needs no explanation.

Does any mod target users for retribution?

Yes. Nuff said. Not saying any more about it. If I felt comfortable about doing it I would not have brought it up.

Blacksmith21 ago

@crensch @vindicator @millenial_falcon

It's this type of shit why I suggest a minimum standard for posts. It's a hit and run, with a fake title, designed specifically to get the shill(s) and all their alt accounts to upvoat and keep hit at the top.

Want to post a credible article about circumcision and how it relates to PG? Fine, go for it. But the purpose of posts like this ^ are strictly to hijack the narrative, and to KEEP ANTISEMITIC TOPICS AT THE TOP OF THE LIST - so as truth seekers stumble onto v/pizzagate, they will be immediately turned off by the topics.


Crensch ago

All right, I'm going to go at this as I normally do.

It's this type of shit why I suggest a minimum standard for posts.

What minimum standard?

It's a hit and run, with a fake title, designed specifically to get the shill(s) and all their alt accounts to upvoat and keep hit at the top.

What's fake about the title? The user posting it used the title of the article. Reading through the article, the title seems to not be fake.

Please explain.

Want to post a credible article about circumcision and how it relates to PG? Fine, go for it.

The article looks fairly credible. It's also pretty common that Jews circumcise, and fight to have it legalized. What's not credible?

But the purpose of posts like this ^ are strictly to hijack the narrative, and to KEEP ANTISEMITIC TOPICS AT THE TOP OF THE LIST


so as truth seekers stumble onto v/pizzagate, they will be immediately turned off by the topics: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2397085

So don't speak about things because people might not like what we say?


I'm pretty underwhelmed about what constitutes "research" here so far.

Blacksmith21 ago

Show me where it says "certain people fight over who gets to eat the foreskins of newly circumcised babies". I'm not arguing against the debate. I'm arguing shill tactics. It's 101.

Show me a better resource than v/pizzagate for research.

I will say again for clarity: I am not arguing against any topic of discussion. I'm arguing against a tactic used by the "nazi ladyboys" in their various alt accounts - repost something that's been posted 2 or 3 times to date. Then try and tag a legitimate article on banning circumcision to a myth. This has nothing to do with Jews or any other specific religion. If the same thing were being done against another religion I would raise the same concerns. And, I never disputed the veracity of the source article.

Crensch ago

Show me where it says "certain people fight over who gets to eat the foreskins of newly circumcised babies".

The first part of the title fulfilled the rule requirements of describing the content. They do eat the foreskins in a ritual called Metzitzah B'peh.

I'm not arguing against the debate. I'm arguing shill tactics. It's 101.

Shilling what? Who's paying someone to come out against the Jews? It's almost invariably the other way around, a la ADL and JIDF.

Show me a better resource than v/pizzagate for research.

For research in general? I kinda doubt your asking that. Either way, not having a better PG place doesn't mean people have necessarily been doing a good job here.

I do not know of any, but users here claim there is one. Either way, the bar seems to be set very low here from what I've seen.

I will say again for clarity: I am not arguing against any topic of discussion.

That's fine.

I'm arguing against a tactic used by the "nazi ladyboys" in their various alt accounts - repost something that's been posted 2 or 3 times to date.

What does "nazi ladyboys" even mean? It having been posted before means it needs removed? It it being spammed, or is it like many other things where somebody doesn't see the other post and makes on on their own?

Then try and tag a legitimate article on banning circumcision to a myth.


This has nothing to do with Jews or any other specific religion.

So you're arguing against a topic of discussion?

If the same thing were being done against another religion I would raise the same concerns.

It seems like you're saying that religion is not to be touched.

And, I never disputed the veracity of the source article.

It looked as if you were.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm curious @Crensch. How much have you written on the topic of Pizzagate? Or are you just using your status to weigh in without a deeper understanding of the topic?

Crensch ago

I'm curious @Crensch. How much have you written on the topic of Pizzagate?

I'm curious as to why it matters. Are you saying that my not having posted something would make all my points above just disappear because reasons?

Or are you just using your status to weigh in without a deeper understanding of the topic?

I'm weighing in because I choose to. It has no bearing on my moderation, or how the polling goes, or what winds up happening due to popular support.

It seems to me that you're just a little butthurt that you can't answer my questions, and are attacking my position instead. Would you like to try to respond without attacking me as a person, or is this your way of declaring your inability to do so?

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm only trying to establish your level of understanding on the very complicated subject of PG. Typically original submissions on a subject aer a strong indicator of one's knowledge on a subject.

The entire point of the discussion original discussion was rules. My rule about 1) enforcing existing forum rules and 2) applying a modicum of journalistic standards by requiring a minimum standard of writing for a post. Existing forum rules require that each OP state how it relates to pizzagate. That post doesn't meet existing rule standings.

Get it now?

Crensch ago

I'm only trying to establish your level of understanding on the very complicated subject of PG.

What does that have to do with this?

Typically original submissions on a subject aer a strong indicator of one's knowledge on a subject.

Typically submissions that run afoul of the rules get removed. What's your point?

The entire point of the discussion original discussion was rules.

That's what I thought.

My rule about 1) enforcing existing forum rules and 2) applying a modicum of journalistic standards by requiring a minimum standard of writing for a post.

I'm not overly opposed to this.

Existing forum rules require that each OP state how it relates to pizzagate. That post doesn't meet existing rule standings.

I agree. But not for the reasons you presented. It simply doesn't link directly to the elites.

Get it now?

I get that you're probably not a troll, and are attempting to communicate something, which is why I've been extremely cordial. I get that there is definitely a misunderstanding here, and possibly a position or two being held that may never be reconciled.

There IS a miscommunication somewhere, though.

ASolo ago

Roll up ur sleeves dingus, careful not to bend a nail cupcakes.

Crensch ago

There's more useful information in this post than any I've seen on PG. Literally anyone can pick up the information I'm trying to convey, no matter how knowledgeable or ignorant of the subject-matter they may be.

Maybe it's you faggots that need to sack-up and stop being pussies.

ASolo ago

Thanks for confirming everything I've ever thought about you.

VOAT Pizzagate is done.

I can't believe you even got involved here, what an embarrassment.

Crensch ago

Oh, is that too difficult for you? It redpilled the entire website.

But maybe you need kid gloves. Here you go.

ESOTERICshade ago

Oh, is that too difficult for you? It redpilled the entire website.

The WHOLE website. Prove it Alinsky Rules For Radicals boy. I want to see every single member praise your dime a dozen submission. Every last one. The whole membership list. Everybody with a user name. I want to see them praising your name. Didn't happen. You are so full of fucking shit its not even god damn funny anymore. I am so glad you got flushed out of your fucking fox hole so everybody can see you.

JusticeforAaron ago


This place is BS, these mods that run it aren't interested in helping kids, just censoring everything. Anyone know another place that is active besides 4chan?

ESOTERICshade ago

This place is BS, these mods that run it aren't interested in helping kids, just censoring everything.

A lot of us think they get paid or are working for intel. The only thing I know for sure is that crensch is a malignant narcissistic asshole and there is no questioning that. Falcon and crensch might be the same person, who knows....

maggiethatcher ago

  1. I moved away from the board after having posts deleted despite what I felt were meeting the rules. This means that there is subjectivity in the admin. The forum should decide whether a post has traction, not the moderators. The moderators should be there to enforce rules where they are clearly broken and when other Voaters complain about a post

ESOTERICshade ago

@twistedmac11 did you see this comment by @dragonkiller? roflmao...


Hardly anybody is going to do this publicly and then @crensch can declare his fake victory and refuse to leave.

I guess since we are already in the firing squad line as dragonkiller put it we may as well technically say "number 4" and see if @crensch counts our votes. @polwarrior30 @letsdothis1 @disappointed (if he cares)

Then we can see if crensch brings in the alts to rig it like he does the votes in the mod sub. @dragonkiller made a damn good point too. Nobody is willing to do this publicly because it is like giving these narcissists a list of people to harass. Just another reason hardly anybody is speaking.

We can watch for our amusement until the end and see how crensch justifies ignoring us all again, shake our head at the "rules discussion" and know that nothing will change, again....

We need to find a place to go and get the fuck out of here. These people are probably getting paid or work for intel anyway to screw up this place. I don't know where but its over due. This might be enough of this shit show for me for a while I think.

There are places we can go because I have seen them but I don't know if I want to screw with setting one up. I would like to totally get away from the voat voting system all together if I actually go to the trouble of setting up something.

I noticed that several people are missing in the last couple of weeks did they go to another place or just say fuck it?

dragonkiller ago

4 - Mods are not doing a good job, we need to talk about removing them

I want number 4. I don't want to "talk about it" I just want you to do it.

These mods really think people are going to show up to do this with a public vote and have their vote known so they can later be targeted for harassment too. What a bunch of bullshit. Nobody much going to vote in this public freak show you have going on and that is obvious.

@crensch needs to go too but as you can see nobody wants to get exposed by saying so publicly. Speaking a truth around here is like lining up for a firing squad in a room full of power obsessed maniacs. No wonder hardly anybody showed for this spectacle.

Now @crensch is saying "yup, things are going so good nobody showed up for my freak show, everybody is happy with me and falcon. What a joke.

JusticeforAaron ago

I'd like to see Crensch and MF go. Crensch because he's a psychopath out for blood and MF because he is sloppy as a mod.

MemberOfThePublic ago

Let's starve them for a week, then put them in a cage together with a pile of bagels.

Let nature take it's course.

JusticeforAaron ago

Sounds like a plan. :)

Crensch ago

@Disappointed @kevdude @Mickgoestojail @Vindicator

Suggesting that I, or any of the mods "go after" people that speak up. Adding the vote to the tally, but I'm pretty sure this one isn't legit.

dragonkiller ago

Adding the vote to the tally, but I'm pretty sure this one isn't legit.

I'm wrong because I don't agree with you. We get it.

Crensch ago

You're wrong because you're acting like a Jew. Despite no evidence whatsoever that any mod retaliates against users, or follows them around to harass them, you act as if it's some settled fact.

At worst, people like you, Viebleu, 3145, and Esoteric get mostly ignored.

dragonkiller ago

You're wrong because you're acting like a Jew.

Meaningless as fuck. Ya know, jews are famous for accusing others of acting like jews too.

Crensch ago

Meaningless as fuck. Ya know, jews are famous for accusing others of acting like jews too.

It's really not, and accusing me of being a Jew is a great way to ruin your credibility.

dragonkiller ago

You're wrong because you're acting like a Jew. Despite no evidence whatsoever that any mod retaliates against users, or follows them around to harass them, you act as if it's some settled fact.

At worst, people like you, Viebleu, 3145, and Esoteric get mostly ignored.

Guess that explains why you get down voted so hard huh? Of course we are a piece of shit, we have a different opinion than you.

Crensch ago

I don't give a fuck about your opinions, I want evidence.

And me getting downvoted shows nothing but that ~5 of you are so inept at communicating that you think downvoats will convince anyone of anything.

That only works on new accounts, extremely-in-the-negative accounts, and accounts that appear to have changed ownership.

dragonkiller ago

I don't give a fuck about your opinions, I want evidence.

Sort of strange for a person like you that trades mostly in insult and opinion. A person who also claims that they let the votes and the community decide. You have a non answer, insult, and opinion for every time you are wrong, which is often.

Crensch ago

Sort of strange for a person like you that trades mostly in insult and opinion.


A person who also claims that they let the votes and the community decide.

And? Do you have any evidence that this isn't the case, as you imply?

You have a non answer, insult, and opinion for every time you are wrong, which is often.

So you don't know what a real answer looks like, it seems. You're really quite stupid, aren't you?

JusticeforAaron ago

You are everything that's wrong with the world. You're a despicable low life and dragon is way smarter than you'll ever be.

ESOTERICshade ago

If this is all the interest garnered, I see no reason to change anything at all. 2 users out of ~240 here now? Obviously not that important to the users.

There used to be hundreds logged in pretty much all the time. Dog and pony show complete. (yawn)



Crensch ago

You mean like the 362 users here now at the time of this comment?

Your shit stinks.

ESOTERICshade ago

You mean like the 362 users here now at the time of this comment?

Your shit stinks.

It is triggered again. We knew you wouldn't do jack shit.


karenrussell63 ago

2 & 6

I've taken different stances on this in the past, but overall I feel like the mods are doing a decent job. The real issue IMO, is that voat isn't the right platform for pg research.

There are users who wish to read and keep current with new leads and updates, and there are users who wish to contribute and publish their own findings. Researchers don't always immediately know if a potential lead is worth looking into, if it is ultimately pg related, if it is irrelevant/unimportant; and except for the poster, nobody knows if a thread is misinformation or meant to be a distraction.

Voat serves a good purpose and has allowed us all the get this far and uncover as much as we have, but in the end it falls short of being what we need to collaborate and investigate potential leads.

Crensch ago

I'll add your votes to the OP.

I agree with your words. Voat was never Ideal, it was simply the best of the available options.

I just wrote this, and while you may not agree with the subject-matter of my example, the methodology seems sound. Are there any flaws to people adopting that here?

argosciv ago


"12" was a vote for 1 & 2

That's why I laughed at the opportunity to say 12 xD

Crensch ago

OH, ok. adding that.

twistedmac11 ago

Yes, I'm the butt hurt one, calling people fags and screaming about bullshit in all caps. Oh wait, thats @crensch

Crensch ago

twistedmac11 ago

LOL I'm actually going to save that, thank you.

Crensch ago

Glad you like it, enjoy.

Crensch ago

Nigger I was the one advocating for your post.

These guys bite the hand that feeds.

StcharlesSeminary ago

I don't understand why my friends posted about tunnels at St. Charles Seminary, for me, as I am unable to do so, and it was deleted more than once. I had some solid information there? It is about as "Pizzagate" as it gets?

Also, I am not well, probably from my abuse and it is exhausting for me to re-post these things

Thank you

JusticeforAaron ago

I was upset when I saw it deleted as well. I'm sorry to see that. <3

Crensch ago

There's not really enough information here to either fully understand, or properly respond.

Crensch ago

I'm seeing "leave posts up"

To do something like this we'd need maybe a metric fuckton more mods that would be willing to do such things, I think. Then again, I'm not really sure on our current manpower level.

@Vindicator is this possible with what you guys are working with?

Vindicator ago

It's only Falcon and I modding these days, but I think with a couple of additional janitors -- @think- might be a good fit -- it could work. The key would be that mods aren't expected to edit stuff for people, only leave posts up long enough for the community to help the OP fix them.

Here's how it could work:

  • We create four new flairs, one for each rule
  • Instead of removing, we flair for 24 hours
  • When the OP fixes the post, he pings the mod or replies to their comment to remove the flair
  • If he doesn't ping, after 24 hours, the mod assumes no changes were made and automatically removes the post.

The flairs make it just one additional mouse click, so I don't see that as more work, especially if the onus is on the submitter to ping mods to his edit.

Falcon will probably disagree, since he gets on early and does the majority of deletions. I've been trying to convince him to split the week up between us or alternate days so that we can take a day off here and there and have more patience/less burnout. You can see our conversation here and before that, here.

I propose we leave the rules alone for now, but try a two-week experiment (or maybe just one?) during which posts will be flagged for 24 hours prior to removal.

To prevent a tsunami of shill spam, we can further stipulate that posting more than two threads at a time earning rule violation flairs will get your deferred removal privilege revoked and they all get removed.

srayzie ago

@think- would be. He/she is calm and tries to solve problems. You need someone reliable, reasonable and doesn’t call everyone a nigger faggot. Think- even gets along with you guys. @kevdude @crensch @vindicator

ESOTERICshade ago

I propose we leave the rules alone for now, but try a two-week experiment (or maybe just one?) during which posts will be flagged for 24 hours prior to removal.

I sort of like the idea but I also see the possibility of it creating a front page full of slide threads that are flared.

think- ago

Thank you, Vindicator, for suggesting me as a mod. I feel honoured.

I'd gladly help out as a janitor, and serve the community as best as I can.

srayzie ago

@think- would be an awesome mod!

@Bopper @EricKaliberhall

EricKaliberhall ago

@think- got my voat.

bopper ago

Yep, agreed. @think- would be a great mod.

think- ago

Posts that will be deleted for good will be

a) shill posts b) posts linking to cp or malware c) off-topic posts that should be posted to v/pizzagatewhatever.

OPs of all other posts will be told that some fixing is required. All OPs will get the opportunity to do the fixing within 30 minutes after mod has left a comment.

If OP does so: fine.

If he doesn't within 30 minutes: Post will be taken down, OP may repost if he wishes after he's done fixing.

I don't see any subjectivity here.

@Vindicator @Crensch @Disappointed

ESOTERICshade ago

I say we replace Falcon with @think- and get this over with.


srayzie ago


Disappointed ago

A hard 30 mins is just another way for mod to shit on a user and have a power trip. Having a bit of leeway isn't a bad thing.

c) off-topic posts that should be posted to v/pizzagatewhatever.

This seems to be the contention here. That the rules are way too stringent as they are and the you have another barrier to the user where someone with a ban button gets to decide if its rel event or not. Most seem unhappy with the current mod group here. I think that's the place to start.

ESOTERICshade ago

Most seem unhappy with the current mod group here. I think that's the place to start.

Its is the only answer. The current board owner and lead mod have run through the dog and pony shows before only to continue to abuse the hell out of this sub and everybody in it like torturing ants in a jar with a magnifying glass and that is what it reminds me of. The current crew blew it and needs to just pack it in. This sub is already a skeleton of its former self and they have proven that these discussions are just fake window dressing.

think- ago

Having a bit of leeway isn't a bad thing.

What would you suggest?


Disappointed ago

Just have a dialogue with a user saying that the post could use a bit more clarity. Tear down this silly wall where the mods and users are at each others throats. If the user refuses to fix it and its getting heaps of downvotes then maybe remove it. Use the flair that people have suggested here and let the users decide. I understand the moderation style was very much needed when Voat was trying to run the sub off, but the evidence is suggesting that the amount of deletions here are now running the users off.

ESOTERICshade ago

Tear down this silly wall where the mods and users are at each others throats

That would require the lead mod to use common sense with his powers of discretion and he has proven time and time again that he does not have it.

think- ago

I can see your point, but this won't work imo. Why? We're flooded with shill posts daily.

People get annoyed for two reasons:

1) Posts that are of value get deleted 2) Posts by shills or posts that don't belong here for other reasons stay

'Just having a dialogue' won't work. It's too arbitrary.

We need to find a middleway. Clear rules ('hard 30 minutes'), but help by mods as much as possible => more dialogue, less frustration.

Please don't underestimate the level of frustration because rules might not always be applied consistently.

@kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch

Disappointed ago

Then like I said it might be time to give some news mods a try. Reading down the thread that seems to be the issue.

Disappointed ago

And if the people deciding what meets the guidelines aren't up to it then what? This sub of all subs reminds me the most of reddit where before you even think about posting you have to read a bunch of rules an arm long. Then, if you fuck up at all, you will get deleted at the whim of a few who think they know what is relevant. Any complaints are shuffled off to a side sub where only the mods can downvote and it seems at least one is abusing that. We fought against that shit when v/news an v/videos did it. The right thing has been done with the rules sticky here but I wonder if its too late. I know you have some skin in this game because you helped setup the system in the first place but things have moved on and the rules for posting need to be stripped back if they are hindering genuine users from posting.

ESOTERICshade ago

I know you have some skin in this game because you helped setup the system in the first place but things have moved on and the rules for posting need to be stripped back if they are hindering genuine users from posting.

If you hang around here enough you will that this gets gamed by Falcon. Just to "prove some sort of point" he will leave up slide threads knowing they need to be nuked, and then delete good threads by legit users on the slightest of technicalities.

Sometimes its like he WANTS to be called on it so that @crensch will blow in with the malignant narcissist routine and vindicate him so that he gets to be a victim. Its all pretty sick, tiring, needless, and petty.

His excuse is damn near "well I have to be fair and use the rules fairly and let the slide threads stay up too" blah blah blah...blahh...bhahhh...That is not exactly what he says but he may as well.

He either cannot, or WILL NOT mod properly. There is absolutely no common sense reason for some of the threads he deletes, none at all. Which means he either can't cut it or refuses to for some unknown reason.

Disappointed ago

Why do they have to. This is Voat not reddit. It's is not a year ago he this board was getting a submission every few minutes and spam was burying decent threads. Loosen the chains. THs much dam over letting a borderline post go?

think- ago

Sometimes posts will stay up for two or three hours before a mod will take them down. Sometimes these posts have already 20 comments or more. Copypasting the source (which in itself wouldn't be a problem) won't transfer the comments. Also, ongoing discussions will be disrupted.

I know that it might be difficult to grasp this - but the level of frustration in the sub has been extremely high lately. People are just fed up.

Seeing that the mods will let posts stay for a while, give OPs the opportunity to fix, and possibly provide help, will change people's attitude towards the mods.

I know this might lead to some 'muh fee fees' remarks, but like it or not, people on this sub are different from those on other Voat subs. I'm not into the niggerfaggotkike stuff, but when I go to v/wildlife and kid around with people there, I have a different tone.

This said, many people are hurt when posts are taken down. Even though most of them could do an easy fix and repost. This is a psychological issue, and I think we'll have to respect that. Many people here are survivors, which often comes with a greater sensitiveness.

Summary: I'd rather take into account that some people might be still offended by mods deleting their posts and be disappointed, but I'd take this into account, since so many more people will be less frustrated than at present.

I'd say: Give it a try. I appreciate that @Crensch and @Vindicator support my idea.

Nana66 ago

Six. I think it hurts the investigation when we make a post and are basically expected to have everything together and ready to prosecute, by ourselves, instead of posting ideas for the community to put our heads together.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm so tired of SBBH involving themselves in every little thing voat does, trying to get ahead of it and in charge.

realityisinsanity ago

https://www.instagram.com/millennium_falco/?hl=en All the evidence we need against him.

Crensch ago


Every time I see this shit I tally it in my mind as support for keeping @M_F. Not a full tally, maybe just a nigger 3/5ths or something.

ESOTERICshade ago

Every time I see this shit I tally it in my mind as support for keeping @M_F. Not a full tally, maybe just a nigger 3/5ths or something.

Of course you do. We knew you were just fucking with us when you started this thread just a few minutes after acting like a complete ass in this linked thread I will paste here. You won't do anything meaningful and you proved it in this link.

That supposed connection to Comet and Falcon has zero to do with how badly Falcon performed this whole year but now you are holding it up as Falcon being the victim of mistaken identity here at the last minute. You guys drilled this sub into the ground for a whole year. You like being a squatter here because it makes you feel powerful.

This is the real you in all its beligerent glory in this link.


Crensch ago

Every time I see you in the comments, I tally it for keeping him around, too. You make no valid arguments, you just lash out with your feelings and unsupported accusations.

ESOTERICshade ago

Every time I see you in the comments, I tally it for keeping him around, too. You make no valid arguments, you just lash out with your feelings and unsupported accusations.

Of course you do. We knew you were just playing games all along.

Crensch ago

Not one valid argument.

ESOTERICshade ago

Not one valid argument.

That is the same thing you told everybody in your mod thread. Everybody is wrong but you, you said so.

ASolo ago

4A: 4 -A Mods are is not doing a good job, we need to talk about removing them him.

This discussion is about FALCON, not other mods, why is there not an option for this, looks deliberate, like your fucking with us.

ESOTERICshade ago

This discussion is about FALCON, not other mods, why is there not an option for this, looks deliberate, like your fucking with us.

Reckon?....this post was a setup from the beginning.

ASolo ago

Looking like it, especially with all the weirdness going on here lately.

Happens everywhere you go with these internet retards, they ingratiate you on to their site and then turn on you when you think you're comfortable. I used to think back in the day that it was a brilliant spook tactic. But then I realized that the ambient mk programming in society is so latent in these younger generations there is no need for specific agents any longer, those narcissistic tendencies from persistent isolation and loneliness drives them to the instant gratification of emasculating those they believe they have power over. The reason it persists and only worsens with these people instead of compromise is because that instant gratification is so short in duration they need a continual fix of power and control.

ESOTERICshade ago

The reason it persists and only worsens with these people instead of compromise is because that instant gratification is so short in duration they need a continual fix of power and control.

Interesting and insightful comment. Internet bullies like crensch are not getting their needs met in real life so they intellectually masturbate on the internet to get those quick dopamine and endorphin hits by bullying people online and feeling superior. I guess it can get addictive and become a loop situation.

noskerdycatusa ago

1st) Rules are fine, but maybe change/enforce some to advance the goal of keeping content and discussion as high value as possible.

I seem to always tune in on the tail end of the big zhit storms and never really know what went down. All I really see is the dust left from a bunch of rude infighting that erodes the overall experience.

As a daily visitor, what I value most are posts with good titles, clear descriptions of the links and images and some thoughtful opinion or analysis. I appreciate everyone who keeps lists and timelines and other data for reference.

Asking people to be nice seems to be an antagonistic thing to do here because that seems to be perceived as a weakness and some how a badge of honor is bestowed only on those that are rude and those that keep their mouth's shut and don't interrupt those being rude.

So, my suggestion is in the first line of this post, but I will add a second suggestion below to mods, posters and commentors:

2nd) Be less toxic and more informative.

argosciv ago

Ok so, I'm gonna try to help you out here, without ruining the fun...

When I reply with certain songs towards some users, there's an underlying message being sent, the message changes sometimes, so the imporant thing to note, is context... "repeats are important"

The following song is a personal favorite for a variety of reasons...

Prozak Ft. Tech N9ne & Twiztid - Do you know where you are?

Listen closely to the intro.

There's also the following lyrics, worth mentioning in context here:


Do you know where you are?

You talkin' big shit you best to get steppin'

But you'll never get far

If you slip and let my crew get the weapons

But they not in the car

They're all around you, so just take a second

Do you know where you are?

dragonkiller ago

The following song is a personal favorite for a variety of reasons...

Prozak Ft. Tech N9ne & Twiztid - Do you know where you are?


Stop posting that satanic music in this forum you blood drinking nit wit.

argosciv ago

Fuckin lol, had to wonder when you'd show up again - sorry about the 15 hour delay, I don't get notifs, what with you being blocked and all xD

I see you're learning to quote because it bothers you not getting a direct response - fun part... the horizontal line indicates to other readers, where the edit came in - the edit always comes in when I eventually notice your reply, because you remind me of Elmer.

Once again, a mediocre effort to hide your identity. Learn to read, sunshine.

dragonkiller ago

You have one job argosciv The Satanic Bozo, and that is to stop acting like a prick. When you accomplish that feat you are off the hook. Until then you will remain on radar. You create your own reality. Create a better one for yourself and you will have a better one. That is all.

ASolo ago

Crencsh the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, too little too late after the damage is done still debating about getting rid of an incompetent mod. You internet geeks are amazing how you stick up for each other when it's clear the moron should have been let go within the first month of this investigation. But we still keep fighting you because this is one of the last places with even this amount of flexibility, and it still blows. I can't believe you're still asking for proof when it's totally obvious _falcon DOES NOT KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT ANY OF THIS MATERIAL TO BE A COMPETENT JUDGE OF THE FACTS. Shutting down a discussion about stem cells because the possibility of them being in Pepsi is ridiculous? How can you NOT SEE HOW SUBJECTIVE THAT IS. THAT'S WHAT THIS WHOLE STUPID ARGUMENT IS ABOUT IS FALCONS SUBJECTIVE REASONING. He uses voat's VAGUE and ALL ENCOMPASSING rules as a cover for his erroneous calls and the poster is left to guess at what is wrong with his thread, not realizing its simply just a case of bias and stupidity from calls like what this thread is about. Over and over and you crencsh or whoever just post another sticky asking more dumb questions to pacify us. No more pacification just get rid of the dude why's that so fucking hard it's not a paid position.

srayzie ago


dragonkiller ago

No more pacification just get rid of the dude why's that so fucking hard it's not a paid position.

Actually a lot of people might debate that point. One of the most common questions people have is "is falcon getting paid to stand on certain areas of pizzagate research?" It is a valid question considering his blatant censorship of certain topics. Many people consider it impossible for him to be retarded enough not to understand "relevancy" to the degree that he pretends not to understand it.

ASolo ago

Good point, he has shown an understanding of the topic in general. He seems very afraid of the parabiosis, bloodletting and stem cell subjects..... HMmmmm.

Once again, speculation who owns this site, geez, can't remember his name, that rich homo there...

ASolo ago

ESPECIALLY get rid of the dude if ANY of us think he's even CLOSE to the periphery of alefantis, fucking duh.

Crensch ago

Do legitimate users respond to themselves like this? @ASolo just looks a bit insane to me.

ASolo ago

Pretty responsible thing to say for someone that runs a website. Very odd, and suspicious. Where the hell else are you going to put a question for someone to see well enough to answer on this FUCKED UP CHAT FORMAT? By the time a thread is done in here it looks like a fucking mess. And it figures a moron like you would pick one of the most INANE points to nit pick about, I swear to God you internet fucks are about as weird as they get.

Crensch ago

Wall of text into a response comment in order to separate what you're saying?

Are you paragraph-challenged?

You've supposedly been here for 1.1 years and are only just now complaining about the chat format?


ASolo ago

You're a real treat.

Crensch ago

You don't like being called out for your bullshit.

ASolo ago

Are we going to keep going on like this, one line after another lol like little kids, go take your nappy crensch sounds like baby's tired.

Crensch ago

I would be embarrassed to have written what you have here. Do you set the bar so low for yourself that you ignore valid criticisms, and instead go for low-effort playground-tier insults?

ASolo ago

Geez I woulda thought that within 30 seconds I would have another reply...

ASolo ago

Beat ya.

ASolo ago


ASolo ago


ASolo ago


(Sorry, you are doing that too fast. Please try again in 30 seconds.) See, ANOTHER RETARDED FEATURE OF THIS GAY FUCKING SITE.

ASolo ago


You are such a tool.

ASolo ago

Here we go gain with the loop de loop of circular reasoning with you retards. Asshole, your not going to get the last word turdburgler!

ASolo ago

Here I go again on my own

Goin' down the only road I've ever known

Answerin all my own questions on the same lines

An' I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time

Crensch I'm another heart in need of rescue

Waiting on love's sweet charity

An' I'm gonna hold on for the rest of my days

'Cause I know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams

;-) Love you buddy

ASolo ago

How verfyable is that anyway?

darkknight111 ago

Suggestion: Our submission guidelines need some evolution to reflect how much the scope of pizzagate has evolved.

Crensch I remember talking about how Pizzagate has basically evolved into "pedogate" with pizzagate becoming a vestigial name for the entire thing.

Legit good leads are being axed due to this very reason. Arbitrary sticking to outdated terms. Namely in regards to crimes like organ trafficking, which is intimately tied to human trafficking, which in itself is intimately tied to pedophile rings.

JusticeforAaron ago

I looked into Asia a bit before, I'll let you know if I can find anything. I remember seeing a child trafficking sign but I can't recall the context.

Excellent suggestion here. Hollywood/billionaires/mafia/satanists/porn/organ harvesting/etcetc are all related. There is so much to this.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

Maybe get rid of some off the shittier mods so they stop deleting threads based on actual articles that the community supports, like this one, posted by another user, deleted twice.


And if I have to explain the relevance, do some very basic, entry-level reading on pizzagate. Or don't, and continue to only allow articles from paranoid schizophrenics and their new age blogs.

kazza64 ago

i have a concern and i'm pretty sure everybody saw it but i just would like it addressed publicly for transparency and to settle any misconceptions the post may have raised ..... somebody i cant even remember who it was it could have been a troll .... but somebody came across a pizza king connected to jimmy comets instagram that is under the name millenial_falco .... i checked that instagram and it is that name. can we just clarify for everybody that it is not our mod millenial falcon and the name is just a coincidence..... just to let millenial clear his name

Millennial_Falcon ago

I don't need to clear my name. The guy who started that nonsense already admitted he was trolling. And the guy with the Instagram account is MillenniUM Falcon.

kazza64 ago

well its cleared up for me :) thank you i needed that

argosciv ago

ps: it's Millennial, not Millenial

ESOTERICshade ago

just to let millenial clear his name

His name was toast in places far and wide from here before that was even found. He is baked in the pizzagate community for good.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Lol, nobody believes your bullshit.

ESOTERICshade ago

Lol, nobody believes your bullshit.

Me being believeable is not even an issue on this because it is known far and wide. I have seen it on 4chan, 8chan, redditt, and some other places. You are one of the most famous "i have never been wrong" egomaniacs in the pizzagate world bro. They would write "i am the sniveling little shit that ruined v/pizzagate" on your tombstone.

Gothamgirl ago

I am thankful for all of you, we are rare, and the kids need us. If I could do anything to help out, from a phone let me know.

Narcissism ago

MODS need to get the Q-Anon BS off here. It this stage it should be beyond any doubt that Q-Anon is a LARP.

ESOTERICshade ago

MODS need to get the Q-Anon BS off here. It this stage it should be beyond any doubt that Q-Anon is a LARP.

Q being allowed in this sub was the straw that broke the camel's back for some people because of the division it created. It should never have been allowed into this sub. There are "storm" subs and forums, Q forums and subs, and it needs to stay at those places. It was obvious from the beginning that it was a larp or a psyop and the longer I watch it the more I think its a psyop run by an intel agency or a political party group.

Narcissism ago


Blacksmith21 ago

How about #10?

Enforce the rules on the books logically and consistently across the sub? Personally, I'd like to see an end to the hit and run link posts with no written narrative. Somehow these manage to stay up...

argosciv ago

I'd like to see an end to the hit and run link posts with no written narrative. Somehow these manage to stay up...

THIS! So fucking much of this it's not funny! I asked this before a long time ago and admit, it's a bit draconian, but, thoughts on disabling the "Share a link" button(if possible)?


Often see directly linked(no main body for submission) articles with ambiguous titles, I've adopted the habit of clicking "x comments" to see the comments instead - on the hopes that the poster has provided a bit of an explanation as to why they're sharing the link, or, failing that, to see if @derram has archived it :P

Why does it matter? Because I like to see that the person sharing the article, has actually read it and they found something they think we all need to look at - would it not behoove any genuine contributor here, to really 'sell the pitch' when it comes to something that warrants pizzagate exposure? It makes sense that if you are invested in what you're sharing, that you would want to tell us about it yourself; a bit of effort can go a long way.

Another point, although a personal peeve also, is that I really much prefer being able to stay right here on voat to read about this that and the other, where possible and reasonable - which is to say that, I really don't like when there's no explanation as to why I should be interested in the linked article/whatever, when even a few minutes spent parsing the article into a discussion post, would make all the difference.

This is why I've also adopted the habit of doing exactly that; parse the article contents or the most relevant parts, along with my thoughts/reasoning for sharing - there's some exceptions, but, I try to consider anyone else who might be sick of the "hit and run link posts", like me.


@Vindicator @Millennial_Falcon @Crensch @heygeorge @Honeybee_

think- ago

Thought about this, and think it's actually a good idea. Might also prevent people from involuntarily click on cp, when linked in headline (there was a submission like this a couple of days ago.)

Also, shills would need to put in a bit more effort. ;-)


Blacksmith21 ago

Shills can't/won't take the time to post.

heygeorge ago

I just noticed: Your ping to @Honeybee_ didn't go through. (limited to 5)

argosciv ago

Oh WhoopsiGoldberg! So did I; I forgot I pinged derram while I was typing it out... you can really tell it was a rant xD

heygeorge ago

Do you remember when the share a link button was shut off for a day? I do: Shitstorm. I strongly advised against it without clear user support.

The other problem with this is the button can only be 'suppressed' (via CSS), not removed. So users who choose to disable CSS would still see it and be able to simply click it.

Frankly, I do think it is a useful idea and may help submitters to more clearly state what their link is about. The bonus is that one can use the expando button when browsing the sub's main page and see a bit about what's going on. The downside is that viewing content through an expando (the plus-sign thingy) doesn't register as a "view".

argosciv ago

Do you remember when the share a link button was shut off for a day? I do: Shitstorm. I strongly advised against it without clear user support.

Oh shit, did I make a WhoopsiGoldberg? Sorry, I really don't remember that, I must have been busy for that day.

The other problem with this is the button can only be 'suppressed' (via CSS), not removed. So users who choose to disable CSS would still see it and be able to simply click it.

Ah fuck, yeah to alter the base template would be a pain, just for a feature only a few subs might use.

Frankly, I do think it is a useful idea and may help submitters to more clearly state what their link is about. The bonus is that one can use the expando button when browsing the sub's main page and see a bit about what's going on. The downside is that viewing content through an expando (the plus-sign thingy) doesn't register as a "view".

I had TOTALLY forgotten about that! Thanks for your input and letting me know it's been tried before.

dragonkiller ago

Oh shit, did I make a WhoopsiGoldberg? Sorry, I really don't remember that, I must have been busy for that day.

More like a satanic blood drinking Bozo The Clown that leers at teenage girls..


This is why you catch so much hell. You follow the mods around like a stray dog trying to be important and pretending to know things you are clueless about. You keep your foot in your mouth more than you do on the ground. You would really be better off to just stop sucking up to the mods and stay out of shit.

heygeorge ago

Ah fuck, yeah to alter the base template would be a pain, just for a feature only a few subs might use.

Yeah, although it may not be too complex. It would also require modifying the subverse settings page.

Thanks for your input

Glad to help when I can!

SterlingJB ago

There's like a couple dozen here who are consistent posters. Am defs not one of those. Maybe switch up the mods (or just a few) with some of the consistent contributors? Personally like Vindicators modding tho. He seems transparent about what he's doing and posts his own content consistently which helps me get an idea of his thought process which I like (even if IMO Q is a dog and pony show and that I am not too convinced T is Mr pedo roto-rooter--like at all; cld be wrong, only IMO). So maybe a split of Trump/Q folks and others that either just focus on trafficking and/or the occult might be a good mix. MF'e name tho is defs trashed far and wide in web places that post on this subject matter tho. No opinion on that since I mainly just come here to read and have never had something I put a lot of work into getting deleted by MF , so no gripes from me. How to pick the relief mods? No idea.

ESOTERICshade ago

So maybe a split of Trump/Q folks

The Q virus needs to stay in its own subs.

SterlingJB ago

Ya I know. Was trying to be diplomatic or something.

ESOTERICshade ago

Can you explain to me why people have so much trouble

I like the rules. Falcon can't cut it, or actually many think he refuses to cut it and has turned it into his own game of "catch me if you can." The mod IS the problem.

I just think MF has trouble being objective at times.

Its a 100 times worst than that.

Vindicator ago

The shills are real, and after fighting them for awhile, everyone starts to make you wonder, especially if you are tired or have other things on your mind. Of course, that is part of what they are aiming for.

Womb_Raider ago

Do you seriously not question the things SBBH and kevdude have done on voat? I know you haven't been here for terribly long but you have to have witnessed it. Even in the past year they have caused multiple controversies.

Vindicator ago

Well, my main inculturation to Voat -- and online forums in general -- came through my experiences trying to help here in v/pizzagate. I was mostly a casual lurker prior to this, so I don't have any pre-SBBH context. I did, however, witness firsthand what went down on Reddit before the pizzagate sub moved here, as well as the downright vicious efforts to smear PG researchers, dox users, and sow discord between PG refugees and old goats that were rampantly driven by certain shitheads, and saw Crensch and kevdude effectively put a stop to that so research could continue mostly in peace.

I get that v/pizzagate's ruleset is draconian by Voat standards and that it rubs the libertarian spirit of Voaters the wrong way, but I also know what a shithole this place can turn into when the rules aren't applied, and that most places on Voat do not have people trying to destroy them 24/7/365 like we have experienced. From my perspective, @Crensch and @kevdude did not "cause" this controversy here this week. They responded to a flare-up of a controversy-in-progress that has been unfolding for months.

All that said, I don't really know what Soap Box Ban Hammer is, or it's history, or what it's denizens have done Voat-wide. From my cursory perusal, the sub seems to be mostly sarcastic shitposting. But I don't understand the history. Please link me up with any relevant material, as it is something I've been curious about.

Womb_Raider ago

Did you see the hubbub with identitarian/identitarians, for example? It was front page for days. Or perhaps the post about ExpertShitposter being banned from gaming for trolling, and then trying to oust the mod who removed him?

They do stuff like this all the time, they pick a sub and attack it. They try to remove the mod team and plant accounts they either are friendly with or have control of and they destroy subs.

Then again, you co-mod this with kevdude, heygeorge, and Crensch so there's no reason for me to believe you'll genuinely consider this anyway.

think- ago

I was a lurker from the beginning, and signed up 4,5 months ago. I don't see the sub as active as it used to be. I don't know how accurate the numbers of visitors shown in the sidebar are, but imo there has been a significant drop in the last two weeks or so - very often from about 350 to less than 200.

Many people are still here, but thinking about leaving for good. Unfortunately, some of our best researchers are among them. I've been here only for four months, but the amount of time I've spent begging people not to leave is crazy.

As I said, I personally don't have a problem with the rules. I know why they were made the way they are, and that's ok.

What gets many people being frustrated, however, is an inconsistency in how rules are applied sometimes.


MF took down a post of mine (only one that got deleted so far). It was a newspaper article that said 10% of children raped in child porn were infants. I got a bit emotional over this, so I posted it on v/pizzagate, thinking since the elite produce child porn, it's ok to discuss it on the main sub. MF deleted it, and pointed out that I should repost on v/pizzagatewhatever. I didn't have a problem with that. (Gonna edit later and add links to posts mentioned.) I even wrote a PM to MF and apologized for being a bit too emotional before posting.

However, another post submitted around the same time which dealt with a single case of infant rape and chlld porn, the perp not being a member of the elite, stayed.

That was the point where I got annoyed. If rules are applied, it should be done in a consistent way. And I know that's what bugging other people as well.

Maybe you've seen it, I've really tried to be objective and fair regarding MF's work in the past weeks, and tried to encourage him whenever he did something I thought was neat. I refrained from complaining. I am aware we're all different, hold different views and that there will never be a mod that will be cherished by everyone. When you're a mod, you'll be the designated asshole for some users anyway.

However, I ran out of ideas how we could develop a better understanding about how to mod this sub with Millenial. So I think this post is great, I hope many will join.

Regarding A) and B): Many users need some help. When they're posting, sometimes they're in time stress, don't realize how to best point out the connection to pizzagate, or are not aware that their sources don't suffice.

It's not because they're generally too stupid to read and apply rules, but sometimes they need help. That's why I suggested to leave posts up, ask to fix (providing some help) and give a time frame for fixing.


MolochHunter ago

you mods are doing a great and often thankless job

My 2cents is the focus. Its been nearly 18 months since Podesta's emails dropped, and in terms of the 'Investigation' - well, its been a long time since we've been at the point where its conclusive that there is a systemic, endemic issue long overdue for justice

I personally see this forum, therefore, as only partially an ongoing Investigation, and more saliently as a REPOSITORY for pizzagate - and that INCLUDES the Fake News about Pizzagate

What i mean is, if i see something pizzagate related on twitter with 700 retweets, I'm gonna put it up here for discussion - regarless of whether its fake news or not. And i dont want someone up my ass for 'peddaling' fake news when what I'm doing is REPORTING on salient info doing the rounds, whether its fake or not

if there is fake news going around out there, we should be the best at detecting it and diffusing it, right? how do we do that effectively if we dont bring fake news in here, put it on the table for dissection - coz often there's a kernel of truth in the entrails of a dissected fake news rat, right?

Crensch ago

I don't think "peddling fake news" is one of the rules. Was something removed for that?

Mods should be removing poorly formatted and explained posts - and spam.

ESOTERICshade ago

Mods should be removing poorly formatted and explained posts

Guess we need a new rule warning people that this is also a beauty contest. "if your post is ugly it will be deleted."

Crensch ago

Pretend you want to fuck with the mods and users of this place, and take your position to its logical conclusion.

ESOTERICshade ago

Pretend you want to fuck with the mods and users of this place, and take your position to its logical conclusion.

The reason people don't take you seriously is because it takes a serious case of narcissistic vanity to be as wrong as you are, as often as you are, so blatantly, and then just blow through it with the amount of projection you use. You really do have a mental illness and its serious. Not even kidding a little bit. I am not surprised that a narcissistic sociopath such as yourself jumped on the chance to grab the v/pizzagate sub name because it gives you a group of people to feed on. It is an especially sad state of affairs because this sub "tries" to specialize on helping desperate children but instead is serves as a siphon point for your power trip needs. Its weird to watch people like you feed on things like that because it seems like it would be a miserable life but for you it is enjoyable for some sad reason. You will suck the last drop of blood from this place like you are doing, blame it on everybody else, forever or until you somehow lose access to the internet because you need this fix. We don't expect you do shit except what you have proven over the last year that you will continue to do.

think- ago

but I am interested in seeing how it gets attacked

If you the sub would be left for two weeks without mods, many people might get frustrated by shill posts and leave. Currently, many are burned out and about to leave for good.


Womb_Raider ago

Currently, many are burned out and about to leave for good.

This is what they fucking want. It's literally what they're here to do. Don't let them crush your spirit, we need an alternative because Putt is not with us. The "Voat Voting" system proved that to me.

Vindicator ago

Yes, this is probably true.

letsdothis1 ago

My mistake. I've been on multiple threads at the same time. Sorry.

Bozito ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Could you fix my "their" typo in your quote.

done :)

letsdothis1 ago

You going to watch it get attacked or are you going to take part in that too?

ESOTERICshade ago

You have to vote and say "i vote for number 4 to remove the mod" or crensch will not record your vote. crensch is not taking opinions you have to say the words exactly. its fuckery i know but i just caught on to it. make sure you ping crensch too when you do it.

letsdothis1 ago

That's the first time I posted it to you Crens Kev. Soon everyone will be very clear who you guys are.

ESOTERICshade ago

Meaning that maybe their are rules in the sidebar that have run their course and could be replaced with different rules.

I think the rules are OK. I think Falcon is not up to the task of making them work.

letsdothis1 ago

Careful - post too many of those and this place will start to look like the David Icke forum during the height of the Hampstead case when it was full of trolls . Perhaps you know what I mean? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr9zlrScGR8

letsdothis1 ago

Only if I can respond in kind. See how that works? I have something that you might like by the way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr9zlrScGR8

Vindicator ago

I have long been curious about this as well. Just because I'm curious and like to study the shills. :-)

heygeorge ago

My biggest suspicion about the mod complainers is that there was another sub set-up, v/pizzagatewhatever, as an anything goes sister sub.

Why not post there with incomplete leads? It's the clear route, and doesn't start dividing up the researchers into tiny sections. I rarely see this happen, and think it's an underutilized spot.

ESOTERICshade ago

My biggest suspicion about the mod complainers is that there was another sub set-up, v/pizzagatewhatever, as an anything goes sister sub.

Why not post there with incomplete leads? It's the clear route, and doesn't start dividing up the researchers into tiny sections. I rarely see this happen, and think it's an underutilized spot.

That sub never really caught on. It did for a while but the problem is with quality posts being deleted in this sub.

heygeorge ago

If I remember correctly, the complaint at that point was the lower visibility. That struck me as shallow.

Edit: I didn't mean to ignore your statement about the deletions from the main sub. Obviously that is the reason this post was made.

ESOTERICshade ago

If I remember correctly, the complaint at that point was the lower visibility. That struck me as shallow.

Some of the great posts that get deleted literally take weeks to prepare, the really good ones that is. People that are that smart, dedicated, and can "see" well enough to make those associations, and then even present it and make it understandable get seriously irate when it gets deleted and relegated to the back water.

For instance this post right here, the one @crensch calls a piece of shit done by an idiot.


Well, the "idiot" that figured a lot of that out is @swordfish69. Swordfish is almost legendary for his ability to make associations that most people cannot see. pizzagate is a freaky world and it takes a special eye to spot this level of connection and it takes years to learn to see it.

@letsdothis1 understood it well enough to pick up on it and add to it. So @crensch comes along and calls it a piece of shit, tells everybody that anybody that disagrees with him is always wrong, and then insults everybody that ties to reason with him. @crensch does not have the skills to see it. crensch said he would hand over the keys to this place to somebody we choose. Great. Hand us the password to the main name that started this sub. I will go in and change the password and nobody but me will be able to get in. I will fire everybody that needs to be fired. I will pick three mods starting with with @think- and @vindicator and @Asolo if he wants the job. I will pick one or two more.

I can straighten this sub out. I know I can. I can pick me some mods that understand pizzagate, want to mod, and put this place on autopilot so that I don't even have to do the modding myself.

@crensch made the offer. Cough up the keys crensch. We will be rid of you and Falcon both. Its the best idea you have ever had.

heygeorge ago

What is clear is that this whole thing has evolved, yet the rules and moderation have not. @Crensch do you have a link handy to the last rules thread?

ESOTERICshade ago

What is clear is that this whole thing has evolved, yet the rules and moderation have not.

The rules should serve as a set of guidelines for someone with common sense to use to make the forum function properly in a way that suits the community. Falcon is not capable of using the guidelines we have to make the forum function in a manner that suits the community.

There is nothing wrong with the rules. The rules are fine. We have been through rule discussions before. The community is sick of the people that are squatting on this sub and holding it hostage and that is EXACTLY what is happening. Done watching @crensch hold court and act like a beligerent power tripping asshole.

Like @Asolo said:

Crencsh the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, too little too late after the damage is done still debating about getting rid of an incompetent mod. You internet geeks are amazing how you stick up for each other when it's clear the moron should have been let go within the first month of this investigation.

@crensch is 100% responsible for this mess. You guys fucked this up so bad we just want you gone. You are hostage takers on a power trip. Its like you feel like you have some little ants in a jar that you torment with a magnifying glass.

@crensch acts like this is fucking rocket science or something. Its not that complicated. We don't want you here anymore. You don't care about this sub and you have said so many times. You don't do shit around here except squat on the name "v/pizzagate" to soothe your power trip. It makes you feel important. We want you gone. This sub will prosper without you. With you here the problems will continue. @Millennial_Falcon should have been gone months ago.

Why do either of you want to hold the sub captive when people hate you so bad? Why don't you just do the honorable thing and walk away. I don't mean change the names on the sidebar and hide behind new names. I mean go away. Period.

You both got your ass handed to you in this mod thread @crensch started.


You are expired. There is no confidence left for you here. Most people are just watching this thread knowing with you here nothing will ultimately change, and hope that you will just leave, finally.

@crensch, obviously we are done watching you hold court like a malignant narcissicist and Falcon you just need to go. Are you guys not humuliated by how badly people want you to just go away and leave this place alone? I would be humiliated as hell if I were you.

Done with your games and fake peace offerings. You had a whole year and the only thing you have done is run this sub into the ground. Let somebody rebuild it, walk away.

ASolo ago

Yeah I mean, like what's their INVESTMENT? Why are THEY so concerned with this sub, why are THEY fighting so hard for THEIR position like it's fucking Congress or something like everything has to be diplomatically considered in the court of fucking VOAT when, just like the fucking Supreme Court these cocksuckers stack the deck against you and since they got all the keys they rattle them at you from way up on their bench....

Just walk away dudes, you pimples on a horses ass.

Just fuck off. Wise ass comments and moderation tricks and just plain fucking weirdness. Sick of wrestling with internet pieces of shit over what I can say and how I can say it.... Eat shit and die.

ASolo ago

Here Here. Seconded. Make these assholes walk the plank Arrrrrrr

heygeorge ago

I don't see how a rational mind would perceive our short & civil discussion as handing my ass to me. Your final statement was that you were not going to comment in this post I pointed you to, because you felt it would make no difference.

I don't have any say as to what this sub does or does not do. I help with Voat-centric technical questions when asked, or help with CSS when asked.

I am not making any peace offerings. I am trying to understand you. What is ironic about you spouting off at Crensch is that even though he hurts your feelings, he is in reality the person who can pull the ripcord on the whole mod team (outside of kkww)

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't see how a rational mind would perceive our short & civil discussion as handing my ass to me.

That was not aimed at you george it was aimed at crensch. Sorry I didn't specify. You seem rational unlike crensch.

Crensch ago

I was mentioning that very thing somewhere in this Crensched thread.

Vindicator ago

One problem is that people don't know that is why it was set up. If you look at removal comment history, you'll see that it is not always mentioned. Plus, it's not as visible -- people want their stuff seen and upvoted.

Crensch ago

Maybe a standardized bit for each warning comment?

Vindicator ago

That's what I try to do -- add something like "Or...you can post it as is in our speculative sub for unsourced research, v/pizzagatewhatever." Sometimes I forget, but it takes the sting out a little. Due to the name, people think of it as banishment though.

think- ago

@heygeorge suggested to crosspost my comment from Crench's previous thread in v/pizzagatemods, so here it is:

I don't think the rules are a problem in general.

The only thing I'd like to be changed is that OPs should be granted some time to fix a post, instead of deleting a post and require reposting.

Reason for this:

Often posts already have many comments when a mod deletes and asks to fix and repost.

Comments won't show on a repost, and discussions get interrupted by requiring to repost, even if its a minor issue that needs to be fixed.

I'd suggest to give OPs 30 minutes or so to fix, shouldn't they do so, delete and ask for repost.

This, of course, depends on whether the mods have the time to look at a post again in the given time period, I'm aware of this.

ESOTERICshade ago

That is a good suggestion think-, a real good one, but the problem is the board owners and the lead mod. Until that changes, nothing will change.

JusticeforAaron ago

I don't get it puttitout seems like a good guy from what I've seen. He's polar opposite to many here.

Crensch ago

I'm not overly opposed to such a thing. More demand on the mods, but if that's what the users agree on, we can find a way to make it work.

Maybe a comment by the mod pinging other mods capable of removing - if they have to go, the next mod can see what/when/where/how the grace period started, and remove if unedited.

Happy to hear other takes on this, but at first glance, a great idea!

Vindicator ago

Another possibility would be a flair of some kind flagging it for removal if not fixed.

jangles ago

Yes, and letting some slack on rule 3 with a flag "poorly explained/not clear " and leave it up

Vindicator ago

We could have flairs for each of the rules, and flair first so people can edit, then remove the flair when they do, or delete if they don't.

think- ago

We could have flairs for each of the rules

That's a good idea. What time period would you like to give OPs, if any?

Vindicator ago

Good question. Experimentally, I want to say 24 hours in case they're in a radically different timezone. That also gives time for other users to contribute links and explanations the OP can use to edit his post -- making the whole process more crowdsourced and collaborative.

think- ago

Experimentally, I want to say 24 hours in case they're in a radically different timezone. That also gives time for other users to contribute links and explanations the OP can use to edit his post -- making the whole process more crowdsourced and collaborative.

When thinking of doing posts in the future as OP, I'd say: great, go for it! :-)

Considering the quite shilly climate these days however (...), I just imagined some very happy resident shills having a feast day and spamming the sub so bad that good posts would pushed down the thread into oblivion. :-/

How can we prevent this? Maybe give it a two weeks trial period?

If we assume everybody would play fair, this would be really great, and could lead to some enthusiastic teamwork. People are always glad to help with links and ideas.

ESOTERICshade ago

Experimentally, I want to say 24 hours in case they're in a radically different timezone. That also gives time for other users to contribute links and explanations the OP can use to edit his post -- making the whole process more crowdsourced and collaborative.

24 hours is too long. The slide threads will keep the front page clogged. @vindicator

Vindicator ago

Everyone would need to button on their self-moderation sweaters and start downvoating. I think we'd want to try it as an experiment, first.

think- ago

Everyone would need to button on their self-moderation sweaters and start downvoating.

Yes, I feel it adament to stress this.

I get a bit nervous these days when I see the Sarah alts farming SCP, because people don't realize who she/he is, and might upvoat posts just for a clickbaity headline.

Vindicator ago

The last suggestion in this comment I just make on the sticky would take care of "Sarah" et al.

think- ago

To prevent a tsunami of shill spam, we can further stipulate that posting more than two threads at a time earning rule violation flairs will get your deferred removal privilege revoked and they all get removed.

That's a very good idea. This really made me a bit nervous and I couldn't think of a way we could prevent the spamming.

jangles ago


Millennial_Falcon ago

This sounds like a reasonable approach, although it could open us up to claims of favoritism for arbitrarily deciding which posts to give time to and which to take down immediately.


think- ago

I think changing the way of responding to a post that needs some fixing will make people to be more relaxed in general. Many posts that get currently deleted require only some fixes that won't take much time.

Most of those who would be deleted nevertheless will be shill posts.

@Vindicator @kevdude @heygeorge

heygeorge ago

You'll be opened up to claims no matter. A bit of favoritism seems better weathered than some sort of international pizza consultant allegedly tied to JA.

Crensch ago

Not a bad way to do it, either. I take it you support this idea in general?

Vindicator ago

Yes. I have to admit, I already request edits with posts that just need a little tweaking, especially if there is already a good discussion happening.

Disappointed ago

You can have more than ten flairs per sub now. Not sure how high it goes but its at least 15.

think- ago

Thank you! :-)

As I said, I'm aware this would depend on whether the mods feel they'd have the time to do it.

if they have to go, the next mod can see what/when/where/how the grace period started, and remove if unedited

I think it would be great to have a kind of mod diary, so when one mod ends his shift, he could leave comments for the one that takes over.

Crensch ago

I think the comments in the submission pinging the mod should be sufficient.

Hell, when a mod starts his rounds, he can just ping himself to those comments, too, in order to keep track, or have a list to go back down later.

MemberOfThePublic ago

@Crensch I am hungry and I ate all the potato cakes.

argosciv ago

I've noticed @Millennial_Falcon has been more lenient in that regard lately.

Crensch ago

Lenient as in giving some time to fix?

argosciv ago

Yus :)

srayzie ago

MF has done better but faggot Crensch has nothing to lose so he won’t make any changes.

argosciv ago

I had to laugh. I don't want Crensch to change at all <3

It's amazing what you can get done when you have nothing to lose and nothing else going on in life :P

srayzie ago

Not when you have a serious forum. He has no people skills. He can’t solve problems. He goes straight to nigger faggot kike. He’s immature. He’s an asshole. I seriously think someone should make a new sub.

argosciv ago

Crensch stays out of it as much as possible, from what I can tell. I have no people skills either lol.

Some people have reasons for liking him, others not so much - the smear campaign (accusations of being a pedo) is woefully petty, though.

Some people don't like Crensch's attitude, some people don't like the attitude of those who go on anti-mod campaigns over hurt feelings - escalating to slander... we don't all have to agree, hell, that's damn near impossible, but, Crensch isn't the horrible god-awful boogeyman many perceive him to be. I honestly even thank him for the times he's put me on the spot... negative reinforcement and whatnot :P

If Crensch calls you a kike, just call him one back and move on.

srayzie ago

I don’t stoop to that level and call people pedos. I have the kind of personality where we could call each other faggots all day long. But some don’t like it. This isn’t the type of forum that’s full of college aged guys.

argosciv ago

I don’t stoop to that level and call people pedos.

Didn't mean for my last message to come across as directed at you, I know you're not one of the ones crying wolf :)

I have the kind of personality where we could call each other faggots all day long. But some don’t like it. This isn’t the type of forum that’s full of college aged guys.

This is true, on some level I do hold the same concern re: pushing people away - but at this point, it is what it is, imo - no malice intended.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I generally try to be consistent about simply removing and having the person fix and repost. Otherwise it invites claims of bias and censoring certain topics. The occasional exception I make is when a discussion post could arguably be within the rules, but is on the verge of breaking Rule 3, so I simply ask the person to edit the post to clarify something.

MemberOfThePublic ago

Koo Koo

argosciv ago

so I simply ask the person to edit the post to clarify something

Raises thoughts about the "Share a link" button again xD

But otherwise, you know my thoughts on the matter - I have no qualms with what you do, I think there was a couple of times I got upset over some things of mine you deleted, but, it's understandable almost every time - just pushes me to be a bit more creative when I'm trying to be subtle :P

srayzie ago

You’re such a kiss ass to mods 🤣

argosciv ago

Not really lol, I've had my arguments with them :P

I just love them for everything they're doing for us(even when I don't fully agree with whomever), if that's kissing arse, oh well ^_^

Seriously, even if they weren't mods, I quite enjoy them as people and respect their take on things. Just the same as I respect many others around these parts, even if I disagree with them about certain things :P

polwarrior30 ago

Reposting because I didn’t want to be attached to pedo mods comment

Nobody gives a shit and I think everyone will agree you guys are pedos and delete everything.

Wellcome Trust, Marina Abramovic, Hans Wyss and biotech industry

Again….Indiana mentioned in Pedo operation w/details

St. Charles Seminary Tunnels

411 Park Clusters of Missing Persons Across America

These are just a few in the last day that you have removed

Don’t worry though all the deleted hoists been reposted for discussion on


Website is already running and will be finished in days.

Your days of subverting pizzagate are over

Prayer threads are welcome, experiences, links, evidence, testimony, personal opinions etc... at itshappening pizzagate forum

Kek Hhahahahhahaha pedos are stupid


Such bull sir can’t belicw everyone put up with this shit for so long thank god for all your resilient folks here at voat who keep posting. I will be digging through the entire voat deleted submission section and repost all of your great threads in the its happening pizzagate forum.It’s

Millennial_Falcon ago

I had to read this comment to decide whether you're just a moron or you're a pedo shill piece of shit. I've decided you are both. We ALWAYS leave up (and indeed promote!) important posts that have clear relevance to pizzagate, whereas you try to spam disinfo and bullshit, but we're the bad guys, here. Suuuuuuuuuuuuure. Mhm.

heygeorge ago

It must be a coincidence that he's pushing an exodus to a separate forum just as you're being especially targeted.

Millennial_Falcon ago

He has been targeting me and trying to push people onto other platforms/subverses since almost the beginning. The reason he and the other shills target me is that I'm the one who removes most of their disinfo and irrelevant slide posts.

heygeorge ago

What's up with this Asolo dude? Why does he reply to himself? Twice in the same chain in this very thread, in fact.

Millennial_Falcon ago

He might be the same troll as polwarrior. polwarrior likes to have conversations with himself with his many sockpuppet accounts. Maybe he forgot to switch browser tabs or something.

polwarrior30 ago

Just keep deleting posts and see what happens

ESOTERICshade ago

7 - Try no rules and no moderation for a couple of weeks

And this is a setup. You talked about this in the thread I linked to. This is the old "order out of chaos" trick. You know full well that if this sub goes two weeks with no rules and no moderation that it will be total chaos and that is obvious. After two weeks of chaos you will come in and say "see, esotericshade and all the assholes are wrong, you need us."

You will create a problem and then pretend to fix it. Nobody is dumb enough to fall for this trick.

Womb_Raider ago

SBBH does nothing but destroy. You're finally catching on.

Crensch ago

And this is a setup. You talked about this in the thread I linked to. This is the old "order out of chaos" trick. You know full well that if this sub goes two weeks with no rules and no moderation that it will be total chaos and that is obvious. After two weeks of chaos you will come in and say "see, esotericshade and all the assholes are wrong, you need us."

The users have that option. It's not a trick. I have no dog in this fight either way. If they want 2 weeks off, I'll take 2 weeks off. If they don't, well, I keep my game face on.

JusticeforAaron ago

Take a year off, at least.

ESOTERICshade ago

If they want 2 weeks off, I'll take 2 weeks off.

Kill all the modding and then troll this place all to hell so you can save the day. We are not stupid.

Crensch ago

Kill all the modding and then troll this place all to hell so you can save the day. We are not stupid.

The users of PG as a whole are probably not. I believe that.

If you believe that, too, then why would you even have a problem with me offering the option?

ESOTERICshade ago

If you believe that, too, then why would you even have a problem with me offering the option?

Because letting the sub go mod free for two weeks is so stupid that it is obviously a trick?

ESOTERICshade ago

I have no dog in this fight either way.

That is the biggest problem this sub has, right there, you don't give a fuck.

Crensch ago

Oh, it's not that. I have a duty to do what the users want. That will happen regardless.

I don't have an opinion here.

I realize you'll try to grasp anything at all in order to legitimize yourself and delegitimize me, but you failed there.

ESOTERICshade ago

Oh, it's not that. I have a duty to do what the users want.

On a comparative statistical basis, gets down voted into the sewer in this thread, but of course ignores it. Sits in a mod sub rigged so that users cannot down vote because the system won't add sub points to a users tally with the 10 CPP limit turned on. I had 30 up votes in that sub and the sidebar still says I have zero.

Makes excuse that it is to hide the sub from v/all when there used to be, and I guess still is, a setting that will hide the sub from v/all without rigging the sub.

Uses excuse "don't want to bug people by them seeing the sub on v/all."

I don't fly.


ESOTERICshade ago

I realize you'll try to grasp anything at all in order to legitimize yourself and delegitimize me, but you failed there.

Weird how you started this thread pretending to be "serving the community" when in reality you wanted to bait me here and delegitimize me and legitimize yourself. That was obvious when you called a great thread a piece of shit done by an idiot and attached my name at the top of the thread.

That ruse had two problems before it was even posted:

  1. The whole pizzagate community knows who @swordfish69 is and the bulk of it is his research.

  2. People familiar with me may not always agree with me but they know i'm not a shill.

So this personal attack and attempt to elevate yourself fell flat in the planning stages.

argosciv ago




dragonkiller ago

Lol (don't get your knickers in a knot, I'm not laughing at any of the comments with this)

Pardon me sir but nobody cares what the local blood drinking satanists thinks around here.

Admits to being a blood drinking satanist: (even catbox.moe put "barf" in the url)



He claims to be into "sex magic" and blood. Probably one of these Comet Ping Pong freaks.


Lures teenage drug addicted girls to his house and tries have sex with them and talk them into letting him drink their blood. He tells them he is a "magic dragon." (seriously, read what he wrote) A couple of those little drug addicted tweakers broke into his house a few weeks ago.

He constantly posts satanic music in v/pizzagate and pings a lot of other users to his satanic music concerts even though he knows v/pizzagate people hate it. He constantly pings the mods and tattles on people, shows the mods things people say, in an effort to get fights started between the mods and the users.

letsdothis1 ago


JusticeforAaron ago

Are you kidding? That will never happen here.

MemberOfThePublic ago

We can't just give up hope like that. That's what they want.

JusticeforAaron ago

I gave up on this place a long time ago.

Scirel ago

Yeah, that's actually a great idea. Anyone who has been here a number of months and has 1K or 2K voats has clearly been in the game and takes this investigation seriously. Perhaps the mods need to agree to give a little slack to such folks even if they (we) are a little snarly sometimes. So 1. and 2., but look at the poster and give a nod towards a slide to those who clearly take this seriously.

The biggest factor for me is that I think we are doing the groundwork investigation for people who will eventually do the dangerous work of arresting a bunch of these criminals. As investigations go, some leads are dead ends and some seem crazy at first but yield very fecund results. I would hate to see something get deleted that may prove to be the latter.

And yes, MF has ticked me off sometimes, but I don't think he has been overtly unfair to me. And my guess is he doesn't really care for me. But that's okay in the end because his Sticky is obviously excellent and his deletions were always rule 1 and probably for stuff that was on the edge anyways, so he helps me think twice about posting. But clearly he is on the side of the kids and wants to see justice for them.

But all that being said, I can understand that being a mod is a tough job, and somewhat thankless. I appreciate the efforts y'all put forth, and I honestly believe you are the good guys and want to see justice done on these enemies of humanity. As always, it will be the volunteers that change the world for the better.

Crensch ago

As investigations go, some leads are dead ends and some seem crazy at first but yield very fecund results. I would hate to see something get deleted that may prove to be the latter.

And what of the infinite bad leads that subversive elements will post here if given the chance? How much manpower are you willing to put forth in order to follow each of them to their conclusion, be it dead end or something useful?

It's called the Impossible Game. We all have a finite amount of resources and time, and the absolute best way to ruin this place is to cause stagnation due to too many "leads".

PG was originally supposed to only house the leads that had turned out to be useful, and could be spelled out in a post as a direct link that anyone could follow.

Scirel ago

My point is that you would give a little extra consideration to post something that sounds a little "crazy" if it is posted by someone who has earned a high number of voats and shown some talent for sniffing out leads over some months. Let the leash out a bit if the dog has been behaving. I've been here over a year now and am familiar with many of y'all and have been able to gauge of talents and insightfulness of various regular posters. Hope that clarifies.

Crensch ago

My point is that you would give a little extra consideration to post something that sounds a little "crazy" if it is posted by someone who has earned a high number of voats and shown some talent for sniffing out leads over some months. Let the leash out a bit if the dog has been behaving. I've been here over a year now and am familiar with many of y'all and have been able to gauge of talents and insightfulness of various regular posters.

You're saying that mods should moderate subjectively based on who's been behaving?

Hope that clarifies.

I hope it didn't.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's called the Impossible Game. We all have a finite amount of resources and time, and the absolute best way to ruin this place is to cause stagnation due to too many "leads".

The absolute best way to ruin this place is to have narcissists such as yourself in charge and the rest turns to shit on its own. You threw a party for about 280 people with this thread and less than a dozen cared to show up deal with your hassles. Me, kevdude, and vindicator all pointed out reasonable information as to why the thread was not handled properly. Instead of having a good sub you want to win arguments, or at least create the appearance of having won an argument. You wrecked our sub that tries to help kids and that is all we really care about, the rest is your narcissistic unimportant drama.

ESOTERICshade ago

And what of the infinite bad leads that subversive elements will post here if given the chance?

Considering that you need us for your narcissistic supply, and we don't need you or want you, we will never know because you will never leave and go away. You NEED US to feed on like power tripping vampire.


twistedmac11 ago

Exactly. Notice the complete change in @Crensch's attitude, too, vs on this thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2394295/1191224

JusticeforAaron ago

He acts like a spook to me, he argues the exact same way as they do. They all go right into demeaning people from the start, they always have other sockpuppets to rate them up and suck their dicks.

ESOTERICshade ago

He acts like a spook to me, he argues the exact same way as they do. They all go right into demeaning people from the start, they always have other sockpuppets to rate them up and suck their dicks.

Could be because they use Alinsky tactics just like the Hasbara trolls do. A lot of people think Falcon and crensch might be the same person but who knows. A lot of people think they are sooks or get paid off to wreck this sub. All I know for certain is that me, kevdude, and vindicator tried to point out reasons why the thread was rational and crensch took it to shit levels of narcissistic personality disorder rarely seen in the real world. Freaky to watch it actually. Especially in a sub of people trying to help kids.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

If you think this is how spooks act online you watch too much TV

JusticeforAaron ago

Well kevdude was defending them where I was. From now on when someone starts with me here, I'm assuming the worst. No more benefit of the doubt given. It's sad because I feel I can't even contribute without someone taking my stuff down.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well kevdude was defending them where I was. From now on when someone starts with me here, I'm assuming the worst. No more benefit of the doubt given. It's sad because I feel I can't even contribute without someone taking my stuff down.

@kevdude is usually reasonable and I can work with him. When I see your posts get unfairly deleted then I might speak up. But I won't take just anybody's word in an anonymous plaform because we have so many trolls around here. I will assume you have good motives until I see otherwise.

JusticeforAaron ago

Good luck with that.

ESOTERICshade ago

Is some respect too much to ask for?

Consider the source:



MemberOfThePublic ago

You do realise Narcissim is a concept developed by a Pedophile psychologist by the name of Havelok Ellis right?

I know this because I am a genius.

ESOTERICshade ago

Basically it just means obnoxious mother fucker with no conscience as far as i am concerned, perhaps with some psychopath mixed in

MemberOfThePublic ago

Was Paddock a psychopath? He was the king of microaggression.

Crensch ago

Example of a "user" we have to deal with that doesn't seem too far from @letsdothis1's posting and behaviour.

Another "user".

Esoteric is another one that I've caught lying and wasting my time, but I don't have the links handy.

@Scirel @kevdude @heygeorge

ASolo ago

You really DO know a hell of a lot about users here for being such a non contributor, motherfucker you really have been clocking us haven't you?

ASolo ago

Who the fuck are you? This isn't a game anymore.

JusticeforAaron ago

OMFG you just bitched me out for not supplying links you fucking hypocrite!

ESOTERICshade ago

Esoteric is another one that I've caught lying and wasting my time, but I don't have the links handy.


twistedmac11 ago

Esoteric is another one that I've caught lying and wasting my time, but I don't have the links handy

Then he complains bc people don't source their posts LOL

twistedmac11 ago

And that's your excuse for speaking to people the way you do? You tore everyone apart in that thread who cared disagree with you, myself and @ESOTERICshade included. And I've NEVER spoken with you before, so I definitely haven't earned that kind of treatment. I saw @letsdothis1 attempting to speak with you in a pretty rational manner, and I saw you fly off the handle. If you can't handle day to day shit from people who don't agree with your every word, go somewhere else.

Is it so much to ask for a moderator to speak with an iota of respect? Serious question.

Here, let's ping some more people since that seems to be a thing. @vindicator @millenial_falcon @putitout

Disappointed ago

twistedmac11 ago

Thank you, I'm on my phone and wasn't paying attention to make sure I had the proper amount of t's.

Disappointed ago

Its all good. Theres a voting system coming in soon that is supposed to allow users to remove mods. Its has some drawbacks but if you want to give input on it where the admin can see, post in here: https://voat.co/v/voatdev/2362183

As far as I know this is coming at the end of the month.

JusticeforAaron ago

I'm glad I saw this, I was about to leave for good.

ESOTERICshade ago

Theres a voting system coming in soon that is supposed to allow users to remove mods.

I heard about that. I hope it is better than the answer they had for vote farming. Basically all that accomplished was the ability of people @crensch to create a bubble like v/pizzagate mods where they can get posters into a sub and down vote them without the posters ever being to gain enough CPP to down vote. That is the way the mod sub is.

Crensh and couple of other people had their 10 minimum CPP points accrued, then they set a 10 CPP limit. Once the limit is set the system won't add any points. Yesterday I had over 30 up votes in the mod sub the sidebar still says I have zero. So, crensch and crew sit in there and down vote people that will never be able to down vote.

All the while crensch preaches about letting the votes speak for themselves. They got down voted into the stone age, statistically speaking, in this thread but of course in a narcissists world that does not count.

Disappointed ago

Yea, I have shown the admin that I can game it using a VPN and Im still trying to come up with way thaat can defeat me. If it doesn't work I'll game it and expose it using Tor or Vpn don't worry.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yea, I have shown the admin that I can game it using a VPN and Im still trying to come up with way that can defeat me.

It reads more than the ip address and mac address. I know that. Not sure how you did that. Simply switching the ip address shouldn't game it. It reads the whole machine ID or something.

Disappointed ago

I'm not going to show people what to do but either way he did not know until I told him. It was very simple though. The votes were flagged as certified.

twistedmac11 ago

Oh I will definitely be on the lookout for that, thank you!

Crensch ago

And that's your excuse for speaking to people the way you do?

I choose to. I don't need an excuse.

You tore everyone apart in that thread who cared disagree with you, myself and @ESOTERICshade included.

Maybe if you were right, or had something valid to present instead of feefees and assertions and claims you can't back up, I'd treat you with some respect.

Nobody deserves respect, it must be earned. Some have earned my respect @RKG and @Dylan_Klebold both were treated to the business end of my sharp tongue. Turns out they earned some modicum of respect, and have that issue no longer.

And I've NEVER spoken with you before, so I definitely haven't earned that kind of treatment.

I've had people I don't know that have responded when I'm busy destroying someone else, and have done so in a way that gets a cordial response. You didn't.

I saw @letsdothis1 attempting to speak with you in a pretty rational manner, and I saw you fly off the handle.

That user wasted my time, and didn't bother to apologize for it. Rational? Rational is accepting that you broke the rules, fixing your shit, and reposting. Irrational is causing this kind of uproar to a userbase that for the most part doesn't seem to really give a fuck about changing anything here.

If you can't handle day to day shit from people who don't agree with your every word, go somewhere else.

I handle it fine. I even handle stupidity and wasting my time just fine.

I'm pretty sure it was you that I told that this is not some raging inferno monster version of me, this is Tuesday.

Is it so much to ask for a moderator to speak with an iota of respect? Serious question.

Earn it. At the very least, don't make your first impression one of someone that doesn't deserve it.

Here, let's ping some more people since that seems to be a thing. @vindicator @millenial_falcon @putitout

People that ping puttitout show that they don't belong here. People that spell his name wrong show that they really just do not belong here.

Also, I notice your lack of nigger faggot kike shit this go round.

I choose when and where I use my words. Do you have a problem with that?

Cat got your tongue? Performance anxiety?


You've already shown your ass, why stop now?

Sure. Just tell me exactly where this analysis of that faggot's submission is wrong. Where did I make a mistake?

Go ahead; say something stupid.

twistedmac11 ago

So bc I'm on my phone and missed a t, I don't belong here? Do you hear yourself? Jesus. This is hilarious.

ESOTERICshade ago

just figured out crensch won't count your opinion unless you explicitly say you vote for number 4. you have to say it or the spineless wonder will not record your vote

Crensch ago

So bc I'm on my phone and missed a t, I don't belong here? Do you hear yourself? Jesus. This is hilarious.

That respect you wanted? You're not earning it.

twistedmac11 ago

Lol why are you so hung up on a typo? Is that all you've got? That hardly makes me unworthy of any respect, nor does anything I've said so far.

Crensch ago

Lol why are you so hung up on a typo? Is that all you've got?

Maybe you should re-read this.

That hardly makes me unworthy of any respect, nor does anything I've said so far.

You're making excuses for your error.

Nobody believes your excuses. At best it's plausible, and more importantly, nobody cares about your excuses.

The biggest thing, though, is that you ignored an entire page's worth of comment so you could present your excuse, then have the cods to say "Is that all you've got?".

How embarrassing.

twistedmac11 ago

Because your book-long comments say nothing more than you're an arrogant asshole who doesn't give two fucks about this sub or any of the users in it. You've proven yourself to be completely irrational and incapable of any open discussion. Your posts consist of why you're right, why I'm an emotional faggot who deserves no respect, etc.

ESOTERICshade ago

Twistedmac11 We are dealing with a seriously sick narcissistic personality disorder here. The narcissist actually NEEDS US but we don't need it. That is why it will NEVER leave us and go away. It feeds on us because it has to.

I have seen some pretty intense narcissists in my day but this one is top drawer for sure. @crensch will never leave becaues he needs us for his power trip food. Somewhere on this internet we can find a place to go and let this place just finish its collapse.


twistedmac11 ago

Ain't that the fucking truth.

If the users want me to step down, I will.

THEN FUCKING DO IT ALREADY. But he never will. Note how he's slid his way around me addressing his change of tone multiple times. I see straight through that BS.

Keep fighting the good fight! I think you and I are going to get along just fine.

ESOTERICshade ago

But he never will. Note how he's slid his way around me addressing his change of tone multiple times. I see straight through that BS.

Have you noticed that people have expressed their discontent with falcon over and over but unless they specifically say "I vote for number X" @crensch won't count their opinion on his little tally sheet. @crensch and falcon both got down voted into the stone age compared to everybody else and of course in this case "we serve the community and let the votes decide" means exactly fuck all right?

The surreal thing about it is the fact that all crensch's bullshit is right out here in the open for all to see and @crensch doggedly ignores it all and continues with this fucking show like its not happening. In the mod thread they got their ass handed them too, but of course none of that happened. It takes a seriously strong case of mental illness to push through all this in public and pretend its not happening.

Its so lame that @crensch is down to being superior and "winning" arguments based on typos and shit nit pick little meaning dreamed up technicalities. That is why hardly anybody is even bothering to participate in this charade. Instead of participating they are just watching surreal shit show with morbid fascination. Its like watching a bus wreck, its ugly, but you just have to watch anyway, ya know?

I bet there are several names on the books for this mental illness and at least about three would be sociopath, psychopath, and narcissistic personality disorder, and in this case malignant narcissism. This is seriously fucked up shit to watch right here and watch crensch pretend that he isn't getting ass pounded. Its actually pretty damn freaky to watch and I sort of trip out on when I really think about it.

twistedmac11 ago

Have you noticed that people have expressed their discontent with falcon over and over but unless they specifically say "I vote for number X" @crensch won't count their opinion on his little tally sheet. @crensch and falcon both got down voted into the stone age compared to everybody else and of course in this case "we serve the community and let the votes decide" means exactly fuck all right?

That's exactly why there's so many comments in here and, what, 5 votes?

Its so lame that @crensch is down to being superior and "winning" arguments based on typos and shit nit pick little meaning dreamed up technicalities. That is why hardly anybody is even bothering to participate in this charade. Instead of participating they are just watching this surreal shit show with morbid fascination. Its like watching a bus wreck, its ugly, but you just have to watch anyway, ya know?

I was just thinking about how people are voting but it's mostly the same few people talking. Nobody wants to deal with his shitty attitude.

Crensch ago

Because your book-long comments say nothing more than you're an arrogant asshole who doesn't give two fucks about this sub or any of the users in it.

So you have no response, just some low-effort attempt to dismiss my words without actually addressing my points.

You've proven yourself to be completely irrational and incapable of any open discussion.

Well, now you've been caught in a lie. @Disappointed

Your posts consist of why you're right, why I'm an emotional faggot who deserves no respect, etc. Why bother

Well, you're right about one thing, you probably shouldn't bother. Not because I'm unreasonable, the link above proves I am reasonable, but because you're simply incapable of presenting any logical argument, support for your assertions, or even an ounce of anything besides pissing and moaning.

Disappointed ago

I didn't write this? What am I missing?

Disappointed ago

@Crensch check the comment above if you saw it pre-edit

Crensch ago

Oh, we're all good.

Disappointed ago

People that ping puttitout show that they don't belong here. People that spell his name wrong show that they really just do not belong here.

I don't get this. None of the work we did here would have succeeded had we not alerted the admins.

@Kevdude @MickgoestoJail we've been doing it wrong.

Crensch ago

Putt was alerted to what we were doing because the userbase was in an uproar over the bullshit.

He gets pinged hundreds of times per day, and when SGIS was here, maybe thousands.

I'm of the mind that he doesn't even check his pings anymore, but I could be wrong.

Disappointed ago

I think he glances over for them for names that aren't full of shit. At least thats my experience. I can't blame someone though for what most everyone does, including us.

Crensch ago

I concede that point.

All right, @twistedmac11, I rescind that part of my comment, as I cannot fully support that assertion.

Misspelling his name is still very, very telling.

Crensch ago

And wait, ~GASP!~

Could it be that someone disagreed with me and was RIGHT?



Crensch ago

Most of the users here haven't wasted my fucking time on extremely obvious bullshit that ran afoul of the rules.

@letsdothis1 has a pretty high opinion of his mental faculties, but had an issue with his post being deleted despite having the issues pointed out to him.

His excuse? "but muh I can't get the source for deleted posts", as if it's that difficult to copy the links and resubmit the formatting.

I serve the users of this subverse. I don't suffer dishonesty or willful stupidity.

JusticeforAaron ago

You are such an asshole and a hypocrite.

Crensch ago

Welcome to Voat.

letsdothis1 ago

Correct. Blowback can be a biatch.

Crensch ago

If the court of Voat finds me guilty, I'll happily take whatever blowback they find suitable.

argosciv ago

"Blowback" couldn't imgoat it, site difficulties...

ESOTERICshade ago

This sticky is here because the usual monthly concern-trolling, and @Millenium_Falcon-attacking by @ESOTERICshade gathered enough notice to warrant one.

I will also refuse to take this bait too. Anybody that reads this thread can see that your attitude is a dead give away that you will refuse to do whatever the community wishes. I will not be baited into a fake discussion by you. I went through the fake Rule 1 sticky thread "discussion" in which not a damn thing changed and the following thread is evidence of it.

I don't blame anybody else that really cares about this place if the don't participate either and I already know some that will refuse and remain silent because they don't feel that a dead end dog and pony show with you and @Millennial_Falcon is worth the effort.

Nice try but i'm not taking the bait. People can read here and easily understand why too. You have totally blown it and there is a no confidence vote in on you by the community. This dog and pony show will not restore and faith in you. You can rest assured of that. People can read. People are not stupid. They can read the following and see where you stand.


Crensch ago

I will also refuse to take this bait too. Anybody that reads this thread at the bottom link on this comment can see that your attitude is a dead give away that you will refuse to do whatever the community wishes.

What, like remove the mods that users actually had valid criticisms of? Done that.

Offer to change the rules a few months ago? Done that.

You're a liar. Every single time some user has had a problem with a deletion, you're there. And you're wrong - every single time.

I don't blame anybody else that really cares about this place if the don't participate either and I already know some that will refuse and remain silent because they don't feel that a dead end dog and pony show with you and @Millennial_Falcon is worth the effort.

Then they're probably too weak to be of use to PG anyway.

I want to say "roflmao" but its no longer funny. When people see that quote and juxtapose it against this next link they will see this bait a mile away.

I don't consider you a legitimate user, or at the very least, someone to believe when there's an issue with a mod.

They can read the following and see where you stand. You didn't change in the last ten minutes either.

They most certainly can. They can see that I don't treat idiots very well. They can see that I don't like my time wasted. They can see that no mod has banned you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Every single time some user has had a problem with a deletion, you're there.

Every single time somebody is pissed about getting their thread deleted its my fault. OK

Crensch ago

Every single time somebody is pissed about getting their thread deleted its my fault. OK

No, you're there to shitstir.

ESOTERICshade ago

They can see that I don't like my time wasted.

You probably don't belong here as bad as you hate doing anything around here.

Crensch ago

You probably don't belong here as bad as you hate doing anything around here.

I hate having my time wasted by idiots that can't seem to tie their shoes without a meme telling them how and why. I'm more than happy to address legitimate concerns.

ESOTERICshade ago

I hate having my time wasted by idiots


If you think that kindergarten critique will win you any rewards around here about a thread as complex as the one you made it for will win you any rewards in a crowd of people that understand pizzagate you are mistaken.

This was a great thread and the fact that you don't recognize that fact makes you the problem.

The Wellcome Trust, Tavistock, Biotech and pizzagate


Crensch ago

I don't care about the level of content. I'm not supposed to care about that. It's about the format, and explaining the shit before people have to click a link and go elsewhere.

State your narrative, and have links to back each point. Doing either alone is being lazy and not doing your due diligence.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't care about the level of content. I'm not supposed to care about that. It's about the format, and explaining the shit before people have to click a link and go elsewhere.

You don't belong here. Your grandiose ideas about being a sub administrator of a sub you admittedly don't give a damn about is the whole problem.

polwarrior30 ago

Nobody gives a shit and I think everyone will agree you guys are pedos and delete everything.

Wellcome Trust, Marina Abramovic, Hans Wyss and biotech industry

Again….Indiana mentioned in Pedo operation w/details

St. Charles Seminary Tunnels

411 Park Clusters of Missing Persons Across America

These are just a few in the last day that you have removed

Don’t worry though all the deleted hoists been reposted for discussion on


Website is already running and will be finished in days.

Your days of subverting pizzagate are over

Prayer threads are welcome, experiences, links, evidence, testimony, personal opinions etc...

Crensch ago

You must not be very popular here.

And good, hope the PG folks love it there.

polwarrior30 ago

Very much

Crensch ago

Very much

How ambiguous.

polwarrior30 ago

love it “very much”
