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Crensch ago

I'm seeing "leave posts up"

To do something like this we'd need maybe a metric fuckton more mods that would be willing to do such things, I think. Then again, I'm not really sure on our current manpower level.

@Vindicator is this possible with what you guys are working with?

Vindicator ago

It's only Falcon and I modding these days, but I think with a couple of additional janitors -- @think- might be a good fit -- it could work. The key would be that mods aren't expected to edit stuff for people, only leave posts up long enough for the community to help the OP fix them.

Here's how it could work:

  • We create four new flairs, one for each rule
  • Instead of removing, we flair for 24 hours
  • When the OP fixes the post, he pings the mod or replies to their comment to remove the flair
  • If he doesn't ping, after 24 hours, the mod assumes no changes were made and automatically removes the post.

The flairs make it just one additional mouse click, so I don't see that as more work, especially if the onus is on the submitter to ping mods to his edit.

Falcon will probably disagree, since he gets on early and does the majority of deletions. I've been trying to convince him to split the week up between us or alternate days so that we can take a day off here and there and have more patience/less burnout. You can see our conversation here and before that, here.

I propose we leave the rules alone for now, but try a two-week experiment (or maybe just one?) during which posts will be flagged for 24 hours prior to removal.

To prevent a tsunami of shill spam, we can further stipulate that posting more than two threads at a time earning rule violation flairs will get your deferred removal privilege revoked and they all get removed.

srayzie ago

@think- would be. He/she is calm and tries to solve problems. You need someone reliable, reasonable and doesn’t call everyone a nigger faggot. Think- even gets along with you guys. @kevdude @crensch @vindicator

ESOTERICshade ago

I propose we leave the rules alone for now, but try a two-week experiment (or maybe just one?) during which posts will be flagged for 24 hours prior to removal.

I sort of like the idea but I also see the possibility of it creating a front page full of slide threads that are flared.

think- ago

Thank you, Vindicator, for suggesting me as a mod. I feel honoured.

I'd gladly help out as a janitor, and serve the community as best as I can.

srayzie ago

@think- would be an awesome mod!

@Bopper @EricKaliberhall

EricKaliberhall ago

@think- got my voat.

bopper ago

Yep, agreed. @think- would be a great mod.