Cuckbot ago

@eggnogg read the thread

Broc_Lia ago

We have designed and will soon be developing a new feature that will provide a brigade proof way for a community to decide on who moderates the subverse.

If it's brigade proof then fine, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Lord--Gaben ago

How would the feature tell whether or not a mod was doing something wrong?

HomerSimpson ago

Meant to type protect voat. Don't know how i got /v/all...

HomerSimpson ago

Yeah but I read most/all posts of /v/all....soooo

HomerSimpson ago

Eh. Why did you have to notify I have to worry about that shit in my inbox. TPW already got that spoiled for him. Like every major release...Avengers, Fallout, ect.

HomerSimpson ago

Also. Off topic but thanks for marking the thread with the Star Wars spoiler in PV. Appreciate that.

3588594? ago

THC is a mod of /v/videos , who commonly posts comments with pictures or gifs as replies to the spam he deletes. He is also apparently very active in his community.

And yeah, when you're actively trolling, I know it's best to steer clear, but at times like this, where you're just posting links to major moments in the site's history and talking about stuff with other users, you're far better to deal with than any of the spammers I am used to dealing with (even Amalek on his "I want to tell people that good movies are nothing but shit suggestions" days or the MH101 bots on their "the system admin wants to write out our comments right now, so our usual spam is on hold for the moment" days) or the poor typing of the majority of people I've seen from /v/niggers (only really see them in places like this, or when Amalek makes a post in there telling them to downvote me for something I didn't even say).

My point is, you're not a complete asshole, and compared to the people I deal with the most, that is very refreshing.

3588504? ago

You write out your sentences and paragraphs in a clear well-worded manner, you don't spam, you make good arguments and discussions, you don't try to doxx other users, and it doesn't seem like you are always trying to be an asshole.

Personally, I see you as one of the many good accounts here on Voat, on the same level as flyawayhigh, kevdude, flussence, and THC (along with a lot of other accounts whose names escape me right now). The only people I rank higher than that are Atko and PuttItOut, and that's largely because they're the ones behind this awesome site, yet they still are active members of the community and are constantly taking in feedback over any potential changes/fixes/updates.

HomerSimpson ago

You don't need to be a mod to infiltrate. Especially with the voting system which would allow users to become mods and remove mods which would allow them to brigade and take spots they want. Even if they don't want to do something immediately(/r/voat as an example.)

. If anything I think that @alllie and @eggnogg are SRS. I really do. Fits the mold. Test the waters and see what happens.

You say that but SRS wouldn't be bad mods from the ghetgo. They would wait awhile so they have a larger influence then spread their agenda.

I check the v/worldnews modlog at least 3 times a day.

Bit much don't you think?

He'll slip up sooner or later. He is so convinced that he is smarter and more "enlightened" than the rest of us and we need his wise guidance to curate content for our own good, that he won't be able to help himself. I give him a month or two.

No actual comment. Just thought this part was funny.

HomerSimpson ago

Infiltration? Literally what they do on reddit? How would you know it is SRS until they already have the sub?

Pretty sure most of us on this site fucking hate SRS.

In theory sure. We don''t have any numbers to back it up.

HomerSimpson ago

You seriously underestimate their ability to takeover subs lol.

MrBlueSky ago

No.the Main Title was @system subs'

The addendum did not specify what subs it would apply to... Its Just Xmas news!

MrBlueSky ago

Ah..thanks, that would be a way to do it without brigades from new subscribers voating in a mod they choose in over the wishes of the normal subscribers.

That would make it fair..apart from I, as a mod, could rig the voat as I have a LOT of scp in my sub, but then again,,anyone can comment and build up their scp I guess

I must admit I ignore SCP and CCp in my sub as it doesn't matter to us

MrBlueSky ago

Sorry, you got me wrong(possibly)..I was just saying that popular votes with no limit on who votes could lead to some subs being taken over by random mods who do no support the values of the sub..and thus change the sub e.g a who knows. a .v/niggers mod or a v/SBBH mod could be voted in as top mod in ANY sub including PV...and wouldn't that change voat and sub creation adversely?

MrBlueSky ago

Unless the mods there get voted out by a brigade from some other sub?

Just saying

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Reposting this here, from a dinnertable thread, on encouragement from /u/MrBlueSky. Here are my thoughts on the matter.

I'm waiting to see what the "moderator polling" rules amount to. And if they just apply to @system subs, or all subs.

If it's every sub everywhere, and exploitable, then yeah, I'm opposed to it. It'll be just the backdoor SRS needs to get in and finally ruin the place. If it's got safeguards against being weaponized, then I'm open to the idea.

I think what we need though is two types of clearly delineated subverses. Let's say, /p/subversename and /v/anothersubversename, and there can only be one "subversename" regardless of the prefix. if it's created as a /v/ it would belong ultimately, to the community, as well as visible on /v/all and if it was created as a /p/ it would be moderator curated, and not visible on /v/all (but possibly on /p/all)

3588538? ago

Pulling this from a PuttItOut comment:

Only @system subs will have this feature when we roll it out. We will then see how well it works and get feedback. Totally understand your concern.

We've got some tricks up our sleeves. More info will follow but I think you'll like what we have in mind.

Basically, "we know how controversial or broken this could be, so we're going to be very careful with it, and keep the community involved at all times".

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Cool, thanks.

MrBlueSky ago

I hope you get a reply

ButcherOfBlaviken ago

how would the mod polling work?

CrudOMatic ago

I second this, @PuttItOut

CrudOMatic ago

20 SRS faggots disagree.

Chaotix ago

Can someone explain the history behind this mod's removal? Curious how bad it was...

3576514? ago

Somewhat-short summary: The mod in question was inactive for months with occasional bursts of activity (similar to all the other /v/politics mods other than flyawayhigh), and suddenly deleted multiple comments that didn't really break the subverse's rules a few days ago. Kevdude made a meta thread on /v/politics asking for an explanation for those deletions (with Atko commenting that they would be investigating this in that thread)...and the mod deleted that meta thread too. Another meta thread was created on /v/politics, as well as a few on /v/whatever and a lot on /v/ProtectVoat , and before the day was done, PuttItOut removed the account's Level 2 mod status on /v/politics and made this announcement post (which also acts as a warning to other subverses with system as a moderator: "you are a representative of Voat, watch your behavior").

sinjinsmythe ago

ddd ago

Lord--Gaben ago

What will happen if SRS brigades a @system owned sub to get one of them in as a mod?

rhy ago

Maybe. Maybe the users would get the joke and intentionally vote insanely ban happy asshole mods! :D

MrBlueSky ago

Who says the users would be the only ones to vote.....and how do you know who is a user anyway?

Think about it?

MrBlueSky ago

But how do they limit the vote to only the normal users?

If they can that's OK, but at the moment what's to stop a load of people from another sub subscribing and voting in someone who is so far from the sub ethics it totally changes the sub?

This could destroy some small subs like SBBH ..or?

rhy ago

This is just ANOTHER reason I FUCKING LOVE VOAT!!! <3 Merry Christmas!!!

svipbo ago

Moderator Polling

Sounds good. To make the polling impervious to brigading, how about allowing multiple moderator teams for a subverse, and viewers are only affected by those they voted for? Then even if a poll is brigaded, it really makes no difference at all: it would only affect those who chose to be affected, the others needn't even bat an eyelid.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

Yes moderator polling fucking over you power mod faggots!

VillaLopez ago

This is a sticky I can forgive. Fucking stickies... but fuck censorship even more.

JJEvil ago

I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd do 5 years.

11hrr ago

keep up the good work, thank you

Anchy ago

you da real mvp @puttitout & @atko

i love you very much, just so you know :)

pizzajesus ago

BASED MODS ARE BASED! Best Christmas gift!

MrPim ago

Well, you've shut me up (largely anyway). My one real complaint was you guys letting System Sub Mods run crazy. And you're reigning that shit in. You've shut me up. That's pretty awesome guys.

srven ago

only found out about Voat from KiA on reddit, this action is commendable, considering how twitter and reddit moderators are taking action that fall outside of the set rules it's good to see somewhere where the rules are for everyone :)

acheron2012 ago

Game changing pile of awesomeness!

123_456 ago

Thank you very much, Puttitout. You are creating a great community here. I genuinely appreciate your efforts. You're doing everything right.

I started /v/politicz for no reason then, I guess. Ha-ha.

k_digi ago

This is a great move - the Voat team is a great team. you guys are really making this site significantly better than other present alternatives, under less than easy circumstances. my only advice i had no idea i could even find a comment i had made, it's of course under my 'user' settings, any chance of just merging those settings into the universal 'cog' symbol?
maybe if you click the 'cog' or your name you end up in the same place (but under a different 'tab') ?? also would rock if there was some notification of a deleted comment or a deleted submission to the user. i know you guys are busy !

Nixonz00 ago

Hey Reddit! .. see this?.. Reddit be like: HUH? Meanwhile all the Reddit users be like: Huhh! And with the new moderator poling, mods of Voat gonna be like: HuuUh!

im sry guys.. this whole reaction-gif-thing is new to me

3565215? ago

Sorry, I just really like that show, thought that the fact they managed to get their script published in a "scientific journal" was hilarious, and thought it was somewhat relevant to the topic of "/v/science not allowing psuedoscience content".

Basically, it's just a result of me going crazy at 3 AM.

PassingShip ago

Multiple buy in? We need to have options available, so we can try different methods. Maybe an API for writing your subverses constitution?

3564926? ago

Peer review is important, but you also need to know what kind of peers a given journal tends to attract. For example, look at this paper on the irritating effects of nutritional facts.

Go ahead, I'll wait.


Now you see that the "paper" was actually a script for an episode of the show Adam Ruins Everything, published in a shady scientific journal with the help of John Bohannon, the scientist behind the fake "Eating chocolate will make you lose weight" study (which was designed to show how easy it is to fake nutritional "news" like that).

My point is, most of the scientific journals have strict publishing standards, but some only have the standard of "you want to be published, just send us the files and our payment". Those would also have to be on the watchlist if we only wanted quality scientific publishings.

OmicronPersei8 ago

I can't upvoat this enough. I'm a little worried that you guys are doing all this work, but don't have a sustainable business plan... How are you guys going to get paid?

3564853? ago

Also, I still don't know whether the "you" being referred to is "Amalek and his weird habits" or "me and my extreme knowledge of those habits". It works either way, which is even funnier/crazier.

DwarfGate ago

How do I upvote this a million times?

cat-dildo ago

seconding this, karmawhores shouldnt be allowed to voat on this

3564249? ago

Yep, that about sums everything up.

TH3_1D10T ago


Color me surprised.

Hopefully we can get this place booming again!

HomerSimpson ago

No? Are you autistic? Probably.

But even if it was. Your opinion doesn't matter. Just another retard in a group of retards.

3563972? ago

Amalek goes through phases. He starts by creating lots of new accounts and spamming with them all. After that, he slows down a bit, and becomes a bit more accepted as a "minor annoyance". Later, though, he starts making weird threats against the people he doesn't like (some of which are just plain laughable, like a $500 bounty on a clearnet "hacking" site, and some of which are just stupid/psychotic, like casually saying "I hope ISIS supporters slaughter your entire family" [he deletes the threat threads shortly after posting them, but not before other people have commented on it and saved what he put in the description, and he rarely deletes his actual threatening comments at that time]) while also making up even weirder conspiracy theories. Shortly after that, he makes up some excuse like "my phishing site has been HAXXored by an ISP's virus checker!", deletes some of his more well-known accounts, and retreats to a few lesser-known alts, quietly building up his alt arsenal once again for a future spam assault.

Amalek's latest alts (the 23 numbers of Global_Lying) are already in the "threat/ultra-conspiracy" stage. In fact, if Amalek didn't give every indication that he is an anti-Semitic anti-SJW lower-to-middle-class white man (because that is the only type of person he never lists in any of his conspiracies), I would probably believe that he is a woman whose hormones are heavily tied to a monthly cycle, simply because of how predictable his spamming stages are now that I've been here for a while.

ratsmack ago

This is very uplifting news and you guys are doing a great job. The Moderator Polling will be a great addition and will help guide the moderation process.

Chupwn ago


DylannDuNuffin ago

I think the word "mole" was used correctly, but without regard to that, it is clear that his loyalty to the community did not outweigh his need to control the dialogue for his own interests.

elgindelta ago

this made my hammer swing.

3563025? ago

Nice. I like Voat.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

Judging by the activity on v/coontown it seems like he intended on shutting it down...

...Oy vey

It is weird that he was more interested in doing that than being racist.

Omnipresent ago

Wasn't me. turns around How 'bout you?

EndDrugAndOtherWars ago

Why won't it let me upvoat this?

JJEvil ago

You haven't been awful to me. Not that I know of, anyway.

ochanada ago

Well done sirs

JJEvil ago

I haven't done anything wrong, though. I haven't tried to troll them, or be dishonest or change my message. I have been consistent and stood up for what I believe. If that makes me something awful to them, I wear the cancer badge proudly.

Firinmahlazer ago

Hey serious question. I somehow clicked the downvoat button by accident on my phone and when I go to click the upvoat and refresh my browser it goes back to down. I've noticed on pretty much all sticky announcements it won't register my upvoat. What's up with that?

PuttItOut ago

Sticky posts have a small caching problem we've yet to fix.

Firinmahlazer ago

Wow thanks for the quick reply! You guys are awesome.

PuttItOut ago

We pay more attention to this community than it sometimes appears ;)

3576562? ago

We pay more attention to this community than it sometimes appears ;)

See, that kind of thing, that's what sets you guys miles ahead of everyone else, including the giant teams over at Reddit. Even more so than the built-in systems like "in-tab image/video viewer", "block a subverse from your view", and "so many options when wanting to format your comments!".

Keep being awesome.

JJEvil ago

You really must not read what I post. After all this time, no matter how mant times I debate it with you, you still don't understand what I'm saying. Is not about your message, or censoring speech. My beef with you has been, and continues to be about your tactics. What is the point of debating you if you just talk about shit Im not saying?

JJEvil ago

You get thanks, I get called cancer.

Clitorally_retarded ago

Wonderful! @alllie can take a hike.

PuttItOut ago

Perhaps maybe. Maybe even better.

sillymanilly ago

I love Voat!

drug ago

your days are numbered, synths. soon we will mutiny you at will.

Crensch ago

He's an excellent mod, just a cancerous user.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

He's an excellent mod of a sub that allows him to freely ban people. He's a little jumpy right now.

Note: I do think that niche subs (especially ones that may be targeted by people who disagree with their basic premise) should be able to ban/delete what they want.

But, Jus sayin

HomerSimpson ago

You mean. Besides the fact that everything FPH mods do is open and transparent? Sure we are free to ban whoever but we don't. We could be banning racist comments but we don't. PV should be using FPH as an example on what other subs should be doing when it comes to transparency and uncorrupt.

Crensch ago

I fully agree. He has no reason to be jumpy.

dspfoisdafodsi ago

Random volunteer rotation! Ok fine i'll wait to see your solution. Good job on the moderator moderation!

MrBlueSky ago

I really hope you are right

But I doubt it

banbanc ago

we aim to please! :) wherever faggot keyboard warriors try to censor voat, we'll be there!

MrBlueSky ago

Hang on a moment....

We have designed and will soon be developing a new feature that will provide a brigade proof way for a community to decide on who moderates the subverse. Let’s just call it “Moderator Polling.” Hopefully late 1st quarter 2016. Stay tuned.

What is this,,,?

a community to decide on who moderates the subverse. Let’s just call it “Moderator Polling.”

as a mod it would be nice to know in case I have to delete everything and leave...because if this happens I will be leaving and deleting my sub.We are a very polite little sub at /v/thedinnertable but if you impose this I will not mod on voat and the sub will be deleted, the users are so small in number that e.g. /v/niggers , ?FPH, ?mobie could subscribe 'en mass' to vote me out and run the sub for themselves.

This is a major flaw and TBH..I wouldn't want to be part of voat if this was implemented

PuttItOut ago

Only @system subs will have this feature when we roll it out. We will then see how well it works and get feedback. Totally understand your concern.

MrBlueSky ago

Thank you..I was mostly concerned that people could subscribe e.g the day before voting in a sort of 'brigade' and then tilt the voting,over riding the normal subscribers views in the process. Obviously, for a small sub this very much could happen, but it could also happen for default/admin subs.

How could you prevent that. I can see many ways but all involve excessive admin.

you are definitely creating a lot more work for yourselves if you do this..and my rule of management is 'create less work'

PuttItOut ago

We've got some tricks up our sleeves. More info will follow but I think you'll like what we have in mind.

Pattoe ago

Thank you for this update @PuttItOut

I'm glad to see you are looking at improving all aspects of the site, from moderation to usability and aesthetics. I also am pleased that Voat users didn't cause a huge multi-page scandal over this issue, but instead it was contained to a handful of threads and the issue was dealt with in the right manner.

I appreciate your activity here, I know your time is limited.

Voat really is something special, and even though I am not that much into politics, I can definitely understand the need for one place on the internet where free speech is the most important thing and discussions can happen without threat of censorship.

Keep up the good work!

mamwad ago


someguyfromcanada ago

Thanks @puttitout. Can you please advise whether /v/subverserequest is now permanently inactive? It is a great system if it was active but it seems to have become dead lately.

PuttItOut ago

It's not dead, we just only get around to it monthly right now. It's my fault.

Harvo ago

Nothing worse than a cunty mod.

InnocentBystander ago

Thanks, but I'd avoid inflating my ego. It is already so inflated that it could blow at any moment. The resulting casualties could be horrendous.

mamwad ago

No, but I wanted to. That's why I went in the hospital.

Dixie_Flatline ago

I would really consider relooking at how system subverses are chosen, or kept. Like /v/dotnet. It is essentially no different then /v/python, /v/cpp, or /v/golang, in all aspects but its system endorsement.

Or as a better example, take /v/books, /v/tv, and /v/music. All are about popular entertainment or culturally significant mediums, yet /v/music has the most subscribers, and is not a system sub.

I am not saying music should be commandeered, I don't think that system should be on some subs that it currently is on. Edit: mistakes made in mobile typing.

mamwad ago

I still feel so out of the loop with that since I was in the hospital when it happened.

By_The_Water ago

I saw the whole thing and still feel out of the loop. I'm always out of the loop. I don't think I've ever seen the inside of any loop, ever.

Scandinavian ago

I sincerely wish you all the best in keeping your sub SJW cancer free. Good luck. You're going to need it.

JJEvil ago

They are hiding behind every lamp post.

RedSocks157 ago

@PuttItOut I don't care what you're parents say about you, you're a good kid.

tanukihat ago

Bless you @PuttItOut and @atko, you are both a Christmas miracle! Enjoy your holidays!

mamwad ago

Really? I didn't know I was on there before you.

HomerSimpson ago

Not really. It will just be an endless cycle. But still worth testing to prove my point.

Scandinavian ago

I am beyond happy that admins are taking a stance against those that seek to destroy free thought, free exchange of ideas and free debate.

SJWs: you won't control Voat. We told you before, now you're being told again. The users - the real users, not your alts - will.

Speaking of: the next problem is the voting alts. @Atko @Puttitout - we should work on this next.

PuttItOut ago

You figure out a system that works for alts and we're all ears. Only solution I can think of is to charge a small sum to create an account or invest significantly into DDOS like pattern recognition code that could detect them.

Disappointed ago

PuttitOut said this(below) so maybe they have something there as well.

elgindelta ago

titty sprinkles :)

Atko ago

Ha! :)

elgindelta ago

@atko come join my shitposter sub, v/Eliminati, it would be an honor tio have you and @putitout:)

Rummel ago

@Atko ... Consider this a personal 'thank you'.

InnocentBystander ago

I for one welcome my new 'mod polling' overlords.

It could be a handy way for us to gauge how we are doing. Sometimes it can be hard because very few people give feedback except when you do something very wrong.
But knowing whether you are doing great, or just OK, can be hard.

HomerSimpson ago

Are you trying to call me a cancer mod? Because if that is so you have not a clue what you are talking about lol.

the_devils_lettuce ago

Thanks for standing against censorship. This is why I love VOAT.

Bunny_Pope ago

What is an @system sub?

weezkitty ago

Honestly it sounds like it would be subject to abuse. I guess we shall see.

I am glad to see that moderators are held to a high standard on Voat though

cynoclast ago

All forms of power can be subject to abuse. I agree with @causuistry, it'll be an interesting experiment.

weezkitty ago

That's not Amalek. Amalek is currently using the Global_Lying* accounts

Babablaksheep ago

We have designed and will soon be developing a new feature that will provide a brigade proof way for a community to decide on who moderates the subverse. Let’s just call it “Moderator Polling.” Hopefully late 1st quarter 2016. Stay tuned.

Is this mod polling for @system subverses or going to be sitewide?

PuttItOut ago

@system upon roll out. Then feedback. Then we'll see.

Babablaksheep ago

Since @system subs are owned by Voat I see no problem with you experimenting or doing what you like with those.

As for feedback- Moderator Polling, should always be optional for non-@System subs, that way subs could opt into the process without it being forced upon them.

Merry Chistmas BTW. I'm still here, lurking, but that's about it.

HomerSimpson ago

If this goes site wide you are going to end up with issues.

PuttItOut ago

How did you get unbanned again? You must know someone. ;)

Don't worry, if it doesn't work, it won't.

HomerSimpson ago

I'm best buds with one of the admins.

Subs like fph wouldn't work for voting mods. Just so much that has to be done.

Verification which requires pictures of users (something requested by users.)

Banning fat people.

Banning sympathy.

Quality control.

Mods absolutely can't be fat and this system allows for one to be fat.

Mods have a huge target on their backs for doxxing. Past mod got doxxed. Users too but less so.

Other reasons but am on my phone.

badbear ago

I'm very excited to see this moderator polling feature go into place. It sounds like the most sensible and democratic solution.

HoneyNutStallmans ago

What is the procedure for something becoming a @system sub?

flat_hedgehog ago

I have no idea what's going on.

cyks ago

After a retard creates so many account names, said retard starts to run out of words.

Cynabuns ago

Looks like all the brigading ended up getting documented fairly decently over about a 24-hour period:

JJEvil ago

Name a rule I broke, give me an example of brigading I instigated, or quit talking out of your ass.

steel_sushi ago

Man, Voat has been on point since the first day I joined. I'm here until this mother fucker burns to the ground.

JJEvil ago

I've got no problem articulating my opinions. That doesn't seem to be a problem in /v/Meanwhile either now that I've banned you and your ilk.

3559665? ago

I stand with Voat. Be prepared for backlash from other entities.

JJEvil ago

Thanks. From you, that's a solid endorsement. I might unban you if you keep up the good work.

Scandinavian ago

I might unban you if you keep up the good work.

Keep playing games with your mod status on that - well, any - sub and I'm pretty sure you'll be out of it sooner than you can say 'feels don't real'.

The Voat force is very real.

JJEvil ago

Ha ha. I'll run run my subs how I see fit.

Highcycles ago


ElspethTirel ago

Just saying: this thread was upvoted on my account without me ever seeing it first.


You might have upvoated in a drunken blackout and don't remember doing so.

ElspethTirel ago

I know that could be a legitimate thing for some people, but no. I believe Reddit has a feature that lets you publicly display threads/comments you have voted on, but I don't see anything like that here.

PuttItOut ago

It's a caching issue on stickies. Apologies.

ElspethTirel ago

Can you explain this issue more thoroughly?

3576629? ago

Caching is basically your computer storing data in a special kind of place so that it can be used in the future without taking as long to find inside the entire hard drive.

In this case, the upvote/downvote/"didn'tvote" piece of data used to normally make sure that something you upvoted will still show as upvoted when you look at it again a day later doesn't work as intended on Voat, likely tying the data piece to "sticky post on this subverse", which causes some visual bugs when the sticky post regularly changes (like here on /v/announcements ), but otherwise is a non-issue on subverses with a nonchanging/nonexistent sticky post (like /v/ReportSpammers and /v/whatever respectively).

I am not as versed with coding a website as Atko and PuttItOut are, so I may be mistaken (and I certainly don't know the exact nature of this particular caching issue or how to resolve it), but this should be close enough for a decent understanding of the problem.

antiplebbitor ago

I'm not saying it was aliens, but...

3561865? ago

Nice meme bruh

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Me too, nobody's on this IP, and this circle jerking is cancer. How do you figure letting the most organized people with the most sock puppets replace moderators is anti brigading? That's empowering the brigades to consolidate control. I feel like PuttItOut could warm up a turd for you and the community would eat it up exclaiming happily how much they love chocolate.

3559418? ago

Someone already voted on the same IP maybe. If you use Tor, VPN or Dynamic IP that can happen.Votes are IP locked.

ElspethTirel ago

No VPN or TOR, and I don't specifically have a dynamic IP.

go1dfish ago

Nothing about the polling addendum seems to indicate it will only be for @system owned subs but I can see how you could draw that conclusion given the context of the post. Some more clarification here would be good.

CynicalOne ago

Well done, sir; well done.

WolfPackNigga ago

wtf is @system?

3559396? ago

System is the account the admins Puttitout and Atko use to be level 1 on subs they own. Look at the top of the page and you'll see most of them there.

JJEvil ago

First one, then the other.

3559311? ago

@Genghis_Khan made me fix this.

Be careful he is trying to conquer the world.

Genghis_Khan ago

As you can see, I have refined my tactics in these few hundred years. Amazing how far a little subtlety will take you. ;)

JJEvil ago

I don't believe that works with organized groups. We will have to agree to disagree. You aren't changing my mind.

frankenmine ago

Cancermods are an organized group.

JJEvil ago

Downvoats brigadiers such as yourself are an organized group. Have you forgotten the last time we butted heads?

frankenmine ago

Even a handful of cancermods are more organized and more systemically and institutionally oppressive than any group of users could possibly be.

You are the problem that you pretend to be calling out.

JJEvil ago

How so?

New_years_day ago

Keeping Voat the best news aggregate site on the planet!

Keep up the awesome work guys!!!!

Pawn ago

Thank you :D I love atko and puttitout :D I feel safe and warm here.

JJEvil ago

And why isn't pseudoscience completely irrelevant in a science sub?It is NOT science.

Omnipresent ago

Moderator Polling, eh? You tease. Tell us more.

rieekan ago

It's your stand for integrity that makes me believe in Voat. Thank you, /u/puttitout and /u/atko. You guys are awesome.

farmer- ago

Quality shitpost, my good sir, see you back in soapdoxbanhammer *tip*

Weebo ago

You had me at today... you had me at today.


implying SDBH won't be a @system owned default sub by 2016

MrBlueSky ago

It will be, you just have to believe

fingers crossed etc

Oveass ago

I think it's funny something random from that sub pops up in v/all gets a lot of people riled up for being extravagant and getting banned on it. I remember when sbbh did the clickbait title that linked you to search "how to assasinate the president" on the white house search field. Lot's of people got pissed over that. When it's a default the joke will get old quick.

HoneyNutStallmans ago


mamwad ago

That was forever ago.

Electromo ago

well, I'm out. voting for mods ends with popular opinions running things. good luck!

Scandinavian ago

If there's anything that kills SJW rule, it's transparency, free thought and meritocracy.

We took out a lot of cancerous cells already and we'll take out more.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

There is no transparency, if you want to kill brigading then show post/comment upvoters like Facebook does so you can see it's the same cabal powermods and their alts brigading the site 24/7. You would immediately see that content isn't allowed on Hot unless the cancer has used a couple alts to upvote it to visibility, the same alts they use to upvote all their posts.

thuvia_1 ago

i think you've got something here. if there is going to be voting on mods, then the voters should not be anonymous. your vote on a mod should be public.

HomerSimpson ago

lol. That's a funny joke. And completely irrelevant to their point.

MinorLeakage ago

Well that was a quick and tidy response. Great work!

HomerSimpson ago

We have designed and will soon be developing a new feature that will provide a brigade proof way for a community to decide on who moderates the subverse. Let’s just call it “Moderator Polling.” Hopefully late 1st quarter 2016. Stay tuned.

I am assuming this would only apply to @system subs yes?

gatordontplaythatsht ago

You sound scared faggot.

MrBlueSky ago

I'm scared..I want my sub to live and not be taken over by random mods?

I doubt I am a faggot, but time will tell

HomerSimpson ago

Scared? No. Why would I be scared?

omegletrollz ago

If it applies to all subs by default then Voat is automatically lost to the shills - whoever has more resources to become the largest "user"-base on the site. And believe me, it won't be us, the real users, who have only 1 vote to spend.

Actually now that I think of it, it is a pretty bad idea even on @system subs - it will probably only lead to the core staff (Atko and whoever is helping) to have to keep an even closer eye since mods could change (be elected) a lot faster than today, with them possibly knowing little or nothing about whoever becomes a mod.

Anyway I'm not sure how this poll system will work so it's early to say anything for sure. But the moment a poll can take down a mod in any and every subverse I'm out of the site and never looking back, like I did with reddit - it would mean that Voat just implemented a feature that would make it lose the war against shills, shooting itself in the foot and destroying the best (or just best community-run) website on the Internet.

@Atko I'm sorry to ping you but please let us know more details so the community can discuss any design flaws before this goes live.

svipbo ago

Multiple competing mod teams. Opt into which ever ones you want. The default is the most popular. Every time you visit a page in that subverse with your choice of mod team(s), that counts as a vote for which mod team should be the default one. Over time the mod teams popular with the regular users become the default ones. If there's mod abuse, don't worry: just opt out and carry on commenting and reading happily as if they weren't there.

HomerSimpson ago

Actually now that I think of it, it is a pretty bad idea even on @system subs - it will probably only lead to the core staff (Atko and whoever is helping) to have to keep an even closer eye since mods could change (be elected) a lot faster than today, with them possibly knowing little or nothing about whoever becomes a mod.

They should be keeping a close eye on @system subs. That is the whole point of them.

But the moment a poll can take down a mod in any and every subverse I'm out of the site and never looking back" ... "shooting itself in the foot and destroying the best (or just best community-run) website on the Internet.

I can think of a single sub that would die pretty quickly if that happened.

omegletrollz ago

They should be keeping a close eye on @system subs

Then you agree that the poll system isn't needed?

I can think of a single sub that would die pretty quickly if that happened.

You mean you can't? Because I can.

EDIT: If you did mean you can then tell me which one, since you made me curious :D

HomerSimpson ago

Then you agree that the poll system isn't needed?

Not sitewide no. Defaults? I don't care.

You mean you can't? Because I can.

/v/fatpeoplehate ? Literally would die if it was based on voting for mods. So many things that are required. I listed it for @puttitout before but will list again.

  1. Verification which requires pictures of users (something requested by users.)
  2. Banning fat people.
  3. Banning sympathy.
  4. Quality control.
  5. Mods absolutely can't be fat and this system allows for one to be fat.
  6. Mods have a huge target on their backs for doxxing. Past mod got doxxed. Users too but less so.

seerick ago

This is the right answer.

JJEvil ago

Here's the problem with your logic. What is to stop me from putting together 100 people and turning every sub into a porn sub. When the minority bad faith users can organize and disenfranchise the average, non organized users, and there aren't any rules stopping it, then absolutely nothing.

I have the time, the will and the resources. But I want voat to be better than that. Someone else may feel otherwise. Who is to stop them?

3559011? ago

Thank you!

Pwning4Ever ago


Chiefpacman ago

Long live the King!

Oh and you too Putitout. You're alright.

Cuilrunnings ago

@go1dfish post this on blackout tomorrow ~9am central please buddy.

go1dfish ago

lol I'm not awake that early :P not even in my own timezone (Pacific)

I posted it already a few minutes ago and it seems to be doing well enough.

ninjajunkie ago

I appreciate all the hard work and time you have given to provide this site. Thank you.

mamwad ago

@kevdude must have such a chubby right now.

JJEvil ago

/v/Meanwhile will have minute by minute updates on @kevdude's chubby.

mamwad ago

Too meta for me.

JJEvil ago

His chub is getting close to "contact your doctor" levels.

Scandinavian ago

/v/Meanwhile is quickly turning into another SJW hideout. And, again, Voat will turn on these abscesses when they try to burst out into the mainstream part of Voat.

I'm very happy to see how ardently people defend Voat against what happened to Reddit.

JJEvil ago

Says the founder of PV. What a joke.

Scandinavian ago

Funny, I'm not laughing.

... oh wait, yes I am. I'm too happy for the users of Voat who won a victory over those that try to crush their free exchange of ideas not to laugh.

Finglonger ago

Does this have something to do with @alllie?

redpilldessert ago

Looking at his user history, couldn't find much bad. Worst I could see was that he was part v/communism which probably doesn't go down too well around here ;)

EDIT: Lol, even v/communism on Voat is right-wing controlled...

Cynabuns ago

Merry Christmas

mblim ago

I applied for /v/sports 4 months ago. Can you make a decision already? It's a sub that is a default and plagued by spam


causuistry ago

It'll be an interesting experiment.

Cynabuns ago

It means that it is a major sub, such as v/politics, v/news, v/worldnews, etc. If they were massive subs over at r3ddit, then they are essentially a default sub here.

The_Blastman ago

Thanks. I figured it out then deleted my comment but not before you saw and were kind enough to answer. Appreciate it.

Cynabuns ago

No worries, but you should have left your question in as many others probably didn't know and would have appreciated the answers. Have an upvoat, mate!

rosary505 ago

it means that there is no level 1 mod.

JJEvil ago

People shouldn't be posting propaganda and non science shit in a sub dedicated to science. Why do we want every sub to be /v/whatever? What is the point of even having subs then?

Oveass ago

I get the sentiment, but the answer should be downvotes by the community to stuff that doesn't belong in a sub. If I post ice cream hentai in science I fully expect it to get removed for spam. If I post some pseudoscience mumbo jumbo I fully expect the community to call me on my crap and downvote me. Same with unsourced articles/claims or non peer reviewed works.

JJEvil ago

Downvoats don't counter organized groups.

Oveass ago

True. We need some prevention against brigading with alts or upvoat botting year old comments like Alllie did just a few hours ago. The Alllie account went from -140 to +340 without posting new comments, all the very old ones suddenly got a lot of positive interest it seems.

There have been some ideas floated to lock voats on a comment after a certain age of the comment. But depending on the sub time can be relative, some subverses a month is acceptable for other subverses 2 days is ancient.

3558852? ago

Can one apply to become a @System owned sub, as a safeguard against a mod overstepping his or her power?

HomerSimpson ago

You apply via /v/subverserequest if I recall correctly.

MrBlueSky ago

That's only for level 1 mod status ..the level 1 mod then invites other mods as they chose

weezkitty ago

On that subject

@Atko @Puttitout

Are /v/subverserequest requests going to be honored? Last time I looked, they were not getting much attention

HomerSimpson ago

What they need to do is get some volunteers like Moe DanielFlamino to do these requests. Since the admins are obviously too busy for this.

Scandinavian ago

The problem with those two was their extreme bias. Moe defended "she" until the last minute and even created lots of unnecessary drama to do so.

He is the type of cancer we're trying to get rid of and you're only here to troll and destroy value.

HomerSimpson ago

Yeah and I defended @she along with the other FPH mods. Are we cancer? Oh wait. We aren't. Dumbass.

You are more cancerous than @she. At least @kevdude can admit some of their issues.

Scandinavian ago

At least @kevdude can admit some of their issues.

Oh my god, you're so tragic.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

IDK. Considering FPH users probably would've demodded you if they could after you tried to drag them into the shegate and askvoat debacles.

You remember, when you tried to destroy v/askvoat.

3562563? ago

Pepperidge Farms remembers...

HomerSimpson ago

No they wouldn't. They made it very clear they don't care for the drama and mods = gods.

You remember, when you tried to destroy v/askvoat.

You mean make it better and sped up the admins.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

I wish my memory worked like yours. I'd never regret a thing.

HomerSimpson ago

What am I supposed to be regretting?

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

Dunno, maybe askvoat

As a newcomer (at the time) and an FPH subscriber (at the time) I have a different recollection of events than you do.

HomerSimpson ago

Why would I regret that? I thought it was hilarious. Plus it made the admins step up quicker to make it a @system sub. Win win.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

Homer, you're the only one I actually hope is only a troll or at least just naive. I really hope you aren't as wishy-washy irl.

HomerSimpson ago

As what IRL? What are you on about?

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

So you just wanted @she removed and v/askvoat to be system owned?

HomerSimpson ago

At the time of us fucking askvoat @she wasn't in control. Reow was.


Oh god, something tells me this will make things interesting on /v/soapdoxbanhammer

123_456 ago

Soapboxbanhammer is an intentional troll/joke sub though. The word 'ban' is even in the name. So, I don't know how you could decide what to do.

Weebo ago

@lackscompassion your Jem days are numbered...

lackscompassion ago

Keep dreaming @weebo I am one with Jem

mamwad ago


3562701? ago

@hecho, @kevdude, @amalek, @she, @0x00, @HomerSimpson, and probably 4-5 fake Mick accounts.

Mod polling will destroy SDBH.

3576653? ago

HomerSimpson wasn't messaged because the @ signal stops working after the first 5 in a comment.

ninjajunkie ago

I put some popcorn in the microwave just in case.

BRAlNlAC ago

These my friends are good old days.

go1dfish ago

Glad to see an official statement on this. Strict moderation is fine on subverses specifically created for that purpose.

But when highly generic subs become heavily curated it is a detriment to the entire site.

Keep up the good work based admins.

PotatoFarm ago

Strict moderation is fine when it's done following, to the point, the established rules by the community. No exceptions allowed.

This case and the usual moderation problems we have come to know and despise from several places are the polar opposite of strict moderation: moderators abusing and forcing their own agendas by applying the rules when they follow their intentions, stretching them when necessary and ignoring them when they don't. In some places where the "cancer" has become terminal, the moderators do as they want without care and basically "own" the place.

Once again Voat's admins have proven their commitment to the community. Thank you guys!

peacegnome ago

I would say that in the @system subs it should be user curated, and not moderator curated. The trick though is to make sure people are informed when they up/down-vote something, and that they aren't just voting for the headline. It is very tricky, but after what happened at reddit i want as little centralized power as possible.

Perhaps this new mod voting thing will be the answer though, on reddit that was the biggest problem; mods hated by the community they ruled got to stay.

Disappointed ago

We have designed and will soon be developing a new feature that will provide a brigade proof way for a community to decide on who moderates the subverse. Let’s just call it “Moderator Polling.” Hopefully late 1st quarter 2016. Stay tuned.

This is awesome news. Thanks.

individualin1984 ago

This is fantastic. I have high hopes this is the solution to agenda mods.

pwn ago

Protection from sjws one step at a time. Thanks guys, you're doing a good job.

Puffycheeses ago

So it's like an election for who runs the subverse?

massiveprivilege ago

Would be good. Voat out any mode that abuses mod power and censors things.

MrBlueSky ago

get a band of people going and vote out the mod the subscribers want?

cynoclast ago

It would be mixed. You'd get extreme right wingers moderating /v/politics.

HomerSimpson ago

Yeah and it becomes a stupid popularity contest...which makes it easier for cancer mods to get control.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

Lol cancer mods talking an out cancer mods...

Kerchak ago

I'd agree with you, except as a mod he's doing exactly what his respective sub's community wants him to do. That doesn't make him cancerous. The opposite in fact.

HomerSimpson ago

They are someone who goes through my history to try to stir shit. They have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and basically just take any side that is against me.

HomerSimpson ago

Cancer mod? You don't know what you are talking about if you think of me as a cancer mod.

3559834? ago

I see why you might think that but at the same time I feel it could be good. I think we ought to wait til it's released and we can test it though before we start saying it is good or bad.

Broc_Lia ago

No. Democracy sucks, let's not infect voat with it. If you don't like how /v/politics is being run make a new sub. If others agree with you, they'll follow.

MrBlueSky ago

So which sub is the first 'sacrifice'?

I worry that many non users would subscribe and skew the voat, because if you don't like a sub you could kill it with this scenario..if you have enough supporters?

I know I'm not volunteering!

Failure ago

Thank you my liege.

JJEvil ago

Further clarification is required. There is discussion that having civility and content quality rules for /v/science is unacceptable. The sub is a science sub, are astrology and faith healing to be accepted there and not censored? What about bad faith commenters that want to call others fag, and not actually contribute to the conversation?

peacegnome ago

If the users of your sub want faith healing and astrology content then i guess it was meant to be. I think that your concerns are unfounded or that you are using an unrealistic situation to make a point.

We (the users) just don't want this to be like reddit. "your submission was deleted because the source you linked to was only referred to by articles in 3 peer reviewed journals, we have been very clear that it requires a minimum of 5! you are being banned for 7 days, if it happens again we will ban you permanently".

causuistry ago

If you saw a BBQ restaurant and went inside to find out it was really a vegan joint you probably wouldn't be happy. There needs to be some standards.

I post there a bit and a couple of times I probably should have been moderated. Like this one. And this one. @neutrinohalo aptly points out what is wrong with them.

peacegnome ago

i don't see why either of those should be removed, it looks like they were both analyzed in the comments, and at the very most I think that flair would be applicable to these. Neither one of these is pseudo-science, which is what jjevil said he was worried about, and even though the articles might mis-represent the actual science it is still important that we can have discussions about them. Where would these go? on reddit they would go to r/crapscience or r/misinterpretedscience and there would be no discussion about them, and when the crazy uncle brings it up next thanksgiving none of us will have a rebuttal.

Again, leave it up to the community to decide what belongs in the subs, if it brings discussion that is only a good thing. If someone posted about caitlyn jenner in v/science and it got +150 then we would be at the point where we might need to narrow the scope, but i don't see that happening.

You know how i can tell people who either no longer remember the old days of reddit, or were not there for them?

JJEvil ago

That is a bullshit argument. If every sub is going to be /v/whatever, then fucking get rid of system subs altogether. A science sub should be able to write the rules so that science content and discussion is contained within, otherwise it's just a whatever sub.

peacegnome ago

you know that is not what i'm calling for, if i made an off-topic post in one of your subs it would be downvoted, very quickly. we have subs because there are different subjects of discussion.

look at reddit and what was "allowed" on each sub and how it changed over the years. the subs went from what made them great to heaps of crap, and there were no alternatives because that is all people knew (to find an alt for iama you would have to actually search for it, there would be no x-posts).

look at r/conspiracy, a sub that is modded very lightly. do you see a problem with it? are people posting pumpkin pie recipes? are there posts about aliens controlling obama that are heavily upvoted?

The people that ruined reddit also wanted a structure in place to take care of problems that didn't actually exist, they created that structure, and proceeded to ruin something wonderful.

JJEvil ago

Still a bullshit argument when people are organizing, creating alts, and gaming the system. I don't agree with what the mod in /v/politics did, but that place is a reall shithole. Has been for months. Easily one of the worst subs on this site and not because of what happened in the past few days. Memes get upvoated to the top, Trump takes up about 30 percent of the posts at any given time, and rampant racism in the comments makes it so regular users don't even want to participate there. That isn't a natural floating of cream to the top. It's organized groups shilling the shit out of it, and the consensus of regular users having no recourse.

Doesn't matter, we aren't going to agree on this, so why continue debating it?

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

Lol, like only people that you disagree with politically are "organizing, creating alts, and gaming the system".

You personally know that's not true.

JJEvil ago

Name the rule I broke. Simple.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

I didn't say you broke a rule. I said you're a hypocrite.

JJEvil ago

How so?

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

Or a quick glance at v/meanwhile shows you doing what you accuse others of.

There's better examples around I'm sure. But I shouldn't have to convince you of what you yourself believe and do. If you don't want to stand up for your own beliefs, or behind your actions I'm not gonna force you to.

peacegnome ago

Let's look at anti-meme rules. I fucking hate image macros, they cater to the LCD, and bring nothing to the table. People that spend more time on voat/reddit get more exposure to them and hate them more than people who casually read on their phone while taking a shit. Do i think that people who care and contribute to the discussion should matter a bit more than that guy? sure, but you know what, eventually that guy will get sick of fluff and want news, and the image macros will go away on their own (because you and i will always downvote them, and as time passes more will as well).

we both want good content and good discussions, we just have different ways of seeing the path.

edit: do you remember when FPH came over, or CT? and there was unwanted dialog everywhere? have you noticed that it isn't near as bad as it was, and that is without a heavy hand.

frankenmine ago

You're a niggerfaggot.

Ban me, you fucking cancer.

I dare you.

JJEvil ago

There you go.

frankenmine ago

And now say goodbye to your sub.

JJEvil ago

You've been banned from my sub for a while.

massiveprivilege ago

Who is this guy? Did he really just straight up abused mod power?

JJEvil ago

I don't run any system subs. I'll run my own private subs how I see fit.

grlldcheese ago

I don't know what's happening here, but it's pretty hilarious

JJEvil ago

Frankie is a tard. He really is banned from my sub, mostly because I think he's really really dumb, and in the past, he's tried to instigate downvoat brigades.

frankenmine ago

I haven't posted there even once.

This is mod abuse.

You are being reported.

Edit: You don't even mod /v/science, you fucking liar. Just a bunch of inconsequential subs.

JJEvil ago

I'm going to ban you from 20 subs.

massiveprivilege ago

Careful everyone not to hurt this guys feefees.

JJEvil ago

Want to translate that to English for me?

thuvia_1 ago

he thinks you're butt hurt. i think that's english.

grlldcheese ago


I love this place.

frankenmine ago

Thank you guys for excising cancermods before they become terminal.

This is what killed reddit and it is what will save Voat.

7im ago

Voat's Integrity > Every other place on the internet's integrity.

123_456 ago

Puttitout and Atko have not sold out that's why. They've maintained a control on their vision of what the internet should be. They're great leaders. All hail and so forth!

jasotastic ago

Really, just the fact that they came out and said it, rather than doing it and not saying anything speaks volumes.

Cynabuns ago

Yes, yes, yes!

Thx :)

Loumedia ago

You can hear SRS's shrill scream as another parasite is pulled from our ass.

Genghis_Khan ago


Hey! \o/

Omnipresent ago

With Mod Polling, SRS can't do this:

dspfoisdafodsi ago

do you readily know what mod polling is? I'm curious!

3588409? ago

No one but Atko and PuttItOut know what the planned "Moderator Polling" will actually be like (especially since they are being cautious about it, will initially only have it active on @system subs before feedback {and then, only if feedback is positive, will they even think about enabling it for non-system subs}), but by name and brief description alone, we are able to make some assumptions and imagine a few scenarios where it will be useful.

weezkitty ago

I'd like to know how you got the upvote/downvote count on Reddit

calicotrinket ago

They used to have that a long time ago but not anymore.

weezkitty ago

I know. They took it away right after I started using Reddit. I barely even noticed at the time.

But after seeing individual +/-, I really hate the single count. I hope Voat never changes it

VillaLopez ago

We all feel the same.

epik- ago

reddit improvement suite or whatever its called

epik- ago

sounds familiar. A mole reserved /v/coontown, so the boys had to move over to /v/niggers

Empire_of_the_mind ago

that's an entirely different situation. the purpose here is to squat a racist sub's brand name. it's easy enough to move, as you demonstrated, so no harm.

the /r/offmychest example is for an entirely different purpose. aborting /v/coontown is way better than manipulating it after it is grown.

epik- ago

the purpose here is to squat a racist sub's brand name.

Exactly, the brand name had 25 thousand subscribers on reddit. a huge amount compared to the 5k the new sub has

Empire_of_the_mind ago

so make a new one, this isn't reddit.

epik- ago

they did. The point I'm making is that the plan; to reduce the amount of subs has succeeded

Empire_of_the_mind ago

this is not a copy of reddit. reddit culture is discouraged for a reason. go home.

epik- ago

I realize that faggot. My intent isn't to say that something should be done about it. I was just retelling what happened

HomerSimpson ago

That isn't what happened at all...

DylannDuNuffin ago

It's a pretty accurate summary of what happened. Why do you think it's not?

HomerSimpson ago

It was taken by a former moderator of /r/coontown and they decided they didn't want jew hate in the sub and wanted to stick with black people. Think it was because they were Jewish.

DylannDuNuffin ago

How does your account of what happened contradict epik's comment?

HomerSimpson ago

Because they are saying it was a mole for SRS? Which isn't what they were?

DylannDuNuffin ago

Ah. I don't think he meant to imply that it was an SRS mole, but simply a mole.

Juceyriou ago

Viva la Voat

Schmickle ago

Thank you for protecting Voat.

sinjinsmythe ago

Chupwn ago

Thank you /u/puttitout and /u/atko. You guys are the best. Thank you for listening to the community and giving us what we want. If you ever need anything from us, we will be glad to help.

johnlocke90 ago

Do you happen to know specifically what the problem was with the mod?

Zenocide ago

I'd like to echo this as well, I am always impressed by the commitment to transparency and truthfulness.

You guys are doing this right and I appreciate it every time I see it, both as a moderator of a few subs and as a user, everything feels nicely balanced on all ends.

dropinbodies ago

Happy I've made an account today. Hope to continue the discussions here!

3562760? ago

Welcome to Voat. If you look around enough, you can almost certainly find subverses for almost any interest of yours. Don't spam or do anything illegal, and you can say whatever you want.

seerick ago

Could not have put it any better. Very happy to see this update.

turbotuck ago

I second this

It confirms we're in capable hands. Thank you

2silly4u ago

Seriously, this thread is a big reason why I already like voat better than reddit. I really am surprised that this happened, I never would have thought. Speaks volumes for voat, at least IMO.

MikesHawkRegan ago

CENSORSHIP & The New Tyrants:

or how to bitchslap SJW keyboard warrior mods who can't handle dissenting views.

BONUS: pathetic voat keyboard warriors get DESTROYED in a live debate trying to censor Manhood Academy


turbotuck ago

And whom do you claim is the butthurt one, @MikesHawkRegan ?

Civilized people tend to discuss when they disagree, but you only spew out nonsense. And for what?

LaBeerHen ago

@MikeHawksRagen - LOL! At first I thought you were trolling PV. This guy almost got me. So clever. This account is your reward for all your contributions to Voat BTW, a beautiful tribute to you.

3563840? ago

Eh, this particular MH101 account has been around for 3 weeks. At this point, it's about as well-known in the anti-spammer community as Amalek's 23 different "Global_Lying" alts.

LaBeerHen ago

Lol ok, thanks? This is the first time i saw it. You know how there's a first time for everything, right. Just thought I'd give the real lady a heads up JIC.

3563999? ago

Sorry if I came across as rude. I've just been keeping an eye out for spammers, and with how often MikeHawks posts, I was sure that she had at least a few comments in her inbox from one of her imitators.

Omnipresent ago

Hello, SRS.

Loumedia ago

Must suck everyone knows you are an SRS shill.

BRD isn't happy with your results.

dannydale--- ago

To help remove the sand from your hurt pussy


jerry ago

lollllll dude i saw you posting the same weird copypasta so long ago, you're still at it? What the fuck dude? Find a better way to spend your time please. Your mind must be toxic from the anger you spew

3576370? ago

It's just a bot. It only knows how to post copy-paste insults that contain promotional advertisements for their poorly-designed site. There is at least one human behind it, but they mainly seem to be focused on "choosing new names for accounts", "typing Captchas so that bot accounts with extremely low CCP can still comment", and "very rarely typing up new unique content in full paragraphs, only for the bots to quickly take over that account again".

jerry ago

Damn that is pathetic