flyingcuttlefish ago

archived this ....

letsdothis1 ago

Thank you. I think we're going to need it at some point.

flyingcuttlefish ago

oh - pushed the up arrow on yr comment and got a scolding .....

"Denied - Deleted Submissions do not allow voting (Archived Vote Rule 2.9.1)"

letsdothis1 ago

Lol. I'm still adding information to the post as I find it. I'm not going to let it disappear.

letsdothis1 ago

MMR II (Merck)

Former Merck Scientists Sue Merck Alleging MMR Vaccine Efficacy Fraud

Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski, former Merck virologists blew the whistle by filing a qui tam action lawsuit — U.S. v Merck & Co. — in August 2010. The scientists allege that the efficacy tests for the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine (MMR) were faked. The document was unsealed in June, 2012.

This is a major federal case alleging fraud in vaccine testing; it encapsulates how medical research can be manipulated to achieve desired results, and why it may be wise to question the integrity and the validity of “science-based medicine.”

The suit charges that Merck knew its measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine was less effective than the purported 95% level, and it alleges that senior management was aware and also oversaw testing that concealed the actual effectiveness. According to the lawsuit, Merck began a sham testing program in the late 1990’s to hide the declining efficacy of the vaccine. The objective of the fraudulent trials was to “report efficacy of 95% or higher regardless of the vaccine’s true efficacy.”

letsdothis1 ago

Wellcome Trust, Marina Abramovic, Hans Wyss and biotech industry AND THAT PODESTA HANDKERCHIEF EMAIL

The Wyss Center is a not-for-profit neurotechnology research foundation in Geneva, Switzerland.[2]

The Center is part of the Campus Biotech (in the former Merck Serono building) located in Geneva, Switzerland. The Director of the Wyss Center, neuroscientist Professor John P. Donoghue, is best known for his work on human brain computer interfaces and brain function and plasticity.

In Geneva, the Capital of Peace, 10 Biotechs are putting up a Fight

Geneva rose to recognition as a biotech hub in 2006, when Serono sealed its acquisition by Merck in the city’s biggest-ever licensing plan.


Making the circuit with Podesta, you can see how the game operates - and occasionally doesn't - on behalf of technology companies. Case in point: Genentech. The biotech giant was Podesta Associates' first client a decade ago, when Podesta's lobbying style tended toward the splashy, media-directed side of the game. (When the California Poultry Industry Federation asked him to fight legislation that allowed its competitors' frozen chickens to be labeled "fresh," Podesta carried a crate of the icy birds to Congress and set up a bowling tournament with them in the halls.) His work for Genentech began conventionally enough, as he guided the company through hearings on human growth hormone or numbingly dull negotiations about R&D tax credits. But it was Podesta's more out-of-the-box tactics that paid off for Genentech in 1997, after nearly three years of dogged lobbying for a pharmaceutical coalition, when he won sweeping changes in the operations of the Food and Drug Administration. "The opportunity to do this kind of stuff comes along once in a generation," says Walter Moore, Genentech's vice president for government affairs. "And Tony provided the bipartisan glue that made FDA reform happen."

"Reform" of the FDA had been on Genentech's agenda from the beginning of the first Clinton administration. The company felt crippled by the agency's arduous drug testing and approval process, its labeling and advertising regulations, and its restrictions on the experimental uses of approved medicines. Podesta knew that Genentech could not get new legislation written through traditional insider negotiating alone, so he launched a brash public-relations campaign that took the fight into the open. "The FDA was well thought of," he says. "We didn't need to bash [then FDA head David] Kessler. We just needed to be more energetic and compelling with our message than the agency was."

And biotech's message was loud and clear: deregulate. By the mid-'90s, a rift had opened between older pharmaceutical companies - large, diversified, heavily invested in infrastructure - and the newer, more audacious start-ups churning out not just new drugs but new processes for making drugs. The older companies, fed by a steady stream of profits from existing "classic" drugs and thus able to devote years and years to research, wanted a strong FDA to help them keep tight control of their patent. The younger companies, surviving on venture capital, needed to slash through regulations and get their innovative products to market as quickly as possible.

Podesta, CIRM and the Biotech Industry

"Trouble is, biotech has become a synonym for exorbitant. For example, Herceptin, a biotech breast cancer treatment introduced 11 years ago by Genentech Inc, costs $40,000 for one year of treatment.

JusticeforAaron ago

They don't want this out, that's why it was deleted!

letsdothis1 ago

And Chatham House is a particularly sensitive area. Look at who chairs it and the other advisory board members. Just click that link...

JusticeforAaron ago

Every knighted person turns out to be a pedo.

letsdothis1 ago

Yes, I've noticed.

ESOTERICshade ago

He needs to be canned. The few people left in this forum that have stuck it out in spite of him despise him for his censorship and want him gone. He is nothing but a force of destruction. This post is exactly the sort of genius mental associations that used to occur here on a daily basis. Falcon has systematically deleted research like this until there is hardly anybody left here willing to spend the number of hours it takes to produce work like this. The number of weeks it takes to learn these associations, and the dedication it takes, requires an enormous amount of time. Falcon zaps it in an instant.

Nobody around here believes it is an accident anymore. Most people think he is either getting paid, is a drunk, not mentally fit for the job, etc....Regardless of what the problem is he needs to be gone. He has turned this sub into more of a click bait atmosphere instead of research sub.

THIS POST is research. Most of these get deleted these days. This sub is mainly a news reporting sub now. People can get that any place on the web. He has killed the genius research activity that used to go on here.

I think its intentional and nobody will ever convince me otherwise. No, of course I can't prove it. Its an opinion, but its the one I have. The pizzagate community has had enough of him. The few left speak loudly and hope for his dismissal.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Rule 3: Not clear what Chatham house is or how relates to post.

Rules 2 and 3 : What is the content of this video? Also, need proof that it is "always taken down."

Rule 3: "Marina Abramovic Institute, Google Cultural Insitute, and the Campus Biotech, Geneva - Six Degrees of Separation" That's a lot of degrees of separation, and what are the connections? Linking to a post that apparently would be removed due to lack of clarity/sources isn't going to work.

Rule 3: What is all this about holistic doctors, autism, etc? How is it relevant?

Rule 1: "Pepsi contains aborted Fetus" is ridiculous nonsense and not related to pizzagate. Also, linking to a deleted post is not allowed, as that circumvents the rules.

Flairing this post as possible disinfo based on the sheer lack of clarity and sources.

letsdothis1 ago

The Wellcome Trust actually does a lot of work with other organisations that are linked to the biotech industry and Michael Hintze, who is a figure related to the Hampstead case and written about in voat is very tied to the biotech industry, partly through Oxford and also his connections with the Prince's Trust :

All these people I wrote about are connected but the web is so wide sometimes it's hard to put it all together in a thread. I think it's important some of us try to put together a bird's eye view of what is happening. It's a shame that you can't give someone the opportunity to fine tune a post.

Now to your specific grievances::

Rule 3: Not clear what Chatham house is or how relates to post.

That Chatham House link was in the original post that@Vindicator FLAIRED AS IMPORTANT. Why didn't you ask then ???

Rules 2 and 3 : What is the content of this video?

It's Marina Abramovic at a Biotech conference in Geneva.

Also, need proof that it is "always taken down."

Are you serious? Follow the MA post link and you will see the original video was set to private, actually the page is completely gone now, ..and this has happened several times where that video is concerned..I know because I follow any stories on Abramovic or the biotech industry. But I'm not going through all the voat posts with those video links. Instead, if that was really bothering you I could have changed the wording in the sentence.

Rule 3: "Marina Abramovic Institute, Google Cultural Insitute, and the Campus Biotech, Geneva - Six Degrees of Separation" That's a lot of degrees of separation, and what are the connections? Linking to a post that apparently would be removed due to lack of clarity/sources isn't going to work.

The 6 Degrees of Separation was in the title of @cantsleepawink's post. Not my words. The connections are the big picture of the pizzagate crew being involved in money laundering through the art world AND being involved in very nefarious activities to do with biotech, organs, blood, and the genome experiments. We are trying to understand what is going on, or are we?

Rule 3: What is all this about holistic doctors, autism, etc? How is it relevant?

More Child Mind Institute board member connections with Goldman Sachs and the Blackstone Group. Also Tribeca ,Robert De Niro, and why the vaccine and autism movie Vaxxed was banned

there is a huge scandal we are uncovering to do with the Child Mind Institute , vaccines (Alefantis has a cousin who is a vaccine scientist - we've written about him too, children, psychiatry and drugs)

More here:

Rule 1: "Pepsi contains aborted Fetus" is ridiculous nonsense and not related to pizzagate. Also, linking to a deleted post is not allowed, as that circumvents the rules.

I didn't realize that linking to a deleted post is circumventing the rules.

Vindicator ago

There is a huge scandal we are uncovering to do with the Child Mind Institute , vaccines (Alefantis has a cousin who is a vaccine scientist - we've written about him too), children, psychiatry and drugs

More here:

Rule 1: "Pepsi contains aborted Fetus" is ridiculous nonsense and not related to pizzagate. Also, linking to a deleted post is not allowed, as that circumvents the rules.

I didn't realize that linking to a deleted post is circumventing the rules.

@letsdothis1: In my opinion, neither this post, or the deleted post you linked to should have been removed. You provided plenty of evidence and clearly went to a lot of work over several different threads. I replied to @Millennial_Falcon in the Pepsi post about his opinion that the news about Pepsi use of fetal stem cells is "ridiculous". Here is what I said:

[–] Vindicator 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

Sorry MF, this is not "nonsense". Two relevant articles:

There is an entire industry based on fetal tissue harvesting.

If Pizzagate is about child sacrifice for the gratification of the elite, I'm not sure how you can just gloss over fetal tissue use in the development of biotech, cosmetics and snack foods as unrelated. Do you really want to ban this entire topic as off limits?

I believe we need to ping Owners here to get confirmation this research connecting the art and research "foundations" of the Clinton Cabal to nasty biotech development exploiting kids should be left up so that Voaters can decide its merits for themselves. We could use your opinion @VictorSteinerDavion @Crensch. Apologies in advance for the complexity of the topic.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The post was removed primarily due to lack of clarity (Rule 3). It is a list of claims/links with no attempt to explicitly connect much of it. Does it not seem like one of spamalek's "baffle with bullshit" posts? As for the Pepsi thing, yeah it's largely nonsense, but the point is that it has nothing to do with pizzagate.

I replied to @Millennial_Falcon in the Pepsi post about his opinion that the news about Pepsi use of fetal stem cells is "ridiculous". Here is what I said:

And here's my reply to you:

The very article you linked (first one) starts by saying "Bottom line: There are no aborted embryonic or fetal cells in any of PepsiCo’s final products." From looking at both articles, it appears that they never will. Basically, some cells were taken from a fetus way back when. Those cells have been continually cloned by a biotech company for use in testing flavors (i.e. they use the cloned cells to see how they respond to certain flavors). The cells never go into any products.

If Pizzagate is about child sacrifice for the gratification of the elite, I'm not sure how you can just gloss over fetal tissue use in the development of biotech, cosmetics and snack foods as unrelated.

Perhaps because child sacrifice for gratification is an entirely different thing from, say, using cloned stem cells to save people's lives, including children's lives, and end immense amounts of human suffering. Pizzagate is not about abortion politics. It's strange to see your comment after seeing that you removed a post about a woman who literally killed her children in a Satanic ritual, although I know the relevance of that was questionable, because no apparent connection elites, but it certainly is unusual to real confirmation that that sort of thing happens.

since we are discussing Rule 1, I shall ping @kevdude and @Crensch

jangles ago

create a flair that declares 'underdeveloped/ lacking clarity" rather than deleting so many

Crensch ago


Lot to digest. Working on it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Perhaps because child sacrifice for gratification is an entirely different thing from, say, using cloned stem cells to save people's lives, including children's lives, and end immense amounts of human suffering. Pizzagate is not about abortion politics.

Strange statement from someone that won't stop injecting their politics and philosophy into a set of rules that do not include your politics and philosophical leanings.

We don't care how you feel about what they do with the fetal tissue they harvest from sex trafficked children. You clearly have no intention of stopping with this exceeding your mandate problem. We do not care what your opinion is of what they do with tissue harvested from sex slaves, and its none of your business how we feel about it.

@kevdude @vindicator @think- @swordfish69 @letsdothis1

letsdothis1 ago

ESOTERICshade do you see how our investigation is to be ring fenced? There you have it in black and white.

ESOTERICshade ago

Perhaps because child sacrifice for gratification is an entirely different thing from, say, using cloned stem cells to save people's lives, including children's lives, and end immense amounts of human suffering. Pizzagate is not about abortion politics.

Nobody in this forum cares about abortion politics. We care that a fetal tissue market is being served with the fetal tissue of minor children that are trapped in sex trafficking. They trap these children in sex trafficking partly to feed their abortion tissue business in a circular loop.

They groom our children to be sex trafficked. They run them through Planned Parenthood and harvest the tissue. Then the tissue is used in their money making schemes. This is not in question and it needs to be discussed.

You are the one making it political, not us.

@vindicator @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

As for the Pepsi thing, yeah it's largely nonsense, but the point is that it has nothing to do with pizzagate.

Its not your business to determine that. @vindicator clearly showed the connection between flavoring companies, god forbid, using the clones of aborted fetal cells in flavorings. It is relevant. This is what the researchers do and OP and vindicator clearly showed you the links. These people kill babies for fun and nothing is obviously too sick and depraved for these people to do. Planned Parenthood provides abortion services to pimps that sell underage kids. They do a lot of things with that fetal tissue. This issue has been resolved an is relevant. You need to step down as mod we are tired of your censorship. You need to go.


letsdothis1 ago

I've been told that some of these deleted posts are being distributed on the web. The information is getting out anyway and in the meantime, the reputation of voat is being damaged. Karma.

ESOTERICshade ago

I've been told that some of these deleted posts are being distributed on the web. The information is getting out anyway and in the meantime, the reputation of voat is being damaged. Karma.

There are a lot of people that believe the "millieum falcon" that is tied to Comet Ping Pong is our mod because of his behavior. Even though its probably not true a lot of people wish it could be proven true if that is what it takes to get rid of him. Pretty sad state of affairs when the posting community hopes their mod is connected to Alefantis so he can be gotten rid of.

ESOTERICshade ago

Does it not seem like one of spamalek's "baffle with bullshit" posts?

No, it seems like "baffle posters with overly tedious interpretations of the rules" to me.

Where in the rules does it say "mil falcon must understand all the tedious connections that took researchers days to learn and configure a post about?" This post is clearly relevant and you are clearly censoring. The post met the rules by a long shot. It is not in the rule set that you understand and agree with all the connections. This is a brilliant post and the best one we have seen in a long time.

@kevude @vindicator

letsdothis1 ago

Thank you for your reply.

I'm just adding another piece to the puzzle here - for my own notes really.

The Marina Abramovic video "Golden Lips" was her hosting of a gala >>

The award ceremony was held at a fundraising event at Campus Biotech in Geneva, in the presence of Lily Safra – benefactor of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, which has been designed by the practice, Professor Menahem Ben Sasson – President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Gültin Ephrati – President of the Swiss Friends of UHJ-Switzerland, and artist Michal Rovner, with Phillippe Amon offering the Laudatio to Lord Foster.

The Sandler Foundation, D.Sussman, Pizzagate and the Death of Aaron Dover

Right from the beginning, after I saw Susan Sandler and her Buck Steve Philips , I knew the infamous Podesta Handkerchief Email warranted further investigation. This odd pairing, along with the ominous Rob Mnookin , who just happens to be a premiere LGBTQ child custody and gay adoption expert , and his partner Dale, John Podesta and Herb Sandler were obviously massaging biotech enginneer Hans Wyss with amenities and favors to get him into the Clinton Foundation's fold. *What those favors entailed is the reason we have been so interested in this particular email.


Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering

The Wyss Center is a not-for-profit neurotechnology research foundation in Geneva, Switzerland.[2]

The Center is part of the Campus Biotech (in the former Merck Serono building) located in Geneva, Switzerland. The Director of the Wyss Center, neuroscientist Professor John P. Donoghue, is best known for his work on human brain computer interfaces and brain function and plasticity.

The institute was founded by Hansjörg Wyss, who previously created the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering in the United States.

ESOTERICshade ago

Drunk again mil falcon? Thre is no end to your level of stupid.


letsdothis1 ago

I've reposted elsewhere. He always deletes when I mention Hampstead and write about establishment figures in the UK. They think that they can contain the truth but they can't and they won't.

ESOTERICshade ago

Just for the hell of it i'm gonna ping @kevdude. If somebody does not watch him and reign him in he will censor to his hearts content.

ESOTERICshade ago

He isn't even clever about it. He is blatantly censoring this forum.

letsdothis1 ago

In the Andrew Wakefield video he mentions the journalist Brian Deer who was the instigator of the initial complaint against the doctor.

Keeping Anderson Cooper Honest: Is Brian Deer The Fraud?

"It is quite clear that you do not understand English. Brian Deer is not a member of the Sunday Times staff. He is a freelance journalist who runs his own website and blog and is not under the control or direction of the Sunday Times. Mr. Deer should not represent himself as a Sunday Times journalist. He is not a member of staff, does NOT have a regular salary from us, is not on our pension scheme and pays his own tax as a freelance. If he says that he writes for the Sunday Times that would be correct. He is a contributor to The Sunday Times on an occasional basis but again we have no control over him ..."

- Alaistair Brett, Legal Manager, Sunday Times

“Deer was also not working alone. Deer was working hand-in-hand with Dr. Evan Harris a British Member of Parliament, Glaxo-Wellcome Fellow and active Member of the British Medical Association

Dr. Evan Harris

He is also Vice President of Humanists UK-affiliated Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (GALHA), and was Patron of the Oxford Secular Society.

Associated with GALHA is Peter Tatchell : Peter Tatchell, human rights campaigner and Director of the Peter Tatchell Foundation presents The Unfinished Battle for LGBT Rights in the UK

Tatchell has notorious links with the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) :

The reality is that Tatchell contributed a chapter to a book compiled by members of the sinister Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) – a book with the sole and stated goal of abolishing the age of consent entirely, making children, toddlers and babes in arms fair game for paedophiles of all ages. Even today Tatchell advocates reducing the age of consent, albeit now just to 14.

The book, ‘The Betrayal Of Youth’ (BOY for short) was put together by convicted paedophile Warren Middleton (aka John Parratt), former vice-chairperson of PIE and published in 1986, only three years after Peter Tatchell stood as the Labour Party Parliamentary candidate for Bermondsey.

In chapter after horrifying chapter members of PIE set out in detail the insane paedophile plan. The first chapter, entitled simply ‘Incest’ equates a child climbing into bed with a parent to be read a story with an 8 year old boy climbing into bed to have his genitals fondled by his mother.

In Tatchell’s own chapter 9, entitled ‘Questioning Ages of Minority and Ages of Consent’ he asks ‘What purpose does it [the age of majority] serve other than reinforcing a set of increasingly quaint, minority moral values left over from the Victorian era?’

The chapter just after Tatchell’s is entitled ‘Ends and Means: How to Make Paedophilia Acceptable….?’ and opens with an account of sexual activity with two 8 year old boys before describing it as ‘all very normal to a libertarian, even to some open-minded parents’.

Despite the book’s notoriety, the Labour Party took no action against Tatchell and allowed him to continue as a prominent member. In 1990 Tatchell became a founder member of OutRage! supposedly a ‘gay rights’ group which adopted a sort of half-way house policy on age of consent, reducing it to 14 for all youngsters and further in restricted circumstances – in some examples given by Tatchell, as young as 8 years old.

The Labour Party continued to take no action in 1997, when Tatchell published an interview with a boy ‘Lee’, who had been a victim of sexual abuse by adult paedophiles and older children since he was 8 and a half. Tatchell quoted repeated claims by ‘Lee’ that he enjoyed the abuse, ‘I liked it a lot. It was great’ .

That same year, shortly after Tony Blair’s victory, Tatchell wrote a letter to the Guardian saying that was aware of several instances of paedophile sex with children of both sexes as young as 9 and claimed it brought the children ‘great joy’. He states,

“[…] Several of my friends gay and straight, male and female had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy […]”

derram ago :

Dr. Andrew Wakefield's talk at the 2016 HP Conference - YouTube :

Mysterious Deaths Of Holistic Doctors Across The Country: Coincidence Or Concerted Effort? - YouTube

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