ESOTERICshade ago

As much as you want to shit on @crensch, he temp-modded me to v/pizzagate knowing full well what I would do. You can at least acknowledge that you gave him less credit than he deserves.

I'm just tired of BEING SHIT ON.

Disappointed ago

Gonna see how this pans out.

Disappointed ago

Thanks got a thread in PV to archive things you see anything else that needs it.

Disappointed ago

Where's the link to this?

delete some more posts without reading them.

Disappointed ago

Hidden away where no one looks.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hidden away where no one looks.

Yep. crensch and falcon fucked us on this. this public vote has people scared to be seen voting him out. people need to man up and say "i vote for number 4" in that voting thread or crensch will not record the vote. opinions don't count because crensch is playing games. you have to say "i vote for number 4"

ESOTERICshade ago

@crensch you didn't add @srayzie to the list for number 4. do it.

@kevdude @vindicator

srayzie ago

For what? I don’t want to be a mod in pizzagate. Nooooo way Jose

ESOTERICshade ago

For what? I don’t want to be a mod in pizzagate. Nooooo way Jose

You said you wanted a new mod. it won't be you silly. it will be someone else. but you have to vote or crensch won't count you. crensch is ignoring all opinions that don't have the number 4 in it explicitly. took me a while to catch on to that but i'm caught on to it now

srayzie ago

K I did it

srayzie ago

Ok I got it now 👍🏻

Crensch ago

I would, if I saw a comment with his vote.

ESOTERICshade ago

Go here and put your name on the list for number 4. I said I wanted to vote for number 4 and @crensch won't add me to the list because i'm persona non grata according to crensch. The rest of you pussies need to step up to the plate too. I realize crensch fucked us on this deal with it being a public vote but get off your ass and grow some balls. They are working over time to thwart us on this and you guys need to show up. Its time.

Crensch shouldn't you put @kevdude on the list? This is very 4ish to me

@kevdude @vindicator

Crensch ago

You're going to look real stupid when they see your name and vote there.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're going to look real stupid when they see your name and vote there.

Why? its the voting thread. you started the shit. whats the problem. I am helping you spread the word. This is the link I used. So they will see that you finally did your fucking job for once and added me to the list. About time you did something worthwhile.

Crensch ago

Why? its the voting thread. you started the shit. whats the problem.

I said I wanted to vote for number 4 and @crensch won't add me to the list

Idiot. I did my fucking job the moment I came across a proper comment.

ESOTERICshade ago

You have been totally ass pounded for two days. If you don't do the right thing now its gonna be really shitty on you.

Crensch ago

I've been babysitting retards. I was always going to do the right thing, whether you or the other PG faggots wanted me to or not.

ESOTERICshade ago

Idiot. I did my fucking job the moment I came across a proper comment.

caught on to your game.

Crensch ago

You didn't catch shit.

srayzie ago

I’ll help you guys. Ban each other 😎

@Kevdude @Millennial_Falcon

Millennial_Falcon ago

That all you got? xD

ESOTERICshade ago

Why do we need another thread? There have been three already. Why do we need another one? It just invites more fuckery because everybody is watching now and the shillery will only get thicker from here. Another thread is gonna be a cluster probably. And quite frankly I expect crensch and falcon to game it probably.

ESOTERICshade ago

Dude go through this thread- there are several suspect accounts.

I noticed.

Crensch ago

Aside from the main issue, can we just take a look at the "users" commenting here? I think I saw maybe one that seemed against MF that I wouldn't immediately call out as a shill on the rest of Voat.

@Disappointed @kevdude

I JUST got back, so I'm still digesting some of this, and may not be able to fully process it tonight, but THAT stood out to me as a safe and overlooked bit of information to comment on.

JloPodesta ago

Get back to work, immediately.

srayzie ago

Get to work Laura

LauraTheTopTier ago


These criminals wont convict themselves.

Disappointed ago

No doubt there are some shills but I've read through the modlog and I was really disappointed this time. It's not just the shills being kept at bay here, it's regular users as well. The restrictions are being interpreted too stringently by that one mod.

Crensch ago

If I go to look through it, what should I be looking for as far as the regular users go. These posts have gotten so outlandish and full of unexplained crap that I'm not sure I'd recognize one.

I'm starting to agree with @kevdude that the mod has to go. Doing the job or not he is divisive to the community and it's suffering as a result.

Is he? Or is he doing his job, and the (possible) shills don't like it?

I keep hearing about all these "good users" that "left" but no names. I keep hearing about all these users that agree that M_F needs to go, but the ones that show up are ESOTERIC, maybe one or two others that don't look too suspicious, and a bevy of pretty obvious sock puppet or non-user accounts.

I've had a couple users respond that I think might be legitimate, and a couple that are probably just virtue-signalling and starting drama to feel good about themselves.

How difficult is it for one of them to come up with an example of his wrongdoing? If he's wrong. If he's done something wrong. If he's done as much as these guys claim he's done wrong, then there should be evidence for it, and I will absolutely remove him on the spot. Why is every piece of evidence they come up with a more than reasonable removal?

I'm going to look through the modlog, but as it stands, if I find that path to be the way to go, I'd be removing him because a very small amount of people are starting drama over him, not because he removed anything that didn't break the rules.

Even kevdude's post - I get it from both angles. The sticky is already up that asks the same question, though, and the post did run afoul of the rules. I mentioned to kev that a comment he made earlier was putting me in a position where there was no right answer, and this post... anything else done with it would have been against the rules and would have been a subjective moderation decision. Even a removal of M_F because of that would be considered a gross violation of moderation, would it not? I find this a bit relevant.


Let me know if/where I'm wrong about something. I believe I have come up with a path to solve all of this, but your input is always appreciated.

Disappointed ago

Meta posts have always been allowed on voat. Always.

Look through that modlog but at this point, I think you've made your mind up already. I think it will take @PuttItOut's voting system now, applied to this sub, for anything to change in a meaningful way.

Crensch ago

Meta posts have always been allowed on voat. Always.

They weren't here, because the place was filled with them constantly. That was the users making that rule.

Look through that modlog but at this point, I think you've made your mind up already. I think it will take @PuttItOut's voting system now, applied to this sub, for anything to change in a meaningful way.

I haven't, but if that's your take, thanks for sticking around as long as you have.

Disappointed ago

I haven't lost all faith yet. I'll let you process things.

Crensch ago

I'm a bit disappointed that the same people pushing me to make a poll post for the users are trying to force my hand to do something before a reasonable amount of time has passed for the users to vote.

Disappointed ago

I'm not pushing a timeline for his removal. My opinion is he needs to go and let the community have a bit more say in how things roll around here. That includes you conceding a bit as well. Yes, you did a tremendous amount to help Pizzagate in the past but so have the community in doing the real work exposing these pedos.

argosciv ago

@Millennial_Falcon removed 7 days ago on 2/8/2018 5:47:44 PM

"@DawnofTruth: illegal content"

I wonder... xD

Disappointed ago

Did you buy popcorn today?

argosciv ago

I wish... alas, I have much work to do and I've already wasted too much time laughing my arse off.

JloPodesta ago

Get back to work.

argosciv ago

Hahaha, will do.

Eminem - Without Me

Disappointed ago


JloPodesta ago

Get back to work.

Shows over.

Disappointed ago

I don't hear the fat lady singing yet. ;)

JloPodesta ago

She has tonsillitis, get back to work.

Disappointed ago

I'll wait for her to get better.

DARPAihs ago

DARPAihs ago

Go live your lives.

DARPAihs ago

I mean for Christ sake guys, why do you think Clinton is shaking like a VooDoo stick in heat.

DARPAihs ago

Of course we are shills, the whole thing is fake.

We live inside a virtual reality.

ESOTERICshade ago

This shit has gone beyond strange. I have been an internet person for many years. Never in my life have I seen a mod go to this extreme to maintain power. Something very fishy is going on around here.

ESOTERICshade ago

What the hell did I just see. @millennial_falcon deleted @kevdude thread and called him a sock puppet? Is this real?

srayzie ago

Millennial_Falcon ago

Air poppers are the shizz. xD

ESOTERICshade ago

i have some nice anti freeze if you need a drink mil falcon. thirsty?

srayzie ago

For realz

PurpleElephant ago

I work for DARPA.

ESOTERICshade ago

I work for DARPA.

Would not surprise me. You and falcon work the same shift?

purplueelephant ago

He doesn't know that yet. He's AI.

It will be funny when he finds out...

srayzie ago

Get back to work Laura!

purplueelephant ago

I'm his boss.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm his boss.

Is he an asshole in person too?

JloPodesta ago

Why hello there.

DARPAihs ago

Nor is the guilt entirely with the warmongers, plutocrats and demagogues. If people permit exploitation and regimentation in any name, they deserve their slavery. A tyrant does not make his tyranny possible. It is made by the people and not otherwise.

DARPAihs ago

I'm the main boss. I run the illuminati.

srayzie ago

At least you admit it finally

purplueelephant ago

I write the scripts.

Pizzagate is all fake and Bill Clinton is related to Jacques De Molay, so there you go.

purplueelephant ago

Complete dickhead.

PurpleElephant ago

We're all fakes. Time to confess.

srayzie ago

Stop talking to yourself Laura. Drama Queen

CommonDenominator ago

I'm a good spook.

DARPAihs ago

No, you are a very bad spook.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Rule 4: discussion of moderation concerns go on /pizzagate mods.

P.S. Holy sockpuppets, Batman!

Vindicator ago

Holy sockpuppets, Batman!

There do seem to be a few running around at the moment. Sheesh.

ESOTERICshade ago

Everything has been going pretty smoothly with modding, lately,


ESOTERICshade ago

Sock puppet? never seen anybody cling to power like you dude.

and may Odin have mercy on your soul.

Damn one eyed god Odin. I am so unsurprised. Admits to be a Moloch worshipper. Odin is Baal is Lucifer basically in a nutshell. What a day this is. Odin is literally the Norse one eyed God.

@kevdude is the main person that ever stood in the gap of your tyranny for our rights. You always say that you wish you had help. You wish you could just step down but nobody will do the job but you. @vindicator and @kevdude have that all worked out so you are in a box with that tale. Why won't you just do the right thing and let us have our sub back? Its not YOUR SUB.

forgot_p4ssword ago

You niggers stay the fuck away from nordic mythology. First of all, Odin is not represented in christianity so he cannot be the devil - come on man. Odin only physically have on eye in his skull, but he have thousands of eyes through the ravens.

@Millennial_Falcon Secondly, Odin doesn't deal with souls, thats a christian/judae/muslim concept of having a god judging.

Stick with your kike-based religions, heathens.

NotTheShapeOfMyHeart ago

Someone's drinking a lil early.

CommonDenominator ago

Very clever KevDude LOL

CommonDenominator ago


argosciv ago


ESOTERICshade ago

I don't know how many people are willing to speak up and then risk him not getting demodded and have a target on their back but I am unafraid. We are also in a sub full of people that don't speak "nigger faggotese" all day and they don't like to be rude. Not to say that there are not some assholes around here but for the most part the serious posters are overly polite and usually won't speak their mind.

I think the answer is yes. Obviously. He constantly says he does not have enough time to mod as well. There are people that can handle it. @vindicator has offered to help and falcon told him no. Falcon's reason was "i said no because I didn't think you really WANTED to."

So Falcon read @vindicator mind for him. hmmmm.....Vindicator can pick himself some help. It can be handled.

This is long overdue. People have deletion fatigue really bad. It sux hard to spend days trying to round up material, put it in a format and word it in a way that people can understand. Pizzagate is a freaky rabbit hole and it takes years to even SEE the rabbit hole and explaining the rabbit hole to others is tedious enough as it is without having days of work blown right off the map by Falcon in an instant.

He also injects too much of his personal opinions into his modding and exceeds his mandate. @vindicator mentioned putting @think- less in that spot and I can only see that as a positive step in the right direction.

It's only Falcon and I modding these days, but I think with a couple of additional janitors -- @think- might be a good fit

Step in the right direction. I think the whole sub would breathe a collective sigh of relief.

GreenDell144 ago

I don’t have anything really against MF. It seems he deletes a lot. Maybe for a good reason. Maybe not. We don’t often share the same opinion, but that is to be expected, and part of a useful process here. What about rotating other mods for a bit, some new faces; or taking a break? Is this guy paid? Are we talking about somebody getting fired and forced down to the free cheese line? Maybe we can avoid a drastic solution. I have seen many powerful reports that shills would LOVE to delete, and MF didn’t delete those. It sets a bad precedent if we start in against one of our own. I guess the question is if he is or not. The record is harsh but murky, IMO. How does he feel like taking a break for a week?

ESOTERICshade ago

Is this guy paid?

Quite frankly I might suspect the answer is yes in the form of a bribe to squelch certain topics.

CommonDenominator ago

Bye Bye Wikileaks.

CommonDenominator ago


PurpleElephant ago

He's dead.

Bozito ago


RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I vote we change the rules. What we have a problem with is the rules.

srayzie ago

He’s thinking about replacing him with @think- who would be great

ESOTERICshade ago

I vote we change the rules. What we have a problem with is the rules.

Its not the rules. It is the mod.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Does he remove post citing rules but yet the rule in truth is not broken? I mean I'm not saying I don't think he is a little psycho about it. I'm just saying we should have record of false removals. If he isn't going by the rules fine just utterly ban him. If he is going by the rules our problem is with the rules!

ESOTERICshade ago

Does he remove post citing rules but yet the rule in truth is not broken?

That is the exact problem. And no I won't go dig in the deleted submissions bin dragging out old threads only to round and round with anybody about it. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

I'm really not sure why this thread is even posted here today. This has been hashed out many times over. We all know what the problems are. Its time to just move on it.

I mean I'm not saying I don't think he is a little psycho about it.

Good. I agree.

If he isn't going by the rules fine just utterly ban him.

That is what we need at this point.

If he isn't going by the rules fine just utterly ban him. If he is going by the rules our problem is with the rules!

A person using common sense with their powers of discretion should be able to use the rules we have as a guideline that should be successful.

CommonDenominator ago

Shut your bitch face srayzie

srayzie ago

Go gag on a cock Sarah

LauraTheTopTier ago

I was Laura all along.

LauraTheTopTier ago

Fooled ya

srayzie ago

You’re crazy lol

CommonDenominator ago

KEV!!!!!!! DO IT

CommonDenominator ago



Dungles ago

Speaks for itself if you read the way he interacts with people and his reasons for deleting.

ESOTERICshade ago

go vote and say "i vote for number 4" and ping crensch when you do it. i just figured out crensch is not taking "opinions" it has to say "i vote for number 4". slimy i know but its true.

Tzitzimitl ago


SweAnon ago


Fuckin Pedo...

EricKaliberhall ago

Are you insinuating that millennial_falcon is an actual pedophile?

SweAnon ago

if he didn't have anything to hide.. he shouldn't have deleted so many IG posts.. and he shouldn't unfollow Alefantis... it's all archived it will be on the internet forever.... enjoy getting your posts deleted by a Pedo

EricKaliberhall ago

Show me the evidence that he followed Alefantis on Instagram, since its archived...

SweAnon ago

I don't have it, I'm 100% Sure someone else does because they talked about him deleting some pics from his IG after they discovered it.

Are you a pedo yourself? Why are you protecting a child trafficker?

EricKaliberhall ago

Are you a pedo yourself? Why are you protecting a child trafficker?

Dude, do you know insane you sound? You are embarrassing yourself!

CommonDenominator ago

As much as you,

Now eat shit fucker

EricKaliberhall ago

Shut your cock-hole you pimple faced faggot.

srayzie ago

LOL say it is Swedish

EricKaliberhall ago

Stäng kuk-hålet din finniga bög jävel. :)

srayzie ago

😂 Han behöver gag på en stor svart kuk!

This is how the cool kids roll @ESOTERICshade

EricKaliberhall ago

Hahaha, det är precis vad han behöver! :)

srayzie ago

Han måste vara pusslappad! 😮

The last word almost looks BAD 🤣

EricKaliberhall ago

Förslappad... Eller, munnen är sönderknullad. Haha, it's badly face-fucked in English. :)

srayzie ago

😂 Hahaha

ESOTERICshade ago

swedish? lol is that crensch?

srayzie ago

No. Me and Eric talk Swedish together 😎

argosciv ago

Wrong subverse, ban @kevdude immediately...

On a more serious note, though:

I sincerely disagree.

Shot in the dark, but, so far as I can tell, at least one element of the anti-mod campaign(regardless of the mod targeted) is to deliberately make shit submissions and ultimately create a need for swift and excessive submission removal at times - multiply this by the course of a few months, a year, so on, it makes sense that some are going to eventually develop an itchy trigger finger when it comes to identifying and stamping out shitposting as quickly as possible.

@Millennial_Falcon has been one of the more active moderators and as such, it makes sense that he's sifted through a lot of bs and probably has a list of identifiers a mile long - sometimes the desire to be efficient can lead to mistakes in judgement, but, I firmly believe that MF's intent is to help.

Unfortunately, in order to help, he has to be willing to enforce the rules as consistently as possible - which DOES include taking down potentially legit submissions, if they don't meet the rules initially (I believe in giving time to edit, of course). It can be morbidly discouraging, but, it really is just a push to clarify/flesh-out what you're presenting - if you take it as less of a "we are censoring you" and more of a "help us to understand what you mean", it's easier to go back over your post to see what might have caused the rule breach.


All of that said, if you consider that there is a blatant effort to sew dissent around here and to undermine/usurp the mods/subverse rules, to cave in and remove MF or even @Crensch, would be a 'win' for the anti-mod crowd, it would foster further attacks on other mods, which already happen anyway - they're testing the boundaries to see if they can get an ACTUAL pedo supporter into the mod team - gotta wonder who...

srayzie ago

You brown nosing again? 🙄

Millennial_Falcon ago

ban @kevdude immediately...

It would only be fair. xD

argosciv ago

He knows the rules!

argosciv ago

hahaha! stop, don't make me laugh, I have WAY too much to do for this one xD

srayzie ago

Hahaha 😁

dragonkiller ago

me and you are married now dick sucker argosciv. you may as well put an extra cot in the bedroom for me bitch.

PurpleElephant ago

A coup d'etat!

sunajAeon ago

Best ass-kissing i have seen so far

argosciv ago

/me bows

CommonDenominator ago

fuck you fucker!

srayzie ago

Go to bed Laura!

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Why does this upset you?

argosciv ago

+1 because username <3

argosciv ago

Hush, Elmer.

ClueRecluse ago

Seeing as his personal life is a huge conflict of interest either he goes, or we go elsewhere.

ESOTERICshade ago

Go here and put your name on the list for number 4. I said I wanted to vote for number 4 and @crensch won't add me to the list because i'm persona non grata according to crensch. The rest of you pussies need to step up to the plate too. I realize crensch fucked us on this deal with it being a public vote but get off your ass and grow some balls

Crensch ago

Jesus fuck calm your tits, faggot. I added you when you mentioned it in the last comment. I literally did not see a vote from you before.

No, I don't think you're a legitimate user, but your vote goes there anyway because dealing with illegitimate troll faggots like you is the job of the users themselves.

ESOTERICshade ago

Here is another one @crensch clearly ignored. This number 4. ClueRecluse plainly states his intention. Put his name on the list crensch and stop being a pussy. The rest of you scared fuckers need to step up.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

please explain.