dragonkiller ago

I'm doing to just watch you get a head job from your new blood drinking satanic lap dog. Crensch will take a blow job from anything evidently. Disgusting. I got nothing much to say.

argosciv ago

I got nothing much to say.

We know.

dragonkiller ago

We know.

Ok shit lips. I do. You wanna play games? What you are too stupid to figure out is that these mods put up with your ass because they like the ass kissing because it makes them look good. I can spoil all your damn fun every time you act like a dick head. The mods let you be their lap dog but the rest of voat community is horrified by your ass and its just getting started.

Admits to being a blood drinking satanist: (even catbox.moe put "barf" in the url)



He claims to be into "sex magic" and blood. Probably one of these Comet Ping Pong freaks.


Lures teenage drug addicted girls to his house and tries have sex with them and talk them into letting him drink their blood. He tells them he is a "magic dragon." (seriously, read what he wrote) A couple of those little drug addicted tweakers broke into his house a few weeks ago.

He constantly posts satanic music in v/pizzagate and pings a lot of other users to his satanic music concerts even though he knows v/pizzagate people hate it. He constantly pings the mods and tattles on people, shows the mods things people say, in an effort to get fights started between the mods and the users.

argosciv ago

Oh shiet... look, uh, I'm REALLY busy here... 13 and all that...

The vote went the way it did, can't contest majority rules other than to make note of how few people actually voted; it's a very small sample group...

4 - Mods are not doing a good job, we need to talk about removing them

4 being a winner is at least something that remains at discussion-level, rather than hastily removing a mod over the complaints from relatively few bemoaners, some of who aren't even often seen contributing around the subverse - does that make their opinion invalid? Not necessarily, but, it calls into question their motives when they just show up to post garbage submissions which require deletion so they can then rage about MF(or whomever).

Ultimately, whatever happens, happens... do I want to see any mods gone? No. Is there anything I can do if a few users manage to convince enough others, that any particular mod is a problem, resulting in mutiny of sorts? Unfortunately not.

(sorry for double post Crensch, figured better as standalone)

Crensch ago

I'd like to think the users here would like to defend their subverse from obvious sockpuppets voting on these things, but not even 20 people have weighed in yet.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'd like to think the users here would like to defend their subverse from obvious sockpuppets voting on these things, but not even 20 people have weighed in yet.

Just looked. More well known users that have been here longer starting to pile in a little. Not liking that?

Crensch ago

I added maybe 2 that didn't appear to be sockpuppets. And one that almost certainly was.

I don't really like those odds.

ESOTERICshade ago

I added maybe 2 that didn't appear to be sockpuppets. And one that almost certainly was.

I don't really like those odds.

More coming too. I know. Which is why you pulled in here to gain control. I will be a tough adversary so get ready.

Crensch ago

To gain control of what?

argosciv ago

Well that's my thought too... but, I can understand why almost everyone on 'either side' is a bit tentative to speak up...

If you're for the mods, the shills stalk and smear you(familiar?).

If you're against the mods, there's somewhat valid concern to speaking out - not that I personally believe mods would go on any sort of harassment campaign, just saying I understand where some are coming from - especially if concern trolls/shills are spreading that exact paranoia in the comments.

I dunno... I'm happy to just keep my mouth shut for now and let the rest weigh in, pretty sure I've covered everything re: how I feel on the matter.

ESOTERICshade ago

I dunno... I'm happy to just keep my mouth shut for now and let the rest weigh in, pretty sure I've covered everything re: how I feel on the matter.

Maybe you should try that some time. That mouth shut thing.

Crensch ago

Even my removal is on the table here. If they decide to remove me, I'll hand over the reigns to whomever they elect.

I'm pretty sure I'm watching the Shareblue/MediaMatters/CTR/JIDF/ADL types win here, but I guess an undefended land gets the shills in power it deserves.

argosciv ago

Couldn't help myself, had to check in again for lulz...


Looks like the loudest barking dogs here are doing the Victim Olympics treadmill routine. Nothing will ever be enough for them. Getting what they want is just a stepping stone to the next thing they'll want ad infinitum.

You did not disappoint xD

ESOTERICshade ago

Even my removal is on the table here. If they decide to remove me, I'll hand over the reigns to whomever they elect.

I think that would be appreciated after watching the grinding you just took for the last two days.


Crensch ago

Not a single user has bested me at any level here, save @Disappointed. I don't count him because he's not a PG faggot, and the lot of you are batting goose eggs.

UrAShillHarry ago

Not a single user has bested me at any level here

lol what a neckbeard


ESOTERICshade ago

Not a single user has bested me at any level here

You have already been bested hands down. All that remains to be seen is how much damage you are willing to do as a result.

Crensch ago

You're delusional if you think that. Absolutely unqualified to comment on anything going on here whatsoever.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're delusional if you think that. Absolutely unqualified to comment on anything going on here whatsoever.


argosciv ago



okay, that's it from me for now - storm's a comin' ;)

dragonkiller ago

okay, that's it from me for now - storm's a comin' ;)

You ain't seen nothing yet mod duck sucker. I told you that me and you are married.

ESOTERICshade ago

You deleted @kevdudes thread. Whats wrong? Didn't like the ban tone? You want control of the narrative.


ESOTERICshade ago

Why play games? You set it up. I advise people not to take this fucking bait from you. I hope nobody says a fucking word that has already voted. You are manipulating something.

I only advise people that have not already to say "I vote for number 4" to say it exactly like that. I know crenschs public vote sux and we don't want to be on record in case crensch doesn't do the right thing but people need to grow some balls and vote because we have a chance here. People are scared they will get banned but fuck that shit

We don't want to fucking discuss what it god damn means either. We know what its supposed to mean so I hope people don't give you room play semantics with it. I fucking voted and I ain't explaining jack shit to you. All these endless threads you keep making are chances for you to game the system. Whats next? Your alts gonna come in here and vote for you? Probably so.

Crensch ago

Why play games? You set it up. I advise people not to take this fucking bait from you. I hope nobody says a fucking word that has already voted. You are manipulating something.

Oh man. If I knew how to make you come up with these weird ideas every day, I'd be sure to make it happen.

I only advise people that have not already to say "I vote for number 4" to say it exactly like that. I know crenschs public vote sux and we don't want to be on record in case crensch doesn't do the right thing but people need to grow some balls and vote because we have a chance here. People are scared they will get banned but fuck that shit

If the place is so bad from M_F, why would they care if they're banned?

We don't want to fucking discuss what it god damn means either. We know what its supposed to mean so I hope people don't give you room play semantics with it. I fucking voted and I ain't explaining jack shit to you. All these endless threads you keep making are chances for you to game the system. Whats next? Your alts gonna come in here and vote for you? Probably so.

I'm really glad this is the first comment here. I don't even know what to say about this level of retardation.

I'm sure all the other users appreciate you speaking for them. Do you know why I'm writing it out the way I am?


ESOTERICshade ago

If the place is so bad from M_F, why would they care if they're banned?

I'm not stupid enough to let you trap me in those games. Its obvious you came here with ill intent. So do your best with all our little shitty nonsense questions.

Crensch ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Your bully tone does not phase me.

Crensch ago

I bet you can't stop thinking about those shekels.

ESOTERICshade ago

Maybe we should post this to v/news or v/conspiracy or any other place and see what sort of reaction we get.



Crensch ago

Looks like I struck a nerve.

ESOTERICshade ago

Looks like I struck a nerve.

You struck nothing. I'm done taking shit from you.

Crensch ago

ESOTERICshade ago

I just laugh at your ass. No butthurt on this ass.

Crensch ago

@kevdude, too, would probably vote here, and IMO he has more right to do so than some of the users already on the list.