Silverlining ago

I'm hoping it's just a handful of bad apples and my confirmation bias has gotten out of control - but as all the straws in the wind point to a hurricane, I hope it comes sooner rather than later.

Silverlining ago

Just hanging in for the tipping point!

Silverlining ago

It's a numbers game - grains of rice on a chessboard or 100 monkeys washing potatoes on an island - I'll expand if these ring no bells. At some point we change reality - or give up!

Silverlining ago

How many wrong ends of a stick do I have to get before the whole pizzagate thing falls apart?

Silverlining ago

Just so - 6,800 subscribers. The accuracy required in this investigation is awesome - and I assume at least half of other investigators are just as sloppy with their detail!

Silverlining ago

Doris Day mother of Sharon Tate???

Silverlining ago

I think I misheard - he said Doris Tate?

Silverlining ago Bait & Switch Youtube about your post - 6,800 views! At least six day old news for you - but brand new to me!

DeathTooMasons ago

, And furthemore Millennial_Falcon and Vindicator Delenda Est !

DeathTooMasons ago

And furthermore..Fuck Millennial_Falcon and Fuck Vindicator. And good riddance to abortionburger.

Forgetmenot ago

I have been studying their patterns. And I am no expert at all. They gaslight, they discredit by bringing up money. They limit the argument to one thing, and then debunk. That's why they tried to limit it to pizza shops. They roll out their own "experts" to make it look like the problem is being handled. If the public relations campaign does not effectively silence the masses then the witnesses get assasinated. Evidence is destroyed and false flags are used. I think we are in the this stage right now. I think this is going viral exponentially, they are getting desperate. Just my opinion sorrry for the rant.

Forgetmenot ago

Apparently, once it recurs it indicates respitory failure. My friend said he probably is intubated.

Forgetmenot ago

Lol so did I! Nothing evil about justice though :)

GeorgeT ago

I can tell you that my birthdate contains 7 and 11 - how is that for the occult? Lol

whatonearth ago

So you're saying that Roman Polanski being a pedo rapist piece of garbage is his dead wife's mother's fault? Because I don't see how else Doris Tate belongs in here.

whatonearth ago

To whatever idiotic sack of shit downvoated me: feel free to explain how Doris Tate would be in any way responsible for what her former son-in-law did that had nothing whatsoever to do with her.

Dressage2 ago

Maybe through young children's plasma and pineal glands. When you have all the money in the world and live like a king you want to enjoy it longer. The fountain of youth is the next thing you buy.

Forgetmenot ago

It's amazing how once you wake up, there is no going back. At first I was physically and spiritually sick, now it's like we are torch bearers for the rest of humanity and more and more people will be made aware of the truth. It takes courage and a good heart to face this, so many people would rather bury their heads in the sand.

Forgetmenot ago

Very interesting !

cvmpatientia ago

Lucis Trust (initially named Lucifer) UN

ImmortalCommunity ago

1000 points of light is in Belgium. The castle there, where they do ritual abuse.

ImmortalCommunity ago

You do realise the thousand points of light are in the Belgium castle? Mother of Darkness MKULTRA castle?

TangoCash ago

I wish I could upvoat more than 1 excellent point- it all ties back to- Sacrifice / MK Ultra and the sick experiments they are committing on human lives- When are people going to get outraged at the facts that the government has down played the MK Ultra torment committed- when Bill Clinton "apologized" to the public- everyone was busy watching the OJ trial glued to that BOX- now that was MK ULTRA at it's finest there- WAKE UP PEOPLE!

Pizzalawyer ago

The more I think about Alefantis ' smug Cargo Illuminarie portrait the madder I get but wait...wouldnt it make a great poster: Watch Out for Pedofiles.

Pizzalawyer ago

Illuminaries...illuminatis...I think my high school English teacher would have said that these words share the same root

Forgetmenot ago

Lol! So true. Yet "they" gas light us when we ask obvious questions.

GeorgeT ago

Believe it or not, but these monsters actually believe in occult numerology and its powers. And David Icke's birthday happens to be on 29 of April - which is the Beltane ritual. No1 day for the Satanists apart from Halloween. That is why they fear taking out Icke - for the fear of unleashing powers that might harm their cause. This is the only explanation.

The_Crux ago

What is this shit? You said Alefantis was a thousand point of light or something and I read through all that irrelevant garbage. pissed.

freeagent37 ago

We are creating our nightmares by running in fear from these realities, NO longer! ...humanity is waking up from the spell and a large part of our reality is a nightmare. People are bringing attention to it now and then it can be healed as more gather the strength to see it for what it truly is. I completely feel you on your words here. Thanks for sharing.

freeagent37 ago

Ok check it out here: President Obama Honors the 5000th Daily Point of Light Award

freeagent37 ago

It was some type of honoring in Obamas or something, i will try to dig it up, and post it here. I just remember Bush calling Obama a shaft or point of light, and he mentioned it several times throughout his speech.

freeagent37 ago

Fabulous work and connecting dots here, thank you. I remembered reading Bush's speech about the thousand points of light and wondering how strange. He even said Obama was a point or shaft of light in another place where they both met for some type of ceremony.

pby1000 ago

Me, too. More and more people need to get angry about all of this.

Then we will be ready for change.

Chasnigga ago

Great research

GeorgeT ago

David Icke actually called out George Bush senior as a child murderer! In the 90's

ThePedoHunter ago

He was and is Satanist doesn't fall far from the tree either - Georgie Boy Jr fawning all over Jeff Gannon (the gay escort disguised as white house press) in front of everyone.

I hate them all....destructive, powerful, disgusting family. Oxygen thieves...

2impendingdoom ago

I think that 1,000 points of light speech was basically Bush telling the world that the US was now officially pedo country.

Silverlining ago has in interview with Fritz Springmeier @14:30 he discusses the Mother of Darkness Castle and mentions Mother of Darkness rituals. I missed any explanation of who or what the Mother of Darkness is or was - if indeed Fritz explained.

Bit more here Comment by Ben Comment: I think it would also be worth mentioning that George H.W. Bush's reference to the "thousand points of light" probably was an allusion to this castle and ceremonies therein. Thanks for bringing this subject "to light". Hopefully this topic can be expanded on in the future....

Ed note: More about that this way: Inaugural Address of George Bush - Friday, January 20, 1989 Also here: George H. W. Bush's State of the Union Address, Envisioning One Thousand Points of Light Given on Tuesday, January 29, 1991

Orangutan ago

Neil Young's "Keep on Rockin' in the Free World"

The lyrics criticize the George H. W. Bush administration,[5] then in its first month, and the social problems of contemporary American life, while directly referencing Bush's famous "thousand points of light" remark from his 1989 inaugural address and his 1988 presidential campaign promise for America to become a "kinder, gentler nation."

3141592653 ago

Neil young ROCKS!

pby1000 ago

I recalling posting about this before, but I do not recall when and where.

Anyways, look at the last Super Bowl coin toss and halftime show. Lucifer, the Morning Star, fell to Earth...

Coin Toss:

Halftime Show:

Now watch this all the way through:

The hard drive of the county issued laptop that Ray Gricer had is missing... Or, maybe it is the laptop that is missing... Either way, he seems to have known too much about the Illuminati and the Luciferians...

noone222 ago

George H.W. Bush is alleged to be a pedophile himself.

Vic138 ago

Two boys were hiding in a closet when HW came into the room with a young (12 yo?) black boy. The kid gave him a blowjob. One of the 2 boys told this story to Nick Bryant (I believe) and he put it in "The Franklin Scandal".

pby1000 ago

Franklin Scandal Interview:

mrohm ago

There was a mob-owned motor hotel in Houston called the Carrousel that had a lot of government clientele, despite its easy access to prostitutes. One of the owners, a John Coil, told Houston gay activist Ray Hill that HW used to come around with a Hispanic boy (Hill emphasised "boy.")

2impendingdoom ago

There was a post here a while back that connected the 1,000 points of light to the Belgian Dutroux Scandal castle.

EDIT: read down to paragraph 8 there were other posts but here is one connection:

DonKeyhote ago

That's a chain I believe. I passed one minutes ago LOL

Jem777 ago

Search rising sun backgrounds...who has the most famous?

Also worship of the black sun is the darkest occult known. This is at the heart of the SS Nazi's. It is in the floor of the famous castle.

It is in airport floors. The iconography in murals at the Bank of A building.

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. True

Silverlining ago

These are the same thousand points of light made famous by George H.W. Bush, according to video,” Chateaux Des Amerois – Castle of the Dark Mother.”

srayzie ago

Why strange timing?

Jem777 ago

That "bringer of dawn" was/is B.O. Backdrop in 2008. Picture right behind as the "savior for peace"

The famous airport as the backdrop

2b1ask1 ago

A "1,000 points of light" is a HIGHLY masonic inside phrase - meaning the NGOs that are the real parallel government.

Out with the old, in with the new - more masonic bullshit.

And the number 11 is one of their favorite coded numbers, too. Same with 15, multiples of 11, 93 and 115. You see these numbers EVERYWHERE.

jesus_is_lord ago

1000 in greek is pronounced as helio, which is sun, and helios the sun god

ImmortalCommunity ago

This castle is referred to as the Mothers-of-Darkness castle. ... "thousand points of light" probably was an allusion to this castle and ceremonies

remedy4reality ago

but... but... but... they claim they have 'sacrificed for public service' !

jesus_is_lord ago

could be, there is a lot of symbology in everything they put out

jesus_is_lord ago

the chrome logo is a 666, so was the original youtube hangouts logo(maybe still the same, i dont use it)_, inverted, there are probably more examples but if you've seen a few you've seen them all

thisisnotagame ago

yup ;D

ReesesPieces ago

If you wont kill a pedo, shut up.

thisisnotagame ago

Forgetmenot ago

A medical professional friend of mine said he is probably dying because once a person has recurring pneumonia they are in respiratory failure. I noticed he went into the hospital immediately following the arrest of the dyncorp VP. Mabe too much stress for senior bush?

thisisnotagame ago

And didn't he get checked in right after Trump was elected?

Forgetmenot ago

Exactly! I could not remeber exactly when but it was on a key date, Barbara bush too. A hospital in Texas. If memory serves right.

PizzagateBot ago

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BlackListMedia ago

George Bush and his son deserve to be Beaten, Hung, Drawn, And Quartered.

darkstar77 ago

This comment cannot be upvoated enough. Maybe top comment ever. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Votescam ago

If we are trying to fight criminals and their crimes, let's try not to become them .... PLEASE!!

Vic138 ago

And not necessarily in that order

ReesesPieces ago

Do you wanna kill pedos?

BlackListMedia ago

I think they should be brought to justice, and put into some kind of Gladiator spectical with other murderers and rapists, that generates billions in PPV buys.

Forgetmenot ago

Upvote! The laws need to be written wit mandatory penalties that are so heinous as to even deter any future child rapists and tortured. We need to purge the evil from the human race.!

jesus_is_lord ago

also the rising sun, they worship sun as the symbol of the light bringer, the lucifer... that's why it is in thousands of corporate and other logos, or just 666, like google folks like to do

2b1ask1 ago


Specifically, a crescent in the logo - just like these.

(And no... in most cases, a crescent is NOT graphic design. It is code to let Freemasons know who else is "illuminated.")

jesus_is_lord ago

yes, either that, or just any 3 or more circles or spheres in any arrangement,

circle = 360* =3+6 = 9, so circle/sphere is a 9 and 3circles are 999 or 666

ImmortalCommunity ago

36 x 2 = 72 (names of God) 27 (club)

666 is the sum of the first 36 natural numbers

616 is the number of the beast outside of Pegasus museum @battle_of_evermore @jesus_is_lord

Google attend the schools where children are being abused and offer special training for future inclusion in the intelligence agencies.

DarkMath ago

Sorry Bill Gates but you lost me at "the key to controlling population growth is to save the lives of children under 5".

Controlling population growth can be achieved by increasing the population.

Triple Sigh................

2b1ask1 ago

I remember when Bill Gates gaffed on the children under 5 comment.

Gates makes an appearance in this new video, too:

DarkMath ago

I am a card carrying conspiracy theorist. I believe a lot of them. The last one I discovered was a hoax was Sandy Hook.

However I've researched the moon landings and I'm not convinced they were faked. I found an explanation for every argument the hoax people are making. For some reason the one that made the hoax seem plausible was the identical background in some of the pictures. The mountains were so far away that doesn't mean anything:

The flat Earth is a hoax. That's pure bullshit put out by the CIA to discredit conspiracy theorists.

2b1ask1 ago

I could care less about whether we landed on the moon.

But, this one point seals the deal for me:

HollandDrive ago

How do you know the flat earth is a hoax?

DarkMath ago

Math and Physics are encoded into the Universe. They can't be hacked.

The real question regarding our world is whether the Cosmological Constant(CC) means we're living a simulation or not. The CC is the reason Einstein said he couldn't be an Atheist.

It's also the reason Werner Heisenberg famously said “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”

The CC is too precise to be believed. I would kind of be like looking up at the stars and seeing ordered rows of lights. If you saw that you'd be very suspicious. It's an imprecise analogy but it sort of fits. Instead of ordered rows of stars the CC is the exact amount of background radiation required to get our universe to neither implode in on itself or blow itself to smithereens. Imagine a ruler stretching from one end of the universe to the other. The CC would be one location on that ruler. If it were to move 1 cm right the universe would blow itself apart. 1 cm left and the universe would have collapsed in on itself. It's such precision it boggles the mind.

3141592653 ago

So much of nature miraculously rests on these precisions. The exact conditions of our planet to sustain life. The body's homeostasis at the very specific 98.6 degrees. The insanely ridiculously perfect female reproductive system. The unfathomable microcosm and macroscosm in any direction we look. Crazy !

HollandDrive ago

You lost me. I just assumed you've looked into it since you said it was disinfo. I'm thinking that since the earth is rotating we could simply hover over it w/ a helicopter and watch it spin, since it's supposed to be spinning at the speed of sound. Or does gravity capture the helicopter and spin it around with the earth's rotation, turning it upside down? Do airplanes adjust for the curve as they fly, nosing down constantly? Edit: Earth spins at speed of sound, not light, sorry.

DarkMath ago

"Or does gravity capture the helicopter and spin it around with the earth's rotation, turning it upside down?"

Are you high right now?

3141592653 ago

I am, and that makes science even WAY cooler

HollandDrive ago

No. Does the helicopter spin with the earth or not? Watch a few Eric Dubay videos, DM, you're no dummy, and it's time for you to move on to the biggest hoax/conspiracy of the last 500 years. Suspend disbelief, and give it a shot, since you accepted Sandy Hook.

DarkMath ago

Oh my, I gotta leave it there HollandDrive.

I promised myself I'd never make fun of retards.


HollandDrive ago

No problem, this is what I expected. Checking out one video won't kill you though. I call cop-out if you don't watch this. (At your convenience.) Talk later.

DarkMath ago

"the moon is throwing out its own light"

Epic. That's called a reflection. Your mirror does the same thing every morning when you shave.

I only made it to 2:16. Besides that gem above the maker of this video is using a Logical Fallacy called "Begging the Question". For example the video will quote a scientists saying "What is everything made of. Woops. There's about 95% of stuff we don't know.". Another one said "Physics isn't making a lot of sense these days.".

In the case of the first it's talking about "DarkMatter" which is close to my heart because that's one reason I chose DarkMath. Most of the Universe is made up of DarkMatter and no one has ever seen it. If you think about that for a while it will fuck with your mind. That's what that "95% of stuff we don't know" was about.

Back to "Begging the Question", the video places "Flat Earth Theory" after each clip of some real physicist talking about something real. That's to put it in the viewers mind that whatever is next must be real too. It's a very common logical fallacy. I'd say "Begging the Question" and "The Straw Man" are the MSM's favorite weapons in their daily battle against the Truth.

HollandDrive ago

If dark matter "which no one has ever seen" is really close to your heart (and I can understand that), then you will def have some trouble with this. Not researching the topic further due to "logical fallacies" that you see in a promo piece sounds in and of itself like a fallacy. Watch some Eric Dubay stuff. And check your pride at the door! No offense DM.

DarkMath ago

"Not researching the topic further due to "logical fallacies"

Yeah I have a "three strikes you're out" rule on logical fallacies.

HollandDrive ago

LOL. You're a mess. Good day, or night, whatever the case.

DarkMath ago

I'm a mess for thinking the Earth isn't flat.


HollandDrive ago

You believe that the oceans are curved and that as the ball earth rotates at the speed of sound the water doesn't fly off. Now that's epic.

DarkMath ago

"the water doesn't fly off."

You've got it exactly backwards. The water would only fly off if the Earth STOPPED rotating. And technically it wouldn't "fly off" it would just keep moving around the Earth and flood all the continents ending all life as we know it which I'm seriously starting to wonder if God might have that in mind given human stupidity knows no bounds.

HollandDrive ago

Gotta run, will talk later. Speaking of God, this is what the whole flat earth truth is all about. The spinning ball earth came courtesy of the pseudo-scientists that gave us evolution.

HollandDrive ago

Actually no, you yourself have it backwards. Logically, the water would indeed be flung off. What you are saying is that it is the earth spinning that keeps the oceans stuck to the earth, but that's "gravity" doing that is it not?

DarkMath ago

I didn't realize educational standards in Holland were so poor. I guess that's what Socialism does. It erodes the foundation of any institutions it comes in contact with. Fascinating.

HollandDrive ago

Borderline ad hominem, but I'm not offended. Flat earth is a world-wide phenomenon, and it's not going away. Talk later.

DarkMath ago

"Borderline ad hominem"

Oh, my bad. Let me fix that.

"Talk later."

Sorry Holland. We ain't gonna be talking later. I can't fix stupid.
