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letsdothis1 ago


twistedmac11 ago

Exactly. Notice the complete change in @Crensch's attitude, too, vs on this thread

Crensch ago

Example of a "user" we have to deal with that doesn't seem too far from @letsdothis1's posting and behaviour.

Another "user".

Esoteric is another one that I've caught lying and wasting my time, but I don't have the links handy.

@Scirel @kevdude @heygeorge

twistedmac11 ago

And that's your excuse for speaking to people the way you do? You tore everyone apart in that thread who cared disagree with you, myself and @ESOTERICshade included. And I've NEVER spoken with you before, so I definitely haven't earned that kind of treatment. I saw @letsdothis1 attempting to speak with you in a pretty rational manner, and I saw you fly off the handle. If you can't handle day to day shit from people who don't agree with your every word, go somewhere else.

Is it so much to ask for a moderator to speak with an iota of respect? Serious question.

Here, let's ping some more people since that seems to be a thing. @vindicator @millenial_falcon @putitout

Crensch ago

And that's your excuse for speaking to people the way you do?

I choose to. I don't need an excuse.

You tore everyone apart in that thread who cared disagree with you, myself and @ESOTERICshade included.

Maybe if you were right, or had something valid to present instead of feefees and assertions and claims you can't back up, I'd treat you with some respect.

Nobody deserves respect, it must be earned. Some have earned my respect @RKG and @Dylan_Klebold both were treated to the business end of my sharp tongue. Turns out they earned some modicum of respect, and have that issue no longer.

And I've NEVER spoken with you before, so I definitely haven't earned that kind of treatment.

I've had people I don't know that have responded when I'm busy destroying someone else, and have done so in a way that gets a cordial response. You didn't.

I saw @letsdothis1 attempting to speak with you in a pretty rational manner, and I saw you fly off the handle.

That user wasted my time, and didn't bother to apologize for it. Rational? Rational is accepting that you broke the rules, fixing your shit, and reposting. Irrational is causing this kind of uproar to a userbase that for the most part doesn't seem to really give a fuck about changing anything here.

If you can't handle day to day shit from people who don't agree with your every word, go somewhere else.

I handle it fine. I even handle stupidity and wasting my time just fine.

I'm pretty sure it was you that I told that this is not some raging inferno monster version of me, this is Tuesday.

Is it so much to ask for a moderator to speak with an iota of respect? Serious question.

Earn it. At the very least, don't make your first impression one of someone that doesn't deserve it.

Here, let's ping some more people since that seems to be a thing. @vindicator @millenial_falcon @putitout

People that ping puttitout show that they don't belong here. People that spell his name wrong show that they really just do not belong here.

Also, I notice your lack of nigger faggot kike shit this go round.

I choose when and where I use my words. Do you have a problem with that?

Cat got your tongue? Performance anxiety?


You've already shown your ass, why stop now?

Sure. Just tell me exactly where this analysis of that faggot's submission is wrong. Where did I make a mistake?

Go ahead; say something stupid.

twistedmac11 ago

So bc I'm on my phone and missed a t, I don't belong here? Do you hear yourself? Jesus. This is hilarious.

ESOTERICshade ago

just figured out crensch won't count your opinion unless you explicitly say you vote for number 4. you have to say it or the spineless wonder will not record your vote

Crensch ago

So bc I'm on my phone and missed a t, I don't belong here? Do you hear yourself? Jesus. This is hilarious.

That respect you wanted? You're not earning it.

twistedmac11 ago

Lol why are you so hung up on a typo? Is that all you've got? That hardly makes me unworthy of any respect, nor does anything I've said so far.

Crensch ago

Lol why are you so hung up on a typo? Is that all you've got?

Maybe you should re-read this.

That hardly makes me unworthy of any respect, nor does anything I've said so far.

You're making excuses for your error.

Nobody believes your excuses. At best it's plausible, and more importantly, nobody cares about your excuses.

The biggest thing, though, is that you ignored an entire page's worth of comment so you could present your excuse, then have the cods to say "Is that all you've got?".

How embarrassing.

twistedmac11 ago

Because your book-long comments say nothing more than you're an arrogant asshole who doesn't give two fucks about this sub or any of the users in it. You've proven yourself to be completely irrational and incapable of any open discussion. Your posts consist of why you're right, why I'm an emotional faggot who deserves no respect, etc.

ESOTERICshade ago

Twistedmac11 We are dealing with a seriously sick narcissistic personality disorder here. The narcissist actually NEEDS US but we don't need it. That is why it will NEVER leave us and go away. It feeds on us because it has to.

I have seen some pretty intense narcissists in my day but this one is top drawer for sure. @crensch will never leave becaues he needs us for his power trip food. Somewhere on this internet we can find a place to go and let this place just finish its collapse.

twistedmac11 ago

Ain't that the fucking truth.

If the users want me to step down, I will.

THEN FUCKING DO IT ALREADY. But he never will. Note how he's slid his way around me addressing his change of tone multiple times. I see straight through that BS.

Keep fighting the good fight! I think you and I are going to get along just fine.

ESOTERICshade ago

But he never will. Note how he's slid his way around me addressing his change of tone multiple times. I see straight through that BS.

Have you noticed that people have expressed their discontent with falcon over and over but unless they specifically say "I vote for number X" @crensch won't count their opinion on his little tally sheet. @crensch and falcon both got down voted into the stone age compared to everybody else and of course in this case "we serve the community and let the votes decide" means exactly fuck all right?

The surreal thing about it is the fact that all crensch's bullshit is right out here in the open for all to see and @crensch doggedly ignores it all and continues with this fucking show like its not happening. In the mod thread they got their ass handed them too, but of course none of that happened. It takes a seriously strong case of mental illness to push through all this in public and pretend its not happening.

Its so lame that @crensch is down to being superior and "winning" arguments based on typos and shit nit pick little meaning dreamed up technicalities. That is why hardly anybody is even bothering to participate in this charade. Instead of participating they are just watching surreal shit show with morbid fascination. Its like watching a bus wreck, its ugly, but you just have to watch anyway, ya know?

I bet there are several names on the books for this mental illness and at least about three would be sociopath, psychopath, and narcissistic personality disorder, and in this case malignant narcissism. This is seriously fucked up shit to watch right here and watch crensch pretend that he isn't getting ass pounded. Its actually pretty damn freaky to watch and I sort of trip out on when I really think about it.

twistedmac11 ago

Have you noticed that people have expressed their discontent with falcon over and over but unless they specifically say "I vote for number X" @crensch won't count their opinion on his little tally sheet. @crensch and falcon both got down voted into the stone age compared to everybody else and of course in this case "we serve the community and let the votes decide" means exactly fuck all right?

That's exactly why there's so many comments in here and, what, 5 votes?

Its so lame that @crensch is down to being superior and "winning" arguments based on typos and shit nit pick little meaning dreamed up technicalities. That is why hardly anybody is even bothering to participate in this charade. Instead of participating they are just watching this surreal shit show with morbid fascination. Its like watching a bus wreck, its ugly, but you just have to watch anyway, ya know?

I was just thinking about how people are voting but it's mostly the same few people talking. Nobody wants to deal with his shitty attitude.

Crensch ago

Because your book-long comments say nothing more than you're an arrogant asshole who doesn't give two fucks about this sub or any of the users in it.

So you have no response, just some low-effort attempt to dismiss my words without actually addressing my points.

You've proven yourself to be completely irrational and incapable of any open discussion.

Well, now you've been caught in a lie. @Disappointed

Your posts consist of why you're right, why I'm an emotional faggot who deserves no respect, etc. Why bother

Well, you're right about one thing, you probably shouldn't bother. Not because I'm unreasonable, the link above proves I am reasonable, but because you're simply incapable of presenting any logical argument, support for your assertions, or even an ounce of anything besides pissing and moaning.

Disappointed ago

I didn't write this? What am I missing?

Disappointed ago

@Crensch check the comment above if you saw it pre-edit

Crensch ago

Oh, we're all good.

Disappointed ago

People that ping puttitout show that they don't belong here. People that spell his name wrong show that they really just do not belong here.

I don't get this. None of the work we did here would have succeeded had we not alerted the admins.

@Kevdude @MickgoestoJail we've been doing it wrong.

Crensch ago

Putt was alerted to what we were doing because the userbase was in an uproar over the bullshit.

He gets pinged hundreds of times per day, and when SGIS was here, maybe thousands.

I'm of the mind that he doesn't even check his pings anymore, but I could be wrong.

Disappointed ago

I think he glances over for them for names that aren't full of shit. At least thats my experience. I can't blame someone though for what most everyone does, including us.

Crensch ago

I concede that point.

All right, @twistedmac11, I rescind that part of my comment, as I cannot fully support that assertion.

Misspelling his name is still very, very telling.

Crensch ago

And wait, ~GASP!~

Could it be that someone disagreed with me and was RIGHT?

