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ASolo ago

Crencsh the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, too little too late after the damage is done still debating about getting rid of an incompetent mod. You internet geeks are amazing how you stick up for each other when it's clear the moron should have been let go within the first month of this investigation. But we still keep fighting you because this is one of the last places with even this amount of flexibility, and it still blows. I can't believe you're still asking for proof when it's totally obvious _falcon DOES NOT KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT ANY OF THIS MATERIAL TO BE A COMPETENT JUDGE OF THE FACTS. Shutting down a discussion about stem cells because the possibility of them being in Pepsi is ridiculous? How can you NOT SEE HOW SUBJECTIVE THAT IS. THAT'S WHAT THIS WHOLE STUPID ARGUMENT IS ABOUT IS FALCONS SUBJECTIVE REASONING. He uses voat's VAGUE and ALL ENCOMPASSING rules as a cover for his erroneous calls and the poster is left to guess at what is wrong with his thread, not realizing its simply just a case of bias and stupidity from calls like what this thread is about. Over and over and you crencsh or whoever just post another sticky asking more dumb questions to pacify us. No more pacification just get rid of the dude why's that so fucking hard it's not a paid position.

dragonkiller ago

No more pacification just get rid of the dude why's that so fucking hard it's not a paid position.

Actually a lot of people might debate that point. One of the most common questions people have is "is falcon getting paid to stand on certain areas of pizzagate research?" It is a valid question considering his blatant censorship of certain topics. Many people consider it impossible for him to be retarded enough not to understand "relevancy" to the degree that he pretends not to understand it.

ASolo ago

Good point, he has shown an understanding of the topic in general. He seems very afraid of the parabiosis, bloodletting and stem cell subjects..... HMmmmm.

Once again, speculation who owns this site, geez, can't remember his name, that rich homo there...