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Millennial_Falcon ago

Rule 4: discussion of moderation concerns go on /pizzagate mods.

P.S. Holy sockpuppets, Batman!

ESOTERICshade ago

Sock puppet? never seen anybody cling to power like you dude.

and may Odin have mercy on your soul.

Damn one eyed god Odin. I am so unsurprised. Admits to be a Moloch worshipper. Odin is Baal is Lucifer basically in a nutshell. What a day this is. Odin is literally the Norse one eyed God.

@kevdude is the main person that ever stood in the gap of your tyranny for our rights. You always say that you wish you had help. You wish you could just step down but nobody will do the job but you. @vindicator and @kevdude have that all worked out so you are in a box with that tale. Why won't you just do the right thing and let us have our sub back? Its not YOUR SUB.

forgot_p4ssword ago

You niggers stay the fuck away from nordic mythology. First of all, Odin is not represented in christianity so he cannot be the devil - come on man. Odin only physically have on eye in his skull, but he have thousands of eyes through the ravens.

@Millennial_Falcon Secondly, Odin doesn't deal with souls, thats a christian/judae/muslim concept of having a god judging.

Stick with your kike-based religions, heathens.

NotTheShapeOfMyHeart ago

Someone's drinking a lil early.