Amyamy ago

I know a lot of you will disagree with me, but I think this was a horrible idea to post stuff to twitter that he could directly see. I say this because it gives him more proof that we are on to him, and it only allows the opposition to prepare a counter attack or possibly pull a disappearing act. Most of us know that there are threats to our first amendment rights and we have to guard that. They are already censoring people under the guise of "preventing fake news".... is this what we want? In the animal kingdom, which lion gets the prey? The one that loudly roars from far away letting the prey know of it's presence, or is it the one that does a surprise attack...

virtuous_pedophobe ago

He obviously thinks that he can continue as if nothing happened.

SoldierofYAH2 ago

Podesta is getting ABSOLUTELY HAMMERED in the replies to his tweets. It's all people who believe in Pizzagate, calling him Skippy, etc. We are reaching a tipping point in terms of the amount of the population that is woke. Very encouraging.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

That so many people know about "Skippy" really surprised me. AFAIK that came out a week ago, there are a lot of people following pizzagate closely.

sugarskull ago

Very lame attempt at deflecting. He can go back to silence on Twatter as far as I am concerned.

justice4kidz ago

OH MY GOD. we trampled all OVER that tweet. he will have to run and hide or face the music.

HarveyKlinger ago

Shouldn't he have to have a disclaimer like "No children were molested when writing this tweet." at the end of every tweet, similar to how they put the disclaimer at the end of movies about hurting animals? Because when I see that profile picture of his, I assume he's molesting children at this very second. Damn he's creepy looking.

privatepizza ago

Classic replies. My sides.....

ArthurEdens ago

Seaman was right, they're bringing up aliens to distract people from pedogate

VieBleu ago

I am not seeing any replies - I hit "Tweets and Replies". Is it me, or did they scrub?

Millstone ago

You have to click on one of his tweets. It will open up. The replies show beneath the tweet.

Plant_Boy ago

Kind of want someone to message him "Hey John, fancy getting a pizza some time?"

crudzilla ago

Did you not read the replies? lol

Plant_Boy ago

Can't read replies, no twitter account and can't be assed to learn how to work it.

crudzilla ago

The link it just to his page, if you click on any of his posts today and scroll down you can see the responses. (Whole thing is on fire!)

I don't have a twitter account either.

speckledcat ago

There is hope yet

Oldno7 ago

That's not a "hit piece" on bitcoin. It was calling the alt-coin "ethereum classic" a knock-off of ethereum that's offered on coinbase a pump and dump scam.

He also correctly predicted the bitcoin price falling in that article, before praising it again when it was in a position of strength to fly back up to $1000.

Forgetmenot ago

This roundhouse 1176 is a shill I have encountered him before.

Oldno7 ago

I'm calling bullshit. Prove it.

Everything I've looked into about him is legit. He's honest, analytical, and will change his opinion given new information. He was a liberal who voted for Obama and only ended up supporting Trump because of the lies and deception he saw in corporate media.

neurofluxation ago

MK Ultra - Prepping people for Operation Bluebeam... They will fake Aliens to retract from PizzaGate.
Calling it out.

vacvape ago

Bet those aliens wont like their kids being stuffed crust.

IlluminatiKing ago

Haha Skippy. Aliens are so 2014.

Silex ago

Just rewatched Disney's (eech..) Flight of the Navigator (the steps.... eeeech..). There are really ties between dissapeared/kidnapped kids, walks in the forest and.. hmm. aliens. #nazitech #cia #MkUltra #ufo

EQJ ago

OMG the comments had me rolling 😂😂😂😂😂

Oldno7 ago

So this Podesta guy tweets about aliens. Very interesting, didn't that David Seaman guy say they would push a big story about aliens or a discovery in Antarctica to distract from pizzagate??? I'm pretty sure he did.

virtuous_pedophobe ago


But it does not seem to work.

roundhouse1776 ago

Everyone knows about the false flag "alien" invasion. Even David Seaman who is wrong about just about everything.

Oldno7 ago

First I heard of it was Reagan's UN speech,

Just a few years before HW's New World Order speech.

David Seaman has been right about a lot of things. He called NSA spying before Snowden, he was early in bitcoin, he questioned H Clinton's health before the 9/11 stumble, and he was the first person with MSM credentials to talk about Pizzagate.

If you focus more on digging dirt on David Seaman than on John Podesta, you might be getting paid.

Forgetmenot ago

So very well said! Upvoat!

Tanngrisnir ago

Quoted for truth.

If you focus more on digging dirt on David Seaman than on John Podesta, you might be getting paid.

juhos ago

BoraxTheFungarian ago

and torturing little kids... Now aliens are all he has left. And the ones still one God's payroll are not happy with him.

gurneyx ago

this is just fucking glorious!

Vindicator ago

That's the hashtag I'll be retweeting this under, LOL. Glorious

crudzilla ago

Too right! Its been depressing seeing all this get so roundly ignored in the MSM. I never realized pizzagate could manage this kind of mainstream penetration without them. So happy to be wrong.

gurneyx ago

its going to be interesting over the next couple weeks. I have started seeing friends wake over this crap. That article with the professors at colleges woke up so many of the people i know. When this finally breaks the flood gates will open.

Orangutan ago

"That article with the professors at colleges"


virtuous_pedophobe ago

Let me guess: Close to all of these professors were "progressive", pro-gay-marriage and Democrat.

20Justice4All17 ago


nomorepepperoni ago

And he brings up fake news, then brings up aliens...amusing.

investigatethepizza ago

the people who email him thinking they are buddies with him always have to bring up the aliens as a way to connect to this creep

derram ago | :

John Podesta (@johnpodesta) | Twitter

'When you tweet with a location, Twitter stores that location. '

'You can switch location on/off before each Tweet and always have the option to delete your location history. '

' Learn more'

This has been an automated message.

crudzilla ago

JP's first tweets in two months. And the replies show that despite MSM suppression, pizzagate is out there.

justice4kidz ago

exactly. we are winning. he will probably never tweet again. just gives us a good platform to spread truth.!!!