GreenDell144 ago


Matt_Helm ago

No medical or hygienic reason to remove the foreskin it's there for an evolutionary reason all male mammals have the foreskin to protect the glans of the penis from abrasion and there is no reason to remove it so if you think "it's cleaner" that's also wrong the smegma also has a biological function and boys should be taught how to clean under the foreskin with warm water only. Also women enjoy intercourse much more with a foreskin it helps stimulate the woman inside. I don't care how many Jews or Muslims think it's a good thing to do it's a terrible thing to do it also traumatizes baby boys horribly they suffer physical and mental pain anguish it's torture and it hurts their brains in awful ways. It should be outlawed and abolished.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Rule 1: no relevance to pizzagate

Blacksmith21 ago

Here come Hitler's little pillowbiters. Take this shit back to Stormfront. If you can't muster anything more than posting a link to some BS website without providing a 3rd grade analysis, then that makes you a shill. Go fuck yourself.

Blacksmith21 ago

Now serving #shill - order of dick flavored downvoats - triple sized, extra dark.

pby1000 ago

Did you forget to switch accounts?

Blacksmith21 ago


pby1000 ago

LOL. Because you responded to yourself...

Food_Stamp ago

He gets all clumsy and absent-minded when someone mentions baby dicks. Even starts drooling.

Blacksmith21 ago

Naw. Two separate thoughts. Sorry to burst your bubble. Too lazy to edit.

pby1000 ago

LOL. You forgot...

Gothamgirl ago

This should be illegal.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Circumcision and Clitoridectomy are barbaric practices that have to be banned and hopefully will be banned as the global swamp drains.

But to see the old meme “you may keep the tips” come true is just beyond horrifying.

argosciv ago

FGM is utterly pointless other than to destroy the sexuality of a woman, but, you might wanna learn a bit about medicine/biology before having a whinge about circumcision, just because you want a reason to hate Jews.

Is circumcision something which should be mandated by religion? No

Are you ignorant to the medical condition(s) that sometimes warrant(s) male circumcision? Yes

GreenDell144 ago

WE circumcised one of our boys. It left a (tiny) scar. We got a little scared by accounts with more serious outcomes. For the second, we researched, got opinions from a few, and decided no circumsicion. The only consequence worth mentioning is daily maintenance. While he’s small we have to make some extra cleaning effort during diaper changes. One time we skipped a day or so, and he had some irritation. Regular attention while they’re small, that’s it.

As far as religion, the Bible makes it clear that a Christian’s heart is what is circumcised, no more ritual practices, but changes in the personality. IMO the Bible way works.

argosciv ago

As far as religion, the Bible makes it clear that a Christian’s heart is what is circumcised, no more ritual practices, but changes in the personality. IMO the Bible way works.

Intriguing... would read more.

GreenDell144 ago

This verse explains, from Romans 2:29 But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code. That person’s praise comes from God, not from people.

The context is that the physical nation of Israel had rejected the messiah, but the new “Jewish” people that God approves will be those that accept the Christ. Anyway, Peter developed a habit of ignoring the Christians that came from other nations (like Greeks, Romans, etc) and he started eating and hanging out with Christian that were only from the nation of Israel (circumcised folk). Paul called him out on this unChristian hipocracy and reminded him that after the messiah’s arrival, the law of ritual circumcision had been fulfilled and was no longer relevant to true spirituality (the quoted verse). Check out Romans. God’s word speaks for itself. Later, Peter adjusted himself, writing something similar in one of his letters, methinks.

argosciv ago

I've put a fair bit of time into the Romans, must admit I never came across that bit, I'll definitely seek it out. Thanks! I really mean that by the way :)

GreenDell144 ago

I’M SO SORRY, friend. The actual account that I reference comes fro Galatians 2:11-14, where Paul resisted Cephas (Peter) face-to-face over the issue. The account of Cornelius is the first application, and of course, there are many reminders that the kingdom of God will include gentiles throughout the letters. I foolishly connected the Bible verse that I remembered with this account from Galatians, but it seems that the bit from Romans is just an exhortation that has relevance to our topic here. The account found in Galatians is just an illustrative application of the point. I hope that helps.

argosciv ago

No harm done, I haven't jumped straight to it, got something else on my mind ;)

Thanks for the swift correction.

GreenDell144 ago

Don’t we all? Lol. Hey, it took me a minute to look that up on my iPad and I noticed that the older translations are SUPER murky there. King James is not understandable. If it helps, try a Byingtons Bible. That one is somewhat modernized, without clunky ancient euphemisms. I recommend it.

argosciv ago

If it helps, try a Byingtons Bible. That one is somewhat modernized, without clunky ancient euphemisms. I recommend it.

I'll admit, I won't be going out to do that, modernized or otherwise lol. With respect, a bible won't teach me anything I don't already know or that I can't learn elsewhere in life, when the time comes ;)

GreenDell144 ago

It’s free. There’s websites like biblehub, and biblegateway that have filters for whichever Bible you prefer. Also there’s tons of free apps.

argosciv ago

That's handy, still though, I'm quite content with my own sources ;)

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah that's disgusting.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Some of my best fiends are Jews. No issue there. And if there’s a medical condition where a life can be saved by amputating a limb — or cutting off the whole dick, if that’s what it takes — go for it, I say. Snip.

argosciv ago

Who said anything about cutting off an entire dick? That is hardly at all comparable to circumcision, which is itself not at all comparable to life-saving amputation.

The foreskin is non-essential and the act of removing it poses no danger unless proper hygiene is not observed during preparation, the act itself and the recovery period.

Pull your head out.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

What do you mean, non-essential? We evolved a certain way, and there’s just nothing that’s non-essential if you look closely enough

argosciv ago

What do I mean? I mean you won't fuckin die or cease to fucntion from a properly performed circumcision, you dense motherfucker. I had one a little over 6 years ago now, still alive, still functions, no loss of sensitivity whatsoever - I'll get back to you in 6 years if that changes so dramatically that I simply cannot function anymore.

I see you totally ignored Phimosis, though... bit too much for you to handle? Need a safe space for your wormey?

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

I did look into Phimosis, and it’s a benign condition that rectifies itself over time. I just don’t see how you can justify summarily mutilating little boys over it... couldn’t you apply some sort of cream for a while? I don’t get it. But I respect your stance.

argosciv ago

Sometimes rectifies itself, moron - there are exceptions to just about everything in the world of medicine. If you think I'm justifying summarily mutilating anyone, male or female, you are either too stupid to discuss the subject, or, you're nothing more than an average garden-variety troll/shill.

Yes other methods exist, but, the efficiacy of circumcision is sometimes called-for, in cases where other methods will or have proven ineffective.

You can feign respect for my stance all you like - I have no respect for your willful ignorance/trolling and attempt at slander.

GreenDell144 ago

If the belief is harmless in applications, as many deem circumcisions to be, there is nothing to say. At some point we need to respect each other like you say. Reasonable people making reasonable decisions are not part of the pizzagate investigation. People EATING their children’s flesh, however, IS a questionable activity IMO, and while not EXACTLY the kind of evil behavior that we are exposing, we would be remiss not to question and investigate the beliefs and behaviors of groups that accept this. Are they connected to Luciferians? Are the bad guys finding a haven here? Quite likely they are, IMO.

argosciv ago


WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

This is hilarious. I condemned ritual multilations. As I said, if it’s an exceptional case, go for it! I’m genuinely happy it helped you. Sigh.

bopper ago

Voat is a train wreck lol.