3141592653 ago

The quote in your title is not in the article you posted. ???

auralsects ago

the women fight over who gets to swallow it as a good luck charm for their own fertility. they first dip it in.....HONEY

3141592653 ago

Any links or info on this?

auralsects ago

you have the same search engines I have access to, PRICK. I don't make shit up. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110105000321AAWv4SZ

scarlettm512 ago

I've never understood why the media made such a big deal about the cruelty of female circumcision but they wouldn't dare touch the subject of male circumcision. It should not be done to children. Period. If an adult male wants to be circumcised, that is fine. And, in some cases, it is necessary if the foreskin is too tight and in those instances, it is permissible for anyone of any age to have it done. For pure religious reasons, though, it just shouldn't happen. There is no reason for removing a perfectly healthy part of the body if there is nothing wrong with it.

What many people fail to realize is that most doctors do NOT numb the baby's penis prior to circumcision. It is mostly a matter of time as it is an additional step that takes a few minutes to kick in, so most doctors just do it without numbing since they think that it will be quick and the child won't remember it anyway. At least the Jewish religious leader gives the baby a little alcohol first (though I'm not sure that really helps). Modern medicine doesn't even bother to pretend to do anything to mitigate the pain.

bman0321 ago

Way weirder than Japanese tentacle porn.

Baconmon ago

To any one planning on having a child: Do NOT circumcise your baby until you have done plenty of research about how it really IS mutilation, and how it destroys your child's sex life and masturbation.. I recommend reading a bit more about it on this site: http://www.circumstitions.com

Matt_Helm ago

Correct and upvoat for you the foreskin is essential biologically and evolutionary to protect the glans of the penis. All male mammals have a foreskin and slicing it off is awful it's mutilation it should be outlawed around the world now. Also the baby boy is horribly traumatized physically and emotionally it's torture it's so painful to do it to a baby boy.

JesusRules ago

Disgusting Mohel blood suckers spreading herpes, Moloch worshipers

Dickface808 ago

I'm sorry, "eat"?

scarlettm512 ago

I don't think that they eat the foreskin, although they do, in some version of the ceremony, suck blood from the baby's penis and spit it into a cup of wine. Some have claimed that the wine is then drunk by the person performing the ritual, but I can't say that this actually happens. I don't even think every Jewish circumcision includes the person putting their mouth on the baby's penis. My neighbors invited my husband to carry their son across the threshold when they had the circumcision done at their house and it did not involve any mouth to penis contact. Perhaps only the very extreme sects of Judaism include this as part of the ritual. Just like only some Christians handle snakes or practice polygamy. Every religion has its crazies. (And even atheists have their crazies, too). I don't think it is fair to judge all members of a religion based upon what some of them do.

PigeonCoup ago

They want everyone to hate the Jews.

Crensch ago

Anyone that doesn't is either ignorant of the facts, or too busy virtue-signalling while drinking their soy milk.

GeorgeT ago

It's a blood ritual - has no medical basis in the 21st century.

Herbvendor ago

thnaks jews

Cc1914 ago

Titus 1:10, 11 10 For there are many rebellious men, profitless talkers, and deceivers, especially those who adhere to the circumcision. 11 It is necessary to shut their mouths, because these very men keep on subverting entire households by teaching things they should not for the sake of dishonest gain.

GreenDell144 ago

100% true

jokersmild ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Ah this is the post where the soy boys with anteaters come to gripe about circumcision and have their little butt buddy alt IDs upvoat. Cute.

Protip: Try cleaning the cheese out with a q tip and some hydrogen peroxide once in a while.

Cheesebooger ago

Jewess' have smegma mouth.

Food_Stamp ago

Nah, it's the one where you kikes show up to cry about how the jig is up on your gay little baby dick sucking rituals.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's a whole lotta repressed homsexuality in that statement.

Food_Stamp ago

Says the guy who is upset about being banned from mutilating and sucking little boys dicks.

Blacksmith21 ago

I can confidently say I've done none of the above. But from a standard psych profiling technique, those who accuse, are usually typically guilty of the act.

So while the best you can do is hurl insults, I remain comfortable knowing that I am having an active role in hunting down people like you and bringing them to justice, whatever that may be.

Carry on. We are winning. That's why you are here. If your side was winning, then there would be no need for you. See how that works?

Have a bag of habanero-dick flavored downvoats, noobshill.

Food_Stamp ago

I didnt read any of that, kill yourself, pedokike.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's because you never went beyond a 3rd grade education, nigger. Enjoy your collection of dick flavored downvoats. Have another...

Food_Stamp ago

Heebs still outraged over law prohibiting the mutilation and fellation of baby dicks...

Blacksmith21 ago

Anyone ever told you that you are not only stupid, bordering on illiterate, but you are also boring? Sucks to be you. But then I'm sure you like sucking, given your fixation. Have fun junior. I'm onto the next task.

Food_Stamp ago

Man, this might be the maddest ive ever seen anyone get over being told not to touch baby dicks. No wonder your tribe has been booted out of your host country 109 times.

Blacksmith21 ago

Mad? I'm laughing at you. FWIW, I'm not a Jew. Sucks to be you. Have another dick flavored downvoat....

Food_Stamp ago

You're so mad that you've spent your morning on the internets ranting and calling ppl names. All bcus some ppl are calling to ban your tribe from messing around with baby dicks.

mildsalsa ago

kikes love jerking off over freudian bullshit, probably why so many of you are deranged, degenerate pedophiles.

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL. You're a funny little fucker. Sleeper shill.

Food_Stamp ago

Not letting us suck little baby dicks is anti-semitic, goy.

GreenDell144 ago

We covered this pretty well and mostly respectfully yesterday, didn’t we?


This topic has the potential to start contentious rhetoric arguments that just cause problems. Maybe we should let it be for awhile.

PrettyBigDouche ago

Fuck off with your concern trolling dickwad.

BlueberryPancakesESP ago


Let's also ban all the white trash who pierce babies ears

scarlettm512 ago

No one should be piercing a baby's ears, but that is hardly an equal comparison. We are talking about a small hole in a child's ear (which may close on its own if the earring is taken out -- my daughter had her ears pierced at age 12 and after the recommended time to keep them in initially, took her earrings out for a couple of weeks and the holes closed on their own) and the loss of a foreskin that will not grow back on its own and also provides protection for the penis. Not a good comparison.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nowhere in the article does it say "Certain people fight over..."

You are some stupid fucks.

Narcissism ago

Amputation without consent.

Cheesebooger ago

These are the vampires of lore, people. They are sick, demented, evil creatures and have no right living in white countries. Whites used to burn these witches at the stake back in the old days

FuckYourSafespace ago

I'll get the gas

robabo ago

The USSRs band MGM and FGM and it has only been resurrected with the wearing of the state control over health care.

GreenDell144 ago

It’s weird there, in that the clergy can hold political office. Weak barriers between church and state.

Lazmat ago

'Circumcision and Clitoridectomy are barbaric practices that have to be banned and hopefully will be banned and punished as the global swamp drains.' https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2394585/11912974