ESOTERICshade ago

Board owners are ultimately responsible for bad moderators. If the community cannot replace a moderator that was voted out with a moderator of it's own choice what good does it do to vote out a moderator? The board owner will probably just replace with the same type of moderator, or even worse keep the same moderator and change the name on the sideboard.

Is the community allowed to replace the moderator with one of it's own choosing? And what about the board owners? They should be able to be voted out too.

Nerobot ago

What protection will there be for subs that have previously been targeted by the group of shitposters here?

ESOTERICshade ago

I just got a message from the voat statistics thinga majiggy, whatever its called, telling me that I am one of the top 50 commenters of voat. I get those fairly often. I am subscribed to nothing. I do not subscribe, I just comment. What is the use of using "subscription" as a voting parameter when it should be commenting and posting activity that carries the weight in a system such as just been devised? I bet there are a lot of people like me too that comment but do not subscribe. Using subscribers is terribly flawed.

lopan ago

no more canary eh, guess that's over now...

heygeorge ago

This ain't v/announcements it's v/voatdev. Canary is updated on announcement posts.

JusLurking ago

This is probably not needed and something you already know but Im going to say it anyway - because when you put out an idea that you've put time into it's easy (and reasonable) to be emotionally invested and fall into a sunk-cost fallacy or feel attacked by constructive criticism.

I'd rather have the following said and not needed, than the other way around:

We all* appreciate you

(a) working on and improving Voat

(b) involving us

so I just wanted to put a friendly reminder of that, and if you receive a lot of pushback (and I have the same concerns as mentioned by others) its because we care about this place you've created for us, and we know you're good enough to take the reaction for what it is, which is a love of what you've produced yh, I know, and that same desire to make/ keep it great.

*True for me, & I'm assuming the vast majority of others

Pissant ago

Feels like this is being done to directly benefit the SBBH crew...

dragonkiller ago

Does it work on board owners too? v/pizzagate has been a hostage from day one. If the board owners get booted how do new owners get installed? Are they voted in at the same time?

knightwarrior41 ago

i dont think this will bode well for voat since its human nature to troll the hell of each other.i can see malicious trolls trying to take advantage of this "feature"

anybody is free to post content on the subverses so i dont see the real point of this but to stir up the pot sort of speak

papagoat ago

I'm an old fart who is not as computer savvy as some of you young bucks, but my first thought is, what's to prevent one user from creating and using multiple and/or throwaway accounts from flooding a post with downvotes?

Rotteuxx ago

You should read Putts comments in this thread, he elaborates on this.

Smartech ago

Switch off the downvoting button. It's the only way to generate fair votes without downvote brigading. In case you are weak in basic logic, 0 (zero) becomes already negative if +1 ( plus one) exists, therefore -1 (minus one) is a logic fallacy and was created on Reddit only as censorship by downvote brigading unwanted posts.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Just FYI, the downvote on youtube is a dummy button. It does absolutely nothing. I don't think that system has worked well for their comments section.

Smartech ago

I invented YouTube. Don't need FYI.

RiversOfStars ago

Experimenting with direct democracy huh?

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I have a feeling this experiment is going to teach people more about nation-building than any poli-sci class ever could.

RiversOfStars ago

Some people learn best through practical experience and can't be told.

Sk8rminion ago

this punishes good behavior, (power lurkers who read and vote a lot but only contribute rarely when they have something good to add) and gives all the power to shills, spammers, and shit posters.

think- ago

Hahahaha. Be careful - the cats will get you and take over! ;-)


rwbj ago

I always wondered why we don't swap to an entirely decentralized (from subs) user based system. You submit a post and you can tag it with whatever you want - space, technology, whatever, midget porn and however many tags you want. Users default to viewing all tags. They can then change their preferred tags as they see fit. Add an ability subscribe to (higher priority listing) or block tags and you have a nice robust, decentralized system. Even better one auto-generated tag would be the user that submitted it meaning people could easily see content from users they find interesting, or block content from those whose content they find little value in.

Some really cool perks:

  • Solves the 'Wow I found a cool article and I have no clue where to submit to to.' problem.

  • Lets users find material they're interested in more easily. I like space related stuff. Turns out a space related topic only got submitted to /v/ObscureSpaceSub. That sucks. If instead the submitter could simply tag it space, obscure space thing, midget porn then I'd definitely be able to find it.

  • No need for mods of any sort, which means no mod drama of any sort.

  • Users could tag their content with a custom tag to create a community around that. For instance SBBH could simply tag their stuff SBBH.

playitagainsam ago

I love this idea about tags. I think the infrastructure is so different that it'd be easier to create a new site than redesign this one.

What stops some from posting say, cat pics, and tagging them /#space or /#technology? I could block users, but someone with a VPN could make a million alts and ruin the feed for an hour or so. Do we end up with mods? Give users power to vote whether something is relevant based on the votes of their previous posts with that tag?

rwbj ago

Definitely a tricky problem for all discussion platforms where any solution opens up new problems. One idea would also be to let users tag posts, and the weighting is something that would be considered in its visibility. For instance imagine you submit a cat post as a space post. Well you'd have one space tag, and then presumably lots of cat tags from other users. This would also help in general since imagine somebody submits a space post, but it also has interest to technology (but wasn't initially tagged as such) - users could fix it by tagging it and helping bring it to the attention of people that might not be subscribed to space but are to technology.

Our hypothetical mass spammer could then off course also mass tag his own posts, but that's a social problem that you have to deal with in a variety of ways on all platforms - like ensuring registering a million accounts is made sufficiently cumbersome to be a deterrent.

playitagainsam ago

I think one way to improve this model is to rank users, in a sense, by the quality of your posts. So if I earn 10,000 karma posting space tags, then when I tag something as space, my tag has equal weight to 10,000 spammers with no space karma.

It is still possible for malicious users to circumvent this, so it's probably best to start small and invite only while working out the bugs. Just need a bored developer. @go1dfish, @Peacekeeper, how bored are you or your friends? ;p Know anywhere to recruit?

rwbj ago

Definitely a good possibility. On the other hand at the minimum I'd make it a logarithmic scale to try to avoid incentivizing karma whoring. I sometimes wonder if these points even really make all that much a better filter than just a chronological ordering. They seem to lead to more drama and gaming than actually significantly improving the user experience.

Rape_Me_Im_A_Tranny ago

I was confused by the name at first - I thought you meant I'd be able to let people see on my user page which things I'd up/downvoated. Could it be called, idk, Poals?

I strongly recommend not letting the outcome do anything that the poster couldn't have done unilaterally.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

This sounds like a pain in the ass with alot of extra clicking around. Especially lame for phone voating.

Percal ago

I was wondering what the "Vote" section was for.

Rotteuxx ago

Mmmmh, much salt in this reply, tasty :)

Alic3 ago

Oh wait, shouldn't these be called Polls? When you were saying Votes, I was thinking the upvote/downvote on posts/comments, which was really fucking confusing

Diggernicks ago

Posts shouldn't be hidden if they get downvotes. Censorship=failure.

Calculated ago

@Puttitout giving more power to the shill brigaders! Nice! How about changing the typeface so you can't clone accounts by changing a lower case l into a capital I. lIlIlI

987f ago

**Here's how to fix it: **

Allow people to give Mods "merits" for different permissions for each mod. The mod with the highest votes in each permissions area has priority over that area.

dellcos ago

Call them "Voats" for better branding to start.

NeoDankZer ago

I think that time is not on our side, if we could have a limit on how many votes and submissions a person can do each day, that would be better since then everyone has a bigger chance of voting things back again. Even better idea(me thinks) is to allow moderators to have power, that happens only if a post has gotthen a big amount of votes in a short times, as in getting too many downvotes/upvotes(unrealistical voting amount at that given time).

Just some ideas I had, taken with a grain of salt(and all that).



R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

I like the concept of give back the site to the user's but no matter what you do, as soon as you lay out the ground work the shills are going to start to work around. It is their job after all.

The problem I see here is shill mods censoring on subs like v/conspiracy. Reddit has the same problem. Censorship is the biggest problem facing our red pill distribution. Put a handle on that without fucking everyone else and your set. If not, sooner or later it will go downhill.

BentAxel ago

Thank you for the hard work.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not sure I really understand this but anything that opens up my sub to takeover is not something I'm going to be keen on. It has good potential to happen too presumably. I'm basically at war with the anti-Semites around here - and there are a lot of them. If I end up getting voted out of ownership of my own sub I'm not going to be a happy camper.

Owlchemy ago

Kind of along the lines of what my concerns are. I didn't put time and effort into a sub I mod so that someone could come along and overthrow me, so to speak, because they have a wild hair. But if this is just limited to system subs, which it sounds like will be the case, I'm not as concerned.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I run a fairly small and unpopular subverse. I'm worried about getting kicked out, not because I'm a bad mod, but because the subverse is unpopular in the Voat community. I'm also worried that an attack against my sub my an SRS-like group would not be defended because the sub is unpopular.

Whether 'tis quicker to die by the sword
or cheaper to die by the vote

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I've been been making an argument to implement this only in system subs, if at all. There will be less subs to monitor for fuckery, and the main subs seem to have enough traffic to get a relatively large pool of voters.

If everything goes to shit, the system subs are the face of this site, and putt would have a good incentive to just roll back to the current rules.

Womb_Raider ago

You would like this, Kevin.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

What I'm worried about is the kind of political problem that Reddit, Wikipedia, and Home Owners Associations have in common. Those who are most power hungry spend the most effort to obtain power, which they then abuse. I hope there's some opportunity for feedback from the entire Voat community on any one issue, no matter how small the issue. I think this will help prevent abuse. So, for example, if Joe Cook spends all his time in /v/cooking he should still get a bit of a say, even if it's not as much, in a petition to demod someone in /v/knives

Owlchemy ago

What I'm worried about is the kind of political problem that Reddit, Wikipedia, and Home Owners Associations have in common. Those who are most power hungry spend the most effort to obtain power, which they then abuse.

Great point.

zen_music ago

Yes, great point. And sadly, not confined to those few examples.

pr0nw4r ago

Just as we think of "how can we use this to make our community better", the jewish parasite thinks "how can I use this to subvert these people", It doesnt matter how well thought off, how well intentioned it may be...if it has a flaw of sorts, even if that takes decades to exploit (in the case of democracy). They will find it. The best thing that you could actually do is to make a jew filter. A crude machine learning thing that analyzes the writing style of its users, and if it detects too many jew used words, simply shadow bans them.

Dancing_Queen ago

lmao, we need need a reward system like Reddit gold but call it voat shekels instead.

That filter should also apply to politicians, media and Hollywood.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

you had better give me a fucking badge, kid

Ina_Pickle ago

To be honest I do not think that what you want to create can be done by artificial intelligence. What we want is what we almost have. Whenever we have issues with a power mod, you act as judge and the entire site comes together to acts as jury. There's no program sophisticated enough to understand all of our social nuances and individual personalities. How are you going toeork it it do some coding on Voat essentially replaces trial by jury?

Ina_Pickle ago

My questions:

  1. What stops a large group from going into a small sub of someone they do not like, posting a lot, upvoating their own posts, and then taking over?

  2. The central mod power is removed from a sub, who retains control of moderating the CSS of a sub? Are there going to be battles over the CSS? Because there are plenty of people on here immature enough to be switching the CSS back and forth constantly.

May edit to add more later.

TantalusDarkstone ago

For those who want their subs to remain “owned” or private (and yes, I absolutely believe every sub owner should be able to choose), what if you opened much of this functionality up to the “Owners” so that they could select specific people themselves to act like a “Board of Directors”?

In essence, instead of having ultimate control via assigning people as moderators to their subs, they could hand pick the best members of their subs and assign them voting rights, allowing them to vote on every type of subverse issue (excluding Owner's removal). Collectively, these people could have the power of a Moderator, but use voting to determine outcomes of content removal, banning users, etc.

This could allow the Owner to keep complete control, while also allowing the ability to step away when needed (life is busy) and have the sub continue on, healthily looked after by their chosen voters. If he saw people in his hand-chosen group making poor choices they could simply remove their voting privileges and shuffle/add to the voting group. Maybe the voters THEMSELVES could even have the right to remove voting members through votes? Could there be a massive checklist of options given when assigning rights to members, deciding which actions they will be allowed to request? So some could be hugely autonomous and self-run, while others are tightly controlled, all by the Owners discretion?

As to the possibility of an Owner abandoning a sub, maybe if a subverse owner hasn't been logged on in 6 months (just a filler number), it would automatically open the ability to create a vote to assign a new owner to the sub? So the "Board of Directors" could choose a new owner, who would be given full Owner rights and the previous Owner kicked into the "Board of Directors".

TLDR: Let sub owners assign voting rights and rules to hand-chosen users, which in one example, could look like having a board of directors who vote together on decisions for the sub. The owner retains full powers to add/remove these people as they see fit. No cap on how many. Eventually it could become a majority of contributing users, at owner’s discretion.

EDIT: The point of this is to say that we could use this functionality to allow for different forms of governance per each Owner's desire. Some democracies, some republics, some dictatorships. Freedom to choose =)

Ina_Pickle ago

Redditors travel in packs.

brandon816 ago

I have 1 complaint that I don't believe was raised here yet.

Votes seem to have some sort of limit regarding participation, but then there are subverses that actively limit participation ( e.g. everything by u/Henrycorp ). A year and a half ago, he took over the subverse v/gunsarecool, locked it down to shut out the community, and completely reversed the message of the subverse, prompting everyone to start using v/gunsarereallycool.

At this point, sure, there's not much to do about that particular case any more. But, it's easy enough to see that people who do manage to become owners of a subverse can just try to lock out the existing community and hope that they take too long to organize before the system starts seeing the legitimate subverse users as people who "aren't contributing", permanently preventing them from being able to undo the damage.

With that in mind, I believe that outcome votes of a serious nature ( ownership requests, ownership replacements ) absolutely still need to be reviewed by the site administrators or general users, if only to ensure that no funny business is going on, and be allowed to overrule an outcome if it's obvious that someone was trying to game the system.

Furthermore, I would say that ongoing votes for any subverses subscribed to should be stickied at the top of the front page, in order to get the attention of the users who don't go to specific subverses for content.

GenghisSean ago

That's an interesting attack vector. I like @TeranNotTerran's implementation strategy which would probably mitigate some of the risk of subverse takeovers.

PussySmasher6000 ago

Interesting. Will this finally prove put is an srs faggot.

PuttItOut ago

You dog food it. Put it on /v/voatdev before anywhere else. Ok, a few test subverses here and there. But something you can be positively/negatively impacted by. And why not /v/announements? Since you're so passionate about forcing democracy on everyone.

This changed my perspective a bit.

I can't see this being mandatory for small subs. I see this as a management feature for system subs in the future.

A subverse classification system will be shipping along side of this and only subs under certain classifications will allow these referendums to be created.

Your deployment suggestion is wise. Thanks.

Nerobot ago

v/linux has malicious alts in it right now building CCP. Will you allow them to be taken over?

These are the people with enough accounts to get 36 upvotes in less than 15 mins on a sub they don't frequent. These are the people who tried to create a war between v/linux and v/fatpeoplehate by crossposting false flag hate messages from each sub to the other. Last time v/linux was able to get the help of voat by posting in v/protectvoat and on v/whatever. Under your system they are dead in the water from your e-terrorists.

Dancing_Queen ago

Can’t you just ban those malicious accounts before they build too much CCP?

Nerobot ago

It's not as easy to spot them as that and if you do people wont believe you until its too late.

fusir ago

I could see how for a small sub someone would want to turn them on. What if you made it a moderator choice but if a sub needs to be "systemed" at the request of users it can be instated without the main mods approval.

Admin Mod Result
No No No
Yes No Yes
No Yes Yes

The admin never turns his key unless the sub is above a certain size and if the users want it. soap___banhammer would probably like to keep mod control. It's really the genericness vs non-genericness that matters rather than size.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I like voat the way it is. My personal vote would be to keep things the way they are.

I also think your idea has a lot of potential. A limited implementation to the system subs could do great things for the site. If things go wrong, you can always revert, or intervene in another way.

I really believe the only way to succeed at managing a community like this is to be a sort of hands-off, benevolent dictator. A role you have filled well. Sometimes you have to step in to address issues of vote manipulation or coordinated attacks, but mostly you leave it to the community to sort itself out. And I like that. The borderline-anarchy here is a big part of what appeals to me, much like the chan forums. For me personally, I can deal with some shills that raid subs and try to get mods kicked out. Its just part of the experience.

Regardless of you decision, I can appreciate the the amount of work you've poured into this site. Rock on brotha.

XxSanityIsSanityxX ago

Get rid of the down vote. There's my 2c

weezkitty ago


0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

Funny how all the hangups on this idea hinge on a huge elephant in the room.

Let's just keep ignoring it. I'm sure it'll get better 😩

Chiefpacman ago

I like this, keep it in a controlled area. So many people have good points about potential issues, ways of fixing them (which bring up other issues..)

The best thing to do, would be to roll it out and test it first. Hash out the final product. Only thing is, I wouldn't start with just voatdev. Start with v/whatever, so we can see how it does against the bots/shill/alts and just more general users.

go1dfish ago

/v/whatever doesn’t need rules beyond the sitewide rules.

Chiefpacman ago

I didn’t say it did.

Me and you could vote not to add rules.

go1dfish ago

Putting the option of rules on the table makes it inevitable that’s they will eventually be added.

Democracy does not justify coercion or censorship.

Chiefpacman ago

Our basically absent admin is implementing a new site policy; where the community decides.

Its yet to be seen if it’s permanent.

Your naysaying on whether or not our King should grant us this sovereignty; doesn’t really matter. It’s his to give, and collectively ours to use.

Like it or not, that’s the facts. I will voat with you not to add rules though, as well as 99% of the community from my experience

Chiefpacman ago


I bet you're happy- This is similar to what you've been talking about for a pretty long while. Looks pretty cool.

Chiefpacman ago

This looks well thought out. It's pretty exciting, very original.

If it doesn't go well, if the votes are manipulated or something; we can back out easily?

Diogenes_of_Sinope ago

I vote neutral.

go1dfish ago

I can agree with this, if a mod created a subverse and is active on Voat they should be allowed to keep it and serve as benevolent dictator.


I think you linked to the wrong user, if you meant the voater who licks kike-buttholes aggressively on an almost daily basis it's @Henrycorp

bluntripkin ago

plz get rid of the pedo verbs i know its free speech but i am getting tired of downvoating them every day but they still get get positive up votes they onle make vote look bad

ShinyVoater ago

You know you can block subverses, right? I had to do that to v/niggers and v/fatpeoplehate when I first came here because they showed up because there wasn't anything on the front page but them if I didn't.

elitch2 ago


SparkS ago



It seems like the brigaders will just use this to use new accounts to take over a sub, then slowly change the modding over time. Now all the subs that are safe with benevolent but little less active mods can be replaced by Sanegoat's alts.

Kleyno ago

True, but it will take them a lot longer to do that, plus I am sure Putt has some sort of mechanism in place or planned that can tell if accounts Voating on a Voat belong to separate Users or are a bunch of Alts controlled by bots.

PuttItOut ago

I like my beer like I like my society: Free.

Pubiclouse ago

Love what your doing with the place. IJS

9090123489012 ago

your lies will not last, twit

9090123489012 ago

go suck more cock faggot


I just came in his mouth I think he needs to catch his breath.

9090123489012 ago

We figured out who most of you are

lol okay genius you starting to(the finger points that someone im not) sane now,,,, I really dont spend any time on this site, ive moved to minds because of control fucks like you

bdmthrfkr ago

Voat is the best and I trust you Puttitout, but if it starts to suck we will just go somewhere else.

PuttItOut ago

But you said to advertise here!

There is always risk, but I think this one will add value.

If not we can vote on it! Voat can kick me out. :)

freshmeat ago

who do you think you are talking to? lol

9090123489012 ago

kevdude just cant handle a argument, so he resorts to name calling. jut ignorehim

9090123489012 ago

huh? what fantasy land you live in.... wtf are even taking about

Broc_Lia ago

Even then I'm not sure he should: If he can be kicked out of /v/gunsarecool then anyone can be kicked out of any sub by anyone with enough alts. Migrating to /v/gunsarereallycool is more effective. The usefulness of hijacking a sub ends if people can migrate to another one with a secure mod team protecting it.

Owlchemy ago

Absolutely agree, and why I'm on the fence about this whole vote system in the first place, being the mod who jumped in to help save that whole situation with /v/gunsarereallycool after @paxNoctis created it, but then had to leave town for a spell (long story - LOL). Anyway, I know you don't get the 'pretty' sub name you may prefer, but I've always thought the easiest and best way around this entire situation concerning a$$hole mods destroying subs is the simplest ... just create a new user friendly replacement sub and let that other sub die on the vine.

Broc_Lia ago

Anyway, I know you don't get the 'pretty' sub name you may prefer, but I've always thought the easiest and best way around this entire situation concerning a$$hole mods destroying subs is the simplest ... just create a new user friendly replacement sub and let that other sub die on the vine.

Agreed. Someone even came up with a solution to the "default name" problem, but I can't find the comment. Basicly they suggested that subs receive random names and they broadcast their content to a tag, like "gunsarecool." The most popular sub gets to be the primary broadcaster to that tag. So if henrycorp takes over the dominant science sub, /v/science will very quickly point to a different sub.

Owlchemy ago

Yeah, I saw that idea too and it has merit. It just sounded complicated and I hate complicated - LOL.

9090123489012 ago

and honestly, grassy plus this one is the only one..... because muh free speech!

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

if it turns out this sucks dick and makes voat worse will you revert the changes?

PuttItOut ago

It can be turned off yes. So yes.

Broc_Lia ago

Ok, having reviewed the feature I honestly think it's way too abusable in it's current form. For example, what's to prevent SRS from doing this and voting on it with all their alts/purchased accounts?

I can already see a couple of ways to attack subs with this. For example you could create an outcome poll, downvote it into oblivion so no regular user notices it, then link to it in your brigade chat so all your buddies can vote you in as the new mod team.

If the polls are stickied to prevent submarine polling, then a hundred alts can make the sub unusable by filling it up with polls.

Even if only one poll is allowed at a time, that's basicly an invitation for sanegoat/SRS/amalek/manhood101 to sticky their rants in every sub. Plus no one gets to actually use the feature because the spot is always taken.

How this works: Votes with an outcome (mod removal for example) will have a restriction placed on it so that only contributors to that subverse can place votes. Just for simple purposes we can say that in order for a user to vote they would have to have say X comments in that subverse in the last Y day .

Is an ineffective limit. It's extremely easy for them to spam innocuous sounding comments around the place to qualify as a "contributor." They do it anyway to farm Karma. I don't think there's any way contributor status can be effectively tested for.

In addition, only certain subs will have these outcome votes allowed in them. I was thinking that once a sub gets to a certain size (posts per day, subscribers, etc) it then turns "public" and allows outcome votes.

That still has all the same problems. Someone can spend years building up a sub only to be replaced overnight by powermods.

I appreciate you've put a lot of work into this, the effort is obvious, but democracy is a false god and it won't make voat better or stronger. Polling is useful, but outcome votes should be restricted to the mod team. Non-outcome votes are fine for regular users as a fun feature, or for making their voice heard.

go1dfish ago

Brigades are a red herring here IMO, the problem is the very idea of giving a mob control of what is allowed to be said.

You can put restrictions on the mob all day, but in the end it gives the many power over the few.

There must remain significant spaces of the site that are immune to this sort of control entirely or it will inevitably devolve into another heavily moderated censor fest, even if that censorship is aligned towards a different purpose.

Nerobot ago

Brigades are a red herring here IMO

They most definitely are not.

go1dfish ago

People are misunderstanding my meaning here. I'm not saying brigades aren't an issue.

I'm saying that even if you solve for "brigades" the real problem with this system is the idea of giving users the authority to censor others to begin with.

Nerobot ago

I'm disagreeing with you that brigades aren't the bigger problem while not dismissing that what you say is a problem as well. Thee immediate threat is from shitposters here who will try to take over peoples subs and then retaliations will happen.

I also agree with you. You already have people wanting to vote in rules on v/whatever and system subs. The only rules there should be that spam and the site rules are followed.

Broc_Lia ago

Brigades are a red herring here IMO, the problem is the very idea of giving a mob control of what is allowed to be said.

I think they're a genuine threat, but that's also a concern.

PuttItOut ago

The vote creation page currently offers FULL ACCESS for creating any type of vote you want, including unlimited combinations of outcomes, options, and restrictions. What you see is unfettered access.

We will not be allowing full access to Votes like this after testing. More than likely Admins will manually create referendums (Votes with an outcome like removing a mod) and then later the website will have an enforced template that provides structure necessary for a fair vote.

Everything you say is valid though if we were to expose the functionality as is.

weezkitty ago

Full access or not, brigading is a serious issue

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks for replying.

More than likely Admins will manually create referendums (Votes with an outcome like removing a mod) and then later the website will have an enforced template that provides structure necessary for a fair vote.

I'm trying my best and I honestly can't think of a way to make votes fair in a way that a brigade can't work their way around. The only things you can automatically test for are easy enough to fake (CCP, SCP, activity, account age etc.). You could do it manually by creating an "elector" mod tier with the power to vote in referenda, but if mods can pick the electors, then that removes a major proposed function of this system which is to impeach abusive mods.

Something you could add which would make them more difficult to fake, would be to add a quorum. It's easy enough to get 100 alts to vote for you, but probably a bit harder to make so many alts that they account for (say) 51% of the sub membership.

PuttItOut ago

So far all my attention has been put into the infrastructure and back end pipeline to enable this. We can build in unlimited types of restriction analysis as well as combine and group various ones. We have the foundation to build out as much complexity as need be.

Please don't assume the few options we have on the preview site is finalized.

But you are correct, we can't produce a bullet proof system that can't be gamed, but we can make it extremely expensive to game it, which increases the confidence in our system.

Broc_Lia ago

Even if it's only slightly gameable though, that still makes it worse than the current system which is near non-gameable. Mods are a good last line of defence for non-system subs. And migration is an effective method for dealing with badmins. It even used to work over on reddit back when the admins were neutral and pro-free-speech. That's how subs like /r/trees and /r/ainbow got started.

Liber ago

You’re correct, and this change will be the end of migration to save Voat ideas.

9090123489012 ago

honestly Kevdude, fuck off, Im sick of your lap dog argument and you can go fuck yourself.

PuttItOut ago

Christmas Bonus:

We have designed and will soon be developing a new feature that will provide a brigade proof way for a community to decide on who moderates the subverse. Let’s just call it “Moderator Polling.” Hopefully late 1st quarter 2016. Stay tuned.

6double5321 ago


derram ago

Yeah, that will work fine at first but that's why I said dedicated group.

SRS didn't come out of nowhere to gain control of reddit. It took 'em like 5 years.

PuttItOut ago

We will also more than likely have a "template" for certain types of votes. So a mod removal vote would automatically enforce some sort of appropriate restriction upon creation.

JohnCStevensonSB ago

You should remove downvotes all together. My account has been throttled simply because Donald Trump’s supporters don’t believe I should have a voice in this website. I believe in free speech and sharing the truth about how Donald Trump has destroyed America, but Voat has disagreed. If they can’t behave, then I recommend that you issue temporary bans until they clean up their act. I have been banned from certain subreddits for not being able to spread certain links, and I’m sad that the censorship continues on Voat.

Clean up your act, or your finances will be the least of your worries, Justin Chastain.

BlockMe ago

Reported for doxxing.

Inquisitioner ago

­>Must be a troll, right?

­>Checks user history.

Holy shit it's real.

knightwarrior41 ago

You should remove downvotes all together. My account has been throttled simply because Donald Trump’s supporters don’t believe I should have a voice in this website

i second this,you shouldnt be downvoated to oblivion because you hold a controversial view on politics here,for example

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Account farmer, actually.

Goathole ago

Douse the cross with kerosene, toss the match and get it lit for the festivities.

derram ago

My main concern is "big fish eats little fish"

There are subreddits that are bigger than our entire site. A dedicated group could drive the site into chaos.

Also, it'll boil down to popularity contests a lot of the time.

middle_path ago

You're free to leave this site if you don't like the person running it.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

Yeah or they're free to stay. The hope is putt isn't spez.

11749262? ago

I knew it!

I'm onto you now... I'm watching you...

Le_Squish ago

Will Votes have a time delay for how often they can be activated in a subverse?

Will there be a limit on how many Votes an account can initiate?

Will there be a way to differentiate between casual votes (CSS change) and serious Votes (mod removal).

I don't want the usual crew spamming subverses with request for mod removals and rule changes but there needs to be room for less serious things to be changed as much a subverse participants would enjoy.

PuttItOut ago

First let's distinsquish between the Vote types: We have regular votes/polls (Votes with no outcomes) and Outcome Votes (votes that have a mod, rule, etc. change associated with them). In code these are called outcomes so I've started calling them Outcome Votes (someone rename these please).

I wanted to design Votes so the community can use them for polling all the way to serious issues like ousting a bad mod.

Outcome votes will have to be limited. I won't allow 100 outcome votes to be active in a sub, that's ridiculous.

My original thought was to allow a user to create 1 vote every 30 days and allow mods a few more.

Open to all ideas but this has to be figured out.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Thats a pretty good balance for subverses that are system and ones that are user-created.

go1dfish ago

So to borrow terms from blockchain governance projects:

Signaling Votes are votes to express a preference. Another term that could work is Opinion Poll.

For Outcome Votes, I would call them "Binding Votes" since the outcome is binding on the community.

I'm very worried about where it sounds like this whole thing is going, Binding votes on rules to enable removals will eventually lead to the same failures as reddit if they are allowed everywhere.

Voting in an aggregator as a way to sort aggregated preferences is one of the key beneficial features, but to give people voting power to dictate social norms via moderator power is a very different game. It gives the collective power over the individual the power to restrict. Up/down voating on content allows users to sort things by a popularity vote but it does not inherently restrict what people are able to say.

I fear that voting on enforceable rules will limit what people are allowed to say.

This is not in itself terrible, so long as Voat maintains clear public spaces that are moderated in an incredibly hands off manner.

v/whatever staying as unrestricted as site wide rules allow may be enough to provide this public space, but my preference would be to retain it across all broad topical subs that system currently moderates.

6double5321 ago

How will this affect a serial upvoater? I ask, because I upvoat all the assholes here. I'm going to be your only downvoat. What's good?

Le_Squish ago

I'm glad to see you have considered this already.

My original thought was to allow a user to create 1 vote every 30 days and allow mods a few more.

Sounds good to me!

Outcome votes will have to be limited. I won't allow 100 outcome votes to be active in a sub, that's ridiculous.

Can the logic support voting to activate an outcome vote?

Also, how was dinner?

PuttItOut ago

You might be a super hero: A vote to create an outcome vote.

That is very interesting and I am going to engage in some mental vote foreplay now.

Le_Squish ago

Yah! I'm helping!

TheKobold ago

Can you keep your drama in another subverse?

Norseman ago

He's 100% drama. No one likes this guy, he's always causing shit just to watch the chaos.

Womb_Raider ago

Haha, I hope that's not how you all see me! I can be a bit abrasive myself...

TheKobold ago

Preaching to the choir.

PuttItOut ago

I am aware of what happened. I have not researched enough to come to a conclusion of guilt towards either party.

Users/Groups often drive out descent mods with these tactics and then Voat is left with an empty bag, so I fucking hate it. It's a no win outcome imo.

sgx191316 ago

Read this then check the removed submissions since then on /v/frugal. There are users that pick a mod or sub they don't like, organize to deliberately post shit that doesn't belong, then when it gets removed say that it justifies removing the mod. Note the same names there as in the /v/gaming thing.

RightHandOfTheGoat ago

Just to throw my two cents in here, I think this is a great change that needs to be done. Essentially you are allowing the community to moderate itself. The only people I can imagine who would be against that are the ignorant or those with malicious intent.

Thank you for working so hard to make this site great!

Broc_Lia ago

It's a really really bad idea and I hope he reconsiders it. Democracy will make the site extremely vulnerable to brigading.

RightHandOfTheGoat ago

Please explain. All of our content is already democratically curated. How would this make Voat vulnerable?

go1dfish ago

Present voting affects sorts. We vote on how well posted content is received by the community, not in what is allowed at all.

Voting on rules to be enforced by moderators allows the majority to restrict what is allowed to be said at all.

The current voting gives us very little power over each other, but this new system seems designed to legitimize the practice of top down curation by voting for the curators and rules.

It’s not bad in itself, but if it is allowed to take over the whole or majority of the site it could very well lead to many of the same issues that plague Reddit.

Broc_Lia ago

All of our content is already democratically curated

That's not quite true, it heavily relies on mods to keep spammers down. I'm not sure if you were around for the manhood101 spam, but I for one definitely deleted a few hundred comments of theirs.

How would this make Voat vulnerable?

Hostile takeovers of subs. As things currently stand each sub is a fortress: So long as the mod team remain active, there's nothing any brigade group can do to attack it. If you allow democracy every sub will be vunerable and brigade groups will be able to take over pretty much any sub they like and vandalise it.

PuttItOut ago

Yeah, few will ever go over and play with this code to get familiar with what it will offer, let alone read more than 50% of this post, so many will not have an accurate perception of this change.

I believe 100% in this direction and started designing it over 2 years ago.

Owlchemy ago

That's it! I was planning on reading 62% of this post, but now I know I'm only obligated to read 50%. What was I thinking?

I do like all the free publicity I've gotten for v/gunsreallyarecool so far though ... and didn't even initiate it. Now if someone needs a drink after finishing their 50% drop by v/PaddysPub.

weezkitty ago

I believe 100% in this direction and started designing it over 2 years ago.

Maybe you do, but the community may not. Isn't that what really matters here?

Don't be so confident in an idea just because it's your idea. Not singling you out...that really goes for everyone

chronos ago

Interesting @PuttitOut!

I have a suggestion to explore. When creating the restrictions (ie subscriber for more than 1 year), could we see results of new restriction before publishing? Ie, sub X has 5000 subscribers. I apply the restriction subscriber longer then 1 year, then see only 10 subscribers can participate, possibly even see who those 10 subscribers are. Either show dynamically on the fly or after saving the vote.

Make sense?

Thanks for your work here man!

derram ago

Not really a good idea to offer up lists of who is subscribed to certain subverses.

Mainly thinking of what this would lead to on reddit and I don't see it going any differently here.

A count of how many users could participate would be okay, just not a list of users.

PuttItOut ago

I like this idea! I was thinking about problems with extremely restrictive votes and then perhaps only 1 person would pass it. :(

LionElTrump ago

Can users with multiple accounts, ie ShareBlue employees, also manipulate this voting system? or do same connections using multiple accounts get just 1 vote?

PuttItOut ago

Vote restrictions are based on historical contributions.

WeekendBaker ago

What about the CCP farms like Soapdox banhammer and just General fuckery on popular opinion? I.e. some users complain about the initial cap but a “fuck mudslimes and nignogs” post would get them over that hurdle in one post.

Sleeper accounts basically.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

You mis-spelled Voat (call them voates not votes) :)

PuttItOut ago

Voaties? Cute little voaties.

HillBoulder ago

I like voatees personally.

PigTits ago

wow... you are killing voat

who is paying paying voat?

PuttItOut ago

It's your tits that are scaring everyone away.

PigTits ago

you might be right,

buh they sexy tho...

fusir ago

An abstract idea that I don't think people should do but I'm going to write anyway.

What if all new subverses had a main name that was rather long and random. Think of it as an address. And then subverses had aliases that could be shorter. There would be a democratic or market process for who gets to occupy the alias.

Lets say that people could donate money and that amount would always be attributed to their account. The could commit their sway to a vote and thereby influence which subverse has access to an alias. They can always rescind their vote and apply it to another issue.

It's basically an idea I had about DNS but applied to subverses. Imagine if everyone was pissed off at google enough that they could just replace google for a day. Imagine if whoever first nabbed was a dick and just put a parking page on it but the community wanted to use that name for something useful. Imagine if someone built a useful tool with a relevent name but then abandoned development while others created better tools which started with shitty names and people wanted the good tools with shitty names to have a better name, and they guy was nowhere to be found. Basically it allows the community to decide what to call things. Nobody is gyped out of a "purchase" because they retain influence.

Crensch ago

Money, you say?

People liking me, you say?

This one is in the bag.

fusir ago

By people liking you I'm refering to voaters. The goal would be to piss off nobody or the community will start voting on which sub gets the alias and the community will win. They don't even need to shell out money everytime there is a controversy. They can grab money that was dedicated to other votes. Pissing voaters off would get expensive fast and even if you win people can just leave that sub. It's like paying a Dick tax on a business when there is low barrier to entry for anyone who doesn't want to be a dick. The non-dick will win.

Broc_Lia ago

Agreed, but maybe based on activity rather than money.

PuttItOut ago

I love radical ideas like this. The concept of subverse names being loosely coupled is interesting, very interesting.

redpilldessert ago

Ever thought of using something like Google's pagerank algorithm to determine a user's reputation? The more someone is upvoted, the more influence their own upvotes are worth. It's really elegant and potentially does away with the complexity of deciding how much someone has 'contributed' to a sub

TrumpTheGodEmperor ago

I really like this idea, would this also work in the following way:

Person A has 10 voting power

Person B has 5 voting power

Person C has 1 voting power

A voting on C would have a bigger impact on the voting power of C then if B would have voted on C. So the higher your voting power, the more your vote is worth?

I remember having used a system like this for years and as far as I know it has been pretty successful.

fusir ago

I think it should taper though. Either the voting power is the sqrt or the log of the number of votes you have. I would say sqrt. So if you have 100 votes you would have a voting power of 10. Having 1000 votes gives you a voting power of 31.

The problem is this can be botted like crazy. Not only could the bots vote eachother up more regularly but have more impact as they vote themselves up.

Perhapse voting aleviates yourself of some power.

redpilldessert ago

You got the idea.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

I really have little faith at this point.

PuttItOut ago

Let's hope I maintain mine then

9090123489012 ago

why do thinkk I need to have multiple accounts to have my say?

even tho I contribute 100% on voat in a 100% positive manner more than anyone. im sorry putt, you are jaded

I look at search voat reports, and laugh


Grifter42 ago

Like you have any faith other than in your toadies ability to hold control of this fucking shell of what it used to be.

Owlchemy ago

I guess I don't know enough about this whole idea to really comment intelligently, but I do have some concerns. I pretty much like Voat the way it is, otherwise I wouldn't have spent as much time here posting, so as with anything, change can be scary. My biggest concern is that I am in the vast majority here ... those who follow the Voat philosophy and have almost never banned or censored someone from any subs I mod. I've also spent a lot of time building up subs that I enjoy. So my concern is that it now sounds like in the interest of appeasing a few for the misdeeds of a tiny minority of mods like HenryCorp, I could be voted out of one of my own subs by a group which bands together for no other purpose but to take over a sub. Maybe I'm just reading more into this than there is ... but I don't get the point.

weezkitty ago

I personally think it's way too elaborate and violates the KISS principle as well as "if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it". The mod takeover issue is an issue but not one that warrants such a fundamental change in functionality leading to even more problems.

I also don't like how there was essentially no member feedback in the decision to start implementing this.

In it's current form, it gets a thumbs down from me

Xennios ago

Exactly. But that's precisely the point, which is why he wants to implement something so blatantly stupid.

REEKS of ulterior motive.

WeekendBaker ago

Voat be susceptible to brigading?

I keep telling everyone we’re not damn Reddit.

I enjoy our high octane speed chases through Monaco with little regard to collateral damage. You know, just don’t kill anyone. Let someone else be France with an overseas empire and all the problems that come with growth focus.

PuttItOut ago

Ok Owlchemy, let me try to take on a few points:

So my concern is ... I could be voted out of one of my own subs by a group which bands together for no other purpose but to take over a sub.

This is an issue I have given a lot of time thinking about. Part of sites like Voat is that a user can create their own unique eco-systems and I do not plan on abandoning this.

I do not want malicious take over of a sub by people that don't contribute to it.

So I've designed most of the infrastructure to give the "content producers" the power and to strip it from those who don't contribute. So if it is done right, a group of people who do not contribute to a sub will not be able to take it over. If you don't have skin in the game you have no power.

How this works: Votes with an outcome (mod removal for example) will have a restriction placed on it so that only contributors to that subverse can place votes. Just for simple purposes we can say that in order for a user to vote they would have to have say X comments in that subverse in the last Y days.

All these details are yet to be hammered out but I wanted to make sure you know that I am not enabling a mob here, I'm giving producers their voice back.

In addition, only certain subs will have these outcome votes allowed in them. I was thinking that once a sub gets to a certain size (posts per day, subscribers, etc) it then turns "public" and allows outcome votes.

albatrosv15 ago

"to give the "content producers" the power"

So you mean botted accounts get extra power. Okie dokie. grabs popcorn

yergi ago

My sub was stolen under the current system while I was on deployment for 4 months in the desert (v/silver). I was logging in and maintaining when I could, but, it still happened. The current system is fucked as well (which is, basically, just ask for the sub).

Calgacus ago

On long cons... Have a time requirement not for time on Voat but time subscribed. So if a small sub all of a sudden becomes popular or controversial, its Outcome Votes can't be influenced by a swarm of new subscribers who may be the redditors/shareblue etc already on Voat.

Dancing_Queen ago

How many subscribers and posts per day? We could get brigaded with subscribers and then they start posting and we’re gone.

Alic3 ago

Lol, then those people could just all band together and keep posting spam or spam disguised as regular posts just to gain power and overthrow the mods

TheBuddha ago

Do you realize how easy that is going to be to game? All I have to do is get subscriber numbers up high enough, post with one account, keep the others looking reasonably active, and I own any sub I want.

You're essentially penalizing growing a sizable community and making that effort subject to mob control once it has been done.

You can do that, it's your site and your code. I'm just a guest, but you appear to be asking opinions.

You're actually taking power away from the content creators. If they produce enough popular content, they lose the ability to control their sub. Controlling what is posted in a sub is a form of speech. If they have built a community, they can have their sub, and their speech, taken from them.

I urge you to reconsider.

It doesn't much matter for me, I can fit in on most any forum. My speech isn't the kind that people usually object to. For some, Voat is pretty much all they have and they take it, and the curation of their subs, very seriously.

Maybe, just maybe, this can be made okay if, say, the sub owner has been inactive for like 6 or 12 months (I'd urge the longer of the two). Maybe 6 months, if the vote is initiated by someone who is already a moderator of that community. Further refinement may be possible by allowing the owner to set that permission to a shorter duration.

Otherwise, you might just as well throw the 'owner' term right out the window and just straight up tell people to stop submitting content because building a community means risking losing their freedom to express themselves via sub curation.

Your plan only looks good on the surface.

Disappointed ago

I would like to see sub creators able to opt out of this. There are people right now building up comment points in subs they never used to participate in. This is just the clever ones that have gotten in early, mind. Some of these people are able to create multiple accounts on TOR and Vpn and are doing so. Bigger subs might be ok for a while but smaller subs will be immediately attacked.

@Xennios @DancingQueen read this submission.

knightwarrior41 ago


@knightwarrior41 is also a subverse mod O_o

Disappointed ago

I'll remember next time to ping you as well. :p

Disappointed ago

@Dancing_Queen pinged your old username. Read the submission.

Dancing_Queen ago

I guess one way to solve it would be to routinely ban the top posters and people with the most votes and make them create new accounts every few weeks.

Dancing_Queen ago

This seems like a huge problem especially since I’m locked out of my old account and have this new one.

A popularity contest to take over a sub is a terrible idea. We would lose a free speech zone we’ve had since the reddit days and actually got banned there for allowing any type of post even if it’s unpopular.

We’d be brigaded within days and the sub as we know it would cease to exist. What’s the point of creating and curating a community if it can be taken over by the top poster or someone with the most votes? What would stop those new mods from banning the people they disagree with or for holding a unpopular opinion.

Xennios ago

Maybe that's the point. I don't why else a system this inherently flawed would be implemented.

Dancing_Queen ago

Reddit or reset/gaf?

Xennios ago


Dancing_Queen ago

They’re all so cucked I couldn’t figure it out lol.

Tallest_Skil ago

I do not want malicious take over of a sub by people that don't contribute to it.

Could you please define ‘contribution’ as a term when weighted against the legality of paid advertising operations. Re: specifically, and only as a single example, the corporation ShareBlue, which is funded and exists as an entity solely to promote a specific narrative, known to be objectively false, for the purpose of propagandizing the public.

You glossed over (glided around, rather) this topic earlier, so (ONLY) if you have the time it’d be great to hear more on it. Obama making it legal to use the media (and other paid corporations) to propagandize US citizens does not imply that you, as a website owner, MUST allow said propaganda–paid lies posted here 10x as often as real people posting real things, or truth itself–to be posted here.

zombielordzero ago

So I've designed most of the infrastructure to give the "content producers" the power and to strip it from those who don't contribute. So if it is done right, a group of people who do not contribute to a sub will not be able to take it over. If you don't have skin in the game you have no power.

This would put the moderators in competition with content creators in a dick measuring contest for most points/most activity depending on how you measure the metrics. My main example for this is /v/feminism, where for the greater part of a year, @Goat_watch was the main contributor, yet he wanted nothing to do with moderation... until he realized he could ban people he didn't agree with (aka any actual feminist that wandered in). then he was very eager to get a spot. My opinion is the shit needs to be seen so the votes can decide how much it stinks instead of kicking the shit out on sight. After a few weeks, he did relent and agree he can argue more when the feminists are not banned.

TL/DR: content creators don't always realize how a sub should be run, and could drive the audience away if the moderation is too heavy handed. It should be a high bar to transfer ownership, how high is a matter of debate.

Dancing_Queen ago

That’s exactky what would happen.

Goat_watch ago

Just because i wanted to spam feminists with "you are banned" and "you are unbanned" a few dozen times doesn't make me bad moderator material. :)

zombielordzero ago

no, its the fact you salivated over the concept of replying "no bitch" if they ever asked to be unbanned.

NeedleStack ago

It sounds nice but I don't see how this stops a malicious takeover of a sub.

Let's say a group coordinates an attack against /v/JustGrowIt. They conspire a long con to post and comment in that sub several times a day in order to eventually be the top contributors.

After they get a strong foothold in the sub they would then upvoat each others' posts and comments (which I think is the definition of brigading?) enough to twist the sub to fit their agenda and ruin the original spirit of the sub. That could and would indeed enable a mob to take over a sub.

letsdothis1 ago

Yup. I've seen that scenario played out again and again. It threatens the most important subverses on this site. That's how spooks and other nefarious retards sabotage online truth communities.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Voat is too small and too slow not to be endangered by that sort of goings-on. There are a hundred subverses with one or two posts a day. A hardworking asshat could just make three posts per day, get them brigaded up just enough to make the top of the page-- and it would take very little effort to make them high enough quality that it's impossible to say whether they were upvoted naturally -- and after a month of this have control of the subverse.

Womb_Raider ago

There are a hundred subverses with one or two posts a day.

Exactly. Now notice how Rotteuxx is trying to say that "~1.75 posts per day" is not enough (per account*) to destroy a sub? Obviously this system would make manipulation laughably easy for people who post often.

Womb_Raider ago

This sounds like SBBH's greatest wet dream to me. It really sounds as though a tiny group could manicure several accounts, use them to contribute to a sub for a month or two and then vote 'em out. I do not see a reasonable scenario where you can prevent such malicious behavior ... I don't want to lose my /v/chilltrap sub just because SBBH doesn't like me, for example.

If this comes to pass, I too feel like my few subs will be at risk...

Podd ago

This is exactly what I see happening.

AnTi90d ago

When I see:

I do not want malicious take over of a sub by people that don't contribute to it.

It seems more like:

a malicious take over of a sub by people that (pretend to) contribute to it.


We're a small community. Setting up a majority rule just lays us vulnerable for hostile takeover from a group larger than we are.. whether that group is made of organized individuals with a common, malicious goal or a handful of people with several alt accounts and VPN access.

We already have a malicious group here. Their current strategy is to spam shitposts on a subverse until they get a reaction and then cry wolf that they're being censored. They're motivated and have nothing else better to do with their lives. A system like you are proposing lends them a way to create more discord than they're already capable of.. they just have to change their attack strategy.


I do value that you still have a passion for making Voat better.. but I don't like where I feel this is headed.

dragonkiller ago

I do value that you still have a passion for making Voat better.. but I don't like where I feel this is headed.

About three weeks ago I figured something out because I started a sub. I could not figure out what in the hell was going on and then it finally hit me.

I might be missing something but the changes made to thwart vote farming seem to have done more harm than good. People can still make vote farming subs just like they always did.

But, now subs can be made where nobody but "certain" people can down vote. If there is a minimum CPP setting in the sub to down vote you will NEVER make that minumum CPP in that particular sub. When that setting is enabled it stops EVERYBODY from accruing any CPP in that sub. Only the people that have CPP that they have already accrued in that sub, BEFORE the minumum CPP is enacted have down vote power and everybody else is prohibited from down voting and will never be able to down vote because they cannot accrue CPP with the minumum setting in place.

V/pizzagatemods is a perfect example. It has a minimum CPP of 10 points to down vote. The mods and chosen few that already have those CPP can down vote. Anybody that didn't have the 10 CPP points before they turned that minimum CPP function on will NEVER get the required CPP because it won't add with that function on. So what they do is use that sub for mod complaints. Then they gang up on people and down vote people.

Its sneaky as fuck because people that can't down vote don't realize they will never get enough CPP to down vote, ever, and that only the mods and select people have the CPP to down vote.

dragonkiller ago

Setting up a majority rule just lays us vulnerable for hostile takeover from a group larger than we are.. whether that group is made of organized individuals with a common, malicious goal or a handful of people with several alt accounts and VPN access.

A VPN alone will not beat the system. The Voat system snoops out more info on you than your IP address. It reads your machine ID. Try it. Make an alt. Up vote something. Then try to up vote it again with your real user name. You cannot do it. You have to use more sophisticated spoofing methods than simply using a VPN

AnTi90d ago

OK, that's cool that Voat does that.. but I can change my MAC address, at will, either with a registry entry or custom router firmware.

Nerobot ago

It doesn't do what he said anyway. Whats defeating him is a cookie.

AnTi90d ago


That reminds me of back in 2012, I had a friend that kept getting banned from a live streaming site. So, I'd change my MAC/IP then create an account on my PC. I exported the login and session cookies, drove to his house, removed his browser's cookies and then injected mine into his browser.

They could never figure out how he was getting around the IP ban without changing his own IP. Sometimes I'd have several logins saved, each from a different MAC/IP, watch him get banned and then have him unbanned in 20 seconds. (They eventually stopped banning him and started bargaining, instead.)

dragonkiller ago

OK, that's cool that Voat does that.. but I can change my MAC address, at will, either with a registry entry or custom router firmware.

On second thought i'm not sure about the router. But changing the mac on the wifi radio still gets defeated.

dragonkiller ago

OK, that's cool that Voat does that.. but I can change my MAC address, at will, either with a registry entry or custom router firmware.

Don't think so. I think it pulls more info than that.

go1dfish ago

Maliciousness is not required. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Giving majority rule power over the site as a whole will lead to censorship, it may be censorship the mob agrees with but it will be censorship all the same.


Yeah they will do that, especially the shills. They'll just change the tone to make it seem legit. If I didn't have a daytime job I could just use some proxies and post safe posts (where I won't get downvoted) and farm my points and eventually take control. Get 10 more guys like me and we're really be smokin. it's incredibly easy. Think of v/TheDonald, all you have to do is post pro-Trump stuff or things related to Trump thta isn't spamming (easy to cross post with altright news, or even just RT or Breitbart and that won't get you downvoted (nor should it).

This update opens

go1dfish ago

Why should existing content producers be given power over what future content should be allowed?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because people who subscribe like current content, and people who want a new direction are free to make a new sub for new content. :)

go1dfish ago

producers and subscribers aren't always the same thing, and many like myself haven't bothered to subscribe to individual subverses because I almost exclusively use /v/all

weezkitty ago

Same. I'm subscribed to nothing

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I do both!

One problem from browsing all is improperly categorized content often gets upvoted heavily - for example, walls of text in /v/pics.

Broc_Lia ago

I've added a reply here could you take a look? Thanks.

Owlchemy ago

Okay, that makes more sense. I do still have a bit of a concern dealing with subscriber numbers though. That being that I'm pretty certain, but can't prove this, that the number of subscribers in any given sub, especially those which are the most popular are highly inflated. My thought is that so many folks have come and gone from Voat over time, all the totals are way off. People come in, subscribe to a bunch of subs that interest them and then disappear. Maybe they come back, some may even occasionally lurk, but many more are just gone. So anything based on number of subscribers should be based on a good estimation of how many there really are ... not what the counter reflects. I'm not sure that's even doable though. My guess is it would be difficult, if not impossible, to ever know if a subscriber number is accurate. Otherwise, I have a wait and see attitude to the 'democracy' thing. Thanks for the input ... it does help ease a bit of my concern.

PuttItOut ago

People come in, subscribe to a bunch of subs that interest them and then disappear

This is exactly what has happened over time. But those numbers ARE accurate because when spez said we lied about them I ran an update statement to ensure they were accurate and then WENT UP a few percent. True story.

As this code matures we will fine tune it.

CujoQuarrel ago

How about people like me who don't subscribe to any subs and use /all and /new for reading?

Ina_Pickle ago

I subscribe to everything, and then still use all for reading.

Owlchemy ago

Cool, thanks! It'll all come together. Thanks for all the hard work.

Broc_Lia ago

Agreed. It'd be useful to be able to take polls of the membership, but if mods can be forced out by whoever creates the most accounts then that's going to do more harm than good.

11749076? ago

Good question. I, too, wondered about this and glad you voiced it.

Owlchemy ago

Yup, just curious myself. I keep reading about this democracy thing, but have no real idea what it really entails.

PuttItOut ago

Cooking dinner right now but I will respond to you soon, you bring up a valid concern.

Owlchemy ago

Thanks, no rush. It's just what bothers me about the concept I have in my head of what's being discussed and I may be entirely wrong. Have a good dinner!

freshmeat ago

It has always bothered me that a community can be hijacked by a single person or small group.

Any evidence of this?

ExpertShitposter ago

While you will never admit that v/gaming and v/Identitarian is run by a cancer mod because its your personal reddit boyfriends. Here are some that you cant disagree with:

At the very minimum it happened to v/askvoat by she, v/coontown and v/niggers by a butthurt jew, v/Chicago by a butthurt nigger and v/gunsarecool by henrycorp. Three were fixed by atko removing the mod while the last two never got fixed.

Also shut up about your myborders sub (yes its yours) because it never got attacked by anyone. There are no shitposts in it, no deleted shitposts and no downvotes on normal posts. It was a false flag attack that you did with your reddit buddies.

And v/frugal was shitposting for fun. We all made 3-6 posts till we got banned and the posts deleted. No one from SBBH made any complaints to putt about those bans because they were expected and desired as our posts were bad on purpose.

You seem to be worried that you couldn't participate in these votes because your nigger ass doesn't post anything on voat beyond v/whatever and some nigger music, so with the participation restrictions, even your 200 strong discord alt army couldn't help you wreck voat for more shekels from Reddit CEO.

@Artofchoke @PeaceSeeker

freshmeat ago

fuck off Sane

Artofchoke ago

Thank you, Sir, these motherfuckers make me feel crazy. And that's exactly why I didn't mention frugal. Ffs, these people.

PuttItOut ago

It's inherent in any site power structure in which users are powerless to affect change.

Read v/announcements if you want evidence of this in Voat's past or go look at any other community platform for more evidence of abuse.

freshmeat ago

My mistake, my question was referencing the part about it bothering you that people do that and if you intended to punish those users since you see it is an issue.

I've seen certain users get punished for partaking in this sort of abuse while others seem immune to punishment. Specifically /v/SoapBoxBanHammer. I know you have been busy lately but if you haven't noticed, there have been issues in multiple subs sporadically lately all leading back to users from ProtectVoat and SoapBoxBanHammer.

It bothers me as well that a community can be hijacked by a small group of dedicated individuals.

dragonkiller ago

there have been issues in multiple subs sporadically lately all leading back to users from ProtectVoat and SoapBoxBanHammer.

Yes there has.

fusir ago

freshmeat ago

that is old drama not relevant to the current gorups attacking subs right now. Putt worded it as if he has recently noticed this trend and intended to do something about it.

We are talking about /v/SoapBoxBanHammer

Artofchoke ago

Chicago? Identitarian? Gaming?

freshmeat ago

Identitarian and gaming were attacked by a group that allegedly bothers Putt. I want to see evidence if he has done anything about the people who attacked those subs along with /v/frugal and /v/mybordersmychoice

Lest we forget this same gorup attacked pizzagate and now controls that sub.

HarveyKlinger ago

v/Chicago is still cucked by a single faggot and all of his alts.

freshmeat ago

True, this is an issue with subverse requests.

Broc_Lia ago

It's also going to be an issue with subverse outcome-votes.

heygeorge ago

When the Vote is "closed" the system will execute it

i.e. execute the badly behaving mod

Who is going to be able to set up the Votes? Any user? Or just moderators?

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

this is an important question for sbbh

hi George

heygeorge ago

I don't think so, particularly, because our sub is not very big. Or system owned.

Hi cheese!

PuttItOut ago

Good questions. Votes that have outcomes (rule or mod) will have to be restricted somehow.

heygeorge ago

Good questions. Votes that have outcomes (rule or mod) will have to be restricted somehow.

This is going to need some sandboxing time to really work without being overly complicated or alienating.

It does all seem very cool in a nothing-ventured-nothing-gained sort of way!

70times7 ago

Who is paying for Voats server?

PuttItOut ago

Some remaining bitcoin and we reduced costs.

You will see more monetization efforts very soon.

475677 ago

I couldn't donate any kind of respectable amount of money to help fund the site but I leave my computer on around 18 hours a day and would happily leave my browser open on a donate cpu time page to help you mine some more bitcoin. As long as it was voluntary instead of forced like what the pirate bay did I'm sure you'd have quite a few of us offering up vast amounts of cpu time when money isn't an option too.

Thanks for everything you've done for us too. Humanity needs more people like you that are willing to stand up and give people a platform to freely express themselves. You're a legend!

GenghisSean ago

That's a great idea! I would leave the site up all day to help mine some coins for Voat.

cynicaloldfart ago

Please put effort into getting a processor so we can use gift cards. A small minority aren't young and hip with Ecoins but still want to do our part.

gabara ago

I second this!

fusir ago

It's so easy though. Just use to get some. Then just like paypal you can sign in and send money to an address. Just try it with five dollars.

Actually I think and have next to zero fees

cynicaloldfart ago

I guess I worded that improperly. This was an option several years ago. It's not a matter of ease or that I'm not smart enough to use them. I simply prefer not to. This has come up before and a few others indicated they also wish to have this option. However, I understand it is somewhat of a difficulty for Putt after the last processor bailed.

Owlchemy ago

I agree, Cynical ... I'd seriously like to contribute again, but the payment choices got to be ones I didn't wish to use (and like you, not that I couldn't, I just don't choose to use them). I was happy when we could just use a debit card charge like anywhere else.


I still don't get why we can't have a physical address or PO box to send money to, checks or wire money. Taxes aside it's certainly better to have the money received than not.

Crensch ago

"Send money to my P.O. box, where ((())) will wait with needles to shove in my neck and disappear me."


SaneFaggot already doxed him anyone with a small amount of resources could track him.

Also bank acct where it could be wired would work.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago


lord_nougat ago


belphegorsprime ago

Try Bitcoin Cash!

Broc_Lia ago

Agreed. It's impossible to donate small amounts with bitcoin right now.

thantik ago

Then donate LARGE amounts! Problem solved!

PuttItOut ago

This guy gets it! ;)

belphegorsprime ago

I agree too! Donate large amounts, and make sure voat gets the largest percentage of it, so only a tiny fraction goes to mining fees.

go1dfish ago

Were you able to claim the bitcoin cash for the btc you held at the time of fork?

go1dfish ago

Are we doing to allow censorship of @system subverses?

Will /v/whatever remain unrestricted?

If Voat will become more moderated, will it be possible to move posts to /v/whatever rather than removing them?

PuttItOut ago

I will be introducing a subverse classification setting that will modify what is allowed to target certain subs. One of these classifications will be a System designation and this will control what areas can be modified via a Vote, or it will change the thresholds for what can be executed (3/4 majority for a rule addition, etc.)

These are the questions we need to start thinking about now.

I'm still thinking about moving vs. deleting it just isn't a priority right now as things are fairly stable with mods.

fusir ago

Will there be a threshold for how active someone has to be to vote or will people just make a million accounts?

PuttItOut ago

The code was designed to be bot/alt resistant

Liber ago

How has that been implemented? If I run a VPN I can easily set up 2 accounts without a host knowing?

ESOTERICshade ago

How has that been implemented? If I run a VPN I can easily set up 2 accounts without a host knowing?

Only way I could think of is that the server reads your machine I.D. and knows your computer has already voted. Otherwise a VPN could be used to spoof the system.

Liber ago

It’s not impossible to change MAC addresses or spoof any sort of ‘machine code’. But I guess it depends how invested people are.

dooob ago

Are vote outcome (who voted) going to be public?

ggolemg ago

Holy fuck, that's a great idea, zero sarcasm.

Chiefpacman ago

go create a vote, it helps you understand it.

You can voting requirements, account age is one of them.

dooob ago

Aged accounts are not hard to get, that is my fear.

Chiefpacman ago


Quick plug; selling 2.5 year old account. /s