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Crensch ago

Hey, @Millennial_Falcon, do you want to take a 2 week vacation from all of this? Just let the PG users find out what it would be like?

Millennial_Falcon ago


I have considered the idea of trying no moderation for a period of time, so people can see what would happen, but I don't really think the loudest of the complainers are genuine (and some of them are mentally ill), and I don't think the majority of users should be punished for the behavior of a few shills and lunatics.


Crensch ago

Kinda not terribly happy with the amount of users responding here so far. I'm debating turning the sub to private for some period of time just so they'll wake up and weigh in. Probably a bad idea, but it crossed my mind.

Do you like any of the other ideas presented?

Millennial_Falcon ago

I like the idea of flairing/flagging certain posts instead of immediately removing.

JusticeforAaron ago

You always complain you have no time to read over posts before you delete them and you want to concentrate on the summary (which is good by the way). I've never been vocal about you before but you seem to not give a shit about deleting things on some power trip. You need to be disciplined at a very minimum because you are out of control. I'm a fair person, always have been but your calls have been terrible. Imagine if someone pulled down your PG summary and just dismissed your complaints.